Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition: Fairy Locations, plus clothes and food locations for my fairy mode
One major addition a lot of players are discovering for the first time in Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition is My Fairy mode. This side activity allows you to recruit guardian fairy characters in the spirit of Ocarina of Time's Navi, and in turn you can take those fairies with you into battle where they'll provide you with help and buffs.
While figuring out how to unlock My Fairy can actually be a bit of a pain, once it's actually unlocked it's a really useful feature and is actually one of the most RPG-like features in Hyrule Warriors. Your fairies will level up as you feed them food and use them in battle, improving their skills. You'll also discover loot as you play that includes fairy clothes - and these clothes can then be used to equip your fairy and in turn augment and adjust their stats as any good RPG gear does. This can be a great way to boost the skills of your choice of the many characters in Hyrule Warriors, and alongside using Zelda amiibo is a great way to get a leg up.
All of this stuff - fairy food, fairy clothes and gear - has to be discovered out in the Adventure Mode of Hyrule Warriors, and each map is a sprawling thing of varying difficulty with a range of things to discover. As a note, you can only hold five fairies at the start of the game, but as you complete adventure maps further fairy slots will unlock, up to a maximum total of fourteen.
On this page, we're going to detail the fairy locations on the Adventure Maps for the Switch version of Hyrule Warriors, plus where to find the fairy food and fairy clothes.

Default Adventure Map Fairy Guide: fairy locations, fairy food and fairy clothes
The default map is designed to get you introduced to Adventure Mode, and as a result is has a lot of fairy items to unlock and get stuck into. Here's what you can find on this map - though keep in mind you'll initially limited to recruiting five fairies, so if you max out this map without completing it to expand your fairy slots you'll eventually hit a brick wall.
Remember that each Fairy has a native element - we've listed those accordingly.
Keep in mind that these grid locations are based on the letters being Vertical and the numbers Horizontal. So B-5 is the second row down, the fifth column across.
Fairy Locations (Adventure Map):
- A-14 (Darkness Fairy)
- C-1 (Fire Fairy)
- C-6 (Lightning Fairy)
- G-8 (Light Fairy)
- G-16 (Water Fairy)
- H-12 (Darkness Fairy)
Fairy Food Locations (Adventure Map):
- A-14
- B-1
- B-5
- C-1
- C-6
- D-1
- E-7
- F-16
- G-16
- H-9
- H-12
Fairy Outfit Locations (Adventure Map):
- A-4 (Hat)
- A-11 (Top)
- A-16 (Hat)
- B-3 (Legs)
- B-7 (Accessory)
- B-9 (Top)
- B-15 (Top)
- C-9 (Legs)
- C-13 (Top)
- C-14 (Accessory)
- C-16 (Legs)
- D-5 (Top)
- D-15 (Accessory)
- E-1 (Top)
- E-9 (Top)
- E-10 (Legs)
- E-12 (Accessory)
- F-2 (Legs)
- F-5 (Accessory)
- F-7 (Head)
- F-15 (Accessory)
- G-3 (Accessory)
- G-9 (Legs)
- G-11 (Head)
- H-1 (Top)
- H-2 (Top)
- H-14 (Legs)
- H-15 (Top)

Great Sea Adventure Map Fairy Guide - Locations, Food & Clothing
The Great Sea map is a little smaller, but there's still a handful of Fairy Unlocks to find for your My Fairy mode - clothes and food to ply your fairies with. Here's where to find them all:
Fairy Locations (Great Sea Adventure Map)
- A-1 (Darkness Fairy)
- B-4 (Light Fairy)
- D-10 (Water Fairy)
- F-2 (Lightning Fairy)
- F-14 (Fire Fairy)
Fairy Food & Clothes Locations (Great Sea)
- B-13 (Head)
- C-14 (Accessory & Food)
More food & clothes to come!

Master Quest Adventure Map Fairy Guide - Locations, Food & Clothing
The Master Quest map is a more difficult twist on the original Adventure Map based on the first Zelda game - and it's a large map with a bunch of fairy-related unlocks. Here they are...
Fairy Locations (Master Quest Adventure Map)
- B-12 (Light Fairy)
- D-2 (Lightning Fairy)
- E-6 (Darkness Fairy)
- E-14 (Fire Fairy)
- H-11 (Water Fairy)
More to come, including food and clothes.
Twilight Adventure Map Fairy Guide - Locations, Food & Clothing
Based on the cross-generation GameCube/Wii Zelda title, the Twilight Princess map features a gimmick surrounding the Twilight Realm that reduces the amount of fairy shenanigans. There's still a handful to recruit and a whole lot of food and clothes, however...
Fairy Locations (Twilight Princess Adventure Map)
- A-6 (Light Fairy)
- G-3 (Darkness Fairy)

Termina Adventure Map Fairy Guide - Locations, Food & Clothing
The Majora's Mask map has some time travel based shenanigans to worry about, but given that fairy siblings Tael and Tatl are a major part of that game, it's no surprise that there are a few to recruit on this map - plus fairy clothes and food that you can use to upgrade them or the other fairy friends you've made across the adventure maps. Here's what you can find in Hyrule Warriors' version of Termina, and where:
Fairy Locations (Majora's Mask Adventure Map)
- C-9 (Lightning Fairy)
- D-5 (Water Fairy)
- G-11 (Fire Fairy)