Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Gems Guide: Best Gems, how to perform Gem Crafting, and where to Find Materials
Gem Crafting returns in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - and this time, it's thankfully been streamlined to be a little less convoluted than in the original game in the Xenoblade series. With that said, it's still a quite deep system, which naturally raises questions about the Best Gems and where to get all of the materials needed to craft them.
Gems are first introduced early on in Chapter 2 of Xenoblade 3. You'll be introduced to this function in the required quest "Riku and Manana" - though if you want help with other quests, be sure to check out our complete Xenoblade 3 Quests Guide! Once the Gem system is unlocked, you'll then be left to get to grips with it and discover the best gems for yourself. We've got some help for you, however:
- How Gem Crafting Works
- Best Gems to use
- Gem List - All Gems in Xenoblade 3
- Rank X Gems and Material Locations to craft them
How Gem Crafting Works in Xenoblade 3

If you're a Xenoblade veteran, there's some good news - Gems and Gem Crafting is simpler this time around. There's no Affinity requirement, or heat gauge, or RNG in gem crafting, unlike in the original Xenoblade. Instead, all you need are some monster item drops, a gemstone, and some Ether Cylinders. With these, you can craft gems at any campsite in the game.
One of the best parts about gem crafting in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is that you do not need to make separate gems for each character. Once you craft a gem, any character in your party can equip it, and multiple characters can equip the gem at the same time. Once you craft a gem, you basically can equip as many as you need to whoever you want. That means you only need to craft each gem once, even if you're a completionist.
There are 20 total types of gems, with ten ranks in each. The ranking is basically an indicator of a gem's quality, which means that a higher-rank gem will always supersede a lower-rank one.
For example, if you craft a Tailwind III gem, you do not need to craft Tailwind II, because there is no reason to - it will be worse than what you have. For this reason, sometimes it may be best to skip a few ranks when crafting. If you can craft a Tailwind X gem, there's no reason to waste components making a Tailwind VII, VIII, and IX gem, right? You'd just be wasting materials.
That about covers it - we told you it had been simplified! Collect materials, craft gems at a camp site, and equip them. Simple! No more RNG. Bless. Now the only question becomes... which gems are best?
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Best Gems

You might be wondering which gems are the best to make for your party. To be honest, there is no clear and obvious set of the best gems in Xenoblade 3, as every gem has its benefits. You can only equip (up to) three gems at a time though, so you want to make sure you pick gems that are useful for the current class of the character you are placing them on - as with most things in Xenoblade 3, character classes and party composition should drive much of your decision-making.
When you look at the Gem chart in the game, you'll notice the gems are sorted into four columns, with each column exhibiting a different color. The blue gems in the first column are Defender-oriented gems, then red gems for Attackers, then green gems for Healers, then orange gems which are more general purpose and useful for the player-controlled character.
Whenever you change a character's class, including when you unlock a new class by recruiting heroes, it's best practice to change the gems they have equipped. If you want to do this the easy way, you can simply perform the Auto-Build option by pressing the Y button on the class screen. The game will automatically place appropriate gems on that character for their current class. Defenders will be mostly loaded with Defender gems, and so on.
As for which gems are generally best, we do have a few broad suggestions of the best gems in the game:
- Steady Striker and Doublestrike are always good gems to consider, because they increase the rate of your auto-attacks, which in turn in speed up the rate at which your diamond-based arts will be available.
- Analyze Weakness is good for Attacker classes, especially the Incursor, due to its high critical hit rate.
- Steel Protection is good for block-based Defenders like Guardian Commander.
- Tailwind is good for dodge-based Defenders like Zephyr.
With that said, the choice is and should be ultimately yours - pick gems that you think are going to work for your play style! We list all gem types in the list below, so check out what they do and see for yourself which gems you think you'd like on your party.
All Gems in Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Complete List

As explained above, there's a handful of different gem categories in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, each of which is home to five different types of gem. Within that, each type of Gen has ten different ranks, written in roman numerals, representing their power level.
We listed some suggestions for our favorites above, but in the interest of posterity, here's every gem in Xenoblade 3. The minimum and maximum values listed reveal the range of the ability, where minimum is the Rank I gem, and the maximum is the Rank X gem version:
Defender Gems (Blue)
- Tailwind: Raises Agility stat by 10 (minimum) and 35 (max)
- Steel Protection: Raises Block Rate by 5 (min) and 30 (max)
- Ultimate Counter: Deal back a percentage of the Attack damage when you take damage - between 80% (min) and 280% (max)
- Brimming Spirit: Raises the aggro generated by using arts by 20% (min) and 45% (max)
- Perilous Presence: The character it's equipped to begins battle with enemy aggro / attention
Attacker Gems (Red)
- Steelcleaver: Boosts your attack stat by 20 (min) to 70 (max)
- Accurate Grace: Boosts the Dexterity stat by 20 (min) to 45 (max)
- Analyze Weakness: Raises the critical hit damage bonus by between 20% (min) and 70% (max)
- Swelling Scourge: Raises the power of Debuffs cast on enemies by 25% (min) to 50% (max)
- Refined Incantation: Extends the duration that your debuffs last for by 25% (min) to 50% (max)
Healer Gems (Green)
- Lifebearer: Increases a character's Healing Power by between 20 (min) and 45 (max)
- Soothing Breath: The equipping character has between +5 and +15 to their healing stat, and revives incapacitated allies with between 20% (min) and 45% (max) more HP
- Lifesaving Expertise: Boosts the Healing stat of the eqiupping character by 5 to 15, and increases the speed at which they revive allies by between 20% (min) and 45% (max)
- Swelling Blessing: Raises the power of buffs cast by the equipping character by 25% (min) to 50% (max)
- Refined Blessing: Extends the duration of buffs cast by the equipping character by between 25% (min) and 50% (max)
General Gems (Orange) - Best for the Player-Controlled Character
- Ironclad: Boosts maximum HP by 100 (min) to 1500 (max)
- Steady Striker: Lowers the interval between auto attacks by 15% (min) to 40% (max)
- Doublestrike: Adds a chance for each auto attack to hit twice ranging between 15% (min) and 40% (max)
- Empowered Combo: Raises the damage boost when canceling by 25% (min) to 75% (max)
- Disperse Bloodlust: Reduces the aggro generated when using arts by between 20% (min) and 45% (max)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Rank X Gem Material Locations

Thanks to the ranking system, we clearly know which the most powerful gems in Xenoblade 3 are - the Rank X Gems. These are the top rank of each type of Gem, meaning they're the most powerful in each gem category. Once you're in the late game, you'll likely be aiming to craft these - and if you're a completionist like me, you may want to get every Rank X gem in the game.
Crafting Rank X Gems isn't easy, however. Each Rank X gem requires many rare monster drops, and the farming alone can take dozens of hours - though you can shorten the process somewhat by following this guide. Below is a list of all the monster drop items requires for each Rank X gem in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
For a little bit of bookkeeping on the list below, each Rank X gem also requires 5 Ultra Pure Gemstones and 3 Ether Cylinders. Also note: the first three monster drops listed for each gem are of the Purple rarity, the 4th item is of Yellow rarity, and the 5th item is of Common rarity. Also, each monster drop requires 30 items each. These are simply excluded from the list below for readability.
- Ultra Pure Gemstones can be found in late-game containers, supply drops and high-level Unique Monsters. Since Unique Monsters can drop them even when rematched, you can always get more of these items if needed.
- Ether Cylinders are picked up at Ether spots throughout the world, as well as in Supply Drops. By the end of the game, various Nopon traders will start selling these. If you are thorough in your exploration, you'll never have to worry about running out of these.
Many items are best obtained by Unique Monsters, and guess what, we have a Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Unique Monsters guide for that!
Tailwind X Gem
Increases Agility by 35.
- Shining Ellook Antler - Galloping Ghuldan (Unique) near Lost Colony
- Golden Brog Oil - Begest Brogs in lower Maktha Wildwood
- Pale Skeeter Wing - Morsula Skeeters near Colony 0 in Upper Aetia
- Antol Leg Chitin - Master Antols near Place of Heroes Past landmark in Cadensia
- Fine Ageshu Wing - Etrekt Ageshus in lower Maktha Wildwood
Steel Protection X Gem
Increases Block Rate by 30 percentage points.
- Flak Scrap Iron - Kurria Flaks west of Supply Storage #2 in Origin
- Armored Plambus Wing - Kassis Plumbus on SE Daedal Idle
- Krabble Shield Pincer - Househunter Carly (Unique) - In Alfeto Valley Cave near Forward Post Camp in Aetia Region
- Metal Vokooku Shard - Vokooku enemies north of Amplifier Control Room in Origin
- Auxilia Exo Armor - Auxilias in the the Syra Hovering Reefs area near the entrance to Keves Castle
Ultimate Counter X Gem
Deals 280% of Attack damage when you take damage.
- Ageshu Needleclaw - Etrekt Ageshus in lower Maktha Wildwood
- Steel Urchin Scale - Barbed Meron (Unique) in Erythia Sea
- Armored Scorpox Pincer - Randakk Scorpox near Ecto Hollow landmark in Fornis
- Antol Jaws - Master Antols near Place of Heroes Past landmark in Cadensia
- Flak Scrap Iron - Kurria Flaks west of Supply Storage #2 in Origin
Brimming Spirit X Gem
Boosts aggro generated when using Art by 45%.
- Geometric Myoot Gear - Eruno Myoots near Defiled Ishtar Named Grave in Origin
- Rainbow Crustip Shell - Pidor Crustips in Lower Wildwood Cave
- Sweet Kapiba Lard - Craven Piggard (Unique) on the floating reef islands and nearby Meroko Kapibas
- Merigna Amulet - Whirlpool Triumvirate (Unique) in SE Erythia Sea
- Arachno Queen Egg - Gracious Titania (Unique) in Early Pentelas Region
Perilous Presence X Gem
Start each battle with aggro.
- Elegant Ravoon Horn - This is one of the more annoying monster drops to get. Your only real option is to fight the sparse Ravoon enemies in Erythia Sea
- Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone - Arpat Anloods in The Cavity
- Ottil's Treasured Bivalve - Frolicking Parker (Unique) in the Great Cotte Falls area in Pentelas
- Explosive Plambus Powder - Kassis Plumbus on SE Daedal Isle
- Shoox Earplate - Near Barbed Merrod Named Grave in Erythia Sea
Steelcleaver X Gem
Increases Attack by 70.
- Royal Ardun Horn - Can only be obtained by Kilocorn Grandeps (Unique) in the Rae-Bel Tableland area in Fornis Region
- Great Feris Horn Pair - Caekum Feris in Elaice Highway Area of Fornis
- Zapneedle Marrin Carapace - This one is also a bit annoying to get. Eclipse Marrin can be found on the far east end of Dannagh Desert
- Thick Rhinon Tail - These enemies are somewhat rare. Elaice Highway Area of Fornis has a few. Some are ridden by Igna
- Ulula Metal Fist - Bushwhacker Farritt (Unique) in Pentelas
Accurate Grace X Gem
Increases Dexterity by 45.
- Ulula Metal Fist - Bushwhacker Farritt (Unique) in Pentelas
- Piercing Rhogul Quill - Shika Rhoguls in The Cavity
- Soft-Shelled Aligo Egg - Aknis Aligos near Cascade Crossroads landmark in Cadensia
- Armored Plambus Wing - Kassis Plumbus on SE Daedal Isle
- Centuris Leg - Storage Area in Keves Castle 1F
Analyze Weakness X Gem
Increased critical hit damage bonus by 70 percentage points.
- Drague Everflame - Yolmun Drague in Lower Wildwood
- Sharp Hox Horn - Alderra Hox on the south west side of Lavi Sandbar Isle in Erythia Sea
- Arachno Pincer - General Arachno in lower Maktha Wildwood at the entrance of Cave of Oblivion
- Ageshu Needleclaw - Etrekt Ageshus in lower Maktha Wildwood
- Gastrates Gun Turret - SE island off Lavi Sandbar
Swelling Scourge X Gem
Boosts power of debuffs applied to enemies by 50%
- Obsidian Kananus Mane - Eruno Kananus in the very last stretch of Origin
- Caterpile Antenna - Rotten Caterpile on the North side of Daedal Isle
- Grebel Carapace - Shenk Grebels in lower Maktha Wildwood near the entrance of Cave of Oblivion
- Rare Urchon Egg - Barbed Merrod (Unique) in Cadensia and nearby him
- Springy Medooz Bell - Phantasmagorical Rist (Unique) in Pentelas
Refined Incantation X Gem
Extends duration timers of debuffs applied to enemies by 50%,
- Enpedia Headpiece - Enpedia enemies in the last stretch of Origin, in the Defense Towers
- Merfrey Skull - Killhappy Brijaidor (Unique) in Cadensia
- Aspar Secretion - Jealous Mizraile (Unique) in Cadensia
- Electrified Vvarga Skull - Vvarga enemies are only found in the Fuschian Fields Secret Area of Aetia that opens at the end of the game
- Droid Tube - Humanoid enemies in Origin
Lifebearer X Gem
Increases Healing by 45.
- Silver Ravoon Bone - This is one of the more annoying monster drops to get. Your only real option is to fight the sparse Ravoon enemies in Erythia Sea
- Large Flamii Egg - Biban Flammi in SE Cadensia near Cascade Crossroads landmark
- Imperial Taos Egg - Zenze Taos in Cavity or Shelp Taos on Daedal Isle
- Moglum Lamp - Broon Moglum in SE Cadensia near Cascade Crossroads landmark
- Quadwing's Indulgence - Quadwings in Elaice Highway area of Fornis
Soothing Breath X Gem
When helping an incapacitated ally, revives them with 45% more HP; also raises Healing by 15.
- Gastrates Ether Furnace - SE island off Lavi Sandbar
- Marbled Quarmu Meat - In the rocky area of S Erythia Sea. There are Lubon Quarmu and Mammon Quarmu
- Sweet Pagul Body - Littlefort Morley (Unique) in S Erythia Sea
- Obsidian Kananus Mane - Eruno Kananus in the very last stretch of Origin
- Rich Quarmu Sea Milk - In the rocky area of S Erythia Sea. There are Lubon Quarmu and Mammon Quarmu
Lifesaving Expertise X Gem
Boosts speed of ally revival by 45% and raises Healing by 15.
- Blessed Pippito Light - I had best luck with Felusi Pippito in Elgares Depths, near the western climb icon
- Wisp Nectar - Crafty Anksey (Unique) in NE Elaice Highway in Fornis Region
- Krammit Viscera - Hardshelled Admory (Unique) in Cadensia, near Fourth Pillar Remnant
- Prized Merigna Salt - Whirlpool Triumvirate (Unique) in SE Erythia Sea
- Steel Urchon Scale - Barbed Merrod (Unique) in Cadensia and nearby him
Swelling Blessing X Gem
Boosts power of buff effects issued by self by 50%.
- Rainbow Darbus Crystal - Warriod Darbus on Daedal Isle
- Mild Camill Powder - Sodorio Camill near Predator's Paw Landmark in Cadensia.
- Flier Pollen - Morsula Flier in Side Story: Taion area in Cadenisa, near Lost Colony
- Ornate Moglum Coral - Moglum in SE Cadensia near Cascade Crossroads landmark
- Glistening Krodlax Scale - Near Vinisog Holm Camp in Cadensia
Refined Blessing X Gem
Extends duration of buff effects issued by self by 50%,
- Fine Ageshu Wing - Etrekt Ageshus in lower Maktha Wildwood
- Volffskin - Jarack Volffs in Upper Aetia
- Thick Moramora Fin - Morbile Moramora in Elgares Depths
- Vokooku Backbone - Vokooku enemies north of Amplifier Control Room in Origin
- Agnian Dog Tag - If you don't have 30 of these by post-game, what are you even doing
Ironclad X Gem
Increases maximum HP by 1500.
- Horrish Amplifier - Any Horrish enemy in Origin
- Bunnit Meat - Grapple Bunnits in Elgares Depths in Aetia
- Ful-Bodied Ardun Meat - Rampaging Ardun east of Mulus Depot in Cadensia
- White Rhana Liver - Begest Rhana in Lower Maktha Wildwood
- Enpedia Headpiece - Enpedia enemies in the last stretch of Origin, in the Defense Towers
Steady Striker X Gem
Shortens auto-attack interval by 40%.
- Evil Drague Eye - Yolmun Drague in Lower Wildwood
- Medooz Tentacle - Phantasmagorical Rist (Unique) in Pentelas
- Kananus Razor Horn - Eruno Kananus in the very last stretch of Origin
- Vvarga Razor Horn - Vvarga enemies are only found in the Fuschian Fields Secret Area of Aetia that opens at the end of the game
- Myoot Beak - Eruno Myoots near Defiled Ishtar Named Grave in Origin
Doublestrike X Gem
Adds 40% chance to strike twice per auto-attack.
- Vollgull Stormwind Wing - Rafale Vollgulls west of Mulus Depot in Cadensia
- Taos Wingtip - Zenze Taos in Cavity or Shelp Taos on Daedal Isle
- Ekidno Jawbone - Blazing Karlos (Unique) in very south west of Syra Hovering Reefs
- Rainbow Darbus Crystal - Warriod Darbus on Daedal Isle or Bigges Darbus in Ribbi Flats in Fornis
- Circular Speculatos Blade - The Black Triad (Unique) on Keves 3F
Empowered Combo X Gem
When canceling, boosts damage dealt by 75%.
- Mineral Darbus Bone - Warriod Darbus on Daedal Isle
- Eluca Silk - Widdershins Radler (Unique) in Cadensia
- Ropl Rock Fragment - Cave near Lost Colony in Cadensia
- Kananus Razor Horn - Eruno Kananus in the very last stretch of Origin
- Lightweight Velites Base - Near Mobile Vespa named grave in Keves Castle 1F
Disperse Bloodlust X Gem
Reduces aggro generated when using Art by 45%.
- Vollgull Mask - Rafale Vollgulls west of Mulus Depot in Cadensia
- Fleshy Blant Petal - Jurass Blant in Lower Maktha Wildwood Cave
- Antol Queen Compound Eye - Spiky Aurelia (Unique) on Corne Isle in Cadensia
- Antol Queen Shell - Spiky Aurelia (Unique) on Corne Isle in Cadensia
- Ories Horns - Karorii Ories in Upper Aetia