While out exploring the world in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, you'll come across containers of three different varieties: Green, Gold, and Red. Green containers respawn and simply have N-Grinders for use in Item Enhancement, while Gold containers typically have materials like Photon Quartz. While you should be on the lookout for these boxes, the Red Item Boxes have Star Gems (SG) you can spend in the in-game shop, lots of N-Meseta, and even some augments and good armor.
During your expedition into the Stia Region, you'll get a side Task from Souya called Supply Situation Improvements III, which will ask you to find and destroy 70 Red Boxes in the region. Just like in previous areas, there are actually significantly more than 70 red containers across all of Stia, so this Task isn't too bad. Still, you'll want to get on that if you want to clear this out of your Task List.
PSO2: New Genesis - All Red Item Container Locations | Stia Region
For each region of the map, we've provided a guide map that shows all of the box locations, followed by a listing and screenshot of each box with a small description, in case it's not 100% clear from the guide map alone where the box is.
Note that the numbering is arbitrary, they are not numbered in-game.
Tip: To check how many Red Boxes you've found in a region, open up the World Map from the main menu, mouse over which region you want to check, press Tab, and click on Collectable. This will let you see how many Item Boxes you've found in that region (as well as the number of Datapods).
Tip: You can have your Mag help you find the red containers with its sonar capability. Simply go to the Equipment Menu by hitting Gear/Sub-Pallette, then Mags, then Active Sonar Target Settings, then select Item Container: Red.
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Stia Outskirts
All Stia Outskirts Red Item Container Locations
1: On ridge on the west side of the beach. -10,000 N-Meseta
2: On a short cliff west of the entrance to the Stia Camp area. -10 SG
3: On the right side of the entrance to the Stia Camp area. -10,000 N-Meseta
4: On top of a tall root-like structure just west of Stia Camp. -10 SG
5: On a left-hand rock near a root-like structure to the north of Stia Camp I accidentally destroyed it before taking the screenshot. -10 SG
6: Behind a structure on the east side of the road leading to Dreisen Plant. -10 SG
7: On the north side of Strobol Isle. -10,000 N-Meseta
8: On the island to the northeast of Strobol Isle (Barrier Pods). I destroyed the box before taking a screenshot -Efitus Armor: Arga+50
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9: At the top of a tall cliff on the east side of Grainne Coast. -10,000 N-Meseta
10: On the east side of the grove-like area northeast of Bourganiss Island (Barrier Pods). -10x C/Might IV, 10x C/Precision IV, 10x C/Technique IV
11: On the southwest side of the grove-like area on Bourganiss Island, high up. -10,000 N-Meseta
Dreisen Plant
All Dreisen Plant Red Item Container Locations
1: Far western corner on the upper level. -10 SG
2: On top of an energy canister in the western corner, near the upper level. -10 SG
3: At the bottom of a stairwell in the western corner, lowest level. -10,000 N-Meseta
4: Near the base of an updrafter in the western corner, lowest level. -10,000 N-Meseta
5: Western corner, near an orange energy canister on the middle level. -10,000 N-Meseta
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6: On the lowest level on the other side of the ramp from #4. -10,000 N-Meseta
7: On a crate on the highest level, southwest of center. -10,000 N-Meseta
8: West of center, tucked away in a corner on the lowest level. -10,000 N-Meseta
9: Tucked behind a bend in a pipe on the upper level near the far southwest edge. -10,000 N-Meseta
10: On top of an energy canister on the lowest level at the far southwest edge. -10 SG
11: Between two energy canisters on the middle level, towards the far southwest edge. -10 SG
12: On top of a pipe in the south corner. -10 SG
13: In the far south corner as far as you can go, on the lowest level near a bunch of energy canisters. -10 SG
14: In the far south corner as far as you can go, on the lowest level near an updrafter. -10 SG
15: Under a staircase near the southern corner of the map on the lowest level. -10,000 N-Meseta
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16: In a short alley on the lowest level at the southeastern edge. -10 SG
17: At the bottom of a staircase on the lowest level, just south of the center of the area. -10 SG
18: On a crate on the lowest level, just southwest of the central cylindrical structure. -10,000 N-Meseta
19: On a crate on the lowest level, just west of the central cylindrical structure. -10,000 N-Meseta
20: On the upper level behind some energy canisters on the northwest wall. -10,000 N-Meseta
21: Another box below a staircase, on the northwest wall, middle level. -10,000 N-Meseta
22: High up on top of a pipe on the northwest edge. -10 SG
23: On a crate merely near a staircase on the northwest edge, middle level, slightly north of the pipe from #22. -10,000 N-Meseta
24: Behind an energy canister on the northwest side of the largest courtyard on the northeast side of the area. -10 SG
25: In the open at the far north corner on the upper level. -10,000 N-Meseta
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26: In the center of four energy canisters near the northern corner on the middle level (Barrier Pods). -10x Stira Note A/B/C/D
27: On a crate at the north corner of the largest courtyard on the northeast side of the area. -10,000 N-Meseta
28: Very high up on the northeastern wall behind some vertical pipes. -10,000 N-Meseta
29: On a crate at the northeast end of the largest courtyard on the northeast side of the area. -10,000 N-Meseta
30: High up on the northeastern wall behind some vertical pipes. -10 SG
31: On a ledge underneath some bent pipes near the eastern corner, middle level. -10,000 N-Meseta
32: In the middle of a staircase on the middle level near the far east corner. -10,000 N-Meseta
33: On a ledge below some bent pipes just east of the large courtyard, middle level. -10,000 N-Meseta
34: Near a very large orange cylinder near the east corner, highest level. -10 SG
35-37: In an alcove on the eastern wall, middle level. -30 SG Total
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38: On a pipe above some cylinders on the southeastern wall, near the highest level. -10 SG
39: Right next to the "Face the Darkness" Cocoon. -10 SG
40: High up behind a bent pipe in a groove of a hanging cylinder. -10 SG
41: On the northern ledge of the main central cylindrical structure (Barrier Pods). -Efitus Armor: Belta+50
42: Just north of the main central cylindrical structure, lowest level. -10 SG
Mediola Outer Area 1
All Mediola Outer Area 1 Red Item Container Locations
1: Far northeast of the area, up on a cliff near the area boundary wall. -10,000 N-Meseta
2: Far north of the area, near the area boundary wall.. -10,000 N-Meseta
3: To the west of the crater in the north part of the area. The box is up on a short cliff. -10,000 N-Meseta
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4: Up on top of a tall spire just west of the Felusa Ridge 2 Ryuker Device. -10 SG
5: Tucked away just south of the Felusa Ridge 2 Ryuker Device. -10 SG
6: On some low scaffolding facing out towards the lava pool on the north side of the area. -10 SG
7: On some stairs to the northeast of the central volcano structure. -10,000 N-Meseta
8: On top of the Helical Line Cocoon (Barrier Pods). -10x Infernium
9: Near the lava's edge just southeast of the central volcano structure. -10,000 N-Meseta
10: Just southwest of the Purple Battledia Tower, on the other side of the spire. -10 SG
Mediola Outer Area 2
All Mediola Outer Area 2 Red Item Container Locations
1: At the far, far south of the area, you have to duck into a below-ground ridge. On the map, it'll look like you're west of the Expert Region Mag. -10 SG
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2: At the northwest end of the same little crevice as #1. -10 SG
3: On a ridge in the south of the area. On the map it'll appear as though you're on top of the Dreisen Plant 1 Ryuker Device. -10,000 N-Meseta
4: On a cliff overlooking the bridge leading to Dext Base, on the southeastern side of the area. On the map, it'll appear as though you're just east of the "Face The Darkness" Cocoon. -10,000 N-Meseta
5: Far southeastern part of the area, overlooking some lava right at the area boundary. -10 SG
6: On a ridge southeast of the Felusa Ridge 1 Ryuker Device. -10,000 N-Meseta
7: On a cliff face just north of the Felusa Ridge 1 Ryuker Device. -10 SG
8: On a spire just southeast of the bridge leading towards the Alterra Base area, right next to the Priceless Region Mag. -10 SG
9: Northeast of the Priceless Region Mag, on a spire coming out of the lava pool. -10,000 N-Meseta
10: On a flat plateau right where the "Alterra Base" text is on the map. -10,000 N-Meseta
11: On the western cliff face of the lava river running through Alterra Base. -10,000 N-Meseta
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12: Coming out of a spire in the middle of the lava river north of Alterra Base, near some updrafters. -10,000 N-Meseta
13 &14: On some scaffolding crossing above and over the lava river north of Alterra Base. -10,000 N-Meseta & 10 SG
15: Very high up north of the "Mediola Outer Area 2" text on the map (Barrier Pods). -Efitus Armor: Sheza+50
16: On the southern cliff face of the northern area's large lava pool, near some scaffolding.. -10,000 N-Meseta
17: Kind of hard to spot on the same cliff face as #16, but on the other side of the scaffolding. -10 SG
18: Near the top of a tall spire just west of where the Neusen Plan Ryuker Device icon is on the map. -10,000 N-Meseta
19: On the ground level just northwest of where the Neusen Plan Ryuker Device icon is on the map. I accidentally destroyed it before taking the screenshot due to the large amount of minerals in the area. -10 SG
20: On a shallow island in the far north lava lake. -10 SG
21: On top of a large spire in the far north of the area, coming out of the large lava lake (Barrier Pods). -50 SG
22: On a shallow island just below #21. -10 SG
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Dext Base
All Dext Base Red Item Container Locations
1: Just northeast of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device, at the base of the building. -10 SG
2: Just south of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device, near an updrafter. -10,000 N-Meseta
3: Southeast of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device, at the base of the building. -10,000 N-Meseta
4: On a tiny island in the far north of the area. -10 SG
5: On the north side of a larger island in the north part of the area. -10,000 N-Meseta
6: On the west side of a tall building west of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device. -10,000 N-Meseta
7: On the south side of the same building west of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device, near some stairs. -10,000 N-Meseta
8: On some scaffolding to the west of the west-most building in the north part of the area. -10 SG
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9: On the northwest roof of the building to the west of the Dext Base 2 Ryuker Device. -10 SG
10: At the base of the stairs on the south side of the same building as box #9. -10,000 N-Meseta
11: At the east base of the building just west of the "Dext Base" text on the map. -10,000 N-Meseta
12: On some scaffolding over the southeastern lava pool. -10 SG
13: At the south side of the southernmost building. -10,000 N-Meseta
14: In the middle, on top of the cylindrical building in the southwest part of the area. -10 SG
15: On the north side of a skinny building in the southern area, facing towards the lava moat in the center of the volcano. -10 SG
16: On the ground level on the east side of the large southwest building. -10,000 N-Meseta
17: On top of the large southwest building. -10 SG
18: On the west side of the large southwest building, on a little outcropping. -10,000 N-Meseta