Yakuza 6: Here's the Serena safe code for the Western version
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is full of extra activities for players to participate in and has various goods scattered around each city to find. One of the best items in the game is locked inside of a safe at the roof of New Serena. For those of you looking to find the code to open up the safe, don't worry. We've got you covered.
The code to the safe on the roof of New Serena has been changed from the original code in the Japanese version of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. So trying to use that code to receive the contents locked away inside won't do you much good. However, the new code can be found in Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of the Yakuza Experience. This comic has the code split in two parts, one in each chapter. If you're not interested in reading the comic to grab the code you can find it below.
Once you've got access to the roof of New Serena, check out our other Yakuza 6 Guides:

Yakuza 6: Serena Cafe Safe Code
Entering KP56VFA9MX2B7LH when prompted to enter the code will net you the Rainbow Bun item and 1,000,000 yen. The Rainbow Bun item provides a boost to Kiryu's abilities, earning him an extra 1,000 health when consumed. The 1,000,000 yen will definitely make it easier for you to participate in multiple mini-games or have some extra spending cash to blow at the SEGA arcade.
You can find our review of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life here. Looking for more coverage on the Yakuza franchise? Don't worry, we have you covered. And if you're looking to add some powerful additions to your roster in the Clan Creator, we have all of the available Clan Creator codes listed here along with every character's respective skill.