Kingdom Come Deliverance Waldensians side quest guide: finding the Waldensian congregation and persuading Mistress Bauer to flee
The Waldensians quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance can be accessed by speaking with Sir Hanush after completing the main story quest 'Bastism of Fire'. Hanush is usually found on the North Side of Rattay near the castle.
Before accepting the quest, know that in order to solve it peacefully, you need a high Speech stat. We're not sure what the minimum is - we had 16 when we attempted the quest. If you are uncertain, brew a Bard's Potion.
After accepting the quest from Hanush, ride to Uzhitz. Speak to the Vicar, marked on your map, and exhaust all dialogue options.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Where to find the Heretics in Waldensians
After talking to the Vicar, you'll get a book from him telling you where the heretics congregated. It's a tricky riddle, so we'll just give you the answer right away. Go to the small gathering of trees NE of Uzhitz near the big pond. Once you find the clearing within the trees, you'll have to search around and pick up a cross.

Ride back to Uzhitz. Talk to Father Godwin, who hangs around the church and exhaust all dialogue options. He'll tell you the Bauer Family might be the heretics and you'll need to spy on them to confirm.
There are a couple of ways you can go about the quest from here. You ultimately can either side with Vicar or Father Godwin. It seems the option that makes most people happy to NOT talk to the Vicar here. What we want to do is have the Bauer's flee to safety, and lead the Vicar on a goose chase.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Persuading the Bauers to flee in Waldensians
Anyways, travel SE to the Bauer farm and do not get spotted. At the marker, you'll climb up the ladder, and you should see an option to wait until night, followed by a cutscene. Once that's done, travel back to Uzhitz and speak with Father Godwin the next day.
Here's where your Speech stat comes into play, so drink your Bard's Potion now if you have one. Now, to make Godwin and Hanush happy, ride back to the Bauers and speak with Mistress Bauer. The first option doesn't matter, and then choose "God gives you the chance to escape." to have her flee from the farm. You'll have to pass a fairly tough Speech check in order to succeed. Return to Uzhitz and NOW speak to the Vicar.
Finally, return to Sir Hanush in Rattay (marked on your map). Pick "The heretics have fled." Do NOT pick any other option or Hanush will get pissed.