Final Fantasy XV Guide: How to get every Trophy and Achievement
Ahh, the trophy and achievement. Who doesn't love 'em? They've become a staple of our gaming habits since Microsoft first introduced them on the 360, and some people are still very much into trophy and achievement hunting.
Those people will be pleased to know that FF15 is 'an easy Platinum' on PS4 and an easy 1000Gs on Xbox One - relatively speaking, anyway. All of its achievements are relatively reasonable - none of them are going to require you sell your soul and spend a ludicrous amount of time to get them.
If you want to get the 'The World Wanderer' Platinum Trophy for completing FF15 100% or get all 1000 gamerscore from the game, we've got you covered. Below you'll find our list guide to every trophy and achievement in the game - plus details on how to get the more tricky ones. Good luck!
Need more FF15 help? Check out our full guide homepage, which features many more pages like this on several aspects of the game.

Final Fantasy XV - Side Quest, Mini Game & Travel Trophies & Achievements
We've decided to put this section at the very top of this guide because... well, these are the trophies that are most likely to be left over naturally. These trophies are earned through side activities, most of which you can skip entirely.
Learner's Permit
You'll get this one naturally - just drive the Regalia as Noctis in Manual Mode once.
Bronze / 10G
Chocobo Jockey
Ride a Chocobo. The earliest you can do this is in Chapter 3 - complete the Friends of a Feather & A Behemoth Undertaking quests to unlock them - more on that on our dedicated guide page.
Bronze / 10G
High Five for Justice!
Play Justice Monsters 5, the pinball mini-game. Just look for the pinball machine in any restaurants around the world.
Bronze / 10G
Spinning a Yarn I, II, III, IV and V
Each of these 5 trophies is awarded for completing a certain number of side quests: 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40. Complete that many side quests to pop the achievement or trophy.
Each one of these 5 quests is a Bronze and is woth 10G for a total of 50 gamerscore.
Weaving a Tapestry
Complete 80 side quests. This is a big one!
Silver / 50G
My First Hunt
Complete your first hunt. This can be attempted right from the start of the game - just accept a hunt from a diner.
Bronze / 10G
Immortal? Photobomb
Catch an image of Gentiana in a photo. Prompto will do this naturally - it can happen in Lucis any time after you complete Chapter 5. This can only happen in the daytime and the chance increases if your party has been awake for a long time - but it's ultimately random.
Bronze / 10G
Faithful Heir
Get all 13 Royal Arms. To do this you'll need to grab some during the story and pick up the optional ones in the open world. We've got a guide on where to find every single one, so get on it!
Silver / 50G
Regalia Pilot
Earn and drive the Regalia Type-F, FF15's majestic flying car. To get it you have to complete a series of quests in the post-game - check our full guide page for more details.
Silver / 50G
Tortoise Toppler
Defeat the Adamantoise as part the Let Sleeping Mountains Lie side quest from Cindy. This quest can pop from Chapter 9 on, but you'll want to return to this in the post-game instead - it's one of the hardest battles in the game.
Gold / 110G

Final Fantasy XV - RPG Progression & Character Skill Trophies & Achievements
Character Progression is a big deal for RPGs. FF15 goes on it harder than even FF13, honestly, and so there's some trophies and achievements tied to those mechanics and systems.
Some of these rewards are tied to Ascension, while others are tied to the naturally-evolving character skills that grow at camp. On PS4 there are 10 bronze, 2 silver and 1 gold in this category, while on Xbox One these achievements add up to 310 points to add to your gamerscore.
Quadruple Threat
Equip something into all 4 of Noctis' weapon gear slots. This can be regular weapons, royal arms or spells - just fill all four slots in the Gear menu.
Bronze / 10G
New Power
Buy your first ability with AP in the Ascension Menu. You'll do this early on, unless you're some kind of crazy person.
Bronze / 10G
Unlock 20 abilities in ascension. These can be on any mix of pages - just buy 19 more after the 'New Power' achievement.
Silver / 50G
The hardest of this bunch, you'll need to unlock 50 nodes in the ascension grids. This can be on any mix of pages... so continue on from 'Self Improved'.
Gold / 110G
Angling Rookie
Raise the fishing ability Noctis has to Level 2. To do this, simply catch fish - that earns skill points and pushes you to level up. We have a guide on getting started with FF15's fishing here.
Bronze / 10G
Cooking Rookie
Ignis cooks at camp - raise his ability to Level 2. This ability will grow by having Ignis cook new and different recipes. Unlock more recipes by getting ingredients - these can be purchased at stores or out in the wild. You'll sometimes find cookbook-like items to purchase, too. Always try to cook something new.
Bronze / 10G
Photo Rookie
Level up Prompto's photography to Level 2. Prompto's skills will grow with every photo taken, but there are also bonuses for completing his photo tour side quests, group pictures and his Snapshot combat technique. As you level up, you'll unlock new Photo Skills & Filters.
Bronze / 10G
Survival Rookie
Gladio can find items after battles - that's his skill. It levels up simply by walking - its skill point gain is based on steps taken. Walk lots! Simple as that.
Bronze / 10G
Angling Expert
Level up Noct's fishing skill to level 10! You'll have to fish a lot for this. Consult our fishing beginners' guide to get started.
Bronze / 10G
Cooking Expert
Level up the cooking ability of Ignis to level 10. See our 'Cooking Rookie' notes for more.
Bronze / 10G
Photo Expert
Make Prompto an expert photographer by raising his skill to level 10. See our notes on 'Photo Rookie' for tips on how.
Bronze / 10G
Survival Expert
Turn Gladiolus into a complete survival expert. See our notes on 'Survival Rookie' to learn more on this.
Bronze / 10G

Final Fantasy XV - Combat Trophies & Achievements
Combat is a vital part of any good RPG, and FF15 is no exception, and has an entire section devoted to it. Each trophy and achievement in this list is tied to some sort of combat feat. There's 8 bronze trophies with an Xbox One value of 80 gamerscore.
Just Hangin' Around
Point-warp to a marker during battle. The game will teach you how to do this.
Bronze / 10G
Blind Spot
Perform a Blindside Link by fighting close to your allies and hitting an enemy from behind.
Bronze / 10G
Brother in Arms
Perform a Technique Attack with an Ally - hold L1/LB and order an ally with the D-Pad.
Bronze / 10G
Noct you like a Hurricane
Perform a Parry-Link attack. Parry an attack successfully and hit back while an ally is close by... they'll join you for the counter.
Bronze / 10G
Magical Worker
Craft a spell. Do this in the Elemancy Menu. You'll struggle to play the game without doing it at least once.
Bronze / 10G
Black Mage
Cast a spell - see above! Equip your made spell and use it!
Bronze / 10G
The Power of Kings
Activate and use Armiger after getting your access to the Kings' arms in Chapter 3. To do this hit L1 & R1/LB & RB.
Bronze / 10G
Divine Intervention
Summon the help of an Astral. You'll get your first chance to do this from Chapter 5. To see the conditions for summoning an Astral, hit up our dedicated page.
Bronze / 10G

Final Fantasy XV - Story Trophies & Achievements
Look, we're going to keep this section simple. All of the trophies and achievements here are gained via just playing through FF15's main story. The below is spoiler-free if you need it, however.
The story achievements tally up to 200 gamerscore. There are 14 bronze trophies, 1 silver and 1 gold.
Insomnia's Waking Nightmare
Complete Chapter 0
Bronze / 10G
Finish Chapter 1
Bronze / 10G
No Turning Back
Finish Chapter 2
Bronze / 10G
The Open World
Complete Chapter 3
Bronze / 10G
Living Legend
Finish Chapter 4
Bronze / 10G
Dark Clouds
Complete Chapter 5
Bronze / 10G
A Way Forward
Complete Chapter 6
Bronze / 10G
Party of Three
Finish Chapter 7
Bronze / 10G
Finish Chapter 8
Bronze / 10G
Finish Chapter 9
Bronze / 10G
The Heart of a King
Complete Chapter 10
Bronze / 10G
In the Dark
Complete Chapter 11
Bronze / 10G
End of Days
Complete Chapter 12
Bronze / 10G
Finish Chapter 13
Bronze / 10G
Finish Chapter 14
Silver / 50G
Chosen King
Defeat a specific story boss in Chapter 14
Gold / 110G
Need more FF15 help? Check out our full guide homepage, which features many more pages like this on several aspects of the game.