Pokemon Let's Go Evolution Guide: evolve levels and methods for every Pokemon
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee strip back the Pokedex to the original 151 Pokemon that appeared in Pokemon Red, Blue and Green - but that doesn't mean there's not a lot to keep track of - including Pokemon evolutions and evolution levels.
This page is a pretty simple solution for keeping track of that - it's a nice simple list of every single Pokemon that evolves in Pokemon Let's Go and at what level they evolve, as most Pokemon evolve when they hit a certain character level. There are some exceptions, of course. Some notes:
- There's not 151 Pokemon on this list as those that don't evolve aren't listed.
- Some Pokemon don't have a level listed, but rather an item - and the various evolution stones are thus listed instead, plus we've got a full evolution stones guide on where to find them.
- Alolan forms will evolve into Alolan forms, and at the same levels as the Kanto forms.
- Shiny Pokemon also evolve in the same ways and at the same levels.
- Your Partner/Starter Pokemon can't evolve, but they get exclusive new moves to make up for it.
- Mega evolutions are listed too, but if you want to know more about those and how to get them check out our Let's Go Mega Evolutions guide.
Anyhow, here's the list: every Pokemon that evolves and all evolution levels in Pokemon Let's Go:

Pokemon Let's Go Evolution Levels: every Pokemon that evolves and how to make evolution happen
- Bulbasaur evolution level > 16 (Ivysaur)
- Ivysaur evolution level > 32 (Venusaur)
- Venusaur + Mega Stone > Mega Venusaur
- Charmander evolution level > 16 (Charmeleon)
- Charmeleon evolution level > 36 (Charizard)
- Charizard + Mega Stone > Mega Charizard X or Y
- Squirtle evolution level > 16 (Wartortle)
- Wartortle evolution level > 36 (Blastoise)
- Blastoise + Mega Stone > Mega Blastoise
- Caterpie evolution level > 7 (Metapod)
- Metapod evolution level > 10 (Butterfree)
- Weedle evolution level > 7 (Kakuna)
- Kakuna evolution level > 10 (Beedrill)
- Beedrill + Mega Stone > Mega Beedrill
- Pidgey evolution level > 18 (Pidgeotto)
- Pidgeotto evolution level > 36 (Pidgeot)
- Pidgeot + Mega Stone > Mega Pidgeot
- Rattata evolution level > 20 (Raticate)
- Spearow evolution level > 20 (Fearow)
- Ekans evolution level > 22 (Arbok)
- Pikachu + Thunder Stone > Raichu (Partner Pikachu cannot Evolve)
- Sandshrew evolution level > 22 (Sandslash)
- Alolan Sandhrew + Ice Stone > Alolan Sandslash
- Nidoran F evolution level > 16 (Nidorina)
- Nidorina + Moon Stone > Nidoqueen
- Nidoran M evolution level > 16 (Nidorino)
- Nidorino + Moon Stone > Nidoking
- Clefairy + Moon Stone > Clefable
- Vulpix + Fire Stone > Ninetales
- Alolan Vulpix + Ice Stone > Alolan Ninetales
- Jigglypuff + Moon Stone > Wigglytuff
- Zubat evolution level > 22 (Golbat)
- Oddish evolution level > 21 (Gloom)
- Gloom + Leaf Stone > Vileplume
- Paras evolution level > 24 (Parasect)
- Venonat evolution level > 31 (Venomoth)
- Diglett evolution level > 36 (Dugtrio)
- Meowth evolution level > 28 (Persian)
- Psyduck evolution level > 33 (Golduck)
- Mankey evolution level > 28 (Primeape)
- Growlithe + Fire Stone > Arcanine
- Poliwag evolution level > 25 (Poliwhirl)
- Poliwhirl + Water Stone > Poliwrath
- Abra evolution level > 16 (Kadabra)
- Kadabra + Trade > Alakazam
- Alakazam + Mega Stone > Mega Alakazam
- Machop evolution level > 28 (Machoke)
- Machoke + Trade > Machamp
- Bellsprout evolution level > 21 (Weepinbell)
- Weepinbell + Leaf Stone (Victreebel)
- Tentacool evolution level > 30 (Tentacruel)
- Geodude evolution level > 25 (Graveler)
- Graveler + Trade > Golem
- Ponyta evolution level > 40 (Rapidash)
- Slowpoke evolution level > 37 (Slowbro)
- Slowbro + Mega Stone > Mega Slowbro
- Magnemite evolution level > 30 (Magneton)
- Doduo evolution level > 31 (Dodrio)
- Seel evolution level > 34 (Dewgong)
- Grimer evolution level > 38 (Muk)
- Shellder + Water Stone > Cloyster
- Gastly evolution level > 25 (Haunter)
- Haunter + Trade > Gengar
- Gengar + Mega Stone > Mega Gengar
- Drowzee evolution level > 26 (Hypno)
- Krabby evolution level > 28 (Kingler)
- Voltorb evolution level > 30 (Electrode)
- Exeggcute + Leaf Stone > Exeggutor
- Cubone evolution level > 28 (Marowak)
- Koffing evolution level > 35 (Weezing)
- Rhyhorn evolution level > 42 (Rhydon)
- Kangaskhan + Mega Stone > Mega Kangaskhan
- Horsea evolution level > 32 (Seadra)
- Goldeen evolution level > 33 (Seaking)
- Staryu + Water Stone (Starmie)
- Pinsir + Mega Stone > Mega Pinsir
- Magikarp evolution level > 20 (Gyarados)
- Gyarados + Mega Stone > Mega Gyarados
- Eevee evolution (Partner Eevee cannot evolve)
- Eevee + Water Stone > Vaporeon
- Eevee + Thunder Stone > Jolteon
- Eevee + Fire Stone > Flareon
- Omanyte evolution level > 40 (Omastar)
- Kabuto evolution level > 40 (Kabutops)
- Aerodactyl + Mega Stone > Mega Aerodactyl
- Dratini evolution level > 30 (Dragonair)
- Dragonair evolution level > 55 (Dragonite)
- Mewtwo + Mega Stone > Mega Mewtwo X or Y
- Meltan + Pokemon Go > Melmetal