NieR: Automata Guide: All Pod Program Locations - How to get all pods
NieR: Automata contains many sets of skills - and these skills are performed by using Pod Programs, little applications that can be 'installed' on your pod buddy and then used to attack or otherwise support yourself in combat.
There are quite a number of pods in the game, each with its own unique ability and thus its own particular uses in combat. Here, we dive into all the available Pods and the programs you can find in the game. Be sure to experiment with pods and see what different load-outs you can work out for battles - your choices can serve to change the flow of combat significantly.

- Description: Gatling - Fires projectiles towards you.
- Location: Default Pod.
- Description: Emits a laser bean, can spread into multiple beams when upgraded.
- Location: Found by fishing in the Flooded City.
- Description: Shoot missiles after locking on targets.
- Location: Found in the desert.
Pod Programs
- Description: Fires a powerful laser in the direction that the Pod is facing.
- Location: Given during the Prologue.
- Description: Analyzes all enemies in a fixed radius, allowing combatants to deliver a series of deadly slashes to all who are caught within.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Summon a mass of energy that unleashes a devastating blow upon its target.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Spin a Pod around the player at high speed, wreaking havok on any enemies it touches.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Produces a mass of energy that sprouts from the ground in the shapes of deadly spears.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Deploys a protective barrier that blocks melee attacks.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Deploys a protective barrier that blocks projectile attacks.
- Location: Purchase from the Resistance Camp.
- Description: Generates a powerful shock wave by slamming a Pod to the ground from an elevated height.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "The Wandering Couple"(Quest starts at Pascal's village and then the Flooded City)
- Description: Fires a wire in the direction that the Pod is facing if it hits a foe, it launches the combatant right to the target for an up-close assault.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "Amnesia". (Quest found in City Ruins)
- Description: Creates an image of the user, drawing the attention of foes and firing upon them with Rod's ranged attack.
- Location: Found in the YoRHa soldier corpse in the roof of the city ruins. (Route C Only.)
- Description: Creates a field that distorts time, slowing down all enemies that enter its vicinity.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "Data Analysis Freak 2". (Route B only. Quest found in the inbox)
- Description: Emits a temporary beam capable of healing the combatants as long as they remain within its radius.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "Sorting Trouble 3".
- Description: Throws a volley of small explosive charges over a set period of time.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "Find a Present". (Route A only)
- Description: Unleashes a blast that sucks in any enemies in the vicinity.
- Location: Finish the sub quest "Retrieve the Confidential Intel". (Quest found in City Ruins)
- Description: Restrains and shocks one nearby enemy, causing continous damage over a set period of time.
- Location: Destroy the Tank in the Amusement Park in route C.
- Description: Allows a combatant to ride atop a Pod- with a certain degree of directional control- as it rushes forward into the fray.
- Location: Found in the Abandon Factory area on the top of a container. Near the intro area. (Route C only)
- Description: Emits ultrasonic waves to scan the surroundings in search of hidden items.
- Location: Given in the story.