Final Fantasy XV Comrades Weapon Skills Guide: bonus effects to power you up, listed and explained
The Final Fantasy XV Comrades multiplayer expansion DLC actually contains quite a few all-new mechanics that weren't found in the single-player side of the game, with the development team seriously rethinking exactly how to approach multiplayer for this new multiplayer FF adventure.
One new mechanic is the manner in which FF15 Comrades handles weapons, something which we've detailed in our FF15 Comrades Weapons Guide. However, there's an aspect of weapon upgrading we don't cover on that page - and that's weapon effects.
Weapon Effects are basically small buffs that can be applied to weapons, with most weapons having a maximum of two that can be equipped at any time. You don't just equip them, however - the effects are inherited via the weapon upgrade process.
There are a number of effects, and below we've listed all of the ones we've found so far so that you know what you're doing when you're remodeling and upgrading your weapons. If you plan ahead, you can build the perfect customized weapon for your adventures as a glaive.

Here's the combat-based bonus weapon effects - keep in mind this is a work-in-progress, and we'll update if we discover more weapon effect skills. If the ability can be imbued through a material, we'll try to list it, only listing inherent abilities if there's no other way to acquire it (that we know of):
FF15 Comrades Weapon Effects - Combat Effects
Most of the properties your weapons can inherit are based around giving buffs to various aspects of combat, allowing you to build a weapon so it better suits how you play.
- 1,000 Needles - Charge attack change into needle barrages that cost MP. | Inherent to Cactuar Mace club from Norduscaen Garrison.
- 10,000 Needles - Charge attack change into needle barrages that cost MP. | Golden Gigantuar Mace club (Cactuar Mace upgrade).
- Air Supremacy - Damage output increases by 10% while attacking in midair. | Chrome Bit purchased at Meldacio.
- Air Supremacy II - Damage output increases by 30% while attacking in midair. | Inherent to Dragoon Lance from 'New King in Town'.
- Air Supremacy X - Damage output increases by 50% while attacking in midair. | Insect Stinger from 'Mechanic on the Move'.
- Barrier Saver - Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by -20%. | Rough Scales from 'The Calamitous Karlabos'.
- Barrier Saver II - Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by -30%. | Ancient Cloth from 'Havoc Befalls the Hut '.
- Barrier Saver X - Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by -50%. | Watchman's Building Stone from 'Burbost Daemon Emporium '.
- Blade Dance - Performs a dance that boosts the power of charge attacks. | Inherent to Dancing Blade katana from Norduscaen Garrison.
- Bonecrusher - Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemy attack power by 10%. | Garula Tusk from 'Garulessa Gone Wild'
- Bonecrusher II - Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemy attack power by 20%. | Crimson Tongue from 'Mechanic on the Move'
- Bonecrusher X - Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemy attack power by 30%. | Inherent to Gneisenau Club (Morning Star Upgrade).
- Brink Boost - Damage increases 70% when below 30% HP. | Dace Scales from Meldacio Mining.
- Brink Boost II - Damage increases 100% when below 30% HP | Reaper Funnybone from 'Havoc Befalls the Hut'.
- Brink Boost X - Damage increases 150% when below 30% HP | Inherent to Avengers daggers (Cutlasses Upgrade).
- Chaosbringer - Charge attacks become powerful forward thrusts | Inherent to Kain's Lance from map node.
- Charge Boost - Charge Attacks deal 10% more damage. | Giant Crab Pincers from 'The Calamitous Karlabos '.
- Charge Boost II - Charge Attacks deal 10% more damage. | Barbed Poison Needle from 'New King in Town'.
- Charge Boost X - Charge Attacks deal 10% more damage. | Curved Hollowhorn from Norduscaen Garrison or 'Quadrupetal Crag'.
- Charge Strike: Savage Swipe - Changes charge attacks into critical strikes. | Monster Sharpscale from 'The Baleful Bandersnatch'.
- Charge Strike: Clearout - Charge attacks change into wide-ranged sweeping strikes. | Dragon Claw from 'The Wicked Wyvern'.
- Combosmosis - Restores 10 MP for every 6 consecutive strikes. | Garchimacera Claw from 'A Secret Experiment'.
- Combosmosis II - Restores 20 MP for every 6 consecutive strikes. | Tattered Rag from 'Everybody’s Groan'.
- Critical Boost - Increases Critical Hit Rate by 10%. | Accursed Coin from 'The Marauding Midgardsormr'.
- Critical Boost II - Increases Critical Hit Rate by 10%. | Catoblepas Fang from 'The All-Seeing Eye'.
- Critical Boost X - Increases Critical Hit Rate by 10%. | Great Anak Antler from 'Quadrupedal Crag'.
- Crusher - Increase damage by 10% when targeting enemy appendages. | Behemoth Horn (990 exp version) from 'Double Deadeyes'.
- Crusher II - Increase damage by 30% when targeting enemy appendages. | Catoblepas Molar from 'The All-Seeing Eye'.
- Crusher X - Increase damage by 50% when targeting enemy appendages. | Laser Sensor from 'Ghost in the Machine'.
- Deathward - Increases resilience of barriers projected when in danger. | Inherent to Ruby Shield from Norduscaen Garrison.
- Electropulse - Changes offensive spell into a spell costing 10,000 kWh. | Inherent to Pulse Bow, acquired after finding Pure Adamantite on a map node.
- Everyone's Grudge - Increase damage output by 30% while party's average HP is less than 30%. | Inherent to Kitchen Knives from 'Everybody's Groan'.
- Everyone's Rancor - Increase damage output by 50% while party's average HP is less than 30%. | Inherent to Kitchen Knives II (Kitchen Knives Upgrade).
- Everyone's Enmity - Increase damage output by 100% while party's average HP is less than 30%. | Inherent to Kitchen Knives III (Kitchen Knives Upgrade).
- Everspirited - Prevents spirit reduction. | Break from Liches from randomly appearing Nidus.
- Eversturdy - Prevents defense reduction. | Crab Carapace from 'Infernal Infestation'.
- Face-Off Boost - Damage output increases by 10% when fighting against fewer enemies. | Sabertusk Claw from 'Quadrupedal Plateau'.
- Face-Off Boost II - Damage output increases by 20% when fighting against fewer enemies. | Monster Claw from 'The Baleful Bandersnatch'.
- Face-Off Boost X - Damage output increases by 30% when fighting against fewer enemies. | Sinister Sharpscale from 'The Road to Hope '.
- Finisher - Final hit of a combo deals 10% more damage. | Heavy Scale from 'Quezalslaughter'.
- Finisher II - Final hit of a combo deals 30% more damage. | Antique Coin from 'The Baleful Bandersnatch'.
- Finisher X - Final hit of a combo deals 50% more damage. | Scorpion Stinger from 'The Wicked Wyvern'.
- Flamebound - Standard attacks inflict fire damage. | Flame Gemstone from dismantling.
- Flash of Steel - Charge attacks become powerful sweeping waves of energy. | Inherent to Homebani katana (Yoshimitsu Upgrade).
- Frostbound - Standard attacks inflict ice damage. | Frost Gemstone from dismantling.
- Helmsplitter - Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 10%. | Sturdy Jawbone from 'A New Hope for Old Lestallum'.
- Helmsplitter II - Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 20%.| Voretooth Bristles from 'The Injurios Jabberwock'.
- Helmsplitter X - Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 30%. | Dragon Horn from 'The Injurios Jabberwock'
- Immaculate - Prevents the wearer from getting dirty. | Cactuar Blossom as a rare drop from random Cactuars or as an Outpost donation.
- Intimidator - Damage output increases by 10% against smaller enemies. | Iron Giant Armor from 'Hunter's Hideaway'.
- Intimidator II - Damage output increases by 30 % against smaller enemies. | Sabertusk Fang from 'The Road to Hope'.
- Intimidator X - Damage output increases by 50% against smaller enemies.| Imperial Medal of Honor from 'The Menacing Mechs' or 'Departure'.
- Jitterbug - Performs a dance when casting a curative spell that boosts attack and defense. | Inherent to Dancing Daggers from Cauthess
- Last Chance - Critical hit rate increases by up to 10% when HP falls below 30%. | Hard Scale from 'A New Hope for Old Lestallum'.
- Last Chance II - Critical hit rate increases by up to 20% when HP falls below 30%. | Colorful Griffon Claw from 'The Gastly Griffon'.
- Last Chance X - Critical hit rate increases by up to 30% when HP falls below 30%.| Gralean Medal of Distinction from 'Roboresurrection' or 'Departure'.
- Lifedrain - Standard attacks have a chance to drain HP equivalent of 10% of damage inflicted. | Naga Scale from 'Snakes on a Downed Plane' or 'Departure'.
- Lifedrain II - Standard attacks have a chance to drain HP equivalent of 30% of damage inflicted.| Deadly Stinger from 'Seaside Skirmish'.
- Lifedrain X - Standard attacks have a chance to drain HP equivalent of 50% of damage inflicted. | Inherent to Cornflower shuriken and Hotarumaru katana, upgrades from weapons dropped in 'Smog on the Water'.
- Lightbound - Standard attacks inflict light damage. | Behemoth Incisor from 'Double Deadeyes'.
- Lion's Roar - Updated version of Flash of Steel, greatly improving charge attacks, | Inherent to Amenohabakiri, upgraded from Mutant Deathclaw drop in 'Dave-ja Vu'.
- Manastrike - Increases damage by 30% at the expense of 5 MP. | Dynamo from 'Roboresurrection' or 'Departure'.
- Manastrike II - Increases damage by 80% at the expense of 10 MP. | Curved Fang from 'Mechanic on the Move'.
- Manastrike X - Increases damage by 200% at the expense of 15 MP. | Inherent to Elder Bow, upgrade from Jahrk dropped in 'Phantom in the Frame'.
- Master Thief - Increases item drop rate after defeating an enemy. | Inherent to Bandit's Blades daggers.
- Parry Boost - Damage output increases by 10% when countering a parried attack. | Wyvern Wing from 'The Wicked Wyvern'.
- Parry Boost II - Damage output increases by 30% when countering a parried attack. | Hardened Hoof from 'Drenched in Blood'.
- Parry Boost X - Damage output increases by 50% when countering a parried attack. | Scorpion Barb from 'The Grotesque Griffon'.
- Penetrator - Reduces target's defense by 10% when attacking. | Cactuar Needle from Cactaur break.
- Penetrator II - Reduces target's defense by 30% when attacking. | Anak Antlers from 'Quadrupetal Crag'.
- Penetrator X - Reduces target's defense by 50% while attacking. | Behemoth Tears from 'Double Deadeye' and inherent to Dragon Whisker (Corseca upgrade).
- Prime Boost - Damage output increases by 10% while at full health. | Worn Incisor from 'Quadrupedal Plateau'.
- Prime Boost II - Damage output increases by 30% while at full health. | Beautiful Hide from 'Double Deadeyes'.
- Prime Boost X - Damage output increases by 50% while at full health. | Large Dreadvern Scale from 'The Injurios Jabberwock '.
- Punisher - Increase damage output by 10% against vulnerable enemies. | Arba Spur from 'A New Hope for Old Lestallum'.
- Punisher II - Increase damage output by 30% against vulnerable enemies. | Small Beak from 'Shields for Meldacio'.
- Punisher X - Increase damage output by 50% against vulnerable enemies. | Sharp Bristles from 'The Injurios Jabberwock'
- Resilient - Occasionally prevents all status ailments. | Magnificent Tail Feathers from 'Shields for Meldacio'.
- Rush Boost - Damage output increases by 1% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. | Lucian Carp Rowscales from Meldacio Mining.
- Rush Boost II - Damage output increases by 2% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. | Barbed Scythe from 'The Terrible Treant'.
- Rush Boost X - Damage output increases by 3% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. | Inherent to Infinity Blade katana (Nameless Blade upgrade).
- Sapient - Occasionally prevents magic reduction. | Cockatrice Tail Feathers from 'Arms for Meldacio'.
- Sentinel - Grants 10% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks.| Greatsnake Crest from 'The Marauding Midgardsormr'.
- Sentinel II - Grants 20% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks.| Ghastly Left Arm from 'Phantom In the Frame'.
- Sentinel X - Grants 30% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks. | Rotten Splinterbone from 'The Malignant Michlantechuatl . Also inherent to Aegis Shield (Rusted Plate Upgrade).
- Sidestep - Enables the user to evade attack in middle of a combo with Left Analog + Circle. | Octolegs from 'The Baleful Bandersnatch'.
- Spirited - Occasionally prevents spirit reduction. | Hardened Hide from 'The Injurios Jabberwock'.
- Strong - Occasionally prevents attack reduction. | Strong Pincers from 'A New Hope for Old Lestallum'.
- Stormbound - Standard attacks inflict lightning damage. | Storm Gemstone from dismantling.
- Sturdy - Occasionally prevents defense reduction. | Tough Shell from 'Mechanic on the Move'.
- Soulsiphon - Standard attacks have a chance of draining MP equivalent to 5% of damage inflicted. | Black Flan Ooze from 'Dave-ja Vu'.
- Soulsiphon X - Standard attacks have a chance of draining MP equivalent to 25% of damage inflicted. | Inherent to Cornflower shuriken, upgraded from Petrified Disc dropped in 'Smog on the Water'.
- Supercharge Strike - Charge attacks build more power to deal greater damage. | Inherent to Dreadnought club (Hammerhead Upgrade).
- Tempting Tango - Performs a dance that boosts the power of charge attacks | Inherent to Dancing Cross daggers from Norduscaen Garrison.
- Trachyon Boost - Damage output increases by 10% when warp-striking an enemy. | Reflex Enhancer from 'The Menacing Mechs' or 'Departure'.
- Trachyon Boost II - Damage output increases by 20% when warp-striking an enemy. | Hecteyes Eye from 'Ghost In The Machine'.
- Trachyon Boost X - Damage output increases by 30% when warp-striking an enemy. | Hydraulic Cylinder from 'The Menacing Mechs'.
- Threat Strike - First hit of a combo draws enemies' attention. | Beautiful Plumage from 'Shields for Meldacio'.
- Turnabout Boost - Damage output increases by 10% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. | Forbidden Draught from 'The Marauding Midgardsormr'.
- Turnabout Boost II - Damage output increases by 20% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. | Centipede Jaw from 'Internal Infestation'.
- Turnabout Boost X - Damage output increases by 30% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. | Strong Whiskers 'Mechanic on the Move'.
- Undaunted - Damage output increases by 10% against larger enemies. | Great Garula Tusk from 'Garulessa Gone Wild'.
- Undaunted II - Damage output increases by 30% against larger enemies. | Cockatrice Crest from 'Arms for Meldacio'.
- Undaunted X - Damage output increases by 50% against larger enemies. | Behemoth Horn (2290 exp version) from 'New King In Town'.

Final Fantasy XV Comrades Weapon Effects - Spell Changing Effects
Some other weapon effects can help to adjust what type of spell your glaive character performs when you press L2/LT and cast an offensive or defensive spell. Here are a few we've found in that wheelhouse:
- Offensive Spell: Blizzard - Caster's default offensive spell changes into ice-type elemental magic. | Cryonade Fragment from 'A Familiar Fright'.
- Offensive Spell: Blizzara - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior ice-type elemental magic. | Sharp Head Fin from 'The All-Seeing Eye'.
- Offensive Spell: Blizzaga - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative ice-type elemental magic. | Wicked Claws from 'New King In Town'.
- Offensive Spell: Fire - Caster's default offensive spell changes into fire-type elemental magic. |Grenade Fragment from 'A Familiar Fright'.
- Offensive Spell: Fira - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior fire-type elemental magic. | Gem of Disorder from 'A Secret Experiement'.
- Offensive Spell: Firaga - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative fire-type elemental magic. | Jomungand Spiralhorn from 'Internal Infestation'.
- Offensive Spell: Thunder - Caster's default offensive spell changes into lightning-type elemental magic.| Galvanade Fragment from 'A Familiar Fright'.
- Offensive Spell: Thundara - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior lightning-type elemental magic. | Skyserpent Talon from 'Quezalslaughter'.
- Offensive Spell: Thundaga - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative lightning-type elemental magic. | Blue Skyserpent Scale from 'The Malignant Michlantechuatl'.
- Offensive Spell: Dia - Caster's default offensive spell changes into light-type elemental magic. | Drooping Whiskers from 'Internal Infestation'.
- Offensive Spell: Diara - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior light-type elemental magic. | Sky Gemstone from repeating the third Chocomostro fight
- Offensive Spell: Diaga - Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative light-type elemental magic. | Inherent to Lohengrins, upgraded from the Befouled Blades from 'Departure' (very rare break from the Behemoth).
- Spare Change - Caster's default offensive spell changes into attack that uses 5,000 gil. | Inherent to Zenigiri katana from a map node.
- Curative Spell: Poisona - Caster's default curative/defensive spell cures HP and removes poison
- Curative Spell: Cure - Caster's default curative spell changes into stronger health-restoring magic. | Thick Hide (520 exp version) from 'Quadrupedal Plateau'.
- Curative Spell: Cura - Caster's default curative spell changes into superior health-restoring magic. | Fine Tail Feathers from 'Shields for Meldacio'.
- Curative Spell: Curaga - Caster's default curative spell changes into superlative health-restoring magic. | Apple from 'The Gormandizing Zu' (very rare). Inherent to Holy Shield (Panacea Shield Upgrade).
- Curative Spell: Esuna - Caster's default curative spell changes to Esuna. | Electrolytic Condenser from 'Ghost in the Machine'.
- Curative Spell: Poisona - Caster's curative spell also cures the target of poison. | Crooked Helixhorn from 'Too Tough to Tame'.
- Curative Spell: Protect - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense. | Thick Hide (730 exp version) from 'Quadrupedal Plateau'.
- Curative Spell: Protectra - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense (more). | Fine Slimy Oil from 'he Gormandizing Zu'.
- Curative Spell: Protectga - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense (even more). | Divine Whiskers from 'Internal Infestation'
- Curative Spell: Temper - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack. | Giant Crab Pincers (600 exp version) from 'Internal Infestation'.
- Curative Spell: Tempera - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack (more). | Giant Hairy Horn from 'Drenched in Blood'.
- Curative Spell: Temperga - Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack (even more). | Monster Jaw (2480 exp version) from 'The Road to Hope'.
- Warp Combo: Blizzard - Casts an ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Serpent Fang from 'The Marauding Midgardsormr'.
- Warp Combo: Blizzara - Casts a superior ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Inherent to Ice Lance, Dulled Spear upgrade from 'Shields for Meldacio'.
- Warp Combo: Blizzaga - Casts a superlative ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Inherent to Brionac lance (Ice Lance upgrade).
- Warp Combo: Fira - Casts a superior fire-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Inherent to Scarlet Blades daggers, Befouled Blades upgrade from 'The Baleful Bandersnatch'.
- Warp Combo: Firaga - Casts a superlative fire-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Inherent to Crimson Flashes daggers, (Scarlet Blades upgrade).
- Warp Combo: Thundara - Casts a superior lightning-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Coeurl Whiskers from 'The Cursed Coeurl'.
- Warp Combo: Thundaga - Casts a superlative lightning-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. | Inherent to Kain's Lance from a map node.
- Warp Saver - Reduces MP cost of warping by -10%. | Magitek Booster from 'Ghost In The Machine'.
- Warp Saver II - Reduces MP cost of warping by -20%. | Anak Fetlock from 'Quadrupedal Crag'.
- Warp Saver X - Reduced MP cost of warping by -30%. | Squirming Bone from 'Dave-ja Vu'.
FF15 Comrades Weapon Effects - Status Effects
Lastly, certain weapon effects will either imbue status effects on your enemies or make the wearer impervious to certain effects. While these abilities might not be as broadly useful as some of the most general buffs, they can come in handy in certain situations, such as preventing petrification on a timed defend quest.
- Anti-Confusion - Occasionally prevents confusion. | Scaled Skin from 'The Terrible Treant'.
- Anti-Death - Occasionally prevents death. | Catoblepas Eyeball from 'The All-Seeing Eye'.
- Anti-Poison - Occasionally prevents poison. | Gator Liver from 'The Calamitous Karlabos'.
- Anti-Stone - Occasionally prevents petrification. | Malboro Vine from 'Smog on the Water'.
- Anti-Stop - Occasionally prevents stop. | Treant Branch from 'The Terrible Treant'.
- Confuseproof - Prevents confusion. | Inherent to Clarity Shield from Meldacio.
- Deathproof - Prevents instant death. | Inherent to Immortal Aegis Shield from Cauthess
- Deathtouch - Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. | Mandrake Root from 'Mechanic on the Move'.
- Deathtouch II - Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. | Malboro Mucilage from 'Smog on the Water '.
- Deathtouch X - Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. | Big Scorpion Stinger from 'The Grotesque Griffon'.
- Immune - Prevents all status ailments. | Cactuar Nectar as a rare drop from random Cactuars. Also Inherent to Aegis Shield (Rusted Plate Upgrade).
- Poisonproof - Prevents poison. | Ariadne Webbing from 'The Malignant Michlantechuatl'. Also inherent to Antivenom Shield from Lestallum.
- Poisontouch - Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 20 seconds. | Arachne Sickleclaw from 'A Tangled Web They Weave'.
- Poisontouch II - Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 45 seconds. | Mandrake Flower from 'The Terrible Treant.
- Poisontouch X - Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 90 seconds. | Naga Necklace from 'Dave-ja Vu ' or 'Departure'.
- Stoneproof - Prevents petrification. | Inherent to Antistone Shield from Meldacio
- Stopproof - Prevents stop. | Inherent to Inertia Shield from Lestallum
- Stoptouch - Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 1 second. | Spider Silk from ' A Tangled Web They Weave'.
- Stoptouch II - Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 2 seconds. | Malboro Hair from 'Smog on the Water'.
- Stoptouch X - Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 3 seconds. | Magnetron from 'The Menacing Mechs '.