Genshin Impact Wishes: Current and next banners, including Ganyu and Zhongli
While it's free-to-play, one transactional system is at the very core of Genshin Impact - the random-chance 'gacha' system, which allows you to spend in-game currency or real cash in order to have a random lucky draw that'll hopefully contain powerful characters or weapons.
In the gacha genre, often the lucky draws are split into Banners, and so too is the case for the gacha-based wish system in Genshin Imapct. A few banners will basically be permanent fixtures, but the majority of them will rotate over time, with special promotional banners featuring an increased drop rate for certain characters and weapons.
This page lists all of the current and upcoming Wish Banners in Genshin Impact, but the page is best used in tandem with our other guides so you can go in fully informed:
- Check out our specific gacha guide if you need to learn more about the wish system and the gacha drop rates in general.
- If you need additional resources for five-star character banners, refer to our Genshin Impact Code list for 2022 (including how to redeem those codes).
- For a list of the best characters to draw, check out our Genshin Impact tier list.
- Finally, we've also got a page that lists every five-star character and weapon in the game.

Genshin Impact Banners: Current Character Rotation
Here's the current banners in Genshin Impact, updated as of January 25, 2022. These banners are for the North American, European, and Asian servers - the Chinese servers operate separately. Banners will be updated at some point in the day for you, based on the Daily Reset time.
Remember that the "Wanderlust Invocation" wish is your standard wish, and is always present - it doesn't time out, and is just a general wish against all available characters and weapons, with no special boosted drops.
In patch 2.3, MiHoYo updated the banner system to include two five-star characters. This is to give players more chances at beloved heroes as the roster begins to grow by keeping the rotation frequently rolling. This new system runs two, separate five-star banners at the same time (sharing four-stars) - so be sure you're pulling on the appropriate character.

2.4 Rerun Banner: Zhongli, Gentry of Hermitage
- The Gentry of Hermitage Banner runs from January 24 until February 15, 2022
- This is Zhongli's second rerun banner after originally making his debut in December 2020
- The drop rate is increased by 50% for the following featured characters:
- "Vago Mundo" Zhongli (5-star, Cryo)
- "Juvenile Galant" Xingqiu (4-star, Hydro)
- "Wise Innocence" Yanfei (4-star, Pyro)
- "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (4-star, Electro)
- The following characters can also be drawn from this banner, with a standard rarity drop rate:
- Diluc (5-star)
- Jean (5-star)
- Keqing (5-star)
- Mona (5-star)
- Qiqi (5-star)
- Barbara (4-star)
- Bennett (4-star)
- Chongyun (4-star)
- Diona (4-star)
- Fischl (4-star)
- Gorou (4-star)
- Kujou Sara (4-star)
- Noelle (4-star)
- Ningguang (4-star)
- Razor (4-star)
- Rosaria (4-star)
- Sayu (4-star)
- Sucrose (4-star)
- Thoma (4-star)
- Xiangling (4-star)
- Xinyan (4-star)

2.4 Rerun Banner: Ganyu, Adrift in the Harbor
- The Adrift in the Harbor Banner for Ganyu will run from January 24 until February 15, 2022
- We've seen Ganyu in previous banners, but he's a fantastic main DPS that makes the top of our tier list.
- The drop rate is increased by 50% for the following featured characters:
- "Plenilune Gaze" Ganyu (5-star, Cryo)
- "Juvenile Galant" Xingqiu (4-star, Hydro)
- "Wise Innocence" Yanfei (4-star, Pyro)
- "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (4-star, Electro)
- The following characters can also be drawn from this banner, with a standard rarity drop rate:
- Diluc (5-star)
- Jean (5-star)
- Keqing (5-star)
- Mona (5-star)
- Qiqi (5-star)
- Barbara (4-star)
- Bennett (4-star)
- Chongyun (4-star)
- Diona (4-star)
- Fischl (4-star)
- Gorou (4-star)
- Kujou Sara (4-star)
- Noelle (4-star)
- Ningguang (4-star)
- Razor (4-star)
- Rosaria (4-star)
- Sayu (4-star)
- Sucrose (4-star)
- Thoma (4-star)
- Xiangling (4-star)
- Xinyan (4-star)
Epitome Invocation: Amos' Bow, Vortex Vanquisher, and Lithic Blade
- This version of the Epitome Invocation Banner runs from January 24 until February 15, 2022
- This banner features a 75% increase in drop rate for the following featured 5-star weapons:
- Vortext Vanquisher (Polearm)
- Amos' Bow (Polearm)
- There's also a rate increase of 75% on the following 4-star weapons :
- Lithic Blade (Claymore)
- Favonious Sword (Sword)
- Favonious Codex (Catalyst)
- Sacrificial Bow (Bow)
- Additionally, you may receive the following 5-star weapons at a standard rate:
- Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (Polarm)
- Skyward Harp (Bow)
- Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (Catalyst)
- Skyward Atlas (Catalyst)
- Skyward Spine (Polearm)
- Wolf's Gravestone (Claymore)
- Skyward Pride (Claymore)
- Skyward Blade (Sword)
- Aquila Favonia (Sword)