Articles by John-Paul Jones - Page 2

New trailer coincides with confirmation of the European and North American release dates.
news by John-Paul Jones on 06 June, 2013

Feast your eyes on over three minutes of in-game Monster Hunter 4 bliss.
news by John-Paul Jones on 31 May, 2013

Includes DLC costumes, OST CD, character profile booklet and exclusive packaging for $59.99.
news by John-Paul Jones on 30 May, 2013

iPad version of the Bioware classic out now for $9.99.
news by John-Paul Jones on 30 May, 2013

PS3 footage! Praise the sun! etc. etc.
news by John-Paul Jones on 27 May, 2013

"As the chosen ones, you must inherit the samurai way."
news by John-Paul Jones on 23 May, 2013

The military, turn-based RPG is set to hit PC and Mac at end of 2014.
news by John-Paul Jones on 23 May, 2013

Pre-order bonuses and collectors editions detailed too.
news by John-Paul Jones on 23 May, 2013

Potential suitors may be revealed on Wednesday when court hearings take place.
news by John-Paul Jones on 20 May, 2013

Exploring! Fighting! Japanese commentary!
news by John-Paul Jones on 19 May, 2013

Square-Enix confirms Japanese release for the PSOne era JRPG. Western release likely to follow.
news by John-Paul Jones on 17 May, 2013

Showing off the art of gathering and exploration and also cheese making too.
news by John-Paul Jones on 17 May, 2013

Behold "The Ritual" cinematic/gameplay trailer for Atlus' latest.
news by John-Paul Jones on 16 May, 2013

Playstation 3 beta also due to commence alongside the upcoming third phase of the PC beta.
news by John-Paul Jones on 10 May, 2013

8.3 million active subscribers remain.
news by John-Paul Jones on 09 May, 2013

Ni No Kuni for £19.99/£17.99? Yes. We'll have some of that thanks Sony.
news by John-Paul Jones on 08 May, 2013

Kickstarter enhanced CRPG gets enlightening developer commentary too
news by John-Paul Jones on 23 April, 2013

UPDATE: Bethesda's Pete Hines has said that the game was 'registered in error'. No new versions on the way.
news by John-Paul Jones on 15 April, 2013

Rock-hard action RPG has sold over 2.3 million units since its release in 2011
news by John-Paul Jones on 12 April, 2013

Showcases the Magitek Armour from Final Fantasy VI
news by John-Paul Jones on 11 April, 2013

The IGN exclusive video contains nearly twelve minutes of nihilistic gameplay goodness UPDATE: New Q&A video included!
news by John-Paul Jones on 10 April, 2013

June 25th release date given to Namco x Capcom sequel
news by John-Paul Jones on 05 April, 2013

Get ten games including all of the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights franchises, the original Planescape: Torment and more for $21.10
news by John-Paul Jones on 05 April, 2013

Atlus releases three gameplay clips for the newly North American bound JRPG
news by John-Paul Jones on 05 April, 2013

GameTrailers teases update for the highly-anticipated action RPG sequel on Thursday, April 11
news by John-Paul Jones on 04 April, 2013