The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Guide: How to find and tame the Lord of the Mountain mount
Horses are a pretty big deal in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They're such a big deal, in fact, that we've already written an entire dedicated guide page that's about nothing but how to catch, tame and register mounts for Link to ride around. There are a bunch of regular horses in the game plus a few special ones, but the mounts don't just end at horses.
For a start you can actually sneak up on any deer and mount it in the same way... and you can even do this with a bear, as dangerous as it sounds. You sadly can't register these mounts at stables (though you'll get a funny reaction if you try), but you can still ride them around for a laugh. All you need to do is sneak up on them as described in our horse-catching guide.
These other quirky mounts have nothing on the kind of them all, though... The Lord of the Mountain. Ominous.

How to catch and ride the Lord of the Mountain
The Lord of the Mountain is a glowing mystical-looking horse-sized creature that you can ride around... and on top of that, it's damn special.
The Lord of the Mountain actually features the best stats for a mount in the game - it has top health, top stamina, and goes like the absolute blazes - it's incredibly fast.
If you thought Epona and Zelda's horse were good - gained via amiibo and a sidequest respectively - the Lord of the Mountain puts them to shame, even if it sadly can't be registered at a stable and recalled. It's a rare spawn out in Hyrule, but if you know where and when to look it won't take you long to find it.

When and where to find the Lord of the Mountain
The Lord of the Mountain spawns in a small clearing that's near the top of Satori Mountain, as pictured in the map screenshot above. The beast only spawns at night, and even then doesn't spawn every night, so you might need to make several attempts before you get the opportunity to catch it.
You'll know when it is around even from halfway across Hyrule - the whole of Satori Mountain lights up with an eerie blue-green glow that's visible from miles away. When you see that glow, head over there as quickly as you can. The nearest tower is the Riverside Tower, and the Mogg Latan Shrine is also quite close by. You'll know the right area - there's a small pool and petals everywhere.
When the Lord of the Mountain is there it'll be surrounded by Blupees, cute little glowing creatures that release a lot of rupees when hit - but for now you need to focus on not spooking the beast you want to ride. Pop your stealth buffs and sneak up on it like any other potential mount.
Be aware you'll need a lot of stamina to subdue this one, but it is possible. Bring stamina potions and pop them mid-ride if you can. If you're bucked off the lord of the mountain will disappear, but back off from the area and it'll reappear at least a couple of times. You'll know when it's gone for good, as the blue glow will disappear from the mountain.
If you catch it you can't register it, like we say, but you can ride this incredible mount for as long as you like, at least. Once you get off it'll run, but it will respawn on the mountain another night if you feel like another ride.