Persona 3 Portable: Hidetoshi (Emperor) social link choices guide
One of the rare Persona 3 Portable S-Link storylines that is entirely unmissable, the Emperor Arcana social link with Hidetoshi Odagiri is introduced relatively early in the game and can then be pursued by both versions of the protagonist - and you can finish this link quickly if you know the right things to say and do.
There’s two advantages to leveling up Hidetoshi’s S-Link. The first is to get to know his story better, of course - and get a glimpse into a new side of life at Gekkoukan high school. But also, each rank improves your fusion capabilities with Emperor arcana Persona. This guide is built to help you max this S-Link fast to reap the rewards
Hidetoshi Odagiri S-Link Guide - Emperor

In order to rank up the Hidetoshi social link in Persona 3 Portable, you’ll need to choose to spend time with this snooty classmate in order to gain the social EXP necessary to rank up the S-Link. However, you can speed up the process some by making sure you say the right things to Hidetoshi - which is exactly what this guide is here to help you with. This guide features the dialogue choices that offer bonuses towards your S-Link progression for the Emperor link, split into the male and female protagonist routes.
The choices listed here are a comprehensive list of those that can offer bonus points to speed up the S-Link rank up process. Choices not listed offer no bonuses, so you can say whatever you like. To get the number of points we list, you must also get the Arcana Bonus, which is achieved by having an Emperor type Persona with you each time you spend time with Hidetoshi.
- Hidetoshi Odagiri can be found in the Student Council Room, as you’d expect. That’s on 2F of school - and he’s there during the daytime every day except Sundays.
Buttering up Hidetoshi is only the start; use the rest of our Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide to master every relationship in the game!
Unlock & Rank 1:
This is a nice simple one, thankfully - you’ll automatically begin Hidetoshi’s social link relationship in early May as part of story progression, when Mitsuru has you join the student council.
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Both protagonists can say whatever they like for this initial scene that kicks off the Hidetoshi S-Link - no choices offer any bonus points or have any further effect.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re recruiting supporters…
- “It’s a waste of time.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re recruiting supporters…
- “How pointless.” +3
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- He is staring at Hidetoshi
- “Stop fighting.” +3
- “What happened?” +2
Female Protagonist:
- The student council member is glaring at Hidetoshi.
- “You shouldn’t fight.” +3
- “Did something happen?” +2
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- You look like you want to say something…
- “Good work.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- You look like you want to say something…
- “Working hard, huh?”
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Makoto-kun, were you there the whole time?
- “They can be pretty cruel.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Were you there the whole time?
- “They were all mean.” +3
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- As you can see, the meeting’s over, so you can leave if you want…
- “But I just got here…” +3
- “Maybe I should stick around.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- As you can see, the meeting’s over, so you can leave if you want…
- “I’ll stay here longer.” +3
- “I’ll help out, too!” +3
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- …about the smoker’s punishment, that is.
- “He should suffer.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- …about the smoker’s punishment, that is.
- “A strict punishment.” +3
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Hidetoshi looks uncomfortable.
- “It wasn’t me.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Hidetoshi looks uncomfortable.
- “I’m not the culprit.” +3
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power…
- “Don’t blame yourself.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power…
- “Don’t blame yourself.” +3
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Um… How’d I do?
- “So-so.” +3
- “Not bad.” +2
- Here, I want you to have this.
- “I’ll hang on to it.” +3
- “I guess I’ll take it.” +3
Female Protagonist:
Although there’s not a traditional ‘romance’ plot with Hidetoshi, there is a love confession on his part for the female MC after this rank - but it doesn’t count as a romance like other characters.
- Um… How’d I do?
- “They were praising you.” +3
- Here, I want you to have this.
- “Thank you.” +3
- “I’ll treasure it.” +3