Soul Hackers 2 Quests Guide: A list of all requests and how to complete them
Soul Hackers 2 has a series of sidequests just like most RPGs, but they are overall pretty simple and straightforward. For the most part, you'll pick up these quests from a list at Club Cretaceous in Karakucho, which you'll be introduced to within the game's opening hour. Outside of the requests given here, there are just a handful of quests that are found elsewhere, like in the game's dungeon areas.
As you progress through Soul Hackers 2, the game will explicitly tell you when new quests are available at Club Cretaceous, so you do not need to check back blindly. Also, oftentimes certain quests will require earlier quests to have been done first, so it's best to simply knock quests out as soon as possible.
It's worth mentioning that there are three quests that we believe are missable if you do not complete them before a certain cutoff point in the game. These three quests are the ones given by Flamma, and the cutoff point for these quests is after defeating the boss at the West Shipping District:
- Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Story of Your Love
- Hopes, Dreams, and Aion
We'll place another warning later in the guide about this cutoff point, to make sure it's clear when these quests should be done by.
Without further ado, find RPG Site's Soul Hackers 2 Quest Guide below. Let us know in the comments if you see any omissions or mistakes!

Soul Hackers 2 Quests - List of All Side Quests
Just Before getting Saizo
Merch Search
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Yume
- Level: 6
- Reward: New Items at De La Mancha [Portable First Aid Kit, Chakra Syrup; both limited]
- Objective: Fight Onmoraki in the first section of East Shipping District (weak to ice), then return to Yume at De La Mancha.
Lady on the Mind
- Obtained: Cretaceous
- Client: Teruya in Karakucho (just outside of Madam Ginko's)
- Level: 5
- Reward: 3,000 yen
- Objective: Talk with Chris east of the entrance of East Shipping District, then return to Teruya.
A New Hee-Home: Part 1
- Obtained: Jack Frost in East Shipping District [Repeatable]
- Client: Frost Ichiro
- Level: 4
- Reward: Lourdes Water
- Objective: Defeat 5 Tsuchigumos (more common in 2nd and 3rd areas of the East Shipping District). Then return to the Jack Frost.
After entering Soul Matrix for the first time
A Necklace, A Movie, and Me
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Mannequin at Zafiro
- Level: 5
- Reward: New items at Zafiro [Stud Gloves for Arrow, Herringbone Hat for Saizo; 25,000 yen each]
- Objective: Talk to Mannequin and he asks you to find a woman wearing Eliza's necklace in Mansei Realm. He also gives you 5,000 yen. In Mansei Realm, talk to the blond woman in a red coat near Yang Yang Palace. Say "It's a request from Mannequin...". Then return to Mannequin.
Vengeance Claimed
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Saki in Shinsando
- Level: 8
- Reward: 5,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Saki, who'll have you go after a Dark Summoner named Rock in East Shipping District. He's in the third section. Beat him, then return to Saki.
Curiosity Shopper
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Wyatt in Mansei Realm
- Level: 5
- Reward: 10,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Wyatt. He wants a Brightsoul, which is found in the Soul Matrix - near the end of Arrow's 1F.
Phantom of the Night
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous after "Vengeance Claimed"
- Client: Masayoshi in Shinsando
- Level: 9
- Reward: Gas Mask accessory. The Mad Gasser enemy in this quest can also drop a Totem Memory.
- Objective: Talk with Masayoshi. Then talk with the woman in red down on the lower part of the screen. She'll mention the Phantom of Miasma and that you need to head to Karakucho. Talk to the woman near the Breaking Mart. This unlocks the last section of the East Shipping District. You'll find Mad Gasser here right away [Weak: Ice]. Return to Masayoshi.
Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Obtained: After clearing Arrow 1F
- Client: Flamma in Axis
- Level: 5
- Reward: Tree of Life Leaf accessory, new Hangout Event
- Objective: Head to Bar Heidrun in Shinsando and speak with the male NPC wearing a black coat. He'll point you in the direction of Mansei Realm, so go there. Talk to the hooded NPC and pick either option to get his COMP. Return to Flamma. Choices don't seem to matter, but saying "I think so." seems to make Flamma happier.
After meeting Victor in Goumaden
Money Makes the World Go Round
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Lina in Yang Yang Palace in Mansei Realm
- Level: 10
- Reward: Revival Bead x2
- Objective: Talk to Lina, then deliver Red Full-Body Tights to the Central Line - Middle Area. It's in the area you unlock after you get the bloody key.
The Gunsmith
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Tara at COMP Smith in Mansei Realm
- Level: 14
- Reward: More upgrades at COMP Smith [Surveillance Scan I]
- Objective: Talk to Tara, then defeat 3 Qing Longs with a fire-based attack (can be found in Soul Matrix - Milady 1F)
Mock the Invisible World
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Victor at Goumaden in Roppo Realm
- Level: 17
- Reward: 50,000 yen, Compendium summoning costs cut by 5%
- Objective: Obtain a Koppa Tengu and give it to Victor (can be recruited in Soul Matrix 2F or Central Line dungeon)
Academics Wanted
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Kyuta in Roppo Realm
- Level: 14
- Reward: 6,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to the NPC in a suit at Roppo Realm. It's a quiz game.
- What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated? - Australia
- What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur's name? - Dweller beneath the butterbur
- Which demon is also known by the title "count of death and destruction?" - Halphas
A New Hee-Home: Part 2
- Obtained: Jack Frost at front of Abandoned Central Line [Repeatable]; Seems to appear after beating Bugs boss partway through the dungeon
- Client: Frost Jiro
- Level: 11
- Reward: Life Stone x2
- Objective: Beat up 5 Zhu Tun She
The Wolf Who Cried Wolf
- Obtained: From Makami after the second locked door in Central Line
- Client: Makami
- Level: 19
- Reward: 8,000 yen
- Objective: Head to the upper floor and enter the lone room in the center. Fight 3x Loa [Weak: Force]
After Meeting Raven
An Earring, A Memory, and Me
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Mannequin at Zafiro
- Level: 15
- Reward: New items at Zafiro [Faux Flower Clip for Ringo, Wasp Charm for Milady]
- Objective: Talk to Mannequin, who wants you to find Eliza's Earring. Head to Roppo Realm and speak with an NPC on the right side. You can negotiate once to bring the price down to 9000 yen, but don't try going lower than that, else he'll raise the price.
Accursed Creator
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Victor at Goumaden
- Level: 24
- Reward: 60,000 yen, Compendium Summoning costs cut by 5%
- Objective: Bring Victor a Turbo Granny (can be recruited in Soul Matrix 2F or Subway Line dungeon)
Many Birds, One Stone
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous after "Vengeance Claimed"
- Client: Saki in Shinsando
- Level: 16
- Reward: 25,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Saki, then you need to defeat Zhen in the East Shipping District. Just head through the dungeon again and defeat the Zhen along the way. [Weak: Gun]
Close My Eyes and Think of You
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Sakuro in Central Line
- Level: 18
- Reward: Chakra Drop
- Objective: Head to the NE room and talk to Sakuro. He'll let you into the Lower Area of the Central Line dungeon. You'll find the wristwatch in a Demon Recon along the mostly linear path. Give it back to the Sakuro in the NE room.
That Which Lurks in the Shadow
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous [New Game+ Only]
- Level: 70
- Reward: Original Flame
- Objective: Go to the Lower Area of Subway Line 14. It's in the north-most room of the open-close door puzzle area. [Weak: Very dodgy. Weak to Phys. Simply use Tetrakarn]
Mistiqal Maiden
- Obtained: Mysterious Girl in Roppo Realm
- Client: ???
- Level: 15
- Reward: Mistiques tradable
- Objective: This is a tutorial quest. Give the girl any Mistique and she'll turn it into Mistiquartz, which can be used to buy other Mistiques.
After defeating Ash in Subway 14
Girl's Night Out
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Phantom of the Night")
- Client: Masayoshi in Shinsando
- Level: 20
- Reward: Mirror Pendant
- Objective: Talk with Masayoshi in Shinsando, then head to the Ramen Stall and Breaking Mart in Karakucho to pay them money for the theft. Then return to Masayoshi. Then head to Central Line. Head to the far SE room in the upper area, and pick either dialogue choice.
Raiders of the Lost Gift
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Merch Search")
- Client: Yume at De La Mancha
- Level: 26
- Reward: De La Mancha's prices drop
- Objective: Head to Subway Line 14 to look for the stolen item. Fight Lilim in the north room in Upper Area. [Weak: Ice]
A Christmas Memory
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Ako in Shinsando
- Level: 20
- Reward: Heart Anklet
- Objective: Speak with Ako in Shinsando, then speak with Arrow at Bar Heidrun, then return to Ako.
The Little Sister
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Mei in Karakucho
- Level: 20
- Reward: 12,000 yen
- Objective: Speak with Mei across from Breaking Mart. She points you to the Central Line. Head to the center room in the lower area, then return to Mei.
After heading out to Ozaki Towers
A Brooch, A Fresh Start, and Me
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Mannequin at Zafiro
- Level: 30
- Reward: Zafiro's prices drop
- Objective: Talk to Mannequin, and he tells you to go to a place with a lot of people. You have to do the quest "Glory Days" to complete this quest.
Glory Days
- Obtained: Talk to an NPC by the pizza shop in Karakucho, and point him tie Madam Ginko's
- Client: Ed
- Level: 30
- Reward: 30,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Ed again near the Pizza shop. He wants you to find Eliza's Brooch at Ozaki Towers. It's found in a room on the 4th floor. Return to Ed. Make sure to talk to him again after getting the reward so you can also finish "A Brooch, A Fresh Start, and Me".
Master and Apprentice
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Tatara at COMP Smith.
- Level: 34
- Reward: More upgrades at COMP Smith
- Objective: Talk to Tatara, who wants you to kill 3 Quetzacoatl with gunfire. I found them at Soul Matrix - Milady 3F.
Deepest Mysteries of Creation
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Victor at Goumaden
- Level: 31
- Reward: 90,000 yen, Compendium costs cut by 5%
- Objective: Give him an Apsaras. Can be recruited in Soul Matrix 3F or Ozaki Hope Towers.
That Which Thirsts for Blood
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous [New Game+ Only; requires "That Which Lurks in the Shadow"]
- Client: Madam Ginko
- Level: 80
- Reward: Original Flame
- Objective: Defeat 2x Dakini at Ozaki Hope Towers. Found at B3F in the NE Room. [Weak: Ice; Block: Fire]
A New Hee-Home: Part 3
- Obtained: Jack Frost at front of Subway 14 [Repeatable]
- Client: Frost Saburo
- Level: 22
- Reward: Front Epitaph x2
- Objective: Beat up 5 Shiisaas
Story of Your Love
- Obtained: Flamma in Axis (requires "Lady on the Mind")
- Client: Flamma
- Level: 25
- Reward: Mark of Cain
- Objective: Talk to the NPC near Cretaceous, who is Teruya's friend. Then talk to Chris on the first screen of the Shipping District. She points you to Subway Line 14. Find Teruya in the first room. Then head to Club Cretaceous and talk to Teruya. Then head back to Flamma.
After defeating Ash in Ozaki Tower
All's Fair in Love and Commerce
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Money Makes the World Go Round")
- Client: Lina in Yang Yang Palace
- Level: 30
- Reward: Yang Yang Palace prices drop
- Objective: Lina will give you a "Sword of Holy Light" and "Blade of Ruin". These are delivered in Subway 14, one in Upper Area (left room), one in Lower Area (middle room second from the top).
Mad Dog
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Many Birds, One Stone")
- Client: Saki in Shinsando
- Level: 35
- Reward: 50,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Saki in Shinsando. Then talk to Wyatt in Mansei Realm. He'll lead you to the upper area of Central Line. You fight Rose in the North room here.
- Incubus [Weak: Fire, Force; Block: Phys], Yomi Apsaras [Weak: Fir ; Reflect: Ice], Rose [Weak: Ice ; Block: Force, Ruin], Quetzacoatl [Weak: Force] , Nezha Taizi [Weak: Ice]
- Choices don't seem to matter
Academics Wanted (Again)
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Academics Wanted")
- Client: Kyuta in Roppo Realm
- Level: 38
- Reward: 24,000
- Objective: Another Quiz
- What is the name of the demon said to seduce men and born from demon Lilith? - Lilim
- Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Whom did he fight? - Sun Wukong
- The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she known to drain from her victims? - Brains
- What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with? - Drink and Theater
After Ozaki Tower events
Hopes, Dreams, and Aion
- Obtained: Flamma in Axis
- Client: Flamma
- Level: 46
- Reward: Babel Shard. You can also find a Totem Memory in Tower C that's unlocked as part of this quest.
- Objective: Head to Tower C of Ozaki Hope Towers. Head through the floor and fight Pazuzu [Weak: Ice ; Absorb: Force]. Then talk to the NPC in Mansei Realm in front of the COMP Smith. Then return to Flamma.
Farewell, My Love
- Obtained: Mermaid in Ozaki Hope Tower C
- Client: Mermaid
- Level: 38
- Reward: 80,000 yen
- Objective: Speak with an NPC in Shinsando. Then Hans in Mansei Realm. Then return to Mermaid.
After Discussing with Arrow in the Safehouse
Night of the Living Snowman
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Girl's Night Out")
- Client: Masayoshi in Shinsando
- Level: 46
- Reward: 70,000
- Objective: Talk to Masayoshi, who will point you in the direction of Karakucho. Talk to the NPC in front of Breaking Mart, and the NPC at the end of the area. Head to Mansei Realm and talk to the NPC in the suit. He'll point you in the direction of Ozaki Tower B. Black Frost is found in the NE room of 4F. [Weak: Fire, Ruin ; Reflect: Ice]. Succubus [Absorb: Ice]. Return to Masayoshi.
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Victor in Goumaden
- Level: 45
- Reward: 140,000 yen, Compendium summoning costs cut by 5%
- Objective: Give Victor a Rakshasa. Can be recruited in Soul Matrix - Milady 4F and Arrow Special Sector
The Heartbreaker
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Ash in Roppo Realm
- Level: 35
- Reward: ??? (Skull Ring)
- Objective: Talk to Ash in Roppo Realm. Then do the hangout event with Saizo.
A New Hee-Home: Part 4
- Obtained: Jack Frost at Ozami Towers lobby
- Client: Frost Shiro
- Level: 36
- Reward: Frost Glyph x2
- Objective: Beat up 5 Orobas
After West Shipping District Opens
Priceless Treasure
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Raiders of the Lost Gift")
- Client: Yume at De La Mancha
- Level: 46
- Reward: New items at De La Mancha
- Objective: Speak with Yume, who will point you towards Ozaki Tower B. You'll find Mirai on B2F, but he's looking for his treasure. You'll find an Orthrus in the SE room on B2F. Beat him [Weak: Ice]. Return to Mirai on B2F. Then back to Yume at De La Mancha.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Tatara at Comp Smith
- Level: 49
- Reward: Less materials needed at COMP Smith
- Objective: Talk to Tatara at COMP. When she leaves to the back room, look around and read the crumpled piece of paper. You learn you need to defeat 3 Vritra with an Almighty attack. They are found in West Shipping District.
Fatal Countdown
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Akito in Karakucho
- Level: 40
- Reward: 100,000 yen
- Objective: Meet Akito near the vending machine in Karakucho. Then head to the Ozaki Towers.
- At the towers, you meet Akito's dad Natsuhiko in the lobby. He places 3 time bombs in the area. Ringo will Demon Recon to find the bombs.
- One in the SW room of A1F
- One in the N room of A1F
- One on the east side of B1F
- Return to Natsuhiko. Then Akito.
The Wolf Who Cried Wolf Again
- Obtained: Makami in West Shipping District ("The Wolf Who Cried Wolf" required)
- Client: Makami
- Level: 46
- Reward: 75,000
- Objective: He points you to the Upper Area of Central Line. In the center room up here, you'll fight Fenrir. [Weak: Ruin; Absorb: Fire]
As noted at the top of this guide, make sure you have finished all quests for Flamma before taking on the boss at West Shipping District.
As an aside - although it does not directly pertain to specifically to quests - this is also the last chance you have for Figue to make new meal recipes at the Safehouse. So if you are a completionist, make sure you've eaten every type of meal before this cutoff point.
After getting access to the 34th Ward Municipal Building
A Woman of Many Faces
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "All's Fair in Love and Commerce")
- Client: Lina in Yang Yang Palace
- Level: 50
- Reward: New items at Yang Yang Palace
- Objective: Talk to Lina, who will direct you to pick up an order on the 2nd floor (Sea Area 2F) of Municipal Tower, then deliver it to Karakucho across from the ramen stall. Then return to Lina.
A Wintry Friend
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Ichika at Komadori Orphanage
- Level: 45
- Reward: ??? (Acorn Earring)
- Objective: Talk to Ichika at the orphanage, which will unlock a hangout event with Milady. After that, return to the orphanage and Ichika.
Requiem for a G
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: R.S. in West Shipping District
- Level: 58
- Reward: ??? (Twisted Gold Chain)
- Objective: Head to the West Shipping District and talk to an NPC near the end. He'll summon "Frenzied Demons". Head backwards through the dungeon and fight the demon marked by the quest icons.
Vanity, Calamity, Humanity
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Makiko in Karakucho
- Level: 50
- Reward: 200,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Makiko, who wants you to look for a Research Notebook in the Municipal Tower. You can get to this through the Decarabia puzzle. From the Decarabia demon who is initially "lost" (the 5th one you meet), have the flow go upward.
Academics Wanted (Yes, Again)
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires "Academics Wanted (Again)"
- Client: Kyuta in Roppo Realm
- Level: 59
- Reward: 180,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Kyuta for another quiz
- Divine Power is a ranked title for angels. What is their original Greek name? - Exousiai
- Which of these demons is known to have a great knowledge of both birds and jewelry? - Decabaria
- Which evil dragon is famous for being slain by the Scandinavian hero, Siegfried? - Fafnir
- Concerning the vampire Kudlak and the emissary of light, Kresnik. What color are their animal forms when they do battle? - Black and white
- What is the name of the place of judgement where the Egyptian god Anubis weighs the hearts of the dead? - The Court of Osiris
After beating Azazel in Sea Area
Dark Knight Rises
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (requires 'Night of the Living Snowman')
- Client: Masayoshi in Shinsando
- Level: 58
- Reward: Messenger's Robe
- Objective: Talk to Masayoshi in Shinsando, who wants you to investigate a cult by talking to NPCs.
- One near map in Shinsando
- The NPC near Breaking Mart will mention the cult (may not be needed)
- NPC near ramen cart in Karakucho
- You then get a message to talk to an occult journalist. Talk to Mei & Ren across from Breaking Mart. They'll point you in the direction of Municipal Tower. In the tower, you want to talk to the east Decarabia and take the upper flow, then follow the one-way path to a room. After the fight, return to Masayoshi.
- Dominion [Weak: Phys, Ruin], Throne [Weak: Gun ; Repel: Fire, Ice, Elec,]
That Which Lies Ahead
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous [New Game+ Only; requires "That Which Thirsts For Blood"]
- Client: Madam Ginko
- Level: 90
- Reward: Original Flame
- Objective: Defeat Seth in Sea Area 4F. [Weak: Ice ; Block: Elec ; Repel: Gun], Succubus weak to Elec.
A New Hee-Home: Part 5
- Obtained: Jack Frost at the entrance of Municipal Tower [Repeatable]
- Client: Frost Goro
- Level: 50
- Reward: Amrita drop
- Objective: Defeat 5 Baihu
Soul Hackers 2 - DLC Quests
Rumors of a Summoner
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous
- Client: Galahad in Shinsando
- Level: 10
- Reward: 20,000 yen
- Objective: Talk to Galahad in Shinsando. Then talk to the girl near the Sushi sign in Karakucho. You'll fight One-Legged Demon. You'll get an Empty Wallet. You'll find the girl with backpack - Nana - in Shinsando. After a short scene, return to Galahad and you'll finish this request.
Problem Child
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Rumors of a Summoner")
- Client: Brodie in East Shipping District
- Level: 28
- Reward: Sealed Scripture x2
- Objective: Talk with Brodie at the beginning of East Shipping District. Then head to the deepest part of the north end to fight Nana [Weak: Elec]. After the battle and another short scene, return to Brodie in East Shipping District to finish.
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Problem Child")
- Client: ?? (Nana)
- Level: 39
- Reward: Chakra Drop x3
- Objective: Head to Central Line - Middle Area - Northwest Path to get to Mangetsu's Hideout. Battle Giant-Headed Demon [Weak: Ice ; Absorb: Elec] after another scene, you'll finish the quest.
A Girl's Resolve
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Unforgettable")
- Client: Nana in Roppo Realm
- Level: 49
- Reward: Ma Incense Shard, Chakra Drop x2
- Objective: Talk to Nana at Goumaden. After the scene, head to Subway Line 14 - Lower Area - NE Room. Fight Lost Woman [Weak: Gun, Phys]. Then head to the west-most room on the floor.
- Fight Lost Knight [Weak: Ruin? ; Absorb: Gun, Force]. You'll finish the quest.
Last Stop
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "A Girl's Resolve")
- Client: Nana in Karakucho
- Level: 55
- Reward: Original Flame, Abyssal Grimoire
- Objective: Head to the new dungeon Hachigaya Training Field. Make your way down to B7F, fight the boss, and then return.
Nana's Lonely Resolve
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Last Stop")
- Client: Madam Ginko in Karakucho
- Level: 64
- Reward: Original Flame, HP Incense
- Objective: Return to Hachigaya and continue on. You'll fight a boss on B13F [Weak: Elec; Absorb: Force]. The Charms you receive from the two quests listed below will help with some beneficial effects during the battle.
Hachigaya Seido Crackdown
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (During "Nana's Lonely Resolve")
- Client: Fuyuhiko in Hachigaya B11F
- Level: 61
- Reward: 500,000 yen
- Objective: Head into the door into the west tower and go up a few floors to B8F. Fight Jirae Sudama. Get Waning Moon Charm.
Hachigaya Hokudo Crackdown
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (During "Nana's Lonely Resolve")
- Client: Natsuki in Hachigaya B15F
- Level: 61
- Reward: 500,000 yen
- Objective: Head into the door into the north tower and go up a few floors to B12F. Fight Yamata-no-Orochi [Weak: Elec; Block: Fire, Ice]. Get Waxing Moon Charm.
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Nana's Lonely Resolve")
- Client: Arrow
- Level: 50
- Reward: Chakra Flan x5
- Objective: Head to Bar Heidrun for one last scene with Nana. Then talk to Arrow in Karakucho to finish.
Tribute and Worship
- Obtained: Club Cretaceous (After "Homecoming")
- Client: Shogetsu in Hachigaya Training Field
- Level: 99
- Reward: Platinum Ring, 5,000,000 yen
- Objective: Talk with Shogetsu at the front of Hachigaya. He'll give you a key item Daikokuten Sake. Take it to B15F. Talk to Ganesha to remove the barrier, and continue on. You'll head through a few high-level demon floors (Level 70-95 demons) and then take on the game's DLC super boss on B20F. Good luck!