Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Guide - Class Chart, Tree & Information - All Classes Explained
While Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is taking the Fire Emblem series back to just the second title in the series, this remake and reimagining of a classic Fire Emblem features much that'll be familiar to newer fans of the Fire Emblem series - including many of the character classes that fans are now very familiar with.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia features multiple character classes, and as you level these characters up you'll have the chance to promote them in order to change their class. We've got an entirely separate guide page covering Unit Promotion, Class Changes, the Villager Class and everything else you need to know, but one thing that's worth breaking out into its own page here is detail on which classes lead to which promotions: the class chart or class tree, if you will.
To help make things understandable, we've gathered Fire Emblem Echoes' full list of character classes below, and detail what they can turn into. We've brown each into its own section and provided explanations - you should hopefully leave this page fully understanding the class system in extensive detail.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Class Chart & Base Stats
Below you'll find all the classes in the game and information on what they can promote into and when, plus what weapons they use and basic descriptions of their abilities. Don't forget to check out out page on promotion if you want detailed information on unit promotion and class change, including advice on when to change class.
Villager Class
The villager class is unique - it's basically the default, basic class. Villagers can promote into any of the main starting classes, and from there these classes can be promoted further still as their skills grow. They use swords as their weapons. Here's what villagers can turn into:
- Cavalier
- Soldier (Male only)
- Mercenary (Male only)
- Archer (Male only)
- Mage
- Pegasus Knight (Female only)
- Cleric (Female only)
Villager Base Stats: 26 HP / 7 ATK / 1 SKL / 2 SPD / 0 LCK / 2 DEF / 0 RES / 4 MOV
Cavalier, Paladin and Gold Knight Classes
- The entire Cavalier class line uses Lance-type weapons. The Cavalier is one basic soldier-type class that grows into an experienced mounted knight with massive mobility.
- Cavalier Base Stats: 24 HP / 7 ATK / 3 SKL / 5 SPD / 0 LCK / 5 DEF / 2 RES / 7 MOV
- At level 7 or higher, the Cavalier can be promoted to the Paladin.
- Paladin Base Stats: 28 HP / 12 ATK / 5 SKL / 8 SPD / 0 LCK / 8 DEF / 5 RES / 8 MOV
- At level 10 or higher the Paladin can be promoted to the Gold Knight.
- Gold Knight Base Stats: 40 HP / 18 ATK / 7 SKL / 12 SPD / 0 LCK / 13 DEF / 6 RES / 9 MOV
Soldier, Knight and Baron Classes
- The entire Soldier class line uses Lance-type weapons, but they're on foot rather than mounted. Promoted multiple times they possess devastating attack stats. They're all male.
- Solider Base Stats: 26 HP / 10 ATK / 1 SKL / 3 SPD / 0 LCK / 5 DEF / 0 RES / 4 MOV
- At level 7 or higher, the Soldier can be promoted to the Knight.
- Knight Base Stats: 34 HP / 16 ATK / 2 SKL / 2 SPD / 0 LCK / 12 DEF / 1 RES / 4 MOV
- At level 10 or higher the Paladin can be promoted to the Baron.
- Baron Base Stats: 40 HP / 22 ATK / 6 SKL / 4 SPD / 0 LCK / 18 DEF / 7 RES / 4 MOV

Mercenary, Myrmidon and Dread Fighter Classes
- The Mercenary class line uses Sword-type weapons. As they grow their proficency with swords raises, bringing new skills, and they also learn to resist magic. They're all male.
- Mercenary Base Stats: 24 HP / 8 ATK / 8 SKL / 10 SPD / 0 LCK / 4 DEF / 1 RES / 4 MOV
- At level 7 or higher, the Mercenary can be promoted to the Myrmidon.
- Myrmidon Base Stats: 30 HP / 11 ATK / 11 SKL / 14 SPD / 0 LCK / 7 DEF / 6 RES / 5 MOV
- At level 10 or higher, the Myrmidon can be promoted to the Dread Fighter.
- Dread Fighter Base Stats: 36 HP / 15 ATK / 16 SKL / 18 SPD / 0 LCK / 11 DEF / 6 RES / 7 MOV
Archer, Sniper and Bow Knight Classes
- The Archer class of characters all use bow-type weapons, as if there was any doubt. They gain the ability to attack from greater distances and eventually get a mount for mobility. They're all male.
- Archer Base Stats: 24 HP / 9 ATK / 1 SKL / 2 SPD / 0 LCK / 3 DEF / 0 RES / 4 MOV
- At level 7 or higher the Archer can be promoted to the Sniper.
- Sniper Base Stats: 30 HP / 12 ATK / 6 SKL / 6 SPD / 0 LCK / 6 DEF / 2 RES / 5 MOV
- At level 10 or higher the Sniper can be promoted to the Bow Knight class.
- Bow Knight Base Stats: 40 HP / 16 ATK / 8 SKL / 8 SPD / 0 LCK / 10 DEF / 6 RES / 8 MOV
Mage, Sage and Priestess Classes
- The Mage class all use black magic, and their promoted forms can also use white magic. Depending on gender they can grow in two different unique directions.
- Male Mage Base Stats: 28 HP / 8 ATK / 3 SKL / 4 SPD / 0 LCK / 5 DEF / 8 RES / 4 MOV
- Female Mage Base Stats: 20 HP / 9 ATK / 1 SKL / 7 SPD / 5 LCK / 2 DEF / 10 RES / 4 MOV
- Once at level 12 or higher male Mage class characters can be promoted to the Sage, who has advanced black and white magic skills.
- Sage Base Stats: 32 HP / 12 ATK / 8 SKL / 7 SPD / 0 LCK / 6 DEF / 9 RES / 4 MOV
- Once at level 14 or higher female Mage class characters can be promoted to the Priestess class, who can use advanced black and white magic with slightly different stats to their male counterparts.
- Priestess Base Stats: 32 HP / 12 ATK / 8 SKL / 9 SPD / 0 LCK / 6 DEF / 6 RES / 4 MOV
Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight Classes
- The Pegasus Knight class are mounted knights who use lance-type weapons. They gain enhanced abilities when promoted. They're all female.
- Pegasus Knight Base Stats: 20 HP / 8 ATK / 4 SKL / 7 SPD / 6 LCK / 4 DEF / 6 RES / 7 MOV
- At level 12 or higher they can be promoted to the Falcon Knight class.
- Falcon Knight Base Stats: 34 HP / 10 ATK / 7 SKL / 12 SPD / 0 LCK / 10 DEF / 12 RES / 8 MOV
Cleric and Saint Classes
- The Cleric class is another magic-wielding class who can use both white and black magic with a bias towards white magic.
- Cleric Base Stats: 18 HP / 7 ATK / 2 SKL / 4 SPD / 4 LCK / 1 DEF / 10 RES / 4 MOV
- From level 12 upwards Cleric class chracters can be promoted to the Saint class, granting them the best healing abilities in the game.
- Saint Base Stats: 30 HP / 10 ATK / 7 SKL / 8 SPD / 0 LCK / 5 DEF / 8 RES / 5 MOV