Upcoming RPGs of 2015: Day Two
It's a new day of coverage for the games coming out later this year, so let's get right into it!
All release dates are obviously subject to change.
Day One | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PS4/XBO)

Developed by: Gearbox Software
Release Date: March 24th (NA), March 27th (EU)
Forgot to include this on the last one, so I'm throwing it here at the top! As part of the lead up to Borderlands 3, 2K Games announced that they would be bringing an HD remastered version of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. A first for the series, there will be a four-player local split screen mode. Players who partook in the original games will also be able to transfer their saves to the new release.
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PS4/XBO)

Developed by: From Software
Release Date: April 7th
Acting as a compilation of the original Dark Souls II along with all of the previously-released DLC. The developers aren’t talking too much about what changes the update will bring outside of adjustments to enemy placement and the map layouts, but they have said that the NPCs will interact with players in new ways, but we’ll have to wait and find out exactly what that means in a couple months.
Darkest Dungeon (PC/Linux/PS4/Vita)

Developed by: Red Hook Studios
Release Date: TBA
A dungeon crawler (go figure) with a large focus on atmosphere and the human factor. Players will be able to recruit different adventurers along the way, each of them have their own predispositions that must be accounted for along with a different range of attributes that add to the strategy.. In a feature similar to The Thing, each part member also has their own stress level and relationship monitor in what’s being called the Affliction system. The goal the developers are hoping to achieve is one of complete cohesiveness within the party when facing the greatest of challenges.
Dead Island 2 (PC/PS4/XBO)

Developed by: Yager Development
Release Date: Q2
Dead Island was an interesting beast when it came out almost four years ago. With the sequel, the same gameplay hooks are there - multiple weapons to pick up, stats to upgrade, abilities to unlock, and even different character classes to use. The environment takes an urban turn as opposed to the last one’s tropical resort, taking place in California, so expect plenty of houses to raid while booking it from some crazy zombies.
Death's Gambit (PC)

Developed by: White Rabbit
Release Date: TBA
A fascinating sidescroller RPG with beautiful pixel art and game design that takes influence from titles like Shadow of the Colossus along with plenty of on-foot combat with a deep focus on building a strategy to make your way through the game. I am very, very excited for this one.
Deathtrap (PC/PS4/XBO)

Developed by: Neocore Games
Release Date: Q1
Combining Tower Defense with strong RPG elements, the game is currently on Steam Early Access as of the time of this article, but should see a proper release later this year. An included Map Editor and Monster Editor allows players to create their own content along with a lot in the way of character progression.
Desert Ashes (PC/Vita)

Developed by: Nine Tales Digital
Release Date:
A turn-based strategy that includes both single player and online multiplayer modes. While you have to pay real life monies to buy the game on Steam (where it is currently available), you will be able to download the free-to-play version later this year on the Playstation Vita. The game features a unique day/night cycle makes the weather conditions change during battle, like having bodies of water freeze overnight in order to provide a new way to cross the map.
Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker (3DS)

Developed by: Atlus
Release Date: Q1
This enhanced port of 2011’s Devil Survivor 2 originally for the Nintendo DS, Record Breaker adds enhancements and new features to the original game including a casual mode, additional story content that takes place after the events of the game, and a new playable female character, Miyako Hotsuin. The story dialogue will also be fully voiced in English, offering plenty for fans to enjoy.
Dex (PC/Mac/Linux/WiiU/Ouya)

Developed by: Dreadlocks
Release Date: TBA
An open-world cyberpunk RPG with upgrades available via cyber implants as one would expect given the setting. While taking ideas from RPGs from the 90’s and fusing them with modern features, the developers hope to court interested fans. I must say that I am loving the art design. The game is currently on Steam Early Access in an alpha state, but should see a full release later this year.
Divinia Chronicles (PC)

Developed by: Team Monkey
Release Date: TBA
A game that evokes the feeling of old Japanese RPGs (which seems to be a thing lately), the influence is apparently strong with this one. Looking a little bit like Sudeki, the third-person action title is looking pretty lush.
Dragon Fin Soup (PC/PS4/PS3/Vita)

Developed by: Grimm Bros
Release Date: Spring
A story-based action adventure title set inside a messed up fairy tale world that takes inspiration from the Grimm stories of old. Each playable character is based off of a popular fairy tale figure that all have their own obvious flaw, like the alcoholic Red Robin who looks similar to the Little Red Riding Hood. Battles will be grid-based, with plenty of side content to do outside of the main story including cooking, mining, crafting, and raising pets.
Dragon: The Game (PC)

Developed by: Red Level Games
Release Date: TBA
Hard to believe a game like this hasn’t arrived sooner. In Dragon: The Game, you will raise your customizable dragon and train theme and feed them to help them grow stronger in this open-world RPG. Become a terrifying beast causing terror across the lands before returning to your own lair. I love the idea that there’s even an element of strategy involved, being able to pick and choose who lives and who burns. The game will even support mods, letting users create their own dragons and maps. It’s a pretty ambitious title worthy of attention.
Drifter (PC/Mac/Linux/PS4/Vita/Mobile)

Developed by: Celsius Game Studios
Release Date: TBA
An open-world sandbox space trading game featuring a gigantic number of star systems that number in the tens of thousands of star systems. Expect all the trappings of a good space sim like becoming a trader, bounty hunter, mining for ore, or live life as a space pirate. The music is composed by Danny Baranowsky of Super Meat Boy fame.
Dustbowl (PC)

Developed by: Birritan
Release Date: TBA
An adventure RPG set in the bleak post-apocalyptic backdrop, this S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-inspired title uses a unique Commodore 64 art palette to tell a story of a young survivor who must leave his underground shelter and strike out on his own.
Earthlock: Festival Of Magic (PC/Mac/Linux/PS4/XBO/WiiU)

Developed by: Snowcastle Games
Release Date: Q1
A non-lineear, turn-based RPG where you will be able to choose between or a male or female protagonist, build your own base, solve puzzles, craft, and explore a variety of different locations all set in a world that weaves sci-fi with fantasy.
Echo Tokyo (PC/Mac/Linux)

Developed by: AJTilley
Release Date: Q4
Echo Tokyo is set in a dystopian city that is part visual novel, part dating sim, players will choose between either of the main characters that both make up the full story of the game all set in a large cyberpunk world where you will need to earn money to survive by taking on different quests. The game has already been successfully funded on Kickstarter, so I am looking forward to this mixture of genres that entail an interesting concept.
Edge of Eternity (PC/Mac/Linux/PS4/XBO)

Developed by: Kaldorei
Release Date: TBA
Developed by a small band of individuals, Edge of Eternity pulls a lot from famous JRPGs, but sets the backdrop in space Star Ocean style with some medieval flair thrown in. For a game made by a small team, there's plenty of ambition here - there will surely be a large world to explore, and even the soundtrack is composed with a live orchestra. Fans of this style will want to take note of the stronger attempts at a traditional JRPG as of late. While their previous Kickstarter failed, the team will take another shot at it in February.
Eitr (PC/Mac/Linux)

Developed by: Derity
Release Date: TBA
No one would blame you if the first thing you thought when you saw that header image above was Diablo. Eitr takes things a step further by injecting a good amount of strategy into the combat, Dark Souls style. Combos, blocking, buffing, and positional awareness all play a part in battle. While it does feature that pixelated art that has become popular in the indie scene, the isometric camera angle brings familiarity to fans of the Action RPG genre.
else Heart.Break() (PC)

Developed by: Erik Svedäng
Release Date: Spring
An exploration-driven RPG set in the digitally-simulated city of Dorisburg, Sebastian is just looking to make it big in his new residence. All your actions have consequences in a unique world that doesn’t mind if you don’t want to rush things and just soak it all in.
Elysian Shadows (PC/Mac/Linux/Dreamcast/Ouya/Mobile)

Developed by: Elysian Shadows Team
Release Date: Winter
Making waves when it hit Kickstarter last year, this stunning "next-gen 2D game" blew past its fairly significant funding goal. Looking like it was ripped from the 1990's, the developers pay homage to games like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana for inspiring the creation of the game. What makes this one more appealing than some of the others that aim for that same aesthetic is its modern features like the day/night system and dynamic lighting set in a fully interactive world. And yes, it is in fact coming to the Sega Dreamcast.
Enter the Gungeon (PC/Mac/Linux/PS4)

Developed by: Dodge Roll
Release Date: TBA
I was sold the second I saw this at Playstation Experience. You play as a treasure hunter in a procedurally-generated dungeon crawler taking on difficult enemies, avoiding dangerous traps, and basically looking to survive. after choosing one of the game’s four protagonists. I mean, come on - this game has walking bullets that shoot games. How can you not love that?
Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS)

Developed by: Spike Chunsoft
Release Date: April 7th (NA)
This crossover of the popular Etrian Odyssey and Mystery Dungeon franchises, players will face a real challenge in this dungeon crawler. The character leveling and party mechanics common to the Etrian Odyssey series will work their way into the roguelike nature of Mystery Dungeon, with the ability to choose four party members from ten different class types. Atlus promises a large amount of exploration, with dungeons full of monsters, traps, and loot.
Everquest Next (PC/PS4)

Developed by: Sony Online Entertainment
Release Date: TBA
The entire world of Everquest Next features destructible environments that are permanently affected using voxel technology (similar to Minecraft). This works in tandem with the emergent AI that adapts to the changes in the immediate surroundings. Non-repeatable In-game events and special quests will also take place that may dramatically modify an area and have a lasting change in the world. There are no character levels, instead focusing on 40 different professions that players can take on to carve out their own role in the game with their unique story.
Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth (PC/Mac/Linux)

Developed by: Kwan
Release Date: TBA
Set in 2069 in a post-apocalyptic Japan, Exogenesis combines point-and-click adventure game elements with visual novel storytelling, influenced by games like Ace Attorney and Zero Escape (you have my attention). For an original title, it has a wonderful design to it sure to pull in fans of this genre.
Fable Legends (PC/XBO)

Developed by: Lionhead Studios
Release Date: TBA
Now that Peter Molyneux has left the team at Lionhead, Fable Legends marks the first full sequel for the series (I'm not going to count Fable: The Journey). So far, the cooperative-driven title has left us a little unsure about the type of experience we will have. Lionhead has promised that players will be able to experience a story-driven single player story if they so desire, but clearly the effort was made to have you and three of your friends join in the fun with up to twelve different Heroes to choose from.
fault milestone two (PC

Release Date: Q3
After "fault milestone one" saw its release here in the West only a little over a month ago, publisher Sekai Project was quickly to announce recently that the second episode in the science high-fantasy series would finds its way overseas as well later this year, surprising considering the game hasn't even been released in Japan yet (but should be a fairly quick turnaround). While the first episode was panned for its fairly mediocre writing, let's hope the sequel corrects the mistakes that were made.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (PC/PS4)

Developed by: Square Enix
Release Date: Spring
Billed as “Final Fantasy 3.0”, after the disastrous original 1.0 release and the highly acclaimed “A Realm Reborn” 2.0 release, Heavensward brings a whole host of new content when it gets released sometime this March. Aside from raising the level cap to 60, the expansion also adds a new playable race with the half-dragon, half-human Au Ra, along with new character classes including Dark Knight Astrologian, and Machinist. For the first time, Free Companies will be able to create their own airships to use in the world.
Next month should also see the return of the Gold Saucer from Final Fantasy VII which will include not only all of the mini-game favorites including Chocobo Racing and Super Dunk, but even Triple Triad card battles, all in preparation for the release of Heavensward.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4/XBO)

Developed by: HexaDrive
Release Date: March 17th (NA), March 20th (EU)
Square Enix caused a good deal of controversy over the years on the decision to not localize the game for the Playstation Portable here in the West, and then last Summer making the choice to put it out for current-gen consoles, skipping the handheld market entirely. The new release features high-definition visuals, a reworked camera, dual audio, and a lower level of difficulty. Other than that, this one is by and large a simple port. The first print edition of the game will include a voucher for Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae, a demo featuring exclusive content that will not be seen in the main game.
Final Fantasy VII (PS4)

Developed by: Square Enix
Release Date: March
While this one is certainly not what the fans were expecting when Final Fantasy 7 was announced for the PS4, we are looking at a port of the PC version of the game along with hardware-specific features likely meaning being able to use the Share button and trophies.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (PS4)

Developed by: Square Enix
Release Date: March
Much like Final Fantasy VII, the remastered editions of Final Fantasy X and X-2 is being brought over to the Playstation 4 and will feature system-specific features, meaning the Share button is going to get plenty of use for fans of these games.
Flying Hamster II (PC/PS4)

Developed by: Game Atelier
Release Date: TBA
Looking an awful lot like a modern game in the Wonder Boy series (save for the hamster of course), the nice hand-drawn visuals help to showcase a pretty nice looking game that looks like it was pulled from a Saturday morning cartoon. There will be plenty of equipment to find and add to the furry hero, along with a good dash of humor to add to its expected charm. Things have been quiet for a while on this one, but we should hopefully be hearing more soon.
UPDATE (01/31/15): Game Atelier have announced that Flying Hamester II is now known as Monster Boy, a spiritual successor to Monster World made with the help of series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa.
Forbidden Magna (3DS)

Developed by: Marvelous
Release Date: TBA
I was rather excited when I discovered that this one was being localized. Being developed by former staff members of Neverland (RIP), Forbidden Magna helmed by Masahide Miyata who worked on the Rune Factory and Lufia series. With combat similar to Valkyria Chronicles and visuals that match the Rune Factory look (likely built on the same engine), this is one to look forward to for Nintendo 3DS owners.
FORCED 2: The Rush (PC)

Developed by: BetaDwarf
Release Date: TBA
Molding card-based mechanics with a roguelike dungeon crawler - madness, you say? FORCED 2 contains a pretty cool idea for a game where you build a deck from over 80 different cards, each with explicit benefits like health recovery, strength buffs, and more.
Forge Quest (PC/Mac)

Developed by: OpenRealms
Release Date: TBA
A dungeon crawler RPG with a look reminiscent to a 3D Dot Game Heroes (and with it, clearly Legend of Zelda) with a much bigger focus on the RPG aspect. Not only does the game look unique with its voxels, it includes difficult boss battles and four-player cooperative play.
Fossil Fighters Frontier (3DS)

Developed by: Spike Chunsoft, Red Entertainment
Release Date: March 20th (NA), TBA (EU)
A unique take on the monster-collecting RPG, Fossils Fighters Frontier has you hopping into a buggy to set out to discover and excavate fossils at different dig sites, which are then able to transform into dinosaurs known as Vivosaurs. Players will use the bottom screen to unearth and (carefully) clean the fossils using a variety of tools. The game will support six-player local or online multiplayer with three-on-three stadium battles.
Frontiers (PC/Mac/Linux)

Developed by: AAD Productions
Release Date: TBA
Drawing cues from Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, this first-person title places emphasis on exploration and discovery into the unknown. The world is your oyster as you’ll be able to travel any section of the large world without restriction. Just expect to face the consequences if you get in too deep with the more dangerous corners.
Ghost of a Tale (PC)

Developed by: SeithCG
Release Date: TBA
Looking a lot like a video game adaptation of The Tale of Despereaux, this is easily one of the most creative games coming out this year. You play as a young mouse who sets off on an adventure in a dangerous medieval world in search for treasure in a haunted outpost. The obvious emphasis here is exploration among the highly-detailed landscapes. Certainly one to keep a close eye on.
Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope (PC/Mac/Linux)

Developed by: twotimingpete
Release Date: TBA
A 2D sci-fi Metroidvania game with a fantastic design, this story-driven title focuses on keeping players in the moment and never attempting to try and pull them out of the large, open-ended world that provides incentive for exploration. One of my most anticipated games for its eye-catching look that seems to hit all the right notes from what I would want from this genre.
Gigantic (PC)

Developed by: Motiga
Release Date: TBA
Mixing elements of MOBA games and team-based action titles like Monster Hunter, this hybrid RPG puts the focus on fast vertical movement where you goal of each match is to protect your guardian creature while slaying the opposing team's. Guardians can be strengthened by taking advantage of map resources and through the use of player abilities, and can ultimately help out in battle from time and time, becoming a very noticeable presence when they do show up. While it isn't going to be the most forgiving of games due to its emphasis on player skill, the game does look like a world of fun and will be relatively easy to get into.
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (PS4/Vita)

Developed by: Shift
Release Date: TBA
There hasn’t ben an official announcement yet as of the publishing of this article, but thanks to a recent trademark in Europe for “Rage Burst”, it seems all the more inevitable that we will be seeing the enhanced game hopefully later this year following its release in Japan next month. The new version adds better graphics, optimized controls, and new story content with added difficulty levels.
Check back tomorrow for Day Three of our coverage!