Fire Emblem Engage: Chapter Rewards & Unlocks
Over the course of the 20+ chapters of Fire Emblem Engage, you will be recruiting new allies and discovering new rings at a fairly consistent pace. These unlocks give you a steady drip feed of important new content to experience, characters and Emblems to experiment with, and more.
The idea behind this page is quite simple - we aim to allow you to be able to plan ahead a little by listing exactly what you'll unlock when you clear each chapter of Engage. If you're waiting for a specific unit or Emblem, this page will tell you when to expect them to first crop up in your game. Naturally, this means there'll be some light - and we mean very light - spoilers for characters that'll be appearing and the like. With that said, I imagine if you're reading this page, that's what you're here for.
Fire Emblem Engage Chapter Rewards & Unlocks List

You can expect a pretty constant flow of unlocks as you complete each chapter of Fire Emblem Engage. Sometimes you'll get new unlocks automatically - while other times, finishing a chapter will set a trigger that will allow you to tackle other optional content to earn new unlocks.
If you want to know who the characters are, or just see who's in the game in general, hop on over to our Fire Emblem Engage Characters List, which is absolutely comprehensive. As for unlocks? We've got it all below.
Chapter 1 - Awake at Last
- The Hero/Divine Dragon: Joins automatically
- Vander: Joins automatically
- Framme: Joins automatically
- Clanne: Joins automatically
- Emblem Marth: Gained automatically
Chapter 2 - Queen Lumera
- Automatically obtain Liberation sword for Alear after battle.
- Emblem Sigurd: Gained automatically after battle.
Chapter 3 - Hostilities
- Alfred: Joins automatically
- Boucheron: Joins automatically
- Etie: Joins automatically
- Items:
- Boss drops Vulnerary
Chapter 4 - A Land in Bloom
- Celine: Joins automatically
- Louis: Joins automatically
- Chloe: Joins automatically
- Emblem Celica: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Lower Left House - Javelin
- Middle House - 2,000 G
- Get 10,000 G after the battle
Chapter 5 - Retaking the Castle
- Items:
- Upper Right chest - Obstruct
- Lower Left chest - Armorslayer
- Enemy drops Ridersbane
Paralogue 1 - Budding Talent
- Jean: Speak to him with Alear.
- Items:
- Lower Left House - Defense Tonic
- Lower Right House - Energy Drop
- Enemy drops Poleaxe
- Enemy drops 1000 G
- Enemy drops 1000 G
- Save all villagers to get Surge, Pure Water
Chapter 6 - The Stolen Ring
- Yunaka: Joins automatically
- Emblem Micaiah: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Enemy drops Hammer
- Enemy drops Longbow
- Enemy drops Torch
- Boss drops Talisman
- Emblem Edelgard: Can be unlocked for owners of the DLC Season Pass once Chapter 6 is complete.
Paralogue 2 - Mysterious Merchant
- Anna: Free her from the middle chest she hides in or wait for the enemy to, then speak to her with Alear.
- Items:
- Enemy drops 1000 G
- Enemy drops 1000 G
- Right Chest has Master Seal
- Left Chest has Strength Tonic
Chapter 7 - Dark Emblem
- Alcryst: Joins automatically
- Citrinne: Joins automatically
- Lapis: Joins automatically
- Items:
- Rosado drops Steel Axe
- Hortensia drops Master Seal
- Enemy drops Iron Greataxe
Chapter 8 - The Kingdom of Might
- Diamant: Joins automatically
- Amber: Joins automatically
- Emblem Roy: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Enemy drops Secret Book
- Enemy drops Wind
- Emblem Leif: Gained automatically by beating the level
Chapter 9 - A Clash of Forces
- Jade: Speak to her with either the Hero or Diamant
- Items:
- Enemy drops Elsurge
- Enemy drops Spirit Dust
- Enemy drops Steel-Hand Art
Chapter 10 - The Fell Dragon Sombron
- Items:
- Hortensia drops Freeze staff
- Goldmary drops Energy Drop
- Rosado drops Killer Axe
- Boss drops Master Seal
- Left chest contains Elfire
- Right chest contains Dracoshield
Chapter 11 - Retreat
- Ivy: Joins automatically
- Kagetsu: Joins automatically
- Zelkov: Joins automatically
- Emblem Lyn: Gained automatically
- Emblem Lucina: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Enemy drops Tomahawk
- Enemy drops Master Seal
Paralogue 3 - The Exalt
- Items:
- Enemy drop 1000 G (x4)
- Emblem Lucina - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 12 - The Sentinels
- Fogado: Joins automatically
- Pandreo: Joins automatically
- Bunet: Joins automatically
- Items:
- Enemy drops Spear
- Enemy drops Levin Sword
- Save all people to get Obstruct, Elixir, Master Seal after the exploration phase.
Paralogue 4 - The Lady of the Plains
- Items:
- Enemy drop 500 G (x5)
- Lyn drops 2000 G
- Emblem Lyndis - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 13 - Heroes of the Oasis
- Timerra: Joins automatically
- Merrin: Joins automatically
- Panette: Joins automatically
- Emblem Ike: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Lower left house has Rescue staff
- Upper middle house has Seraph Robe
- Lower right house has nothing, it's destroyed on turn 1.
- Enemy drops Elwind
Paralogue 5 - The Radiant Hero
- Items:
- Enemy drop 1000 G (x4)
- Enemy drops Elthunder
- Emblem Ike - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 14 - The Battle for Solm
- Items:
- Far left chest has Silver-Spirit Art
- Left chest has Wyrmslayer
- Right chest has Boots
- Far right chest has Radiant Bow
- Marni drops Hurricane Axe
- Enemy drops Silver Sword
- Enemy drops Steel Blade
- Hortensia: Joins automatically after the fight
- Emblem Byleth: Gained automatically after beating the level
Paralogue 6 - The Instructor
- Items:
- Enemy drop 1000 G (x3)
- Get Talisman and Elixir for protecting all the crystals
- Emblem Byleth - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 15 - Dancer in the Ruins
- Seadall: Speak to him with the Hero
- Emblem Corrin: Gained after speaking to Seadall
- Items:
- Chest has Energy Drop
- Chest has Talisman
Paralogue 7 - The Crux of Fate
- Items:
- Enemy drops 500 G (x8)
- Emblem Corrin - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 16 - Seashore Travels
- Rosado: Joins automatically
- Goldmary: Joins automatically
- Emblem: Eirika: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Mauvier drops Spirit Dust
- Marni drops Master Seal
- Upper Left Village has Recover Staff
Paralogue 8 - The Azure Twin
- Items:
- Enemy Drops 1000 G (x4)
- Left Chest has Second Seal
- Right Chest has Seraph Robe
- Emblem Eirika - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 17 - Serenity in Ruin
- Items:
- Boss drops Flashing Fist Art
- Boss drops Bolganone
- Boss drops Fortify
- Boss drops Master Seal
- Reclaim Emblem Sigurd by beating the stage
- Reclaim Emblem Lief by beating the stage
Paralogue 9 - The Holy Knight
- Items:
- Enemy drops 1000 G (x2)
- Enemy drops 2000 G (x1)
- Emblem Sigurd - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Paralogue 10 - The Sage Lord
- Items:
- Enemy drops Pure Water
- Enemy drops Magic Tonic
- Enemy drops Silence
- Enemy drops Speedwing
- Enemy drops 1000 G (x4)
- Emblem Leif - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 18 - The Cold Voyage
- Lindon: Speak to him with the Hero
- Items:
- Upper Left Chest has Speedwing
- Lower Right Chest has Second Seal
Chapter 19 - The Dead Town
- Saphir: Speak to her with the Hero (recommended you use a Warp staff to teleport her back to where your Hero is located at)
- Items:
- Boss drops Brave Lance
- Boss drops Goddess Icon
- Lower House releases three enemies (one with Elixir)
- Upper House releases three enemies (one with Dracoshield)
- Reclaim Emblem Roy by beating the stage
- Reclaim Emblem Micaiah by beating the stage
Paralogue 11 - The Dawn Maiden
- Items:
- Enemy drops 1000 G
- Emblem Micaiah - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Paralogue 12 - The Young Lion
- Items:
- Enemy drops 1000 G (x4 ; one is a reinforcement when you attack Roy)
- Emblem Roy - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 20 - The Kingless Castle
- Items:
- Boss drops Excalibur
- Enemy drops Entrap
- Enemy drops Peshkatz
- Far left chest has Silver Blade
- Left chest has Rescue
- Right chest has Brave Bow
- Far right chest has Secret Book
- Reclaim Emblem Celica by beating the stage
- Gain 50,000 gold for beating the stage
Paralogue 13 - The Caring Princess
- Items:
- Enemy drops 1000 G (x4)
- Emblem Celica - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Chapter 21 - The Return
- Mauvier: Joins automatically
- Items:
- Enemy drops Carnwenhan
- Boss drops Caladbolg
- Boss drops Spirit Dust
Chapter 22 - The Fell and the Divine
- Veyle: Joins automatically
- 13th Emblem: Gained automatically
- Items:
- Corrupted Wyrm drops Speedwing
- Enemy drops Elixir
- Enemy drops Brionac
- Reclaim Emblem Marth by beating the stage
Paralogue 14 - The Hero-King
- Items:
- Upper Left chest has Elixir
- Lower Left chest has Silve Greataxe
- Upper Right chest has Speed Tonic
- Lower Right chest has Antitoxin
- Enemy drops Secret Book
- Enemy drops 1000 G (x3)
- Emblem Marth - MAX Bond Level Unlock
Paralogue 15 - The Connector
- Enemy drops Pact Ring (this is the objective)
- Enemy drops 1000G (x3, two of these are reinforcements)
Chapter 23 - The Four Hounds
- Items:
- Boss drops Nova
- Boss drops Georgios
- Enemy drops Goddess Icon
Chapter 24 - Recollections
- Items:
- Enemy drops Ukonvasara
- Enemy drops Lendabair
- Boss drops Boots
Chapter 25 - The Final Guardian
- Items:
- Left chest has Cinquedea
- Right chest has Dracoshield
- Boss drops Wille Glanz (sword for Alear)
Chapter 26 - The Last Engage
- Nothing to note.