Persona 3 Portable: Bebe (Temperance) social link choices & unlock guide
In Persona games your relationships are typically with other Japanese characters, but the Bebe Social Link as featured in Persona 3 Portable breaks with that standard by allowing you to cozy up to and get to know an exchange student, hailing from France.
Bebe, whose full name is actually Andre Laurent Jean Geraux, is attending Gekkoukan High on an exchange scheme and for us Western players is arguably interesting as it’s a Japanese-written take on how they might view the Japan-obsessed foreigner. Bebe’s storyline isn’t without its sadness, though - and you can see his story in full and max out his Temperance Arcana S-Link by following this guide.
Bebe S-Link Guide - Temperance

The purpose of this Persona 3 Portable Bebe Social Link guide is to list all of the dialogue choices that can help your relationship with Andre Laurant Jean Geraux, aka Bebe, more quickly. This is the smart play, as it means less in-game time spent to max out the S-Link ranking and obtain all of the associated bonuses.
Social links in Persona 3 level up based on an unseen social experience stat for each friend. This rises a little every time you spend time together, but responding to dialogue choices in certain ways can make it rise even further, which lowers the amount of times needed to hang out in order to max rank the S-Link. This guide lists all of the correct dialogue choices to make this happen for both the male and female protagonists.
Any choices listed on this guide carry those bonuses. Any absent have no effect, meaning you can say whatever you like to Bebe in response. The point numbers we list are based on hanging out with a Temperance Arcana Persona in your present stock, too, which grants another small bonus.
- After meeting Bebe, you’ll be able to hang out with him on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays after school - find him at school.
- If you’re playing as the Female protagonist, your S-Link hangouts with Bebe will have you create cute items that can be given to other male S-Links as gifts.
- For the female MC, your relationship with Bebe will also turn lightly romantic as you proceed to max Rank, but it won’t impact your relationships with other characters.
Bebe isn't the only S-Link that's easily missable - but you won't miss a thing if you follow the rest of our Persona 3 Portable Social Link guide.
Unlock & Rank 1 - the Home Ec Note:
The Bebe Social Link can be initiated from fairly early on by heading to the Home Economics room at your school, but there’s some additional requirements:
- First, you’ll need Rank 2 in the Academics Social Stat. This is because you need to translate a note on the door of the Home Economics class in order to meet Bebe.
- You also must have reached Rank 3 of the Bunkichi & Mitsuko social link - in this rank, Bebe briefly shows up.
Once Bebe is unlocked, the first rank is entirely automatic, so you can say whatever you like for each of the dialogue choices at that rank.
Rank 1 > 2:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Zis is my first time going, so will you teach me?
- “There’s nothing to teach.” +3
- “Sure. Let’s go.” +2
- I am so ‘appy, ureshii! I love ze culture of Nihon! Japan eez sugoi, amazing!
- “Yeah, Japan is great.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Zis is my first time going, so will you teach me?
- “There’s nothing to teach.” +3
- “Sure.” +2
- I am so ‘appy, ureshii! I love ze culture of Nihon! Japan eez sugoi, amazing!
- “It sure is!” +3
Rank 2 > 3:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Makoto-sama, you ‘ave gotten much better at zis! Subarashii! Wonderful!
- “Thanks.” +2
- I would like to make somezing Japanese, but what?
- “Something traditional?” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Kotone-sama, you ‘ave gotten much better at zis! Subarashii! Wonderful!
- “Thank you!” +3
- I would like to make somezing Japanese, but what?
- “How about a kimono?” +3
Rank 3 > 4:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Bebe, who’s usually very talkative, is quiet.
- “Are you alright?” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Bebe, who’s usually very talkative, is quiet.
- “You look down.” +3
Rank 4 > 5:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Want to go somewhere to eat after zis?
- “Sure.” +2
- My uncle might never let me return ‘ere!
- “Then, stay.” +2
Female Protagonist:
- Want to go somewhere to eat after zis?
- “Sure.” +3
- My uncle might never let me return ‘ere!
- “Stay here.” +3
Rank 5 > 6:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Bebe seems confused.
- “Take a break.” +2
- Shall we?!
- “Alright.” +2
- I want to stay ‘ere in Nihon even if I ‘ave to eat dirt!
- “Support him.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Ze sewing machine won’t go…
- “Why don’t you rest?” +3
- Shall we?!
- “That’s a great idea.” +3
- I want to stay ‘ere in Nihon even if I ‘ave to eat dirt!
- “I’m behind you.” +3
Rank 6 > 7:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- I will show ‘im a kimono, and make ‘im understand the beauty of Nihon!
- “That’s a good idea.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- I will show ‘im a kimono, and make ‘im understand the beauty of Nihon!
- “It’s a nice idea.” +3
Rank 7 > 8:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- When my uncle sees ziz, I know he’ll agree wiz me about how great Nioh eez!
- “He’ll agree for sure.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- When my uncle sees ziz, I know he’ll agree wiz me about how great Nioh eez!
- “He’ll agree!” +3
Rank 8 > 9:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- Because of you, Makoto-sama, I was able to finish ze kimono!
- “Congratulate him.” +3
- “Ask about his country.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- Because of you, Kotone-sama, I was able to finish ze kimono!
- “Just a little more!” +3
- “What is France like?” +3
Rank 9 > 10:
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
Male Protagonist:
- It seems Bebe has finally finished the kimono.
- “Ask how it came out.” +3
- “Compliment him.” +3
- …are all ze times we hung out togezer.
- “I’ll be expecting you.” +3
- “I wish you luck.” +3
Female Protagonist:
- It seems Bebe has finally finished the kimono.
- “You did it!” +3
- “You worked hard!” +3
- …are all ze times we hung out togezer.
- “I’ll be waiting.” +3
- “I’m praying for you.” +3