Present Day walkthrough, battle strategies & learnable abilities list | Live A Live guide
The Present Day chapter of Live A Live is no longer quite the present day - after all, Live A Live was released almost thirty years ago! So, I suppose we could call this chapter, 'The Strongest', where you play as professional fighter Masaru Takahara, thirty years ago rather than strictly present day.
This may sound like a slightly weird comparison to make before you see the chapter yourself, but Live A Live's present day scenario is sort of similar to the Mega Man games. You choose an opponent from several, in any order. You battle them - and during combat, if you're hit by the opponent's signature abilities, you'll learn them. I guess this makes Masaru like a mix between Mega Man and a Blue Mage.
Since this scenario is heavily focused on combat, you will need to get a good gasp of Live a Live’s battle system. Live A Live has a lot to do with spacing between your opponents, as abilities will only work on certain tiles. In real terms, this entire chapter is one big boss rush. As such, it's short - you can clear it in well under an hour - and we'd categorize it as medium difficulty. Hit this link to go back to the walkthrough hub, if you need a different chapter guide.
To be the world’s strongest fighter. The best of the best. A dream shared by many but one young warrior believe he truly has what it takes to claim the title. By making the skills of other masters his own, he intends to prove himself. Muay Thai, professional wrestling, lucha libre, Koppo, sambo, and sumo – the most powerful techniques of these storied traditions he will learn. All he needs to do is to bait his opponent into revealing their secrets.

Live A Live Present Day Walkthrough: Battle Order & Strategy
Because you can challenge any of the various opponents in Live A Live's present day chapter in any order you like, you've got a difficult decision - just like with choosing a chapter order for Live A Live itself, you have to pick one to start with!
For what it's worth, I would highly recommend that you challenge Seishi Moribe first. This isn't because he's easy, but rather is about protagonist Masaru's unique skill of learning skills from enemies - Sishi Moribe has some powerful abilities that will make later battles easier, such as Fleetfoot.
Remember, to have Masaru learn the abilities and moves of enemies, you simply need to get hit by the move you want to learn. Even if you're breezing through a battle, you should make sure you hold back enough to get hit with all of the learnable moves, then finish the enemy off. You can see strategies for each enemy, and how to learn their moves, by scrolling or clicking the one you plan to battle:
Fighting Seishi Moribe

Learnable Abilities:
- Celestial Palm
- Fleetfoot
After learning Celestial Palm, you’ll be heavily debuffed. Keep your distance away from him, and use focus to heal up.
Once healed, try to keep about two space from him to bait him into using Fleetfoot. Once you have acquired the two abilities, defeat Moribe using regular means. Fleetfoot is an extremely powerful ability as it has a conventional range that can deal with many opponents without issue.
Fighting Namkiat

Learnable Abilities:
- Spiral Knee
- Lookpanjama Kick
Once you've learned the kick, if you move directly one space away from him, Namkiat will use Spiral Knee. Spiral Knee is Namkiat’s most powerful attack, and when you have acquired the two abilities, you should avoid standing a square away from him so he doesn’t use Spiral Knee. Namikat is really easy if you have good range attacks like Fleetfoot from Seishi Moribe.
Fighting The Great Aja

Learnable Abilities:
- Frakensteiner
- Tornado Press

Fighting Tula Han

Learnable Abilities:
- Armlock
- Cross Heel Hold
Then use a kick ability to learn Cross Heel Hold. Getting hit with Cross Heel Hold will most likely disable your movement, so be sure to use focus to heal up. Once you’re healthy, Tula Han can be easily defeated by using throw wrestling abilities or counterattacks.
Fighting Max Morgan

Learnable Abilities:
- German Suplex
- Max Bomber
Due to Max’s high pool of HP, I would recommend spamming range abilities like Fleetfoot to get the better of him. If you manage to defeat Jackie and acquire the Aloha Slap, that would be Max’s main weakness.
Fighting Jackie Iaukea

Learnable Abilities:
- Mano Toss
- Aloha Slap
- Worldbreaker's Wraith
The third ability is called the Worldbreaker’s Wraith. Jackie will only use this ability as a desperate last resort usually after disarming him. You can disarm Jackie by using the Armlock ability that acquire from Tula Han. Just be wary that Worldbreaker’s Wraith hit extremely hard, like above 200 HP. So be sure you have enough HP to survive this blow if you want to learn this ability. To defeat Jackie easily, just simply spam kick abilities like Fleetfoot from afar.

Fighting the Present Day Final Boss Encounter
This boss has no moves to learn - it's all about what you've learned up to this point. Consider it a test, of sorts - and it's a big one, as the boss has 832 HP.
The last boss's main attack is his diving ability, that will do 150 damage and will cause temporary debuff on himself, so watch out for that.
If you learned abilitles like Fleetfoot, you can attack the boss several times without letting him get close to you. The strongest ability you can unleash on the last boss is the Worldbreaker’s Wraith ability, which we detail how to learn from Jackie above. Even though it's the most powerful ability, it isn't totally nessessary - just be sure to keep a distance away from the boss and you should be fine.
After defeating the final boss of this scenario, you can save your game. If you decide to replay this scenario, you can relearn abilitles that you have missed. But there is also a way of learning these abilitles by leveling Masaru in the final scenario.
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