Dark Souls III: The Ringed City Guide: Where to find all new & key items
Ashes of Ariandel was a good but very short DLC with a lot of interesting weapons and items for collectors to gather up. FROM Software has doubled the amount of items and weapons available in the newest, and last, DLC The Ringed City. We've got a full list of all the available goodies for you to collect. Also be sure to check out our review of the dlc here. Note that I will not list key items that you are guaranteed to find just by playing through the DLC (such as boss souls).
Note that there will be some spoilers such as boss, weapon, and enemy names and the like in this guide. I suggest playing through the DLC blind first before finishing up your gathering of these items! If you're prepared for some spoilers, continue on below! These will be in roughly the order you will be able to find them.
This guide follows up on our two guide pages for the previous DLC, Ashes of Ariandel - tips for survival and a full item guide. Here, we tackle The Ringed City, covering the location of every single new item and key item in the DLC. If you just want to know how good The Ringed City is, check out our review.
If all the items aren't enough for you, we have another guide page for The Ringed City which details how to solve each of the DLC's major riddles.

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City - Weapon Locations
- Splitleaf Greatsword - Sold by the Stone-humped hag who is right at the opening of the DLC near The Dreg Heap Bonfire.
- Aquamarine Dagger - Turn left past the hag, up the stairs and defeat the Harald executioner-type enemy. He is guarding the dagger at this deadend.
- Murky Hand Scythe - Instead of turning left past the hag, turn right and head out the ledge towards the item. You will fall with the item to a room full of Murkmen skeletons. Once taken care of, the Murky Hand Scythe will be to the left of the exit of the room. Use the stairs to get over the rubble.
- Murky Longstaff - Once past the room with the two Lothric Knights, exit and take a right. You'll encounter a dead end of Murkmen. In the back of this area, teh Longstaff is laying on a corpse. Note that there is an illusory wall here leading to Great Soul Dregs and the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +3.
- Lothric War Banner - Past the Projected Heal Miracle, you'll take another fall onto some ash. Past the two Lothric Knights is a knight corpse with this one it. It's on the mission critical path, so should be near impossible to miss.
- Harald Curved Greatsword - In the poisoned swamp area, underneath the second root on the far side, you'll find this greatsword being guarded by a Harald Knight.
- Giant Door Shield - Once you get rid of the Angel closest to the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, you can follow the path down the cliff face to find this shield at the dead end.
- Sacred Chime of Filianore - Once past the worshipper enemies and onto the giant staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, you'll meet Shira behind a door at the top of the staircase. If you give the name "Gywn" to her when she asks for a God, and agree to her request. She'll give you this Chime. Be sure to do this before completing the DLC (you may still be able to get it, but Shira will no longer be at the door, to be safe just get it the first time around.)
- Ringed Knight Spear - Before reaching the water at the bottom of the staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, take a detour to the right passed the cursed enemies. Carefully fight the Ringed Knight and the ambushing lightning enemies, and find this sword on the corpse in plain sight.
- Ledo's Great Hammer - Once you reach the water at the bottom of the staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, take a hard left, avoid the worshippers, and head up the ladder. Take a path right to a narror walkway near the edge of the area. Follow it up to an abandonned tower to fight Dark Spirit, Silver Knight Ledo. He will drop his hammer upon defeat.
- White Birch Bow - In the water area past the Ringed City Streets bonfire, hug the left side and head up to a small hill with a few worshipper enemies hanging around. Once taken care of, you'll find this bow alongside a few other items near the wreckage.
- Ringed Knight Straight Sword - Near the water area around the Ringed City Streets bonfire, near where the Ruin-ghost summoning giant is, you'll find a short dry path up to a corpse with this sword. The corpse is overlooking the main entrance to the bonfire room.
- Preacher's Right Arm - In the water near where the Giant roams around near the Ringed City Streets bonfire, you'll find this on the tilted top of a submerged city spire. Note that when you pick this item up, several of the preacher bugs will spawn and ambush you.
- Dragonhead Greatshield - Before heading accross the bridge after the Ringed City Streets Bonfire, follow the path right that leads under the bridge. Here youll find a sole Ringed Knight guarding this shield.

- Dragonhead Shield - This is behind the riddle wall that says "Show Your Humanity". This is found near the Ringed City Streets bonfire. To solve the puzzle, go into the nearby water area, and use a White Branch or the Chameleon spell. It may take a couple tries but you will be transformed into a humanity. Go back to the wall with the inscription and it will open a path to a ladder and secret items. Fight past the Ringed Knights and Giant, take the ladder down, and find this shield on the dead end to the Left, The Purging Monument will be found to the right at the end. Lapp is looking for the monument, so you can return to him near the Covetus Gold Serpent Ring +3.
- Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords - You'll fight a Ringed Knight with these swords between the Shared Grave and Church of Filianore bonfires, near the Spears of the Church Covenant. He'll drop these upon defeat.
- Demon's Scar - Transposed from Soul of the Demon Prince.
- Frayed Blade - Transposed from Soul of Darkeater Midir
- Gael's Greatsword - Transposed from Soul of Slave Knight Gael
- Repeating Crossbow - Transposed from Soul of Slave Knight Gael
- Crucifix of the Mad King - After beating Slave Knight Gael, return to Filianore's Rest bonfire into Gael's Boss arena, and hug the right wall. In a ruined chamber, head to the back of it and Shira will come to kill you. Defeat her to receive this.

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City - Armor Locations
- Desert Pyromancer Set - The first armor set you'll be able to find in the DLC. Once you reach the poisoned swamp area, you'll find the Desert Pyromancer Gloves and Desert Pyromancer Skirt off to the right, guarded by some poison beetles. The Desert Pyromancer Hood is past Desert Pyromancer Zoey right before the elevated roots. The Desert Pyromancer Garb is located near where the Angel near the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire spawned, behind the shack on the cliff edge.
- Harald Set - The first enemy armor set you'll be able to farm from the executioner type enemies found in the swamp area and in the Ringed City streets area. Consists of the Harald Legion Armor, Harald Legion Gauntlets, and Harald Legion Leggings.
- Ruin Armor Set - The entire set is found right after the Mausoleum Lookout bonfire. Take the stairs down and take an immediate right to find this waiting at the end of the path.
- Ringed Knight Set - Ringed Knights are found all around The Ringed City. Their entire armor set includes Ringed Knight Hood, Ringed Knight Armor, Ringed Knight Gauntlets, and Ringed Knight Leggings.
- Black Witch Set - Once on the long staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, take the first cross bridge heading over the staircase. Take out a few Ringed Knights and the Dark Spirit, Seeker of the Spurned. Along with the Wolf Ring +3, you'll also find the Black Witch Set behind where he spawned.
- White Preacher Head - From the Ringed City Streets bonfire, exit towards the water and take a hard left. You'll be able to drop from a ledge right onto this headpiece.
- Iron Dragonslayer Set - At the far end of the water area near the Ringed City Streets bonfire, you'll have a unique encounter with a Dragonslayer Armor. Defeating him will have him drop his entire armor set. He does not respawn.
- Black Witch Veil - Before heading out of the water area near the Ringed City Streets bonfire to the rooftop with several Ringed Knights, visit the dry land to the left of the building to find this item guarded by a single knight.
- Blindfold Mask - Once in the ruined spiral staircase past the flame dragon hazard, you'll be invaded by Dark Spirit, Moaning Knight. Defeat her (try knocking her into the pit) to get the Blindfold Mask.
- Antiquated Plain Set - In the room connected to the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire, before Filianore's tower, take the secret path half way up the lift. At the dead end, hit the statue without a sword to reveal an illusionary wall. You'll find this before the fall to the optional boss, Midir. This includes the Anitquated Plain Garb and Violet Wrappings.
- Lapp's Set - There are two ways to get Lapp's Set. If you go to Lapp's location near the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3 while completely unhollowed, he will attack you as "Imnesiac Lapp". After defeating him, his armor will be available at the Shrine Handmaiden, though it's not clear whether or not you need to have already given her the Old Woman's Ashes. If you instead tell him the location of the Purgatory Monument, you will meet him again in the staircase near the Shared Grave bonfire. After this encounter, he will leave his armor set behind where you met him
- Shira's Set - After beating Slave Knight Gael, return to Filianore's Rest bonfire into Gael's Boss arena, and hug the right wall. In a ruined chamber, head to the back of it and Shira will come to kill you. After defeating her, return to the door in the Ringed City where she first talked to you between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, and the door will be open with her armor set on a corpse.
Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City - Spell Locations
- Great Soul Dregs - Near where you acquire the Murky Longstaff, hit the Illusory Wall on the left to find the path leading to a bunch of Murkemen guarding this spell alongside the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +3.
- Projected Heal - Once you go up past the collapsed pillar and fall from a ledge onto some ash, a bunch of Murkmen and a Lothric Knight are guarding this Miracle, which is tucked away in a nook nearby.
- Flame Fan - Dropped by Desert Pyromancer Zoey, past the poisoned swamp arrea in The Dreg Heap. On the critical path so you can't miss her.
- Lightning Arrow - Past the Shared Grave bonfire and the small encounter with Midir, you will enter a room connected to the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire via a lift. On the initial floor, you can find a chain of illusionary walls leading to a worshipper enemy, a soul item, and the Miracle Lightning Arrow.
- Seething Chaos - Transposed from Soul of the Demon Prince.
- Old Moonlight - Transposed from Soul of Darkeater Midir.
Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City - Rings and Miscellaneous Item Locations
- Ring of Steel Protection +3 - Once you take out the first Angel enemy, return to where he originally opened fire on you, before the room with the two Lothric Knights. You will be able to wander out onto the wooden boards now to acquire this ring.
- Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +3 - Past where you get the Great Soul Dregs, past the illusory wall near the Murky Longstaff, head out onto the wooden balcony and fall onto the ledge with this item.
- Ring of Favor +3 - Once in the poisoned swamp area, take the first root on the far side of the swamp up and follow it to the end to find this Ring.
- Wolf Ring +3 - Once on the long staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, take the first cross bridge heading over the staircase. Take out a few Ringed Knights and the Dark Spirit, Seeker of the Spurned. Along with the Wolf Ring +3, you'll also find the Black Witch Set behind where he spawned.
- Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3 - Once you reach the water at the bottom of the staircase between the Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets bonfires, take a hard left, avoid the worshippers, and head up the ladder. Follow the path up the stairs and left, taking out two Ringed Knights. At the end you'll find a room with the NPC Lapp as well as the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3.
- Church Guardian Shiv - On the left side (facing away from the large city staricase) of the water area around the Ringed City Streets bonfire, you'll find a small building surrounded by four worshipping enemies. Inside this buildingi s the Shiv item.
- Ring of the Evil Eye +3 - In the ruined spiral staircase, you'll come across a chesst. It is a Mimic (it's the only chest in the DLC so of course it's a Mimic). Defeat it carefully to get this ring.
- Chloranthy Ring +3 - In the room connected to the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire, before Filianore's tower, take the secret path half way up the lift. Turn right and you will find a hole you can fall down onto this item.
- Filianore's Spear Ornament - This is the rank up item for the Spears of the Church covenant. You'll get one for defeating Halflight, Spear of the Church, which you can repeat by resummonning him by spending souls at the Purgatory Monument. You can also be summoned in place of Halflight to represent the Spears of the Church and receive Ornaments for defeating players. You'll also find one on the way to Midir's boss fight arena.
- Divine Spear Fragment - Found right next to the Spear of the Church convenant shrine between the Shared Grave and Church of Filianore bonfires.
- Young Grass Dew - Turn in 10 Filianore's Spear Ornament to the Spear of the Church convenant.
- Divine Spear Fragment - Turn in 30 Filianore's Spear Ornament to the Spear of the Church convenant.
- Old Woman's Ashes - Upon defeating the final boss of the dlc, you'll find this on the corpse of the Stone-humped hag near the very start of The Dreg Heap. Give it to the Shrine Haidmaiden in order to move the Splitleaf Greatsword to her inventory.

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City - Titanite Slab Locations
I may have not found all of these, but this is a list of found Titanite Slabs in The Ringed City DLC:
- When you first encounter Lapp at the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, he'll mention a treasure that he left in the poison swamp beyond him. It's in the cave underneath the root with the Ring of Favor +3, guarded by a Harald Knight. If you return to him with the Slab, he will give you a Siegbrau. If you don't, he will eventually fetch the Slab himself, leaving a Siegbrau at the bonfire.
- If you make sure to take on Shira's quest to defeat Midir and return to her before disturbing Filianore, she will give you a Titanite Slab.
- You will receive a Titanite Slab for each time you beat Halflight, Spear of the Church (or a summoned player) at Filianores Church. You can resummon Argo and the Spear by spending souls at the Purging Monument.
- Near Gael's arena there is a large desert area with a lone Ringed Knight wielding Paired Greatswords. Defeat him to receive another Titanite Slab.