Kingdom Come Deliverance: How to get out of Talmberg via the Talmberg Armor, Crime or running away
Once you've experienced the opening segments of Kingdom Come: Deliverance you'll surely have a pretty good idea of exactly how the flow of this realism-focused open-world RPG is set to play out, and the game offers no quarter when it dishes up its first few objectives: first an escape to the friendly city of Talmberg, but then very quickly a mission to get out of Talmberg as quickly as possible.
The first half of this isn't so bad, but the second half can be a pretty brutal challenge for such an early phase of any game - but luckily, we're here to assist. Here's how to get out of Talmberg, plus how to pick up some great armor on the way if you're feeling brave...

How to to get out of Talmberg in Kingdom Come Deliverance
Okay, to be honest, things are pretty messed up already. You're not going to be allowed to leave Talmberg, and at this early point in the game you're going to struggle to just persuade somebody to let you leave, no matter how charming. Fighting isn't as much of an option as you might think either: Kingdom Come Deliverance features difficult combat that takes a while to master, and this early stage in the game you're not really ready in terms of skills or equipment to take on a raft of fully-armored guards.
After being coaxed to bed by Robard and Stephanie, you'll be awoken by the latter for a chat. You should be honest and nice to Stephanie if you're so inclined - she'll become a useful ally. When you've played through the various story sequences a new objective will become clear: to leave Talmberg and return to take care of your parents after the brutality of the opening hours of the game. There's a problem, however: Robard won't let you leave, and you're not in any position to persuade or force him to do otherwise.
You can wander the castle of Talmberg, however, and you should do that. There's a trader in here who sells lockpicks for coin, but chances are you're not going to have any.
You have one option: having charmed Stephanie earlier, return to her. If you tell her you've got no cash she'll give you a small amount of coin, useful for the trader. She'll also reveal a loophole in the Talmberg guards' routines: they won't recognize you if you're dressed as one of them. You can also get this information by bribing a guard called Radim.
This means you need to steal some Talmberg armor in order to escape the castle. In Kingdom Come Deliverance, that's not necessarily easy, mind...

Escape from Talmberg: How to get the Talmberg Armor
Getting the Talmberg Armor is actually a difficult but great option at this point in the game - you're far more likely to succeed in your escape than if you just make a break for it, but in addition the Talmberg Armor is a great set of early-game armor to protect you in combat. Better still, it's free, and you'll quickly learn that money is hard to come by in Kingdom Come Deliverance.
So, if you want to follow the Talmberg Armor route, you've got two options:
- There's some Talmberg Armor in a locked chest at the top of the tower that's near the small drawbridge.
- To unlock the chest you'll need some lockpicks (the trader can sort you out on that for 18 Groschen) - but obviously to get this armor you'll also need to use the lockpick right.
- If that's a struggle, consider using Savior Schnapps to save scum in front of the chest, but keep in mind this is a limited-use item that can also quickly become a money sink, of course.
- The second way to get Talmberg Armor is simply to try to isolate a guard and then knock one out. Once he's out cold, you can take his armor and wear it. This is totally doable since the Talmberg Guards aren't inherently suspicious of you, but you'll still need to be very careful in setting this up so you don't get spotted and attacked before you can finish the deed.
As an aside, it's worth noting that if you grab the Talmberg Armor you'll not only be able to get out of Talmberg but you can also do so in style, stealing a horse. In fact, this is one of the best methods to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance, so definitely do it.
Once you have the Talmberg Armor, with or without horse you'll be able to just walk out of the castle and get your larger adventure started. If the armor thing is proving too difficult, however...
Other ways to Get out of Talmberg - Jumping into the Moat and Criminal Activity
If getting your hands on the Talmberg Armor is proving difficult and you want to get out another way, there are two nice easy ways to do so, though you'll miss out on the reward of a horse of your own and a set of useful early armor, both of which can be quite expensive to get your hands on later on.
First of all, you can jump into the moat from the drawbridge. Just crouch underneath the chain of the crawbridge and jump into the moat. The guards will still give chase, so once you make the jump you need to be prepared to run.
Alternatively, you'll actually be willingly turfed out of the castle by the guards if you commit a crime. This actually means if you mess up stealing the Talmberg Armor you'll also be thrown out of the castle, but you can also acheive this by attacking a guard - just surrender right away to avoid getting wounded, endure a little jail sentence and then get kicked out of the castle as a free man. Keep in mind that doing this will see your cash confiscated.