Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapons: All Unique & Iconic Weapon locations in version 2.1 and Phantom Liberty
There's a heck of a lot of RPG systems available in Cyberpunk 2077, especially now the game has been rebalanced in the 2.12 update and Phantom Liberty DLC. A major part of any RPG is loot and gear to find and collect - and Night City is home to a range of unique weapons, also known as iconic weapons - named, special items that you'll want to aim to collect. This guide will help you to find them all.
Where to find all Unique Iconic Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077
You'll likely first be introduced to your first unique weapon with the Side Job The Gun, which involves Wilson - the gun shop owner - near V's apartment. This quest triggers early on, when leaving V's apartment for the first time - Wilson calls you over, and though you can be ignored, it's wise to go pick up the gun from him. Here, you'll end up with Dying Night, an Iconic Power Pistol.
This effectively serves as the tutorial for the Iconic Weapon system, briefly explaining what they are and how they work. One key note about Iconic items is that they will clearly be identified as such next to their quality level, and unique items also sport a district golden-yellow background in your inventory.

There's also a handful of unique clothing items - though this page only covers weapons. You might also want to consult our guide on how to get Johnny's clothes and the iconic Samurai Jacket, which make up the majority of the unique clothing in the game.
Iconic Weapons often have some unique feature to them, and they can be effectively tiered up through the game's crafting system - that is, a Rare-quality Iconic Weapon can be upgraded to Epic-quality, and so on - all you'll need is the right crafting gear.
As an added bonus, some Iconic Weapons can be put on display in V's apartment by simply placing them into your stash. As of update 1.2, all stashes are linked, so weapons can be dropped off into your vehicle to show up in V's apartment. Sold Iconic may not be able to be recovered.

The Black Market Vendor Herold (Requires Phantom Liberty)
Early on in Dogtown near the Petrochem Stadium, you'll see a new vendor icon on the map marked as Black Market Vendor. This shop is manned by Herold, who sells some Iconic weapons that you might have missed in your playthrough.

For instance, we were able to purchase the Iconic weapon Apparition from Herold's shop, a weapon that is normally exclusive to the Corpo Lifepath through the War Pigs side job. This allows Streetkids and Nomads to also acquire the weapon. Herold also has his hands on Bricks Iconic shotgun, Order.
Iconic Weapon List
We've grouped our list of iconic weapons below by weapon class. Under each we list their special property, how to get them, and any other notes about getting the weapon. Click a link to go to the class you want:
- Revolvers
- Pistols
- Submachine Guns
- Light Machine Guns
- Assault Rifles
- Shotguns
- Sniper Rifles
- Katanas
- Melee Weapons
- Grenades
Iconic / Unique Revolvers
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Overture
- Special Property: Improved Handling and Firepower
- Acquisition: Complete Cassidy's bottle shooting challenge during "We Gotta Live Together." He's to the southeast.
- Notes: This is past the point of no return, after selecting to partner with Panam and the Aldecaldos. You do not seem to keep it when returning to the save from the credits.
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Overture
- Special Property: Reduced recoil. Deals electrical damage with a chance to stun targets.
- Acquisition: Given to you by Kerry when you finish A Like Supreme.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
Bald Eagle
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Metel
- Special Property: If Fang is thrown at an enemy's leg, shooting with Bald Eagle will shred the leg to pieces and return Fang to the player's hand.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Kurt Hansen during Firestarter main quest if siding with Reed.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Comrade's Hammer
- Must be crafted
- Type: Tech Revolver
- Base Weapon: RT-46 Burya
- Special Property: High thermal damage, but reloads slowly.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in Arroyo, east of the Red Dirt Bar.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Overture
- Special Property: Charging enables full-auto mode.
- Acquisition: Given by River at the end of Following the River, after his series of Side Jobs.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
Doom Doom
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: DR5 Nova
- Special Property: Fires four rounds per shot. Deals increased damage, rate of fire, and chance to dismember. Increased recoil and spread.
- Acquisition: Loot from Dum Dum during Second Conflict Side Job when you go to retrieve Nancy from the Totentanz.
- Notes: Dum Dum must survive The Pickup in Act 1. He will not drop it if killed during The Pickup.
- Type: Tech Revolver
- Base Weapon: DR-12 Quasar
- Special Property: Each hit has a chance to upload a random quickhack.
- Acquisition: Can be found in the Voodoo Boys hideout that you visit during The Damned main quest, locked behind a door. Requires Slider's keycard found in the wellness center that you visit during Gig: Treating Symptoms.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Tech Revolver
- Base Weapon: RT-46 Burya
- Special Property: Burns enemies and deals extra crit damage.
- Acquisition: A random drop from Airdrops in Dogtown. Added to the Black Market vendor in update 2.1.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: DR- 5 Nova
- Special Property: Headshots can apply poison. Stealth bonus remains active in combat.
- Acquisition: Acquired during Run This Town. This is a quest given by Mr. Hands upon the completion of Firestarter. You may have to wait for a few days before he'll call, since after Firestarter, you'll likely have a number of phone calls and texts that you'll receive first.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Ol' Reliable
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Overture
- Special Property: Swapping to weapon greatly increases headshot damage and range. Farther shots have increased headshot crit chance.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Dante during Shot By Both Sides.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Overture
- Special Property: Shooting an enemy in the leg and then head will neutralize them. Headshots against enemies on the ground always deals critical damage.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Dodger during Gig: Waiting for Dodger
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Revolver
- Base Weapon: Mtel
- Special Property: Burns enemies and deals extra crit damage.
- Acquisition: A random drop from Airdrops in Dogtown. Added to the Black Market vendor in update 2.1.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.

Iconic / Unique Pistols
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon: JKE-X2 Kenshin
- Special Property: Hits have a chance to apply blinding and bonus headshot damage.
- Acquisition: Spare Hasan during Gig: Prototype in the Scraper, and he'll reward you with this with the mission Go Your Own Way
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon: JKE-X2 Kenshin
- Special Property: Fire rate, reload speed, and damage increased when at low health. Charged shots deal twice as much damage.
- Acquisition: Loot from Franks's body during Side Job War Pigs. We unlocked this quest after first crossing the Blackwall. This quest is only available to Corpo lifepaths.
- Notes: Can be bought from Herold for those that are Streetkid or Nomad lifepaths, requires Phantom Liberty.
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon: HA-4 Grit
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Unity
- Special Property: Close targets have higher crit and bleed chance. Torso shots deal more damage.
- Acquisition: Drop from Angie during No Easy Way Out.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon: JKE-X2 Kenshin
- Special Property: Crit Chance, damage type, and status effect are randomized every time you reload.
- Acquisition: Loot from Royce during The Pickup in Act 1.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Smart Pistol
- Base Weapon: Kappa
- Special Property: Rounds have a chance to disable cyber-limbs. Crit chance is increased after equipping or after disabling a limb.
- Acquisition: During Gig: Heaviest of Hearts, can be found in VIP Room 6.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Death and Taxes
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Nue
- Special Property: Increases hit chance, deals additional electrical damage.
- Acquisition: Find in Maiko Maeda's office in Clouds during the side job Ex-Factor, or pick up from Judy's Apartment after.
- Notes: Was made an acquirable weapon in update 1.3
Dying Night
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: m-10AF Lexington
- Special Property: Increases damage while moving and guarantees Shock with multiple hits.
- Acquisition: Buy during Side Job The Gun from Wilson.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Smart Pistol
- Base Weapon: HJKE-11 Yukimura
- Special Property: Fires four rounds per shot. Increased magazine size, projectile speed, and can have up to six targets. Deals electrical damage and can shock.
- Acquisition: Near Redwood Market in Japantown, head up towards where you take on the snipers during Play It Safe. It's behind a Technical Ability door on the right side after arriving on floor 21.
- Notes: N/A
Her Majesty
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Unity
- Special Property: While Optical Camo is active, guaranteed headshot critical and increased damage. Has a built-in silencer.
- Acquisition: Given by Alex during Get It Together.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Kappa X-MOD2
- Type: Smart Pistol
- Base Weapon: Kappa
- Special Property: Improved handling and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Can be found in Dogtown near the fancy statue northeast of Terra Cognita, behind a barrier than can be moved with 10 Body. Requires completion of Gig: Spy in the Jungle, else the weapon will not show up.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Liberty
- Special Property: Can ricochet bullets without cyberware. Reduced recoil and increased rate of fire, but smaller magazine size.
- Acquisition: Found on Yorinobu's nightstand next to his bed in the penthouse during The Heist.
- Notes: N/A
La Chingona Dorada
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Nue
- Special Property: Extra mod slot, taster reload time. Can burn and stun.
- Acquisition: During the Side Job Heroes early in Act 2, pick two of these up from the offering table. Have to have sent Jackie's body to his family or left it in the car. You may have to wait 24 hours after the completion of Heroes.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
Lexington x-MOD2
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: m-10AF Lexington
- Special Property: Increases headshot damage multiplier
- Acquisition: Win during Shoot to Thrill during Wilson's contest.
- Notes: Added with update 2.0. Has a slot in V's apartment.

- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon: Omaha
- Special Property: Fires an extra round per shot. Fires more rounds when fully charged.
- Acquisition: Can pick it up from the basement of Lizzie's (near Sutter St. in Kabuki) any time after The Space in Between.
- Notes: N/A
Malorian Arms 3516
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: N/A
- Special Property: It has four mods slots.
- Acquisition: You'll take it from Grayson during Chippin' In Side Job.
- Notes: This was Johnny Silverhand's pistol. Has a slot in V's apartment.

- Type: Smart Pistol
- Base Weapon: A-22B Chao
- Special Property: Fires two rounds. HIts have a higher chance of dismemberment. Each dismemberment increases crit chance and causes bleeding.
- Acquisition: Defeat the Robot R. Mk. 2 in Gig: Treating Symptoms
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon:Ticon
- Special Property: Fires a three-round burst and is a silenced tech pistol.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Reed during The Killing Moon if you side with Songbird.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Plan B
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Liberty
- Special Property: Higher chance to cause bleeding, every shot costs money.
- Acquisition: Loot from Dex's corpse during Main Job Playing for Time. You also end up nearby during the Side Job Kold Mirage.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Liberty
- Special Property: Increased Crit Chance and headshot damage. Small chance to apply stun.
- Acquisition: Find during Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
- Notes: This is past the point of no return, and can be picked up during the final mission at Arasaka Tower after deciding to team up with Rogue. When you return to the save from the credits screen, you'll keep it.
- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: Nue
- Special Property: Improved weapon handling and crit chance at low health.
- Acquisition: During Shot By Both Sides, either kill Bree and she'll drop it. Or you can defeat Dante, and Bree will leave it on the table to pick up.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC

- Type: Power Pistol
- Base Weapon: M-10AF Lexington
- Special Property: Each successive hit increases crit chance but decreases accuracy.
- Acquisition: DUring I've Seen That Face Before, ignore Reed three times to eavesdrop on the twins' conversation in the car and you'll learn about the Blind_n_dead file. Once Aurore dies as part of the quest, you'll then be able to nab the file from her corpse. The quest Voodoo Treasure will then lead to the weapon, with the code 941229. Note that you can still get the weapon from this location even if you didn't eavesdrop on the twins and grab the file.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC. Added in 2.01.
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Base Weapon:Ticon
- Special Property: Charged shots that hit a burning enemy are automatically replenished in the magazine.
- Acquisition: Unlocked by linking Steam and Gog accounts, it is automatically added to V's stash.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Power Piston
- Base Weapon: Liberty
- Special Property: Deals thermal damage, change to cause burning.
- Acquisition: Unlocked by the side job God Bless This Mess after completing all Gigs for Ibarras in Heywood.
- Notes: Added in version 1.5. Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Smart Pistol
- Base Weapon: HJKE-11 Yukimura
- Special Property: Scales to your level and talks.
- Acquisition: You'll see a quest marker near College St. in Heywood, Vista Del Rey. Pick it up and enjoy the new company.
- Notes: Skippy has its own side quest, 'machine gun'. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Iconic / Unique Submachine Guns
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: DS1 Pulsar
- Special Property: Fires piercing projectiles.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in Northside, north of Pershing St.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Power Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: HA-7 Warden
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: Erebus
- Special Property: Highly effective against enemies with low health. Can automatically apply the Blackwall Gateway quickhack to enemies.
- Acquisition: The crating spec can only be found in the main quest Somewhat Damaged near the end of Phantom Liberty, which is unique to the route where you side with Reed. Can be found in an area that requires 20 Technical Ability to repair a door when avoiding the stalker mech. Once the mech is defeated, you'll need to pick up the Behavioral System Component, which can then be provided to Yoko during the followup quest This Corrosion. This will reward the player with the Cerberus' decoded behavior system component, which is a material needed to craft the weapon.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC. Only one Cerberus' decoded behavior system component can be obtained from Yoko. This can be used to either make Erebus or the Iconic cyberdeck Militech Canto, making them mutually exclusive. The Militech Canto crafting spec can also be found during Somewhat Damaged.
- Type: Power Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: M221 Saratoga
- Special Property: Deals electrical damage and can disable enemy cyberware.
- Acquisition: Near the brother you rescue in Northside during Side Job Sacrum Profanum / Losing My Religion in Northside.
- Notes: N/A
Guillotine x-MOD2
- Type: Power Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: DS1 Pulsar
- Special Property: 25% increased headshot damage and range, and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Can be found in Dogtown south of Kress Street, behind a door that requires 20 Body to open. Alternatively can be picked up through the nearby window.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Smart Submachinegun
- Base Weapon: HA-7 Warden
- Special Property: The longer the weapon is fired, the greater crit chance. Comes with a custom silencer.
- Acquisition: Kill Boris Ribakov during Gig: Spy In The Jungle.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Problem Solver
- Type: Power Submachinegun
- Base Weapon: M221 Saratoga
- Special Property: Increased clip size and fire rate.
- Acquisition: Dropped by one of the heavily armed enemies during Riders On the Storm.
- Notes: N/A
Prototype Shingen: Mark V
- Type: Smart Submachinegun
- Base Weapon: TKI-20 Shingen
- Special Property: Fires Explosive Rounds. Guides bullets to up to three targets.
- Acquisition: At the warehouse near Arasaka Industrial Park in Arroyo, the same location as Main Job Gimme Danger, but you can go back after the fact. There is a shipping container outside the warehouse on a trailer's flatbed that's open, but booby-trapped. The weapon is inside.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Tech Submachine Gun
- Base Weapon: Senkoh LX
- Special Property: Shots can penetrate obstacles without charging. Headshots have a greater crit chance.
- Acquisition: West of Kress Street, there is an Increased Criminal Activity area featuring a lot of Barghest enemies. Follow the path, defeat the boss who'll drop a key to the nearby stash with this weapon.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Must be crafted
- Type: Smart Submachinegun
- Base Weapon: G-58 Dian
- Special Property: Deals additional electrical damage with a small chance to apply an EMP on Impact.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in The Glen, southwest of Ventura and Skyline.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
Iconic / Unique Light Machine Guns
Wild Dog
- Type: Power Light Machine Gun
- Base Weapon: Defender
- Special Property: Repeated hits increase fire rate and crit chance. Quick melee attacks deal massive damage if ammo is empty.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Kurt Hansen during Firestarter main quest if siding with Reed.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Light Machine Gun
- Base Weapon: MA70 HB
- Special Property: A special version of the weapon capable of additional modification. Optimized design also allows for improved handling.
- Acquisition: Found inside a crashed attack helicopter near the looping road in the Luxor Heights area of Dogtown. The door concealing it requires a Body score of 10 to open.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC

Iconic / Unique Assault Rifles
Achilles X-MOD2
- Type: Power Precision Rifle
- Base Weapon: M-179 Achilles
- Special Property: A special version of the weapon capable of additional modification. Optimized design also allows for improved handling.
- Acquisition: Found in a hidden room behind some rubble across from the Heavy Hearts Club in Dogtown. Sitting near a non-hostile NPC named Sam Jacobs
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: DA8 Umbra
- Special Property: Shots to the leg have increased crit change. Weapon handling is improved while running, jumping, or sliding.
- Acquisition: Convince Paco to leave during Balls to the Wall (do not choose to frame Yuri). Afterwards, he'll give this weapon to you at the Afterlife.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: Kyubi
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Divided We Stand
- Type: Smart Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: D5 Sidewinder
- Special Property: Can target up to five enemies. Deals chemical damage and can poison.
- Acquisition: Win the shooting context during the Side Job Stadium Love.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: Kyubi
- Special Property: Headshots weaken and mark enemies.
- Acquisition: Found in the Dogtown Hideout/Apartment after Myers and Reed leave during the quest Lucretia My Reflection.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Hercules 3AX
- Type: Smart Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: Hercules 3AX
- Special Property: Chance to poison enemies, poisoned enemies take increased crit damage. Defeated enemies explode into a pool of acid.
- Acquisition: Can be found in the armory area during Gig: Road to Redemption.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Precision Rifle
- Base Weapon: Rostovic Kolac
- Special Property: Knocks enemies down when they are hit.
- Acquisition: Earn during Gig: Concrete Cage Trap in Watson.
- Notes: Added in update 1.6
Kyubi X-MOD2
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: Kyubi
- Special Property: Improved handling and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Can be found at the very bottom of a circular pool of water across from the Golden Pacific in Dogtown.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Moron Labe
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: M251s Ajax
- Special Property: Increased Rate of Fire with a chance to dismember.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in West Wind Estate, far end.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment
Pit Bull
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: M251s Ajax
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: HJSH-18 Masamune
- Special Property: Piercing projectiles.
- Acquisition: Can be picked up from behind the bar in Afterlife during To Whom the Bell Tolls.
- Notes: This is past the point of no return, after deciding to team up with Rogue. In version 2.0, you now keep the weapon when returning to the point of no return from the game's credits.
Psalm 11:6
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: D5 Copperhead
- Special Property: High thermal damage with a chance to burn.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during one of the Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Northside.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
Umbra X-MOD2
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: DA8 Umbra
- Special Property: Improved handling and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Can be found by fast traveling to Terra Cognita in Dogtown, immediately turning to the right and progressing forward under the structures. However, sometimes there is a barrier of sorts in the form of sheet metal blocking access. This video by biG zoMbie shows a way to bypass the barrier by summoning a bike and carefully positioning it.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Widow Maker
- Type: Tech Assault Rifle
- Base Weapon: M-179 Achilles
- Special Property: Fires two projectiles per shot. Deals chemical damage and can apply poison. Charged shots deal more damage.
- Acquisition: Picked up from Nash during the Main Job Ghost Town.
- Notes: N/A

Iconic / Unique Shotguns
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: VST-37 Pozhar
- Special Property: Burns enemies and deals extra crit damage.
- Acquisition: A random drop from Airdrops in Dogtown. Added to the Black Market vendor in update 2.1
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Ba Xing Chong
- Must be crafted
- Type: Smart Shotgun
- Base Weapon: L-69 Zhuo
- Special Property: Fires Explosive Rounds
- Acquisition: Loot the Crafting Spec from Adam Smasher's vault on the Ebunike. We were able to get past the door here after returning to the Ebunike after reaching the point of no return upon completing the game. You may need to grab the Access Token from Adam Smasher's body.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment. The slot won't appear until you have it.
Bloody Maria
- Type: Smart Shotgun
- Base Weapon: Constitutional Arms M2038 Tactician
- Special Property: Increased knockdown chance and can inflict bleeding.
- Acquisition: During the quest Ride Captain Ride as a reward for completing all of Muamar Reyes's Gigs.
- Notes: Added in Patch 1.5 Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Power Double-Barrel Shotgun
- Base Weapon: DB-2 Testera
- Special Property: Fires extreme explosive rounds. Neutralizing an enemy engulfs the player in flames at high health.
- Acquisition: During Gig: The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman, don't shoot Rinder right away. Put a gun to his head when you get a chance, and he'll give you a key to the stash with the weapon and the quest Addicted to Chaos.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: Carnage
- Special Property: Deals chemical damage and can poison enemies. It has a slower fire rate and reload speed compared to the base weapon.
- Acquisition: Found in the Memorial Park near the city center. Here's a guide on how to find Guts.
- Notes: Added in update 1.6.
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: Carnage
- Special Property: Low reload speed, but reduced spread while aiming.
- Acquisition: Given to you by Judy if you romance her. She'll eventually call you after Pyramid Song. If you don't or can't romance her, it should be in her apartment once she decides to leave Night City.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Tech Double-Barrel Shotgun
- Base Weapon: DB-2 Satara
- Special Property: Charging above 66% leaves a large EMP burst.
- Acquisition: Purchase from Herold's Black Market Vendor shop.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Pozhard X-MOD2
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: VST-37 Pozhar
- Special Property: Improved handling and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Near Kress street, go up the orange crane and up to a high level of the structure. Around 5 AM, a door up here will open up with a secret party of sorts. The gun can be found in this room. Here is a Youtube video from Shark R. showing the location of the door.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: Crusher
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Double-Barrel Shotgun
- Base Weapon: DB-4 Igla
- Special Property: Reduced reload speed and spread, fires two rounds per shot.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in Japantown, northeast of Silk Road West.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
The Headsman
- Must be crafted
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Base Weapon: M2038 Tactician
- Special Property: Doubles the number of projectiles per shot, increased chance to bleed or dismember. Increased spread, reduced reload time, reduced rate of fire, and reduced clip capacity.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in North Oak, towards the east side.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.

Iconic / Unique Sniper Rifles
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: SPT32 Grad
- Special Property: Burns enemies and deals extra crit damage.
- Acquisition: A random drop from Airdrops in Dogtown. Added to the Black Market vendor in update 2.1.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Must be crafted
- Type: Tech Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: Nekomata
- Special Property: Fires piercing projectiles that can ricochet.
- Acquisition: Pick up the Crafting Spec from an enemy during a Suspected Crime Activity in Rancho Coronado, south end.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Tech Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: Nekomata
- Special Property: Increased movement speed, deal more damage while moving.
- Acquisition: Amazon Prime Gaming reward.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
NDI Osprey
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: NDI Osprey
- Special Property: Headshots have increased damage from hip firing. Neutralizing multiple enemies increases reload speed and can cause burning.
- Acquisition: Can be found in a green weapon case in Alex's safehouse during Birds WIth Broken Wings..
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: SPT32 Grad
- Special Property: Adds explosive tips to weapon ammo.
- Acquisition: During Beat on the Brat: Arroyo, you can gamble for the weapon.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: SPT32 Grad
- Special Property: Increased reload speed and has a custom silencer.
- Acquisition: Reward for Saving Saul during Riders on the Storm in Panam's questline. I also got extras for following Panam's ending route and returning to the Point of No Return save.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Tech Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: Rasetsu
- Special Property: Charged rounds penetrate through enemies and can bend to hit multiple targets.
- Acquisition: Earned automatically during You Know My Name.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: SPT32 Grad
- Special Property: Headshots emit electric bolts.
- Acquisition: Located near an Increased Criminal Activity area in Dogtown near Terra Cognita. The marker will lead you to the weapon on the upper level.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
- Type: Sniper Rifle
- Base Weapon: Asura
- Special Property: A smart sniper rifle that can lock onto targets.
- Acquisition: A Twitch drop reward that requires gifting 2 Twitch Subscriptions on a partner/affiliate channel in September or October 2023. Automatically added to V's stash once the criteria are met.
- Notes: N/A

Iconic / Unique Katana List
Black Unicorn
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Attack Speed is not affected by Stamina.
- Acquisition: Unlocked by linking Steam and Gog accounts, it is automatically added to V's stash.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Killing an enemy allows for a rapid combo follow up.
- Acquisition: Unlocked by the side job Professional Widow after completing all Gigs for Wakako in Westbrook.
- Notes: Added in version 1.5. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Cocktail Stick
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: High base damage.
- Acquisition: Can be found in the makeup room of Clouds during Main Job Automatic Love.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Allows leaping towards enemies, attacks against burning enemies automatically deal critical damage.
- Acquisition: Can be found inside a forge in the Electric Corporation power plant, visited during the main job Disasterpiece.
- Notes: Added in version 2.0. Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Deals extra damage against bosses. Rapid kills result in automatic critical hits.
- Acquisition: Unlocked by linking Steam and Gog accounts and owning or downloading The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. It is automatically added to V's stash.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: 100% Crit Chance while Kerenzikov cyberware is active. Last strike in a combo deals double damage. Doubles damage against enemies with twice your current health.
- Acquisition: Dropped by Oda during the Main Job Play It Safe.
- Notes: Has a slot in V's apartment

- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Reduced Base Damage, but increased Crit Damage.
- Acquisition: Incredibly easy to miss. When T-Bug opens the door to the balcony right after she goes dark, instead go up the stairs to the helipad. Take out two guards and take this weapon from the AV.
- Notes: Must get during short window in The Heist. Has a slot in V's apartment.
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property:
- Acquisition: Reward for completing the Big In Japan side job. Deals electrical damage. While Sandevistan cyberware is active, increases Crit Chance and applies bleeding.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Katana
- Base Weapon: Katana
- Special Property: Deals electrical damage with a chance to shock. Also increases electrical resistance.
- Acquisition: During Pisces with Judy's series of quests, in the penthouse room with the Tyger Claw bosses. It'll either be on the table or used by one of the bosses to stab the body.
- Notes: N/A

Iconic / Unique Melee Weapons
- Type: Axe
- Base Weapon: Tomahawk
- Special Property: Critical hits deal shockwave damage to multiple enemies.
- Acquisition: Drops from boss Ayo Zarin from an area of Increased Criminal Activity near the wellness center in Dogtown.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Baby Boomer
- Type: Two-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Baseball Bat
- Special Property: Every consecutive attack has increased critical chance.
- Acquisition: During Dazed and Confused, once you bring Lina back to Tool, convince Tool that he is either Lina's sister or clone, and Lina will leave this for you on the countertop.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Baseball Bat X-MOD2
- Type: Two-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Baseball Bat
- Special Property: Has extra modification slots.
- Acquisition: Can be found out in the open on the northeast side of Dogtown, across from the Heavy Hearts Club. It is on an upper level of the ramp structure.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
BFC 9000
- Type: One-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Electric Baton Gamma
- Special Property: 69% Crit Chance, Increased attack speed, and range
- Acquisition: Acquired from the body of Hugo Selvig, at the site of a crashed AV near the Dam Viewpoint location in Rancho Coronado. The NPC is located on a ledge along the dam wall.
- N/A
Blue Fang
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Neutoxin Knife
- Special Property: Stuns enemies on hit.
- Acquisition: Purchase from a weapon vendor in Jackson Plains.
- Notes: Added in Version 1.6. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Butcher's Cleaver
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Knife
- Special Property: Increased bleed chance, increased attack speed against bleeding enemies.
- Acquisition: Found in Rolland's Butcher Shop during M'ap Tann Pelen.
- Notes: Was upgraded to an Iconic weapon in Version 1.6.
Claw X-MOD2
- Type: Throwing Axe
- Base Weapon: Claw Axe
- Special Property: A special version of the weapon capable of additional modification. Optimized design also allows for improved handling.
- Acquisition: Found at the summit of the Heavy Hearts Club building (the pyramid structure in Dogtown). Climb the exterior wall to find it.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Two-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Electric Baton Gamma
- Special Property: High chance to apply bleeding, low chance to stun.
- Acquisition: Can be grabbed from Fingers' place during The Space in Between, or after.
- Notes: N/A
Cut-o-Matic x-MOD2
- Type: Chainsword
- Base Weapon: Cut-o-Matic
- Special Property: 50% Increased Headshot Damage by 50% and additional mod slots.
- Acquisition: Near an Increased Crime Activity near the back of Terra Cognita. On the ground level back in a corner under a bridge.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
Crowbar (Iconic Variant)
- Type: One-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Crowbar
- Special Property: 100% faster attack speed at the cost of 40% reduced damage
- Acquisition: During the quest Somewhat Damaged (Reed's ending route), you can find this behind a gate that requires 20 Body to open. Before the section with the stalker mech.
- Notes: An iconic version of the regular crowbar. Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Knife
- Special Property: Thrown hits cripple the target. If Fang is thrown at an enemy's leg, shooting with Bald Eagle will shred the leg to pieces and return Fang to the player's hand.
- Acquisition: Dropped from Kurt Hansen during Firestarter main quest if siding with Reed.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC
Gold-Plated Baseball Bat
- Type: Two-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Baseball Bat
- Special Property: High chance to bleed, low chance to stun.
- Acquisition: Pick up from the cement-filled pool during the argument during Second Conflict Side Job.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Punknife
- Special Property: Marks enemies when hit, marked enemies take 250% increased damage from a headshot.
- Acquisition: Purchase from a weapon vendor in West Wind Estate.
- Notes: Added in Version 1.6. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Murphy's Law
- Type: One-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Electric Baton
- Special Property: Hits against a knocked-down enemy increases attack speed.
- Acquisition: Dropped by Albert Murphy in Firestarter if you side with Songbird.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Kaiken
- Special Property: Thrown hits apply bleeding.
- Acquisition: Found during The Heist on the body of Saburo Arasaka.
- Notes: Added in Version 2.0. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Sasquatch's Hammer
- Type: Hammer
- Base Weapon: Hammer
- Special Property: Additional knockdown chance, attack speed is reduced by 66% but base damage is doubled.
- Acquisition: Found during I Walk the Line on the body of Sasquatch, or at her original location if the mission is finished without fighting Sasquatch.
- Notes: Upgraded to an Iconic weapon in Version 2.0. Has a slot in V's apartment.
Sir John Phallustiff
- Type: One-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Electric Baton Gamma
- Special Property: High Damage
- Acquisition: Given from Meredith Stout after a one night stand with her. During The Pickup, follow the optional objective to get the Militech chip and then pay with it without warning Royce. Stout will message for the rendevous later, leading to Venus in Furs quest.
- N/A
- Type: Knife
- Base Weapon: Knife
- Special Property: Deals additional chemical damage and may apply poison.
- Acquisition: Reward for completing the Side Job I'll Fly away, which, was available to me from Mitch after completing Riders on the Storm at the start of Panam's optional quests.
- Notes: N/A
The Caretaker's Spade
- Type: Two-Handed Hammer
- Base Weapon: Two-Handed Hammer
- Special Property: increases health regeneration by 100% after hitting an enemy.
- Acquisition: Leaning against a tree near a conference table during Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
- Notes: This is past the point of no return, and can be picked up near a rock near where you rescue Weyland in the finale after deciding to team up with Rogue. It stayed in my inventory when returning to the point of no return from the credits.
Tinker Bell
- Type: One-Handed Club
- Base Weapon: Electric Baton Gammaa
- Special Property: Reduced damage but high chance to knock out with strong attack.
- Acquisition: During The Hunt in River's series of quests, found in the control room of Edgewood farm.
- Notes: N/A
- Type: Machete
- Base Weapon: Razor
- Special Property: Can cause burn. Shooting an enemy affected by burn always crits.
- Acquisition: Found in the basement of the police station during Gig: Waiting for Dodger. Can be found at the Black Market Vendor if not picked up during the gig.
- Notes: Requires Phantom Liberty DLC.

Iconic / Unique Grenades
Ozob's Nose
- Type: Grenade
- Base Weapon: Frag Grenade
- Special Property: High damage.
- Acquisition: Reward for Side Job Send in the Clowns. I had to complete the story Blackwall stuff before this job appeared.
- Notes: Can craft multiple like normal grenades.
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