NEO: The World Ends With You Secret Reports: how to find every Boss Noise, and get the secret ending
It wouldn't be a TWEWY game without Secret Reports, and initially the NEO: The World Ends With You Secret Reports these seem like the most confusing to find yet. Luckily, this page is here to help you with the secret report locations and finding every boss noise to get you to the NEO secret ending.
The game doesn't give you the greatest of clues to kick off your mission to track down the Secret Reports. In fact, all you're given is the vague suggestion to "Dig through each day to uncover" them... which isn't exactly accurate! Don't worry though, we've outlined exactly what you need to do to obtain every single Secret Report and unlock NEO's True ending - it's all on this page.
Be aware, the following article will have SPOILERS for NEO: The World Ends With You. We recommend you don't look at this until you've beaten the game and have begun the post game, at which point you can focus on finding the secret reports and working your way to the ending.

How to unlock Boss Noises & get Secret Reports in NEO: TWEWY
When you finish the main story, two new Social Network Nodes will unlock: Joshua Kiryu's and Hazuki Mikagi's. We recommend getting both of these, but the one you absolutely need to start gathering Secret Reports is Hazuki's "Bossy Noise" ability. This will spawn a unique blue Boss Noise on almost every day.
These unique bosses form a significant part of the post-game content - and defeating them will reward you with a report. Joshua's will get you the ULTIMATE difficulty, so this is worth it as well to maximize the rewards you get from the boss noise encounters - but it's not strictly necessary.
How to find every Secret Report to get the Secret Ending
Now that's out of the way, it's time to engage in a lot of time travel, tracking down the boss noises that give you the various secret reports. Here's how to get them all:
Secret Report 1:
Defeat the boss noise found at the Scramble Crossing during Week 1, Day 1 - theREAPERS'game. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 2:
Defeat the boss noise found at the 104 Building during Week 1, Day 2 - GeTXTWiSTeD. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 3:
This is the earliest Secret Report you'll be able to get, as it's possible to earn it during the main story. All you need to do is achieve 70% Social Network completion.

Secret Report 4:
All you need to do to get this report is achieve 80% Social Network completion. If you're finding trouble with filling out the SN, go back to previous days with Nagi Dives and redo them to get all the Gold Crowns.

Secret Report 5:
Defeat the boss noise found at Tipsy Tose Hall during Week 1, Day 5 - HEAD2HEAD. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 6:
All you need to do to get this report is achieve 90% Social Network completion.

Secret Report 7:
Defeat the boss noise found at TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA during Week 1, Final Day - GamE thEorY. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 8:
Defeat the boss noise found on Takeshita Street during Week 2, Day 1 - New Game. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 9:
Defeat the boss noise found at the Scramble Crossing during Week 2, Day 2 - LiVing LeGend. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 10:
The most challenging Secret Report to get in the game. This requires 100% Social Network completion, but to get it you'll need to do Rhyme's extra challenging Dive on Another Day. This one is tough, and you'll need to get the golden crown to receive the rest of the friendship points. That means you can't play it on easy, as it will lock you into only getting the Bronze crown. You'll need to do a bit of grinding to stand a chance, so we recommend attempting this after you've defeated all of boss noises. She can be found at Dogenzaka once the day's main quest has been started.

Secret Report 11:
Defeat the boss noise found on Center Street during Week 2, Day 4 - →urbaNlegendZ. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 12:
Defeat the boss noise found at the Expressway Underpass during Week 2, Day 5 - noisrevni. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 13:
Defeat the boss noise found at Spain Hill during Week 2, Day 6 - desireDestination. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 14:
Defeat the boss noise found on Takeshita Street during Week 2, Final Day - CHECKMATE! You can find the location below.

Secret Report 15:
Defeat the boss noise found at TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA during Week 3, Day 1 - SuDDeN DeaTH. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 16:
Defeat the boss noise found at Dogenzaka during Week 3, Day 2 - Dearly♥beloveD. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 17:
Defeat the boss noise found at SHIBUYA STREAM during Week 3, Day 3 - re:START. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 18:
Defeat the boss noise found at Dogenzaka during Week 3, Day 4 - come→←back. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 19:
Defeat the boss noise found at TOKYU PLAZA during Week 3, Day 5 - VisioN. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 20:
Defeat the boss noise found at SHIBUYA STREAM during Week 3, Day 6 - ←stabbed. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 21:
Defeat the boss noise found on Takeshita Street during Week 3, Final Day - S • B • Y. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 22:
Defeat the boss noise found on Takeshita Street during Week 3, Final Day' - SHI • BU • YA. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 23:
Defeat the boss noise found at TOKYU PLAZA during Week 3, Final Day'' - SHIBUYA. You'll have to refight the final boss, so plan accordingly. You can find the location below.

Secret Report 24:
The last Secret Report you'll receive, and thankfully you'll get it automatically once every other report is unlocked! Congratulations, enjoy the secret ending!
NEO: The World Ends With You Secret Endings
There are actually two 'secret endings in NEO: The World Ends With You.
1.) After getting all Secret Reports, simply do the Final Day again (yes you have to speed through all the Replay setup). After the credits, you'll get a scene between two interesting characters.
2.) In the Another Day epilogue side-story chapter, to get the standard epilogue ending, you simply need to defeat three revisited bosses, followed by one final encounter by talking to Hishima at the Hachiko Statue. You'll get a quick ending with Rindo and company attending a concert.
However, a secret ending is also available here if you complete all the bonus objectives during the chapter in addition to the required bosses.
- Find and defeat all 5 Pig Noise in the Another Day chapter.
- Find Rhyme at Dogenzaka and complete a 10-reduction Dive challenge.
- Find Coco at Takeshita Street to do a Boss Rush Time Trial.
- Find Minimimoto at Expressway Underpass to fight the game's secret boss.
Do these things (all in one run), and you'll get an additional ending after the credits roll. This is a quick one, perhaps teasing a character motivation in a potential eventual follow-up.