Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Allfire Stone Location: Where to find Allfire Stone
The grind is back in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, which means you'll be keeping track of a bunch of different materials you'll need for upgrades to keep that character progression rolling. One key material you'll likely need a bunch of early on is Allfire Stone - so on this page we're going to explain Allfire Stones in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Allfire Stone are particularly useful for some early game weapon synthesizing, so it's a very useful item to pick up. Many players, depending on their choice of weapon, will likely find themselves trying to grind this material out. Unfortunately, it's not a guaranteed drop, and it actually won't show up at all until you hit a certain point in the game's progression. Allow us to explain:
Where to find Allfire Stone

Allfire Stone specifically can be mined, which means like many types of Ores they can be found in Mining Points in MH Rise. It's important to keep in mind that they will exclusively drop from Mining Points in the Caverns.
Inside the Cavern area, you'll want to go hunting for Mining Outcrops - this is the resource node you'll need to search in order to have a chance at getting those must-have Allfire Stone drops. This is actually easier than you'd think; you can go onto your detailed map and filter the material list right the way down until the only icons highlighted are the Mining Outcrop, which are represented by a light grey icon with a question mark.
Much like with Purecrystals and other Ore, you also have the chance of receiving Allfire Stone from Buddies when you send them out as Meowcenaries. If you send your trusty Palicoes and Palamutes to the Master Rank Cavern when there's a route that has them gathering Ore, you're likely to receive a bunch of Allfire Stone in return.

As always, be sure to remember that Allfire Stone aren't a 100% drop rate; like most resources in Monster Hunter Rise, there's always a chance that the material won't drop right away. Allfire Stone is very common and this won't necessarily be an issue for those of you looking to mine it, but it's always worth keeping in mind.
If you're getting deep into Sunbreak and need a little more help, we've got plenty more helpful Mosnter Hunter Rise Sunbreak guides, including resource guides for collecting Purecrystal and Allfire Stone, all Male and Female Master Rank Armor, and all of the new Subcamp and Buddy Recon locations.