Mass Effect: Andromeda Guide - Movie Night Quest Walkthrough
Exploring Andromeda and attempting to stabilize a new home for all of civilization is rough, and Liam will acknowledge this in the first of many “Movie Night” missions. Talk to him to trigger the start of a quest chain that echoes some of the things we love about Mass Effect 3’s Citadel DLC.
You'll want to do this quest - it's one of the best stopping to take a breather story and character quests in the game.
Want more Mass Effect: Andromeda help? Be sure to check out our hub - it's full of quest walkthroughs, tips, tricks, system explanations and more.

Movie Night: Getting Started
Prerequisite(s): Only available post Aya, Jaal must be recruited, and all of Liam’s available conversations must be completed.
On the Tempest, Liam will ask that Ryder host a movie night for the crew. Accept his offer and head back to the Nexus to download a few films for the crew’s date night. Once you’ve done that, return the Nexus’ movie library to Liam, and he’ll get back to you later with what he finds
Movie Night: Snacks
Prerequisite(s): All of Suvi’s conversations must be complete, in addition to finishing Movie Night: Getting Started
Suvi will email you about Liam’s movie night and let you know she’s interested in helping out. She’s wanting to contribute snacks to the event, but needs your help with collecting ingredients. Head to Aya to fulfill her request, a merchant in the Angara’s city will be selling the plant Suvi needs for 10 credits.
Movie Night: Better Snacks
Prerequisite(s): Finish all conversations with Vetra, in addition to all previous Movie Night missions. Only available after visiting Kadara Port.
The next email will come from Vetra. She hates whatever it is Suvi is cooking, and wants to talk to Ryder about making something better. Find her on the Tempest and she’ll inform you about some contraband on Kadara she’s interested in for movie night. Head there and exchange 10 credits for the shadiest bag of popcorn ever purchased. Vetra will be pleased with your find, thus allowing you to proceed onto “The Right Setup.”

Movie Night: The Right Setup
Prerequisite(s): Complete all conversations with Jaal and all prior Movie Night quests.
This time Jaal will email you. Once you find him, he’ll explain to you how Angara enjoy a movie and ask that you retrieve some components to make that possible. Return to the Aya market and pick up vid components for another 10 credits. Jaal and Gil will start working with your findings for the event, now you’re almost there.
Movie Night: Raise a Glass
Prerequisite(s): All of Lexi’s conversations complete, in addition to all previous Movie Night missions. Only available after Meridian: The Way Home.
Make sure you’re working on “Meridian: The Way Home,” and Lexi should email you. Talk to her and she’ll express concern over what some other crew mates are planning for the movie night. Lexi’s request is that you pick her up something for finer Asari tastes, like Akantha. Head to the Nexus to retrieve her request. Once that’s complete, you’re in the homestretch.
Movie Night: The Final Piece
Prerequisite(s): Complete all conversations with Liam and previous Movie Night missions.
Find Liam on the Tempest to figure out when you’ll be getting this show on the road. Of course, nothing is ever easy, so Liam needs you to go find a banned version of The Last of the Legion. It’s on Kadara Port - pick it up from the Mods Merchant in the Marketplace for 10 credits.
With that done, you can return the movie to Liam and everything is good to go. Proceed to your quarters on the Tempest to see the rest of the mission play out, and a cute bonus if you’re already romancing a squadmate.
Want more Mass Effect: Andromeda help? Be sure to check out our hub - it's full of quest walkthroughs, tips, tricks, system explanations and more.