Monster Hunter World High Rank Female Armor Sets: all high rank female armor sets pictured
There are a whole lot of armor sets in Monster Hunter World, and getting your head around which you want to wear can be a bit mind-boggling. Your choice of armor will be based on a lot of things including the armor rank, armor skills, its stats and what mission you're going on - some armor will be superior on certain encounters.
We've already summarized every single one of the Low Rank Female Armors in the game, picturing them so you can get an idea of both the stats (on the right) and the fashion implications of each design - but now it's time to take a look at the High Rank Female Armor Sets in Monster Hunter World. On this page you'll find every single one of them!
Be aware that these armor sets will by their very nature contain spoilers for monsters - so be aware of that before you get to scrolling. The order below is the order they appear in the game menus, too.
Monster Hunter World gets pretty complicated, but we've got even more assistance at hand...
- Beginner's Guide: Tips & Tricks for new hunters
- Weapons Guide - which of the 14 weapon classes is best for you?
- Armor Guide - strengths & weaknesses, armor skills, forging and upgrades explained
- How to get the Horizon Zero Dawn Palico Watcher gear
- Multiplayer Guide: how to play with friends, set up parties and send invites
- How to play Expeditions and Assigned Quests in Multiplayer
- Female Armor Sets: All Low Rank Female Armor Sets
Last Chance - SPOILER WARNING! Armor below...
All High Rank Female Armor Sets in Monster Hunter World
Leather (Alpha)

Leather (Beta)

Chainmail (Alpha)

Chainmail (Beta)

Hunter's (Alpha)

Hunter's (Beta)

Bone (Alpha)

Bone (Beta)

Alloy (Alpha)

Alloy (Beta)

Butterfly (Alpha)

Butterfly (Beta)

Vespoid (Alpha)

Vespoid (Beta)

Hornetaur (Alpha)

Hornetaur (Beta)

Mosswine Mask (Alpha)

Kestodon (Alpha)

Kestodon (Beta)

Gajau (Alpha)

Gajau (Beta)

Shamos (Alpha)

Shamos (Beta)

Jagras (Alpha)

Jagras (Beta)

Kulu (Alpha)

Kulu (Beta)

Tzitzi (Alpha)

Tzitzi (Beta)

Pukei (Alpha)

Pukei (Beta)

Barroth (Alpha)

Barroth (Beta)

Anja (Alpha)

Anja (Beta)

Jyura (Alpha)

Jyura (Beta)

Kadachi (Alpha)

Kadachi (Beta)

Lumu (Alpha)

Lumu (Beta)

Rathian (Alpha)

Rathian (Beta)

Rath Heart (Alpha)

Rath Heart (Beta)

Baan (Alpha)

Baan (Beta)

Barnos (Alpha)

Barnos (Beta)

Dodogama (Alpha)

Dogogama (Beta)

Zorah (Alpha)

Zorah (Beta)

High Metal (Alpha)

High Metal (Beta)

Ingot (Alpha)

Ingot (Beta)

Brigade (Alpha)

Brigade (Beta)

Faux Felyne (Alpha)

Strategist (Alpha)

Lavasioth (Alpha)

Lavasioth (Beta)

Legiana (Alpha)

Legiana (Beta)

Odogaron (Alpha)

Odogaron (Beta)
Rathalos (Alpha)

Rathalos (Beta)

Rath Soul (Alpha)

Rath Soul (Beta)

Diablos (Alpha)

Diablos (Beta)

Diablos Nero (Alpha)

Diablos Nero (Beta)

Uragaan (Alpha)

Uragaan (Beta)

Bazel (Alpha)

Bazel (Beta)

Damascus (Alpha)

Damascus (Beta)

Dober (Alpha)

Dober (Beta)

Death Stench (Alpha)

Death Stench (Beta)

Nergigante (Alpha)

Nergigante (Beta)

Teostra (Alpha)

Teostra (Beta)

Kushala (Alpha)

Kushala (Beta)

Vaal Hazak (Alpha)

Vaal Hazak (Beta)

Kirin (Alpha)

Kirin (Beta)

Xeno'jiiva (Alpha)

Xeno'jiiva (Beta)

Dragonking (Alpha)