Monster Hunter World Wiggle Me This event quest: getting a Wiggler Ticket to craft the new Wiggler Helmet
One of the most alluring things about Monster Hunter is its constant stream of limited time event quests, and Monster Hunter World is no different. The latest event quest, Wiggle Me This, has an amazing, ridiculous-looking reward, a special piece of Wiggler-themed headgear - but you'll need to farm Wiggler Ticket items in order to get it.
The helmet looks absolutely amazing, as you can see below, covering your hunter's head with a brilliant facade of a Wiggler creature. It wobbles about as you walk and can have its color adjusted when you change your armor pigment, making it great for fashion hunters. It also actually features some really rather useful armor skills and upgrade slots for if you're trying to put together a good support build.
On this page, we're going to detail how to complete the Wiggle Me This event quest, how to get the Wiggler Tickets you need, and then how to craft the Wiggler Head Helmet gear. Here we go...

Wiggle Me This: Catching Wiggler creatures towards a Wiggler Ticket
The first thing you need to know about the Wiggle Me This quest is that it's only available for a limited time: a week. It launches today (day of publishing - March 2nd, 2018) and is only available for one week. If you miss your chance to complete the quest and get the Wiggler Tickets you need, you'll miss out on the armor. So act fast! Here's how it works...
The quest you need to complete to get Wiggler Tickets to make the Wiggler Helmet is called - you guessed it - Wiggle Me This. It's a six-star quest, so you'll need to be Hunter Rank Eleven or higher to access the quest in the first place.
To find the quest, simply go to the notice board, scroll down to the listing of events and then find Wiggle Me This. Hit it - it'll task you with heading to the Coral Highlands to catch 10 little creatures called Wigglers.
Wigglers aren't full-blown monsters, but rather are the type of little critter you can capture with the capture net. Like most creatures of this type they're skittish, and the'll run away from you the moment they sense you, digging into the ground so that they disappear.
In order to catch these worm-like creatures you'll need to be pretty fast with the capture net - whip it out and catch them one at a time, as the others will disappear underground once they see one of their buddies get nabbed.
It'll take you a few attempts to get the ten you need, but keep in mind that when you back off and away, the previously spooked wrigglers will resurface. Keep in mind, too, that fast travel to camp can be abused to force creatures to respawn.
Getting a Wiggler Ticket & using it to craft the Wiggler Head Armor
Once you've got your ten wigglers, head back to Astera and you'll be able to trade them and the quest in. Your reward will be a Wiggler Ticket, a rare item that's used at the smithy to craft the wiggler headgear we're going to all this trouble to get.
You'll need three wiggler tickets to craft the Wiggler Head Armor that you want, so you'll need to grind out this quest three times minimum - six if you want two of this headgear for some reason. Once you've got it, it's yours, however, and as we noted before it's a very limited-time item, just like the Horizon Zero Dawn crossover gear and Street Fighter crossover gear!