Articles by John Davison - Page 3
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Hands-On
The war-torn FF spin-off gets the HD treatment. We see how it holds up.
preview by John Davison on 21 September, 2014
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Tokyo Game Show First Look
We check out the Four Heroes-looking 3DS title from Square Enix at TGS.
preview by John Davison on 20 September, 2011
Disgaea 3: Return TGS Hands-On
We check out Disgaea 3's Vita port at Tokyo Game Show 2011.
preview by John Davison on 15 September, 2011
Gyromancer Impressions
We go hands-on with the result of a surprising partnership between Square Enix and PopCap games, a fusion of the RPG and Puzzle genres for Xbox Live Arcade and Windows.
preview by John Davison on 27 September, 2009