Danganronpa V3 Gift Guide: a spoiler-free walkthrough to impressing every student with presents
When you're not dealing with the stress of Class Trials, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony gives you a chance to get to know its eclectic cast of characters intimately during 'free time' segments. It's here that the game branches a little more outside of the drama of trial, and it's a section of the game that you absolutely shouldn't ignore. A big part of getting to know the students is in the character gift system.
All of the other students you're stuck with through this story are unique and have distinct personalities, and that meshes well with the fact that you can give them gifts to further your standing with them. Giving the right gifts will seriously impress a character, so you'll want to choose carefully. Each character in the game has gifts they love which will carry your relationship the furthest and gifts they like that'll also help but not impress quite as much.
On this page, we're going to list each student and their liked gifts and loved gifts so that you have a full guide to giving presents. This way, you can pick the right gift for each character. To keep it spoiler-free, we're going to list gifts and presents via their item numbers, not item names. Match the item numbers to the items in-game to see which items we mean. By doing this there won't be any risky spoiler-filled item names on this page. That's a win. Obviously, all the students will be listed, however.
Danganronpa V3 Guide & Walkthrough
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Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Gift Guide - what present to give to what student, in full
Below we list the 'loved' (favorite) and 'liked' (good) items for each student, but many other items will rank slightly lower than these. You'll really want to use the Loved ones as much as possible in order to advance your friendship more fully and more quickly. Hold on to items and try to plan ahead using the item numbers and character lists below.

Angie Yonaga Gift Guide
Angie is known as Danganronpa V3's Ultimate Artist student. These are her preferred gifts:
- Angie's Loved Gifts: 004, 005, 009, 010, 012, 014, 018, 019, 024, 028, 030, 031, 036, 039, 046, 048, 058, 067, 069, 071, 081, 084, 086, 088, 089, 091, 095, 101, 107, 110, 130
- Angie's Liked Gifts: 002, 017, 038, 049, 098, 103

Gonta Gokuhara Gift Guide
Gonta might sound a little dim-witted at first, but he's the Ultimate Entomologist. The gifts he likes are...
- Gonta's Loved Gifts: 013, 020, 032, 041, 068, 075, 080, 094
- Gonta's Liked Gifts: 007, 009, 012, 014, 015, 023, 025, 027, 031, 064, 069, 084, 093, 095, 101, 105, 110, 113, 130

Himiko Yumeno Gift Guide
Here are the presents that you should give to Himiko, the Ultimate Magician, as her outfit makes clear...
- Himiko's Loved Gifts: 048, 054, 066, 069, 072, 081, 130
- Himiko's Liked Gifts: 003, 004, 007, 009, 013, 016, 019, 021, 024, 029, 031, 032, 038, 045, 046, 058, 079, 085, 091, 095, 105, 107, 109, 110

K1-B0 Gift Guide
K1-B0 might be a robot (and the ultimate robot, apparently), but he still has particular taste in presents. Here's what he likes:
- K1-B0's Loved Gifts: 024, 025, 037, 045, 056, 069, 077, 081, 085, 091, 095, 103, 106, 113
- K1-B0's Liked Gifts: 034, 042, 060, 076, 084, 094, 097, 104, 107, 130

Kaito Momota Gift Guide
Kaito has a very specific skill, being known as the ultimate astronaut. Grab him these gifts:
- Kaito's Loved Gifts: 014, 023, 024, 044, 047, 059, 061, 069, 080, 095, 098, 106, 107, 110, 130
- Kaito's Liked Gifts: 009, 027, 034, 039, 045, 056, 062, 067, 074, 077, 086, 090, 091, 099, 101, 102, 109, 111, 113

Kirumi Tojo Gift Guide
As her outfit might clue you in on, Kirumi is the Ultimate Maid, and these are her favorite presents...
- Kirumi's Loved Gifts: 003, 004, 006, 007, 008, 019, 020, 025, 032, 043, 069, 079, 081, 085, 086, 095, 101, 110, 130
- Kirumi's Liked Gifts: 009, 012, 028, 031, 049, 053, 054, 091, 094, 097

Kokichi Oma Gift Guide
Kokichi Oma sometimes has a great dictatorial hat look going on to match that title of Ultimate Supreme Leader, and has a pretty broad taste in gifts:
- Kokichi's Loved Gifts: 002, 009, 015, 017, 032, 033, 035, 037, 047, 054, 062, 073, 087, 088, 090, 092, 098, 102, 103, 130
- Kokichi's Liked Gifts: 005, 010, 014, 025, 029, 031, 036, 045, 055, 057, 059, 067, 069, 071, 072, 077, 085, 086, 093, 095, 099, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113

Korekiyo Shinguji Gift Guide
Ultimate Anthropologist Korekiyo likes these presents if you're looking to please him.
- Korekiyo's Loved Gifts: 004, 009, 028, 035, 037, 039, 051, 055, 067, 071, 086, 087, 088, 106, 130
- Korekiyo's Liked Gifts: 021, 032, 036, 038, 049, 053, 064, 069, 083, 084, 085, 109

Maki Harukawa Gift Guide
Maki has the rather lengthy title of Ultimate Child Caregiver - but hey, at least it's descriptive. These are the presents you should grab for her...
- Maki's Loved Gifts: 002, 028, 030, 037, 049, 073, 081, 091, 095, 110
- Maki's Liked Gifts: 001, 004, 009, 011, 013, 018, 019, 023, 031, 032, 033, 041, 045, 046, 060, 061, 069, 074, 108, 130

Miu Iruma Gift Guide
Miu's googles might give the look away - she's the Ultimate Inventor, and a few of her present choices nod to that:
- Miu's Loved Gifts: 013, 015, 021, 022, 029, 039, 041, 052, 059, 067, 072, 076, 077, 090, 097, 105, 107, 110, 130
- Miu's Liked Gifts: 002, 004, 005, 009, 010, 014, 019, 033, 036, 038, 042, 045, 060, 062, 082, 083, 086, 089, 094, 095, 103, 111

Rantaro Amami Gift Guide
Rantaro is mysterious, and he has a very broad, open taste in gifts - he likes a lot of stuff. Pick a present from these for him:
- Rantaro's Loved Gifts: 002, 004, 005, 008, 009, 018, 019, 020, 025, 031, 032, 033, 037, 045, 050, 055, 059, 062, 067, 068, 069, 077, 078, 080, 083, 087, 091, 094, 095, 098, 102, 104, 106, 109
- Rantaro's Liked Gifts: 022, 030, 035, 038, 039, 042, 043, 049, 053, 056, 058, 060, 061, 066, 070, 073, 074, 081, 084, 085, 090, 099, 101, 103, 105, 113, 130

Ryoma Hoshi Gift Guide
Ryoma might be short in stature, but he's the Ultimate Tennis Pro. These presents will please him:
- Ryoma's Loved Gifts: 016, 023, 098, 130
- Ryoma's Liked Gifts: 003, 005, 009, 025, 030, 031, 032, 033, 037, 045, 046, 061, 062, 069, 074, 077, 095, 105, 106

Shuichi Saihara Gift Guide
Ultimate Detective Shuichi is a cool customer who likes a good gift nonetheless. Pick up a present from these to impress:
- Shuichi's Loved Gifts: 032, 037, 069, 077, 094, 106, 111, 130
- Shuichi's Liked Gifts: 001, 002, 003, 009, 017, 019, 020, 023, 031, 044, 045, 046, 048, 056, 059, 062, 067, 081, 082, 085, 091, 095, 097, 099, 102, 110

Tenko Chabashira Gift Guide
You don't want to mess with Tenko - she's the Ultimate Akido Master, something that might come in handy in something as deadly as Danganronpa. These are her beloved presents...
- Tenko's Loved Gifts: 002, 009, 023, 024, 026, 032, 044, 045, 056, 061, 71, 073, 074, 081, 095, 098, 113, 130
- Tenko's Liked Gifts: 003, 004, 010, 014, 031, 037, 038, 048, 069, 077, 078, 079, 080, 082, 083, 090, 091, 100, 105, 110

Tsumugi Shirogane Gift Guide
Expert in disguise Tsumugi is the Ultimate Cosplayer, and these are the presents that'll make her happy:
- Tsumugi's Loved Gifts: 009, 012, 019, 027, 028, 043, 050, 051, 052, 053, 056, 069, 075, 077, 085, 091, 099, 104, 106, 130
- Tsumugi's Liked Gifts: 003, 004, 005, 017, 021, 023, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 045, 048, 049, 054, 057, 064, 072, 081, 084, 088, 094, 095, 101, 102, 103, 105, 111, 112

Kaede Akamatsu Gift Guide
This is what you can gift to Kaede, the Ultimate Pianist.
- Loved Gifts: 045, 055, 063, 130
- Liked Gifts: 002, 004, 009, 012, 019, 020, 025, 028, 030, 031, 032, 037, 044, 046, 049, 061, 069, 077, 078, 081, 082, 085, 091, 095, 097, 101, 105