South Park: The Fractured but Whole Cat Locations: where to find all the cats for the scavenger hunt quest
South Park: The Fractured But Whole is absolutely full of collectibles that take all sorts of forms - and one of the major collectible items scattered throughout this virutal, crude papercraft version of Colorado is... well, er, cats. South Park series staple Big Gay Al has lost all of his cats, and if you find them there's a bit of recognition in it for you - and it'll also tick the side quest Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats off your quest log.
As a reward, this quest will net you the Feline Costume Set and the Snowcat Costume Set gear - ideal for your ongoing quest. You'll have to find the cats first, however.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Cat Locations Guide
Below we list all the cat loactions - but keep in mind that you'll need the Pause Timefart to even tackle this quest, and it won't actually unlock until you have it. If you can't find a cat in the area we indicate or if you spook it away, use the Timefart Rewind skill to bring the cat back to where it's supposed to be, then try to catch it again.
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Blossom
In order to find Big Gay Blossom you'll need to head to the ruins of SoDoSoPa, the ill-fated South Park devleopment project. It's an absolute wreck now. There are a few steps to find this cat:
- First, you must have completed the mission The Hundred Hands of Chaos in the main story. This lets you clear the lava LEGO blocks to get to SoDoSoPa in the first place.
- When you reach the pinwheel with a flashlight hanging near it, trigger your Fartkour buddy power in order to boost yourself up onto the second floor.
- On the second floor, stand next to Kyle and use Fartkour again to boost to the hanging ladded. Clamber to the top floor.
- On the top floor you'll find Blossom for Al, plus a Panther Set of gear.
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Bogie
For Big Gay Bogie you'll want to head to the north-eastern end of town. Once again you'll need to move the man out of the way, blocking him so you can pass. You also have to do this for some of the memberberries. Here's how to do all that...
- Use Timefart Pause to trap the guy so you can get past him, then head into the woods towards the Canadian border.
- On the left of the wooded area where there's a sign pointing to canada you'll find Bogie.
- Use a Snappop to break the branch he's resting on, then use Timefart Pause to get to the cat before it flees.
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Bono
This cat is an easy one to find - Big Gay Bono hasn't gone far from the main town, and can be found easily enough and with only a quick one-two skill combination.
- Head to South Park's church and then head into the woods to the West of the church. Keep an eye out for a broken, half-dead tree.
- On that half-dead tree, you'll see a cat on the branch. This is Bono.
- Just like with Bogie above, you'll want to first use Snappop to break the branch and then Timefart Pause to get to the fallen cat before it runs away on you.
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Kirby
Big Gay Kirby is hanging out near Bebe's house, which also happens to be where you find a memberberry.
- Head to Bebe's house - you'll find this one of the cats just hanging out up in the tree, like the previous two.
- The situation is the same here - in order to get Kirby you'll want to use Snappop to get it out of the tree and then Timefart Pause to catch the cat before it runs. So, y'know - do that.
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Loki
Loki might well be scared of heights, as this cat isn't even up in a tree or the like. It's just hanging out on the outside of the closed-up South Park Mall. If you get too close the cat will get spooked and run away, so use Timefart Pause when you're close enough that you can run up and grab it before it runs. Simple!
Big Gay Al's Cats: Where to find Big Gay Shadow
The final of Big Gay Al's cats is Big Gay Shadow, and it can be found just to the West of the playground and on the snowy area in front of the movie theatre and Tweek Bros. Coffee. It's hanging out in a bush. Like Loki, it's not in a tree or the like - so simply get as close as you can, then use Timefart Pause in order to rush in and grab the cat to return it to Al. We're done!