Genshin Impact Birthday Rewards: how to set your birthday, and what present you'll get

There's a lot of elements of your character to manage in Genshin Impact, but one setting you might not think is urgent to change is your Birthday. However, there's a good reason to do this: Genshin Impact has Birthday Rewards.

Unlike elements of character customization like worrying about Elements and weapons drawn from the Gacha Wish System, or even the choice between the twins, your birthday is really entirely irrelevent in Genshin Impact, much like the protagonist name - but it does have a reward assigned to it.


Genshin Impact Birthday Rewards: how to get your birthday and claim your reward

Actually getting your hands on a birthday present in Genshin Impact is pretty simple, all told: you just need to actually set your birthday.

To do this, open the menu where you can access things like the Shop, Party Setup, Friends and Achievements - among other things. You should be coming in and out of this menu all the time. Next to your protagonist's name, on the top right of this pop-up menu, you'll be able to press a button to edit your protagonist.

In this menu you can change your Avatar, your Namecard, your Nickname, and other things: including your birthday. The birthday field will be marked with a little red icon until you fill it in - or you can ignore it. 

In reality this is intended to be filled with your actual Birthday, which means that Genshin Impact can send you, the player, a little in-game gift each year on your birthday. However, you can fill the date in with whatever you want - meaning you can nab your birthday gift sooner if you prefer

Your Birthday Present: what Genshin Impact gives you

Your birthday gift will be sent to your in-game mailbox once the real world date matches your chosen birthday. All you have to do to recieve the gift is go to your mailbox and claim it from the message.

Your Birthday Reward is a consumable cake - so appropriately your gift is a birthday cake! It's a five-star food item that can't be made using the in-game cooking recipes. As per the in game description:

Cake for Traveler: "A gift given to a very special someone on a very special day. Here's to you, the brightest star in the night sky. Wishing you a joyous journey in this great big world."

As well as the cake, you'll also get some Resin once you eat it - which is always useful. With that said, it's not such a mind-blowing reward that you desperately need to set a fake birthday to get it immediately, is it?

The event repeats every year - but only once a year. Who knows? Perhaps the rewards will change year-to-year...