Final Fantasy XV Guide: How to unlock the sealed doors inside dungeons
So, you've probably been venturing into at least a few of Final Fantasy XV's dungeons even if you're only a couple of hours into the game. If you've done that, chances are you've discovered a little off-shoot from those dungeons that leads to a strange door.
Noctis and crew might remark on it. Prompto, cheeky as ever, might even make a reference to the key-shaped weapon of Sora from Kingdom Hearts without actually mentioning the game by name. But cuteness aside... how do you get in? What's behind there?
We've got you covered, of course. Minor spoilers below.
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What's behind FF15's locked dungeon doors
Each and every one of the eight named dungeons in FF15 features one of these doors. The doors are all found around the boss area towards the back-end of the dungeon.
Each door opens to reveal... a second dungeon, of sorts. These dungeons aren't as complicated or intricately designed as the main dungeons but feature some of the hardest challenges that FF15 has to offer.
The best way to think of each of these dungeons is to think of them as being like raid bosses - and the difficulty of each dungeon ranges from somewhere in the 50s for recommended level right the way up to level 99.

How to unlock and open FF15's sealed dungeon doors
To unlock and open the sealed dungeon doors you'll have to complete the game. Once you do, you'll gain access to the open world of Lucis once again. When this is the case, you'll want to head to the Meldacia Hunter HQ. This is found in the Risorath Basin, just east of the Vesperpools area of the map. It's an outpost.
At the Meldacia Hunter HQ you'll find an NPC called Ezma - an old lady who is sitting in a chair. Chat to her and she'll surprisingly offer up that she's the one holding the key - literally - to the most dangerous monster vaults in all Lucis. You'll need to have finished the basic, first layout of several dungeons before she hands over the key.
Take the key off her and you'll be able to use it in each of the dungeons to get to the new areas. That's:
- Keycatrich Trench
- Greyshire Glacial Grotto
- Fociaugh Hollow
- Steyliff Grove
- Daurell Caverns
- Crestholm Channels
- Balouve Mines
- Costlemark Tower
Need more FF15 help? Check out our full guide homepage, which features many more pages like this on several aspects of the game.