Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide: Majima Locations throughout the game detailed
Majima Everywhere is a feature of Yakuza Kiwami that does pretty much exactly what you'd expect - it puts a little bit of Majima... well, everywhere. It's that simple. It's a pretty rewarding side activity you can undertake, but in order to make the most of it you need to know Majima's Location for each stage of the quest - and that's where things get a little more obscure.
There's a great degree of randomness to Majima's appearances in Majima Everywhere, and so the locations we're going to list on this page should be treated as general and as a guideline: you'll find them helpful nonetheless.
Starting the Majima Everywhere Side Story
In order to get the Majima Everywhere ball rolling you'll simply need to play through the story of Yakuza Kiwami until you reach Chapter 2. After this, the eyepatch-clad troublemaker will begin to rear his head in your business seemingly at random.
Some of these encounters are tied to story progress through both Yakuza Kiwami's main quest and substories, while at other times Majima will simply appear at random locations throughout the game world.
Each time you meet him he'll want to fight, and each time you do if you defeat him you'll be rewarded with upgrades to your Dragon of Dojima ability set.

Majima Everywhere - Ranks, Key Events & Majima Locations
Your Dragon of Dojima ability set is tied directly to the Majima Everywhere gauge, and you will need to defeat Majima repeatedly to fill the gauge up. Once the gauge is full, key rank up events will need to occur for you progress further. Every rank up until Rank F will be obtained automatically by playing through the story but after that, things start to get a little trickier.
Rank F
Here Majima will appear in front of the Millenium Tower posing as a police officer. If you go near Majima he will pat you down and look for weapons. What you will want to do is go find or buy a weapon and equip it. If he pats you down while a weapon is equipped, he'll start a fight. Beat him up to claim the F Rank.
Rank E
Here Majima will be hiding in large traffic pylons in several locations. Once on the northern area of the Hotel District, then you will find him twice on Nakamichi Street. His giant red traffic pylon is pretty easy to spot, once you see it, examine it and Majima will burst out and the fight will begin.
Rank D
This one is a little bit more straight forward than Rank E was. Once the Majima Everywhere gauge is full, you will receive a text on your phone telling you to meet up with a hostess at one of the nearby clubs, once you proceed inside--surprise! Majima is there and you will have to fight him again.
Rank C
In this instance, you will just meet Majima on Senryo Avenue after a phone call instructs you to do so. This one is a bit of a war of attrition as you will have to beat Majima(and a couple of his thugs) a few times over to rank up.
Rank B
For this, you will need to head to head to the batting cages in town and play a round by yourself. After you do that, Majima will show up and well... You know what to do at this point.
Rank A
For that glorious A rank, you will have to meet Majima on the deadliest battlefield of them all--the dance floor. Head over to club Deborah and you will need to face off with Majima one more time.
Note: There is also Ranks S, SS, and SSS but we have yet to fully unlock them. This part of the guide will be updated with that information soon.

Finding Majima
Besides the rank up events, there are many different ways Majima will appear throughout the game. You should be aware of these as a means to seek him out and fill up your Majima Everywhere gauge, and also so you're always at the ready.
Suddenly Majima
These encounters are the most random of the lot. Here Majima will burst out from under manholes, hide in trash cans, ambush you are you exit a building, or surprise you from behind. As you progress and rank up the Majima Everywhere gauge, more Suddenly Majima events will unlock. For example, after Rank E, you can see Majima appear in traffic pylons at random.
Don't Forget Majima
In these instances, Majima will join in on a fight you're already partaking in. When you're out and about and encounter random enemies, they'll just immediately begin attacking you. You can usually tell Majima will intervene if the thugs start a brief dialogue with you beforehand.
Random Majima Encounters
These are just random moments throughout the game where Majima will approach you like any other random thug out on the street. There isn't anything that triggers these, and they're probably the sort of encounter you'll see the most. Just always be ready for him.
Leasure Majima Encounters
Here you will compete with Majima when you least expect it. There's obviously plenty of side activities in Yakuza Kiwami, like bowling for example. Sometimes when you're out trying to partake in these activities, Majima will show up and challenge you to play against him.
Note: We will add additional encounters to this guide as we find them.
The point of Majima Everywhere is that he's never far away no matter what you're doing in the game, and the ways in which you can encounter him are quite astounding. Make sure you're always carrying healing items to deal with him, especially on the harder difficulties.