Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne Magatama Locations
Magatama in Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster are collectible items used to teach Demi-fiend new skills and imbue special defenses. Early on on the game, you'll only have a few of these - but the deeper you get, the more Magatamas you'll be able to find, with each gifting you with different skills and abilities.
In this guide, we list every Magatama and their location in SMT III Nocturne, as well as explaining how they work, what they cost, and what they all do.
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster - How Magatama Work
Magatama are special beads used by the Demi-fiend and have two purposes:
- Magatama will change the Demi-fiend's resistances and weaknesses (as well as offering bonus stats). This is crucial to keep in mind for certain boss battles. For example, if Demi-fiend has Anathema equipped, he will be weak to light, meaning skills like Hamaon will be more dangerous, potentially one-shotting the Demi-fiend, leading to a game-over.
- Magatama are how the Demi-fiend will learn new skills. Basically, when Demi-fiend levels up, you may learn a skill from the Magatama. The list of skills from each magatama, and the level you must reach to learn the skill, are found in the table below.
Note, when you change magatama, the game will ask the player if they want to "ingest" the magatama. Don't worry, you aren't consuming it or anything like that. Think of it like equipping an accessory in another other RPG - you can change between magatama at will.

SMT III Nocturne HD Remaster Magatama List & Locations
In order as shown on the Magatama Screen. None of the Magatama are missable.
- Marogareh - Obtained automatically right after the Conception.
- Lunge (Level 3)
- Analyze (Level 4)
- Life Bonus (Level 6)
- Berserk (Level 10)
- Counter (Level 20)
- Pierce (Special: Unlocked after beating Fifth Kalpa)
- Wadatsumi - Obtained automatically by beating Forneus in Shinjuku Medical Center.
- Ice Breath (Level 7)
- Mana Bonus (Level 11)
- Ice Boost (Level 15)
- Fog Breath (Level 21)
- Anti-Ice (Level 24)
- Ankh - Obtained in Great Underpass of Ginza Junk Shop (2000). Can also be obtained by letting Pixie go, but you shouldn't do this, as you will miss out to get the so-called 'Über Pixie' in the 5th Kalpa.
- Dia (Level 5)
- Fast Retreat (Level 12)
- Media (Level 19)
- Iyomante - Obtained in Shibuya Underground Junk Shop (2000).
- Sukunda (Level 13)
- Rakunda (Level 16)
- Life Aid (Level 36)
- Shiranui - Obtained in Shibuya Underground Junk Shop (3000).
- Fire Breath (Level 9)
- Fire Boost (Level 14)
- Taunt (Level 19)
- Anti-Fire (Level 23)
- Hifumi - Obtained in Great Underpass of Ginza Junk Shop (4000).
- Tornado (Level 17)
- Force Boost (Level 22)
- War Cry (Level 24)
- Anti-Force (Level 27)
- Kamudo - Obtained in Great Underpass of Ginza Junk Shop (6000).
- Heat Wave (Level 18)
- Focus (Level 23)
- Mind's Eye (Level 25)
- Might (Level 29)
- Narukami - Obtained automatically by beating Thor in Ikebukuro.
- Shock (Level 21)
- Elec Boost (Level 26)
- Anti-Elec (Level 30)
- Void Elec (Level 44)
- Anathema - Obtained automatically by beating Ose at Assembly of Nihilo.
- Mana Drain (Level 28)
- Anti-Dark (Level 32)
- Mamudo (Level 35)
- Evil Gaze (Level 38)
- Mamudoon (Level 49)
- Miasma - Obtained automatically by beating Mizuchi in Kabukicho Prison.
- Wild Dance (Level 31)
- Void Ice (Level 45)
- Glacial Blast (Level 52)
- Ice Drain (Level 60)
- Nirvana - Obtained in Asakusa Junk Shop (15000).
- Violet Flash (Level 32)
- Anti-Light (Level 33)
- Divine Shot (Level 41)
- Void Light (Level 56)
- Murakumo - From cube in the room after beating Ongyo-Ki at Ikebukuro Tunnel. Almost automatic but not quite since you could feasibly miss the cube.
- Null: Mind (Level 34)
- Null: Nerve (Level 37)
- Chaos Blade (Level 40)
- Null: Curse (Level 42)
- Geis - Finish all the Puzzle Boy puzzles in Asakusa.
- Diarama (Level 37)
- Life Refill (Level 39)
- Tetraja (Level 41)
- Mediarama (Level 44)
- Diarahan (Level 47)
- Mana Refill (Level 51)
- Djed - Obtained automatically after beating Moirae sisters at Obelisk.
- Tarukaja (Level 42)
- Sukukaja (Level 43)
- Makakaja (Level 44)
- Rakakaja (Level 45)
- Dekaja (Level 46)
- Muspell - Beating incomplete Mara at Shibuya.
- Tentarafoo (Level 49)
- Makajamon (Level 53)
- Xeros Beat (Level 56)
- Gehenna - Obtained in Asakusa Junk Shop (30000).
- Hellfire (Level 33)
- Null: Fire (Level 42)
- Mana Gain (Level 45)
- Fire Drain (Level 60)
- Magma Axis (Level 65)
- Kamurogi - Obtained at Collector Manikin’s Junk Shop under Akakusa (45000).
- Blight (Level 45)
- Life Gain (Level 46)
- Iron Claw (Level 48)
- Retaliate (Level 54)
- One-Kagura (Level 64)
- Satan - Defeat Black Frost at top of Kabukicho Prison after Chiaki scene at top of Mantra HQ.
- Jive Talk (Level 51)
- Null: Dark (Level 55)
- Mana Aid (Level 58)
- Charisma (Level 60)
- Deadly Fury (Level 65)
- Adama - Obtained automatically after defeating Albion in White Temple in Temple of Amala.
- Bolt Storm (Level 60)
- Mana Surge (Level 62)
- Elec Drain (Level 67)
- Vimana - Obtained at Collector Manikin’s Junk Shop under Akakusa (75000).
- Endure (Level 50)
- Tempest (Level 59)
- Javelin Rain (Level 68)
- Life Surge (Level 71)
- Hades Blast (Level 73)
- Gundari - Obtain the Kimon Stone from Yurakucho Tunnel, then defeat Bishomonten in Northern Temple
- Wind Cutter (Level 64)
- Force Drain (Level 66)
- Spiral Viper (Level 72)
- Sophia - Obtained at Collector Manikin’s Junk Shop under Akakusa (120000).
- Thunderclap (Level 45)
- Samarecarm (Level 57)
- Drain Attack (Level 59)
- Mediarahan (Level 63)
- Holy Wrath (Level 70)
- Gaea - Obtained at Manta HQ basement if Demified has 25 Strength.
- Deathbound (Level 61)
- Avenge (Level 69)
- Gaea Rage (Level 74)
- Attack All (Level 76)
- Kailash - Buy at Tower of Kagutsuchi shop (at third major save point).
- Makarakarn (Level 72)
- Megido (Level 75)
- Tetarakarn (Level 78)
- Freikugel (Level 80)
- Megidola (Level 84)
- Masakados - After getting all the other 24 Magatama, go to the Cathedral of Shadows then get Lord's Sword. Then, go to Bandou Shrine, defeat the four pillars (Bishamonten, Jirokuten, Koumokuten, Zouchouten), then tell Masakados you will protect Tokyo.
- Megidolaon (Level up)
- Radiance (Level up)
- Fire Repel (Level up)
- Ice Repel (Level up)
- Elec Repel (Level up)
- Force Repel (Level up)
- Phys Repel (Level up)
Optional Magatama Acquisition Details
Besides the Magatama earned automatically or easily found in shops, some require optional side events to obtain. Here are the details on how to complete these events. Note, once again, none of the Magatama are missable.
Once Demi-fiend has 25 base Strength (not counting Magatama bonuses), go to Mantra HQ in Ikebukuro, go to the basement, the path on the right, open the sealed door at the end.
Finish all the Puzzle Boy puzzles in Asakusa. There are solid guides already established for this, such as here.
After completing the Obelisk dungeon, you can obtain Muspell by defeating incomplete Mara at Shibuya. On the first, surface-level screen (the streets) go to top of the screen (away from the camera) when at the surface road. The entrance to the boss room is hidden - go in between the two giant static big screens as far as you can, and then left. You have to enter on a full Kagutsuchi. Mara will always use Diarahan on his turn if weakened. So, buff/debuff to max, then wipe him out in one turn.
After seeing the scene with Chiaki at the top of Mantra HQ, talk to a demon near the east exit of 1F Mantra HQ, who will mention Kabukicho. Then defeat Black Frost at top of Kabukicho Prison for Magatama Satan.
In Yurakucho Tunnel (after Chiaki event at Mifunashiro), on the north end of the starting train platform, you can give a demon to a spirit who is digging a tunnel. You will not get the demon back. The demon will take some time to dig the tunnel, and the amount of time taken depends on the demon’s strength. It takes several full Kagutsuchi cycles for the digging to finish. The best way to pass time is to go out onto the world map, since time passes faster there, and use Estoma. Waste about ten full cycles (to Full and back). Once finished, go back to the tunnel and you will get a Kimon Stone. Take the Kimon Stone to Asakusa. Leave the city through the exit past the Collector Manikin shop, then go to the temple to the Northwest and defeat Bishamonten. You will finally get Magatama Gundari.
For the last Magatama, after getting all the other 24 Magatama, go to a Cathedral of Shadows then get Lord's Sword. Then, go to Bandou Shrine, defeat the four pillars (Bishamonten, Jirokuten, Koumokuten, Zouchouten), then tell Masakados you will protect Tokyo. Bandou Shrine can be found by warping to Assembly of Nihilo - Marunouchi, leaving, and heading to the NE gravestone.