Trails in the Sky the 3rd Guide: How to Open All Moon, Sun, and Star Doors
One of the major diifference between Trails in the Sky the 3rd and prior entries is the inclusion of the Moon, Sun, and Star Doors. Each door contains either side stories, mini games, or optional dungeons. These doors are filled with a cryptic puzzle before you can access them, along with an event after finishing the scenario.
Moon Doors contain lengthy tales, Sun Doors have mini games, and Star Doors for shorter side stories.

Moon Doors
Moon Door 1
- Location: Jade Corridor
- Episode: Orbal Gear Project Part 1
- Requirements: Tita
- Reward: Long Barrel EX, 3000 Mira
- Episode: Orbal Gear Project Part 2
- Requirements: Tita, Agate
- Reward: Orbal Gear (Tita)
Moon Door 2
- Location: Grancel Branch
- Episode: Client
- Requirements: Scherazard
- Reward: Heaven's Eye (Quartz), 4000 Mira
Moon Door 3
- Location: Silver Road
- Episode: Descended Wings
- Requirements: Kloe, Entrance Exam Results
- Reward: Falcon Eye (Quartz), 6000 Mira
Moon Door 4
- Location: Saint-Croix Forest
- Episode: Departure
- Requirements: Estelle, Joshua
- Reward: Memory (Quartz), 8000 Mira
Moon Door 5
- Location: Jenis - Old Schoolhouse
- Episode: The Happiness Stone
- Requirements: Fortune (Quartz)
- Reward: Happiness Stone (Accessory), 12000 Mira
Sun Doors
Sun Door 1
- Location: Jade Corridor
- Episode: Capua's Delivery Service
- Requirements: Josette
- Reward: Detection (Quartz), Bobcat (Josette S-Craft) 3000 Mira
Sun Door 2
- Location: Fisherman's Guild
- Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle
- Requirements: Estelle
- Reward: Seafood Set (Monster Ingredients), 5000 Mira
- Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle - Chapter 2
- Requirements: Estelle
- Reward: Plate of Excellence (Recipe), 5000 Mira
- Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle - Chapter 3
- Requirements: Estelle
- Reward: Fisherman's Emblem, 5000 Mira
Sun Door 3
- Location: Grand Arena
- Episode: Arena
- Requirements: Zin
- Reward: Physical (Quartz), 5000 Mira
- Episode: Arena - Hard
- Requirements: Tournament Invitation
- Reward: Spiritual (Quartz), 10000 Mira
- Episode: Arena - Nightmare
- Requirements: Tournament Invitation
- Reward: Soul (Quartz), 20000 Mira
Sun Door 4
- Location: Labyrinth of Shadows
- Episode: The Casino - Gambler Jack
- Requirements: Destiny Card
- Reward: Tom Yum Goong (Sit-Down Dish), 5000 Mira
- Episode: The Casino - Gambler Jack - 2
- Requirements: Destiny Card
- Reward: Mirage Ring+, 10000 Mira
Sun Door 5
- Location: Black Ark - Forecastle 1F
- Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game
- Requirements: All level 5 quartz in inventory
- Reward: Septium Bullets (Attack Food)
- Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game - Hard
- Requirements: All level 5 quartz in inventory
- Reward: Enigmatic Stew (Sit-Down Recipe)
- Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game - Brutal
- Requirements: All level 5 quartz in inventory
- Reward: Swiftness (Quartz)
Star Doors
Star Door 1
- Location: Grancel Castle
- Episode: Julia's Day Off
- Requirements: Julia, Mueller
- Reward: Septium Vein (Quartz) 3000 Mira
Star Door 2
- Location: Grancel Cathedral
- Episode: The Salt Pale
- Requirements: Win over 100 battles
- Reward: Petrify (Quartz)
Star Door 3
- Location: Castle - Garden Terrace
- Episode: The Banquet
- Requirements: Joshua, Kloe
- Reward: Luxurious Lunch (Sit-Down Dish), 3500 Mira
Star Door 4
- Location: Golden Road
- Episode: Journey's End
- Requirements: Zin
- Reward: Yin-Yang (Quartz)
Star Door 5
- Location: Balstar Channel
- Episode: Swordsmanship
- Requirements: Anelace
- Reward: Jinu (Sword) 5000 Mira (Must win against the boss with Anelace to obtain Sword)
Star Door 6
- Location: Grimsel Fortress
- Episode: Training, Agate Style
- Requirements: 20 Recipes in Recipe Book
- Reward: Super Gladiator Headband (Accessory), 100 Mira
Star Door 7
- Location: Labyrinth of Light
- Episode: The Epstein Foundation
- Reward: Ingenuity 2 (Quartz), 7000 Mira
Star Door 8
- Location: Labyrinth of Light
- Episode: Return to the Empire
- Requirements: Oliver, Mueller
- Reward: Divine Eye (Quartz) 7000 Mira
Star Door 9
- Location: Academy - Girls' Dormitory
- Episode: Like a Mother
- Requirements: 50000 Mira
- Reward: Bloody Meatballs (Attack Food)
Star Door 10
- Location: Laboratory - 2F
- Episode: Gordias-Class Experiment Report
- Requirements: Renne
- Reward: Pater-Mater (Renne Craft), 10000 Mira
Star Door 11
- Location: Laboratory - 1F
- Episode: Phantom Thief B Report
- Requirements: Emerged Victorious
- Reward: Phantom Thief's Cafe, 10000 Mira
Star Door 12
- Location: Leiston Fortress - Command Center
- Episode: I Accept Your Request
- Requirements: Richard
- Reward: Convert (Quartz), 10000 Mira
Star Door 13
- Location: Black Ark - Stern 2F
- Episode: Assault on the Imperial Guards
- Requirements: Win over 400 battles
- Reward: Jagd Armor, 10000 Mira
Star Door 14
- Location: Black Ark - Sanctuary
- Episode: Phantasmal Blaze
- Requirements: View all other doors
- Reward: Brilliant Crown (Accessory)
Star Door 15
- Location: The Abyss - Depths
- Episode: Paradise
- Requirements: Final Party Member
- Reward: Nothingness (Quartz)