Persona 3 Portable: Rio (Chariot) social link choices guide
Rio Iwasaki is the secondary Chariot social link in Persona 3 Portable, the female protagonist’s version of the friend the player will make through the school’s sports club.
Getting to know Rio better will slowly unravel her personal character story, but it’ll also help you out with any Persona fusion you undertake with the Chariot Arcana. The higher your S-Link rank with Rio, the better your Chariot fusion results will be - plus there’s a final unlock when you reach rank 10. This guide will help you to do that with all of the best dialogue options for Rio’s S-Link listed.
Rio Iwasaki S-Link Guide - Chariot

For the female protagonist, the traditional sporty friend storyline takes the form of the Persona 3 Portable Rio Iwasaki S-Link, a social link that sees you get to know this young woman either via the tennis or volleyball clubs. It’ll also help with Chariot Arcana fusion.
Raising your social link level with Rio is natural when you hang out, but as with all characters, saying or doing the right things during your hangouts will make you rank up more quickly, meaning you’re spending Persona 3’s days more efficiently. This guide helps with that by making sure you know all the dialogue options that have an effect on your rank.
Any dialogue not listed on this page doesn’t make a difference, so you can respond to those choices however you like. Choices that matter are listed with a point value below - the more points, the better. Don’t forget to have a Chariot Arcana Persona in your party when hanging out with Rio to get the full bonus point amount.
- Once the S-Link is initiated, you’ll be able to find Rio on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can find her outside the 2F Classroom of Gekkoukan school.
Unlock & Rank 1:
The Rio social link is the female protagonist’s version of the Chariot arcana link, which is also the ‘sports friend’ social link. But as a woman, she joins a different sports club - and so has a different athletics friend.
You’ll meet and start the link with Rio in late April when you’re able to join a sports club. It doesn’t matter if you choose to play Tennis or Volleyball - you’ll meet her regardless. For the male Protagonist, the equivalent is the Social Link with Kazushi, which you can get help with on the other pages of our Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide.
Once the relationship is started, this first rank unlocks automatically - what you say in the first few conversation choices doesn’t matter.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I’ll be fine on my own…
- “I can’t leave you alone.” +3
- “Spot me while I do sit-ups?” +3
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Sorry, but I want to be left alone right now.
- “That ain’t happening.” +3
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Oh, sorry… I ended up loafing around.
- “You seem to get along with him.” +3
- “Aren’t you being too nice to him?” +3
- All that stuff about having never been in a relationship… That’s none of their business.
- “Don’t let it get to you!” +3
- Kotone-san… do you have… someone you like?
- “Nope.” +3
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Any choices are appropriate and acceptable at this rank - you can say whatever you like to Rio and the S-Link will progress just the same.
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Rio desperately tries to hold back more tears…
- “Comfort her.” +3
- “Hug her.” +3
- “Cheer her up.” +3
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- ……
- “You can do it, Rio.” +3
- “Your words can change them.” +3
- Kotone, you know who it is, right? Tell us!
- “I have no idea.” +3
- Why don’t we practice?
- “Yeah, I agree.” +3
- “Are you sure you’re okay?” +3
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Rio glances towards you, confused.
- “This is your decision.” +3
- “We’re here for you if he says no.” +3
- I’m gonna… go tell him.
- “That’s the spirit!” +3
- “It’ll work out for you!” +3
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- You’ve really got an eye for details. Seriously, you’re a much better leader than I am.
- “Thanks.” +3
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Any choices are appropriate for this rank of the Rio social link; whatever you choose, it’ll end up with you maxing out your S-Link ranking with her.
Phone Calls
- 5/24 - Don’t you get nervous that someone might see your underwear?
- “Yeah, sometimes.” +3
- 6/7 - If she likes him that much, she should just go tell him how she feels.
- “Good point.” +3