Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Evolution Stones: locations, who they evolve, and more
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of series classics, and that means they of course feature many of the series traditions in earlier forms. One such tradition is Evolution Stones, key items that are used to force certain species of Pokemon to evolve, sometimes in a unique way. On this page, we explain all of the evolution items in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, which speices they can evolve, and where to get them.
Evolution is of course a major fact of life in the world of Pokemon, and it should be a key part of any trainer trying to build their ultimate team and fill out their Pokedex with all of the evolutions you require. While Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl do feature a slightly truncated Pokedex due to being remakes of older games, there's still plenty of Pokemon to use evolutionary stones on.

Where to find Evolution Stones in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Before we get into the individual stone locations, it's important to note that in the late game, every single type of evolutionary stone can be had via the Grand Underground - though getting the drop from there is a game of chance. Alternatively, there's a couple of each type of stone to be gound in the game at the very least. here's where to find them all:
- Dawn Stone
- Dusk Stone
- Moon Stone
- Oval Stone
- Shiny Stone
- Fire Stone
- Water Stone
- Thunder Stone
- Leaf Stone
Dawn Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It sparkles like a glittering eye."
- The Dawn Stone evolves:
- Kirlia (male) into Gallade
- Snorunt (female) into Froslass
- Dawn Stone locations:
- Mt. Coronet, but only after you can surf. Enter the mountain from Route 207, and on the south of this area surf near the Rock Smash rocks.
- Route 225, but onyl after defeating the Elite Four. You can use Rock Climb towards the north of the route.
- A random drop from Grand Underground digging.
Dusk Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It holds shadows as dark as can be."
- The Dusk Stone evolves:
- Murkow into Honchkrow
- Misdreavus into Mismagius
- Dusk Stone locations:
- Galactic Warehouse (Veilstone City), accessible after you get the Storage Key after a battle with Jupiter at Lake Acuity as part of the story.
- Victory Road, but only after beating the Elite Four. You'll need Strength to access it, and it's in the area's final room.
- Randomly, from digging in the Grand Underground.
Moon Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It is as black as the night sky."
- The Moon Stone evolves:
- Clefairy into Clefable
- Moon Stone locations:
- Mt. Coronet can hold many of these, as any Clefairy you encounter in there as a Wild Pokemon has a chance to have a Moon Stone as its held item when caught.
- You can also dig these out in the Grand Underground, but it's a game of chance.
Oval Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It's as round as a Pokémon Egg."
- The Oval Stone evolves:
- Happiny into Chansey (when held, with Chansey leveling up during the morning or daytime)
- Oval Stone locations:
- Lost Tower, found on 2F, just north of Youngster Oliver
- Any Happiny encountered in the wild has a chance to already be holding an Oval Stone.
Shiny Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It shines with a dazzling light."
- The Shiny Stone evolves:
- Togetic into Togekiss
- Roselia into Roserade
- Shiny Stone locations:
- The Iron Islands, reached from Canalave City - just take the boat to kick off a side-quest. It's right near the exit to the abandoned mine you explore with Riley.
- Route 228, after defeating the Elite Four. You'll need to use the bike to reach it.
- As a random drop from Grand Underground digging.
Fire Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. The stone has a fiery orange heart."
- The Fire Stone evolves:
- Eevee into Flareon
- Fire Stone locations:
- Fuego Ironworks building, reached from Route 205. You can actually get two here - one in the north-east of the building, and one from Fuego himself.
- From the Grand Underground digging mini-game, at random.

Water Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It is the blue of a pool of clear water."
- The Water Stone evolves:
- Eevee into Vaporeon
- Water Stone locations:
- Route 213, hiding away inside a loot Pokeball on an island.
- Route 230, hidden inside a rock that you can use Rock Smash to obliterate. Press confirm on the spot where the rock once stood at the top of the stairs.
- As a drop from the Grand Underground digging, if you're lucky.
Thunder Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern."
- The Thunder Stone evolves:
- Eevee into Jolteon
- Pikachu into Raichu
- Magneton into Magnezone (note: also can be achieved by leveling up on Mt. Coronet)
- Thunder Stone locations:
- Sunyshore City, hiding behind the lighthouse and to the right.
- Route 229, but only after you've defeated the Elite Four.
- Naturally, you can also get these Evolution stones from digging in the Grand Underground, at random.
Leaf Stone
"A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokémon evolve. It has an unmistakable leaf pattern."
- The Leaf Stone evolves:
- Eevee into Leafeon
- Leaf Stone locations:
- Floaroma Meadow, which is reached via the Fuego Ironworks. You'll need surf to get to where you need to go, and the Leaf Stone will be waiting in plain sight.
- As ever, you can also acquire this evolution stone via the digging action in the Grand Underground.