Hades Infernal Arms & Weapon Aspects guide: every weapon aspect and upgrade unlock
Hades is an action-packed game, but it also features a whole lot of traditionally role-playing features - including a range of weapons you can use and various weapon upgrades.
The key weapons, known as Infernal Arms, can grow and change in a variety of ways. There's basic upgrades which are temporary but also powerful permanent buffs unlocked through a system known as Weapon Aspects. This combines with Boons and the Keepsakes unlocked via Nectar gifts to help you create a truly custom character build.

Before we get into the meat of the guide, there's some base things you should know about weapon aspects and infernal arms:
- Infernal Arms are unlocked by spending Chthonic Keys in the Arsenal Room. You start with Stygius, the first. The last weapon, the Adamant Rail, can only be unlocked last - but the others can be purchased in any order. Chthoinic keys can be obtained as a room clear reward, or through trades, among other places.
- Each weapon has temporary upgrades found during runs. These are relatively run-of-the-mill, with each augmenting that weapon's move set, skills and powers to lean into its specific strengths. These upgrades are quite straightforward, so we haven't listed them here. They're also temporary upgrades - each lasts the duration of an escape attempt run. To upgrade, simply use a Daedlus Hammer during a run, and enjoy its bonus for the rest of the run.
- The major upgrade are the Aspects each weapon has. Aspects are unique, powerful upgrades for each weapon - and they start out hidden. You'll need to farm Titan Blood and lots of it for this - each weapon has four aspects, each with five upgrade levels. Aspect change appearance of and significantly alter the utility of your weapon - and we explain how below.
- Aspect upgrades require Titan Blood. To upgrade the aspect of each of the Infernal Arms, you're going to need Titan Blood. This is a fairly rare resource, but lucky for you we've got a full guide on how to farm Titan Blood in Hades.
How to unlock Weapon Aspects in Hades
It's important to note that Weapon Aspects are an upgrade available later in the game. Aspects aren't available out of the gate once you use Chthonic Keys to unlock the weapon - instead, you'll need to unlock all six weapons first. At that point, you'll be able to spend Titan Blood to unlock the first three Weapon Aspects.
The fourth, hidden Aspect for each weapon can only be obtained much later. You'll need to have unlocked three different Weapon Aspects and the Fated List of Minor Prophecies for a start, and you'll also need to reach the final boss - which isn't the end of the game at all, as there's plenty still to do in order to reach the true ending to Hades. Anyway, near the boss entrance you can speak with Achilles; you'll want to discuss the "true nature" of your weapons, which will set you on the path to unlock the 4th aspect.
Hades Infernal Arms & Weapon Aspect guide

Stygius, the Stygian Blade
The Stygian Blade is your default weapon at the start of the game - and was once held by Poseidon. It's a Longsword with a variety of swings that give it a medium range. Think of it as the balanced middle-ground weapon in Hades - which makes sense as it's the first thing the player gets.
Stygian Blade Weapon Aspects
Each of the Stygian Blade weapon aspect options can be leveled up independently at the cost of Titan Blood. Each level will bestow greater benefits, but each has its own specific cost. You'll need to make a decision about your play-style and which buffs will benefit you the most.
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the blade of the underworld first revealed itself.
- Raises your Move Speed and Dash Distance. Each level raises how much your speed is boosted by.
- Level 1: 3% Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 6% Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 9% Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 12% Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 15% Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Nemesis: For 3 seconds after you Special, your Attack may deal Critical damage.
- For 3 seconds after performing your special attack, you may deal out Critical Hit Damage. Each level increases how likely it is your Critical Hit chance is.
- Level 1: 15% Crit Chance Boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 19% Crit Chance Boost / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 22% Crit Chance Boost / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 26% Crit Chance Boost / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 30% Crit Chance Boost / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Poseidon: Your Special dislodges Cast Ammo from foes.
- Your special attack will free Cast Ammo from enemies. Each level increases the amount of damage Cast attacks deal.
- Level 1: 10% Boost / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 20% Boost / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 30% Boost / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 40% Boost / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 50% Boost / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Arthur: You have Holy Excalibur, and +50 Health to your Life Total.
- The blade becomes Holy Excalibur, which has a slightly altered move set. You have 50 more HP, and a Protective Aura surrounds you. How much damage the Aura absorbs for you raises with each rank up.
- To unlock, once you begin to unlock the 4th Aspects, speak to Nyx.
- Level 1: 20% Damage Reduction / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 50% Damage Reduction / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 30% Damage Reduction / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 35% Damage Reduction / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 40% Damage Reduction / 3 Titan Blood

Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow
Next up is the first major ranged weapon you get your hands on in hades - the Heart-Shaped Bow. This weapon was of course owned by Hera, and offers you ranged attacks that can see off even powerful enemies from afar. Its main attack actually has a charge mechanic - getting the releasing of your arrow right timing-wise can deal additional damage. Its special is an area-of-effect attack that fires multiple arrows flayed out at once.
The Heart-Seeking Bow costs 1 Chthonic Keys to unlock.
Heart-Seeking Bow Weapon Aspects
Like every weapon in hades, the Coronacht has a range of Weapon Aspects, each of which has five levels. Each weapon aspect unlocks different benefits, and some will suit your play style more than others. You'll want to plan ahead in order to spend your Titan Blood on upgrades that suit you, and that's what this list is for...
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the heart-seeking bow first revealed itself.
- Raises the chance of the bow dealing out a Critical Hit with its attacks, with each level boosting the chance further.
- Level 1: 2% Crit Chance up / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 4% Crit Chance up / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 6% Crit Chance up / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 8% Crit Chance up / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 10% Crit Chance up / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Chiron: Your Special automatically seeks the foe last struck by your Attack.
- Its base bonus makes your Special attack home-in on the last enemy you hit with a normal attack. Each level up raises how many shots are fired with each special attack.
- Level 1: 3 Special Shots / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 4 Special Shots / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 5 Special Shots / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 6 Special Shots / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 7 Special Shots / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Hera: Your Cast loads Cast Ammo into your next Attack, firing on impact.
- Each cast attack puts cast ammo on your next regular attack, ultimately saving time. Each level reduces the cast drop time - meaning ammo remains lodged in enemies for less time.
- Level 1: 10 second Ammo Drop / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 8 second Ammo Drop / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 6.67 second Ammo Drop / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 6.15 second Ammo Drop / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 5 second Ammo Drop / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Rama: You have Celestial Sharanga, which can cause Shared Suffering.
- The weapon becomes the Celestial Sharanga, which has an altered move set. That weapon can also cause the Shared Suffering status effect that can share damage out among multiple enemies - and each level of this weapon aspect increases the potency of that effect.
- To unlock, talk to Artemis through her Boons after beginning to unlock the 4th Aspects.
- Level 1: 30% Shared Suffering Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 38% Shared Suffering Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 45% Shared Suffering Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 53% Shared Suffering Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 60% Shared Suffering Damage / 3 Titan Blood

Aegis, the Shield of Chaos
Next up is the Aegis, which just so happens to be the Shield of Zeus himself. The Shield of Chaos is essentially a close-quarters weapon that can also be used to block incoming damage - but its special lets you channel Captain America to toss the shield towards enemies where it bounces back and forth before returning.
You'll need to spend 3 Chthonic Keys to unlock the Shield of Chaos.
Shield of Chaos Weapon Aspects
The four Weapon Aspects available to the Shield of Chaos has five levels you can unlock with Titan Blood, adding new functionality and buffs to this unique weapon. The more you upgrade, the better an aspect will be - so here's the effects and the associated costs so you can decide where to focus:
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the shield of chaos first revealed itself.
- Offers a flat reduction to the damage you take in combat - appropriately foe a shield.
- Level 1: 5% Damage Reduction / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 6% Damage Reduction / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 7% Damage Reduction / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 8% Damage Reduction / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 10% Damage Reduction / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Chaos: After you Bull Rush, your next Special throws multiple shields.
- After using the Bull Rush move (defend, then release), your next special use will throw out extra shield projectiles.
- Level 1: 1 Bonus Shield / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 2 Bonus Shield / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 3 Bonus Shield / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 4 Bonus Shield / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 5 Bonus Shield / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Zeus: Your Special is replaced with the Blitz Disc.
- This aspect actually changes the functionality of your special to the Blitz Disc, which passes through enemies and comes to stop at a point until recalled, rather than bouncing off them. Each level increases the damage the Blitz Disc deals per hit.
- Level 1: 8 Blitz Disc Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 13 Blitz Disc Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 19 Blitz Disc Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 24 Blitz Disc Damage / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 30 Blitz Disc Damage / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Beowulf: You have Naegling's Board but take +10% damage.
- The shield becomes the powerful Naegling's Board, but this weapon's damage reduction bonus is nerfed, as you take 10% more damage. However, you gain access to the powerful Dragon Rush move, and each level boosts that move's damage and area of effect.
- To unlock, talk to Chaos after unlocking the first of the 4th weapon aspects.
- Level 1: 20% Dragon Rush Bonus / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 40% Dragon Rush Bonus / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 60% Dragon Rush Bonus / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 80% Dragon Rush Bonus / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 100% Dragon Rush Bonus / 3 Titan Blood

Varatha, the Eternal Spear
As you'd expect, Varatha, aka the Eternal Spear, offers a slightly more ranged take on a melee weapon. It once belonged to Hades, and its long-ranged attacks can be extremely useful for keeping enemies at bay. You can charge attacks, let rip with a Zelda-style spin attack, and even throw the spear with your special in a method similar to the Shield.
The Eternal Spear will cost you 4 Chthonic Keys to unlock.
Eternal Spear Weapon Aspects
As with all other weapons in Hades, the Eternal Spear has four different weapon aspects available to the player. Each has slightly different effects, and they're generally focused on enhancing the unique abilities of the Spear as a melee weapon with range. Each upgrade costs a certain amount of Titan Blood, and each level has a higher level of bonus, as listed below...
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the eternal spear first revealed itself.
- Boosts your Range, Speed and Special Damage stats, with the amount increasing with each rank:
- Level 1: 10% boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 14% boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 18% boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 22% boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 25% boost / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Achilles: After your Special, you can retrieve your Spear with Raging Rush.
- Allows you to retrieve your spear after using your special with the Ragiung Rush move. Each level raises the amount of damage you can do after the Raging Rush.
- Level 1: +50% Damage / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: +75% Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: +100% Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: +125% Damage / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: +150% Damage / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Hades: Your Spin Attack becomes Punishing Sweep.
- Changes your Spin Attack move to the more powerful Punishing Sweep, which has a better attack radius. Each level up adds to the bonus damage this aspect gives to Punishing Sweep.
- Level 1: +30% Bonus Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 2: +60% Bonus Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: +90% Bonus Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: +120% Bonus Damage / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: +150% Bonus Damage / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Guan Yu: You have the Frost Fair Blade, but your life and healing are reduced.
- The weapon becomes the powerful Frost Fair Blade, which is far more powerful, but your HP is lowered. Each level up reduces how rough the debuff on your health is.
- This is the first of the 4th weapon aspects you'll unlock. Once Achilles reveals the chant to get the Aspect of Guan Yu, talk to Varatha.
- Level 1: -70% Health & Regen / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 2: -65% Health & Regen / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 3: -60% Health & Regen / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: -55% Health & Regen / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 5: -50% Health & Regen / 3 Titan Blood

Malphon, the Twin Fists
The Twin Fists of Malphon are a classic staple - gauntlets that let you channel your inner monk or martial artist with fast-paced punching combat attacks up-close and personal. The special? Well, it's sort of like a Shoryuken - a rising uppercut - of course.
The Twin Fists are low damage but extremely fast, which balances out. They cost 8 Chthonic Keys to unlock.
Twin Fists Malphon Weapon Aspects
Each of the 4 weapon aspects for the twin fists leans into its high-octane, fast-paced damage output. It's all about death by a thousand cuts rather than one powerful hit - and so the skills support that.
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the Twin Fists first revealed themselves.
- Raises your chance of dodging attacks.
- Level 1: 5% more Dodge Chance / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 8% more Dodge Chance / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 10% more Dodge Chance / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 13% more Dodge Chance / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 15% more Dodge Chance / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Talos: Your Special becomes Magnetic Cutter; its pull deals 20 damage.
- Swaps your special move to the Magnetic Cutter, which also draws enemies in. Each level boosts the Attack & Casting bonus damage that is rewarded for four seconds after using the special.
- Level 1: +8% Bonus / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: +16% Bonus / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: +24% Bonus / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: +32% Bonus / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: +40% Bonus / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Demeter: After landing 12 strikes, your next Special hits more times.
- After 12 normal attacks, your special will have bonus hits. Each level increases the number of bonus hits.
- Level 1: +1 Hit / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: +2 Hit / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: +3 Hit / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: +4 Hit / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: +5 Hit / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Gilgamesh: You have the Claws of Enkidu, whose Dash-Upper can Maim foes.
- This swaps the weapon for the Claws of Enkidu, which has an even better special that can cause Maim Staus, which makes enemies both deal out and take more damage. Each upgrade boosts the Maim Damage.
- Once you begin unlocking the 4th aspects with the spear, speak to Asterius in Elysium.
- Level 1: 100 Maim Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 175 Maim Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 250 Maim Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 325 Maim Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 400 Maim Damage / 3 Titan Blood

Exagryph, the Adamant Rail
The Adamant Rail is a gun. That's the only way to describe it; it's a great big mythological gun that was once owned by HEstia. It has both automatic and manual fire, but you'll ahve to keep an eye on ammo and reload it as necessary. It is, of course, a ranged weapon.
The special attack of the Adamant Rail is basically a grenade launcher. The weapon can be unlocked for 8 Chthonic Keys - but only after all the other weapons are unlocked.
Adamant Rail Weapon Aspects
Each of the four Adamant Rail aspects has five levels, just like the other weapons, and each level costs Titan Blood to level up. The various aspects boost things like your special attack, or if you like to burn through ammo with full auto, the power of your reload. Read on:
- Aspect of Zagreus: The form in which the Adamant Rail first revealed itself.
- This aspect increases the maximum ammo you can have with each level upgrade.
- Level 1: +4 Max Ammo Count / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: +6 Max Ammo Count / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 3: +8 Max Ammo Count / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 4: +10 Max Ammo Count / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 5: +12 Max Ammo Count / 1 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Eris: For 8 Seconds after absorbing your Special's blast, deal more damage.
- This weapon aspect means you can deal more damage if you 'absorb' some of the damage of your special attack by standing within the blast area. Each level increases how much extra bonus damage you get for 8 seconds after aborbing your own special.
- Level 1: 12% Bonus Damage / 1 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 24% Bonus Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 36% Bonus Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 48% Bonus Damage / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 60% Bonus Damage / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Hestia: After you manually Reload, your next shot is empowered.
- Every time you reload, your first shot afterwards is an 'Empowered' shot that deals more damage. Each level increases the damage of these empowered shots:
- Level 1: 50 Empowered Shot Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 2: 75 Empowered Shot Damage / 2 Titan Blood
- Level 3: 100 Empowered Shot Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 4: 125 Empowered Shot Damage / 4 Titan Blood
- Level 5: 150 Empowered Shot Damage / 5 Titan Blood
- Aspect of Lucifer: You have Igneus Eden, which launches volatile Hellfire.
- The weapon becomes Igneus Eden, which has a different move set and is hugely powerful. The move set includes the Hellfire move to replace your special, and each level boosts its damage.
- Once the 4th aspects begin unlocking, talk to Zeus through his boons.
- Level 1: 50 Hellfire Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 1: 63 Hellfire Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 1: 75 Hellfire Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 1: 88 Hellfire Damage / 3 Titan Blood
- Level 1: 100 Hellfire Damage / 3 Titan Blood