Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - All Ryuker Device, Cocoon, Tower, Region Mag, and Battledia Locations | Aelio Region
During your exploration of Aelio in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, you'll learn that some of the most important locations to find in the region are Ryuker Devices that allow you to teleport across the map, and Cocoons which will earn you valuable Skill Points, essential for increasing your Battle Power. You'll also want to know where Towers are for the same reason. Lastly, Region Mags can net you and your group valuable buffs across a wide area so they're essential to seek out as well. Here we've got a nice map you can cross-check in-game to see which ones you may be missing.
All Retem Region Key Locations
All Kvaris Region Key Locations
All Stia Region Key Locations
Since these items are all clearly marked on the World Map and there's only a couple per region (if any), it's easy enough to combine them into a single image here.

- All Ryuker Device Locations
- All Cocoon Locations
- All Tower Locations
- All Region Mag Locations
- All Battledia Locations
PSO2: New Genesis - All Ryuker Device Locations | Aelio Region
Ryuker Devices are basically waypoints that allow for fast travel across the map. Once you've unlocked one, you'll be able to travel to it any time by simply selecting it on the World Map.

Central City
- Central City - Near Central City's west exit, guaranteed to unlock it during the Main Task Advice from Liu Lin I
Central Aelio
- Halphana Plains: East - Northeast of Central City, Guaranteed to unlock it during the Main Task Advice from Liu Lin I
- Halphana Plains: West - Likely to unlock it during Advice from Liu Lin II, which sends you to the Cocoon right nearby
South Aelio
- Balflow Falls - Overlooking the main area of the Falls
- Mt. Piccolt - On the far southeast of the map, on the southeast side of the mountain itself
West Aelio
- Cryano Cliffs - Located on the upper part of West Aelio
- Lakau Coast - About halfway up the map, south of the 'West Aelio' map text
- Aelio Town Ruins - East of the big crater remains of Aelio Town
North Aelio
- Halphana Wetlands - Near the entrance from Central Aelio
- Altoplani Plateau - On the more open plains north of the Wetlands, it's on the west side here
Mt. Magnus
- Mt. Magnus - The only Ryuker Device in this region is sadly near the entrance from Central Aelio
Vanford Laboratory Ruins
- Vanford Laboratory Ruins - On the west side of the upper part of the Ruins
Resol Forest
- Resol Forest - On the west side of the area, pretty easy to spot
Halphia Lake
- Halphia Lake - To the southwest of the region's main lake
PSO2: New Genesis - All Cocoon Locations | Aelio Region
Cocoons are going to be a major source of Skill Points, needed to unlock Class Skills and improve your Battle Power. Most of them are very easy and with generous time limits. You'll earn 1 Skill Point upon your first clear of any Cocoon. You don't need to clear the Side Missions for the Skill Point. You'll need to complete these to finish the Side Task Trainia Dominator.

Central Aelio
First Step
- Location - Found just northeast of Central City. You'll go here for the Task The First Trial
- Objective - A mostly tutorial Cocoon that teaches basic movement.
Enhanced Enemy
- Location - Found straight west of Central City. You'll go here for the Task Advice from Liu Lin II
- Objective - You'll be tasked to defeat an Enhanced Pettas Sword.
South Aelio
Wild Rush
- Location - Found at the top of Mt. Piccolt, you can't miss it
- Objective - You'll need to defeat 42 weak enemies, easy enough with any ranged weapon.
- Location - Found East of the Balflow Falls Ryuker Device, see the map below
- Objective - This is a maze of sorts that you'll have to navigate. Here's a map made by user alatnet on the New Genesis Reddit page.

West Aelio
Test Flight
- Location - At the far northwest of the map, out on an island. Glide to it from the peninsula to the northeast of it
- Objective - A basic movement test that teaches gliding
Roaring Rush
- Location - At the far southwest of the map, south of Crykau Hills
- Objective - A combat-focused Cocoon, so make sure your Battle Power is up to par here.
North Aelio
Swift Jump
- Location - North of the Halphana Wetlands
- Objective - A movement-focused Cocoon, with the tricky bit being that you want to avoid using any gliding, instead focusing on double jumps and wall kicks.
Halphia Lake
Fleeting Fight
- Location - South of the main Lake area, east of Central Aelio on an island
- Objective - A mini-boss fight of sorts that pits you against a Bujin enemy.
PSO2: New Genesis - All Tower Locations | Aelio Region
Towers are basically more difficult versions of Cocoons. You'll earn a whopping 4 Skill Points upon your first clear of any Tower. Surprisingly enough, the Side Missions are just for completion's sake and don't affect your Skill Point reward.

Central Aelio
Great Wall
- Location - Far east of Central City, nearish to the zone boundary leading to Vanford Laboratory Ruins.
- Objective - This is the most 'dungeon-like' of the towers. You'll have to clear through a few rooms of random assortments of enemies, followed by a mini-boss fight with a Daityl Sword. You'll want a decently high Battle Power for this one.
South Aelio
Aero Runner
- Location - To the east of the Mt. Piccolt peak in South Aelio
- Objective - This is a mostly non-combat Tower, meaning it can be an easy 4 Skill Points even if your Battle Power doesn't meet the suggested level. You'll have to do some platforming challenges and avoid some defensive fire.
West Aelio
- Location - Located at the very north part of West Aelio, directly west of the Altolani Plateau region in North Aelio
- Objective - One of the more difficult Towers, you'll be facing three mini-bosses, and one of the Side Missions limits how many of the other enemies you're allowed to defeat. A nice challenge for those that want it, but it won't affect your Skill Point reward if you ignore it.
PSO2: New Genesis - All Region Mag Locations | Aelio Region
Region Mags are landmarks that can give boosts in exchange for materials such as Trinite or Dualomite. Each Region mag has a ship-wide meter marked [All] that will give all players a boost to EXP Earned, Rare Drop Rate, or Attack Potency, depending on the Mag in the region. There is also a [Personal] Boost that will give players that feed the Mag additional Rare Drop Rate % for up to 2 hours at a time.

South Aelio - Priceless Region Mag
- Mt. Piccolt: West - At the very south-center of the whole map, the Mag is sitting on the very end of a long plateau jutting out from Mt. Piccolt
West Aelio - Invincible Region Mag
- Lakau Coast - Near the Lakau Coast Ryuker Device, near the center of West Aelio
North Aelio - Expert Region Mag
- Halphana Wetlands - It's closer to the Wetlands, but most easily found by heading south from the Altolani Plains Ryuker Device
PSO2: New Genesis - All Battledia Locations | Aelio Region
Battledias are training exercises that pit players against combat challenges under a time limit. In order to access these, you'll need to get 5 B-Triggers, which are either dropped from enemies or bought on the Personal Shop. Battledia's can be good sources for items like Gold Primm Armor for Enhancement, or unique augments. Purple Battledias can also earn you Gigas-type drops, since you'll be fighting Gigantix during them.

West Aelio
- Yellow Portal: Aelio - On the end of the high peninsula northwest of Lakau Coast
North Aelio
- Purple Portal: Aelio - Located in front of the large structure in the center of the Halphana Wetlands