Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Fang Screenshots

Square Enix released new screenshots showing off Fang, the Oerba native, who makes a return in Lightning Returns. Fang and Lightning eventually team up to explore the ancient ruins buried within the Dead Dunes. 

Some more information about monsters in Lightning Returns was also revealed. Because life cannot be born in the world of Nova Chrysalia, there are many monster types that only have a limited number of that monster which can be encountered. Lightning can cause the extinction of a species if she is to defeat every monster in the species. However, the final surviving monster is more difficult to battle. Known as the Last One, these final survivors are exceptionally powerful.

Finally, another one of Lightning's abilities was detailed - the ability Escape - which allows Lightning to flee from a fight in order to reconfigure before challenging a monster again.

Check out the new screens below. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII releases next month in Japan and next February in North America and Europe.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Screenshots