Final Fantasy 1 Magic list: all FF1 spells, their effects, & how to get more magic
Magic is a huge part of the Final Fantasy series, and FF1 defines the parameters of what Magic is in these games with its iconic White and Black mages. There’s a huge magic list that you can learn and use - each with their own unique effects and benefits.
If you’re a long-time Final Fantasy fan, you’ll likely recognize some of these spells. However, that’ll also depend on the version you play - some spells feature different names from the traditional ones in older versions of the game.
Broadly speaking, Magic in FF1 is split into two categories: White Magic and Black Magic. White Magic is focused on healing and buffing, while Black Magic is generally focused on offensive attacks and debuffing enemies - though there are a handful of exceptions.
There’s 64 spells in total - 32 for each side and each type of mage - and each type of magic can also have some of its spells learned by the Red Mage and one other character class.
- How magic works in FF1 & how to get new spells
- Black Magic List & Locations
- White Magic List & Locations

How Magic works in FF1 & how to get new spells
Exactly how magic works depends greatly on the version of FF1 you’re playing, but this explanation here is based on the original Famicom/NES version that also forms the basis for the PS1 FF Origins version and the new HD Pixel Remaster version of the game.
In this form, the magic spells of FF1 are divided into eight different levels of each type, each with four spells. So there’s four level 1 Black Magic spells, and four level 2 White Magic spells.
In order to get magic, you’ll have to buy it at a store. We list where you can purchase each spell on this page. Rather than MP, how many times you can cast a spell is limited per spell - and your ‘casts’ are replenished when you rest at an inn.
There's no MP, and no other way to replenish spell charges - you need to carefully mete out your magic usage between resting. As we suggest in out full FF1 step-by-step walkthrough & guide, this is a strong incentive to rest at inns as regularly as you possibly can.
Additionally, each mage can only hold 3 spells of each magic level. You’ll have to pick and choose which three you’ll take from each level. If you decide to swap your spell load-out, you’ll need to ‘drop’ a spell - which means toa access it again, you’ll need to buy it from a store. This can be a real gold sink -so plan your team load-out and spell usage accordingly.

FF1 Black Magic List: location, effects, users
Black Magic in FF1 lays the groundwork for much of what offensive magic becomes in later Final Fantasy titles, featuring elemental spells and a range of debuffs that later on are folded into the Time Magic family.
In FF1, Black Mages can use almost any level 1-6 spell and a handful of level 7 spells - but they can unlock absolutely every spell by getting their class promotion to Black Wizard. Beyond that, Red Mages, Red Wizards, and Ninjas all can use a selection of spells - so you’re not just limited to mages for these powerful attacks.
Level 1 Black Magic
- Fire (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Causes 10-40 Fire damage to one enemy.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Sleep (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Put enemies to sleep, stopping them from attacking for a few rounds.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Focus / Lock (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Reduce one enemy’s evade stat by 20.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Thunder / Bolt1 / Lit (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Causes 10-40 Thunder damage to one enemy.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
Level 2 Black Magic
- Blizzard / Ice (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Causes 20-80 Ice damage to one enemy.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Dark / Fog (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Inflicts Darkness status effect on all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Temper / Steel / Tmpr (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Attack Power +14 to one ally.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Slow (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Reduce the speed of all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
Level 3 Black Magic
- Fira / Fire2 (Elfheim, 1500 Gil)
- Causes 30-120 Fire damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Hold / Bind (Elfheim, 1500 Gil)
- Stops one enemy from attacking.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Thundara / Bolt2 / Lit2 (Elfheim, 1500 Gil)
- Causes 30-120 Lit damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Focara / Focus2 / Lok2 (Elfheim, 1500 Gil)
- Reduces all enemies’ evade by 20.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
Level 4 Black Magic
- Sleepara / Sleep2 (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Stops one enemy from attacking for a few rounds.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Haste / Fast (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Increases ally speed, allowing them to attack more frequently.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Confuse / Muddle / Conf (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Confuses enemies, causing them to start attacking each other.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
- Blizzara / Ice2 (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Causes 40-160 Ice damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard, Ninja
Level 5 Black Magic
- Firaga / Fire3 (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Causes 50-200 Fire damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Scourge / Bane / Poison (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Has a chance to instantly kill enemies; cast on all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Teleport / Warp (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Teleports the party back one floor in the current dungeon, or makes you exit from the first floor.
- Usable by Black Wizard, Red Wizard
- Slow 2 (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Decreases the speed of one enemy.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
Level 6 Black Magic
- Thundaga / Bolt3 / Lit3 (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Causes 60-240 Lit damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
- Death / Reaper / Rub (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Has a chance to erase/instantly kill an enemy.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard
- Quake (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- A chance for enemies to be instantly killed, falling into the earth.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard
- Stun (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Stuns an enemy to disable their ability to act.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard
Level 7 Black Magic
- Blizzaga / Ice 3 (Gaia, 45,000 Gil)
- Causes 70-280 Ice Damage to all enemies
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Break / Brak (Gaia, 45,000 Gil)
- A chance to shatter an enemy, causing instant death.
- Usable by Black Wizard
- Saber (Onrac, 45,000 Gil)
- Attack +16 to the spell caster.
- Usable by Black Wizard
- Blind (Onrac, 45,000 Gil)
- Inflicts the Darkness status effect, lowering enemy accuracy greatly.
- Usable by Black Mage/Wizard
Level 8 Black Magic
- Stop (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- Stops enemies in place, preventing attacks for a time.
- Usable by Black Wizard
- Banish / Zap! (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- Transport enemies to another dimension, resulting in instant death.
- Usable by Black Wizard
- Kill / Doom / XXXX (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- Erase an enemy from existence. Instant death.
- Usable by Black Wizard
- Flare / Nuke (Lufenia, 60,000 Gil)
- Deals massive non-elemental damage to all enemies.
- Usable by Black Wizard

FF1 White Magic List: location, effects, users
As you’d expect, White Magic is largely focused around protecting and healing your party. They come in a variety of formats, however.
The main White Mage spell classes you need to know about are Cure, which restores HP to one character, Heal, which restores less HP but to the whole party, and Life, which revives downed characters. Beyond this there are also defensive buffs to cast. White Magic also has an offensive role against undead enemies - in fact, there’s a whole category, Dia, dedicated to this.
White Mages can use most Level 1-6 spells. White Wizards can use any and all white magic. Red Mages, Red Wizards, and Knights get their hands on a selection of White spells, too.
Level 1 White Magic
- Cure (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Restores 16-32 HP to one ally.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Dia / Harm (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Causes 20-80 damage to all Undead.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
- Protect / Shld1 / Fog (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Defense +8 to one ally.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Blink / Ruse (Cornelia, 100 Gil)
- Raises the caster’s evade by +80.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard, Knight
Level 2 White Magic
- Blinda / Lamp (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Cures Darkness status effect.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Silence / Mute (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Stops the targeted enemy from casting spells.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- NulShock / Alit (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Half damage from Lightning/Thunder element attacks, all allies.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Invis (Pravoka, 400 Gil)
- Evade +40 to one ally.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
Level 3 White Magic
- Cura / Cure2 (Pravoka, 1500 Gil)
- Restores 33-66 HP to one ally.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Diara / Dia2 / Hrm2 (Pravoka, 1500 Gil)
- Causes 40-160 damage to all Undead.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
- NulBlaze / Afir (Pravoka, 1500 Gil)
- Half damage from Fire element attacks, all allies.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Heal (Pravoka, 1500 Gil)
- Restores 12-24 HP, all allies.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
Level 4 White Magic
- Poisona / Esuna / Pure (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Cures the Poison status effect.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Fear (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Makes enemies run away from battle.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
- NulFrost / NulIce / Aice (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Half damage from Ice/Blizzard element attacks, all allies.
- Usable by Knight, White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Vox / Amut (Elfheim, 4000 Gil)
- Cures the Mute status effect.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
Level 5 White Magic
- Curaga / Cure3 (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Restores 66-132 HP to one ally.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Mage/Wizard
- Life (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Revives one downed ally with 1 HP.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
- Diaga / Dia3 / Hrm3 (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Causes 60-240 damage to all Undead.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard.
- Healara / Heal2 (Melmond, 8000 Gil)
- Restores 24-48 HP, all allies.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
Level 6 White Magic
- Stona / Soft (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Cures Petrification status effect.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
- Exit / Warp2 (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Exits immediately from a dungeon or town - use outside battle.
- Usable by White Wizard, Red Wizard
- Protera / Shld2 / Fog2 (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Defense +12 to all allies.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
- Invisira / Inv2 (Crescent Lake, 20,000 Gil)
- Evade +40 to all allies.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
Level 7 White Magic
- Curaja / Cur4 (Gaia, 45,000 Gil)
- Restores one ally’s total HP.
- Usable by White Wizard
- Diaja / Hrm4 (Gaia, 45,000 Gil)
- Causes 80-320 damage to all Undead.
- Usable by White Wizard
- NulDeath / NulMgc / Arub (Onrac, 45,000 Gil)
- Protects against instant-kill attacks.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard, Red Wizard
- Healaga / Heal3 (Onrac, 45,000 Gil)
- Restores 48-96 HP to all allies.
- Usable by White Mage/Wizard
Level 8 White Magic
- Holy / Fade (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- High damage to all enemies.
- Usable by White Wizard
- NulAll / Wall (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- Reduces all incoming spell damage by half.
- Usable by White Wizard
- Dispel / Xfer (Gaia, 60,000 Gil)
- Remove any enemy buffs.
- Usable by White Wizard
- Full-life / Lif2 (Lufenia, 60,000 Gil)
- Resurrects one downed ally with full HP.
- Usable by White Wizard