Al Bhed Primer Locations guide for Final Fantasy X & X-2
The Al Bhed Primers are a vital piece of the puzzle that is Spira, the world of Final Fantasy X. But in order to understand this language and the Al Bhed people, you'll need to collect 26 Primers, each of which reveals the translation of another letter of the alphabet.
This guide has all of the Al Bhed Primer locations to make sure you nab them all as early as possible, including warnings when a primer is missable. As a bonus, we have the locations for both FFX and FFX-2 - and this guide will work for all versions of the game on all platforms.
Final Fantasy X Al Bhed Primer Locations List

Al Bhed Primer locations are scattered right across the world of FF10 - and some of them are missable. So - here it is - a full list of where to find every Al Bhed Primer in FF10. Get them all and you'll be able to understand every shred of Al Bhed spoken throughout the story of FF10, which is great for learning more about Spira and its stories.
Collecting all of the Al Bhed Primers in Final Fantasy X will unlock the Master Linguist Trophy/achievement in modern versions of the game.
There are 26 in total - one for each letter of the alphabet, with each corresponding to explain what each letter of the English alphabet is in Al Bhed. You can even use this knowledge to translate and speak Al Bhed yourself in the real world. Let's get to it:
Al Bhed Primer Volume I:

- Find this first Al Bhed Primer on the deck of the Al Bhed salvage ship early on, after you first meet Rikku and her crew. You have to get this on this occasion!
- Reveals P = B
- Missable. You cannot return to this location, but if missed you can get this Al Bhed Primer in the north-eastern area of the Sanubia Desert Oasis.
Al Bhed Primer Volume II:

- Available in Besaid Village, inside the Crusader's Lodge building, right at the back of the room, near the desk. You can return to Besaid to get this later if missed.
- Reveals Y = A
Al Bhed Primer Volume III:

- Found aboard the S.S. Liki, inside the Power Room, where the Chocobos are running inside wheels to power the ship, on the bottom-right corner of the room. This is missable here, but can be found elsewhere.
- Reveals L = C
- Missable. If you do miss it, find it later in the Sanubia Desert - inside the tent where you find Wakka.
Al Bhed Primer Volume IV:

- Available at Kilika Port, head inside the Tavern building and find this Primer just sitting out on the desk. It's so in plain sight it's actually easy to miss, in a weird way!
- Reveals T = D
Al Bhed Primer Volume V:

- This is available on the Bridge aboard the S.S. Winno, the same ship where you can unlock the Jecht Shot. Go inside to where the helm and wheel of the ship are, and just behind the guy driving is the Primer, on the green carpet.
- Reveals A = E
- Missable. If missed, find it later in the Sanubia Desert, near where Kimhari is discovered.
Al Bhed Primer Volume VI:

- Find this primer in the 'Basement B' area of Luca Stadium. This is hidden behind an NPC in a way that can be difficult to spot, depending on your camera angle - look at the feet of one of the Blitzball Players on the left, in the green pants - it's just behind them. The camera angle changes right near the pair, so you have to be careful not to trigger the camera switch as you approach.
- Reveals V = F
Al Bhed Primer Volume VII:

- Grab this Primer in Luca Theatre, in Luca. It's really in plain sight towards the bottom-left of the theatre lobby, just to the right of a great big flower pot with pink, purple and yellow flowers.
- Reveals K = G
Al Bhed Primer Volume VIII:

- This primer is found on the Mi'ihen Highroad - but you get it automatically, from Rin, a friendly NPC of FFX. Just chat to Rin inside his Travel Agency and he'll gift you the Primer to help your Al Bhed studies.
- Reveals R = H
Al Bhed Primer Volume IX:

- Available on the Mi'ihen Highroad's Newroad South area, found on the road as it curves around. This is easily missable, as you'll likely speed past this one on a Chocobo, and it's very small compared to the rest of the area. Thankfully, you can return for it if you go past it.
- Reveals E = I
Al Bhed Primer Volume X:

- Found on Mushroom Rock Road, camouflaged into the dirt on a ledge. You'll know you're in the right place, as this ledge is out on its own, separately accessed - and it's a dead end. The Primer does a relatively good job of blending in, however.
- Reveals Z = J
Al Bhed Primer XI:

- Available on the Djose Highroad, nestled on the floor against rocks, close to the foreground. This one is a real pain, as it's visible when you're away from it due to how the camera moves, but as you get close it disappears behind the rock in the foreground. Sneaky!
- Reveals G = K
Al Bhed Primer XII:

- At the area of Moonflow's North Wharf where there's the elephant-like creatures waiting to be used for transport, it's found on the floor. Go up the ramp to the sort of grandstand area under a canopy to the right of the elephant things - it's tucked into a corner.
- Reveals M = L
Al Bhed Primer XIII:

- Find this primer in the middle of the floor in a house in Guadosalam. This is a house with a central pillar of tree roots in the middle; just to the left of that central root, the book is on the floor. There's three NPCs and a chest in here, too.
- Reveals S = M
Al Bhed Primer XIV:

- This primer actually has a little order to obtaining it. In the Thunder Plains, speak to Rikku, then head inside his Travel Agency and speak to Rin inside the Travel Agency building. Then head to Yuna's room, and tell Rin "Okay" when you get the chance. He'll give you another Al Bhed Primer.
- Reveals H = N
- Missable. If you don't get it in the Thunder Plains, you can find this later on inthe Sanubia Desert.
Al Bhed Primer XV:

- This primer is found in the Macalania Woods, on the Lake Road. Near where Oaka is just hanging out, look for a path that leads off to the right, where the primer is hidden away. The road is sort of intersected by a big outcropping of blue rock; go right just above that rock. At the end of this path, there's the Primer.
- Reveals U = O
Al Bhed Primer XVI:

- This FFX Al Bhed primer is available in front of the Travel Agency in Lake Macalania - it's to the left of the building, just to the right of Oaka as he camps outside waiting to grab you for business. A nice easy one, for once.
- Reveals B = P
Al Bhed Primer XVII:

- Found in the Sanubia Desert, under some ruins. It's well visible in the sand, though keep in mind it's slightly obscured because it sits in the shadow of the building ruins that it's beneath.
- Reveals X = Q
Al Bhed Primer XVIII:

- Available to the North of the Sanubia Desert. It's just next to a sign that points towards Home. It's really out in the open, but because it's so flat and is against the yellow sand, it can be easily walked right past.
- Reveals N = R
Al Bhed Primer XIX:

- Found in one area of the Al Bhed Home area, near ruins and a burning machine, towards the left-hand side of one of the areas.
- Reveals C = S
- This is Missable, and can't be re-gained if missed. Save before you proceed further.
Al Bhed Primer XX:

- This primer is available in the Al Bhed Home, on the side in the Living Quarters area. It's sitting atop what's either a table or a bed - we can't quite tell. There's maps and charts pinned to the wall directly above where it rests. Be careful, as this is one of the truly missable Al Bhed Primers in the game.
- Reveals D = T
- This is Missable, and can't be re-gained if missed. Save before you proceed further.
Al Bhed Primer XXI:

- Pick up this primer at the end of the main corridor of the Al Bhed Home area. It's at the very end of the corridor, not far away from the malfunctioning door with the red lights that's moving back and forth. The lighting of the area makes the Primer blend in on the floor.
- Reveals I = U
- This is Missable, and can't be re-gained if missed. Save before you proceed further.
Al Bhed Primer XXII:

- Another one-time chance for this primer, this time in Bevelle Temple. It's in plain sight, but you have to get this in the aftermath of the wedding scene. The party will be walking off, towards the next exciting story beat - but before you fopllow them, grab the Primer! It's right in front of you, on the bridge!
- Reveals J = V
- This is Missable, and can't be re-gained if missed. Save before you proceed further.
Al Bhed Primer XXIII:

- Find this to the north-west of the Calm Lands, right up against the edge of the explorable map, overlooking a texture of rolling desert and hills that looked pretty amazing back on PS2 but looks rather rough on the HD Remaster of FFX. It's to the left of where an NPC riding a Chocobo often hangs out, overlooking that texture.
- Reveals F = W
Al Bhed Primer XXIV:

- This primer can be picked up in the Remiem Temple area, just sitting around on the floor. In the area that's in the shape of a big circle, you'll want to take the left-hand path and follow it around past a chocobo and to a dead end. The Primer is in the right-hand corner of the dead-end.
- Reveals Q = X
Al Bhed Primer XXV:

- Available in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, at the end of a dead end that's pointing west. It's not too far from a chest and a save point - it's to the left of both of those items.
- Reveals O = Y
Al Bhed Primer XXVI:

- In a room full of chests in the Omega Ruins, look to the top of the room, where this primer is hanging out, waiting for you. In my opinion this is the most annoyingly hidden Al Bhed Primer in the game; you're best off running around the top path of the room with the chests (in the purple hue, with the chests in the foreground) hammering the interact button, as it's easier to grab it this way than to actually try to see it.
- Reveals W = Z
FFX Al Bhed Primer Ranking Thresholds
Every time you pick up a primer, you're working towards increasing your general Al Bhed Primer ranking. Each time you hit a certain threshold, your rank increases. Here's the ranks:
- Al Bhed Hujela (Novice): 1 Primer
- Al Bhed Pakehhan (Beginner): 4 Primers
- Al Bhed Typpman (Dabbler): 7 Primers
- Al Bhed Maynhan (Learner): 10 Primers
- Al Bhed Cbaygan (Speaker): 13 Primers
- Al Bhed Hydeja (Native): 16 Primers
- Al Bhed Unydun (Orator): 19 Primers
- Al Bhed Medanyde (Literati): 22 Primers
- Al Bhed Sycdan (Master): 26 Primers
Final Fantasy X-2 Al Bhed Primer Locations List

Many concepts from the first game return in the sequel, and it's therefore perhaps unsurprising that there's a set of Final Fantasy X-2 Al Bhed Primers, though they're in a much different format than in the first game.
In this game, they're not a collectible found out in the overworld - instead, they're automatically obtained when you view certain cutscenes or have certain conversations with characters who speak Al Bhed, who in the story of FFX-2 are much more prolific.
FFX-2 Al Bhed Primer Unlock List
Here's when to find them all, with a few Al Bhed Primers available to pick up in a few of the game's chapters:
Chapter 1 Al Bhed Primers
- After completing the first mission, speak to Brother and Buddy aboard the Celsius.
- Once you complete the mission 'Behind the Scenes', speak to Rin in Luca.
- In Djose Temple, sign up for the desert excavation by talking to Gippal. (Also available in Chapter 2)
- After the 'Follow that O'aka' mission, speak to the Al Bhed woman outside the lakeside shop in Macalania. (Also available in Chapter 2)
- When you first visit Bikanel, you'll get a free primer.
Chapter 2 Al Bhed Primers
- At the opening of Chapter 2, speak to Shinra aboard the Celsius.
- In Djose, talk to Gippal.
Chapter 3 Al Bhed Primers
- In Djose, talk to Gippal, and do it before you take on the 'Protect Besaid Temple' mission.
- Another primer is available after you start the 'No Way Djose' mission.
- Before you start the 'Secure the Agency' mission, you'll get a primer in Macalania.
Chapter 4 Al Bhed Primers
- At the start of the chapter, talk to Paine on the deck of the Celsius, then head to the bridge.
- For another primer, view the new CommSphere events from Djose and Macalania.
Chapter 5 Al Bhed Primers
- Once you've met with Leblanc aat the Farplane, return to the Celsius and the Deck. Speak to Brother and Buddy.
- One is obtained in Djose after you defeat The Experiment.
- A final primer is found in the Thunder Plains, once you complete the mission 'A Fallen Genius'.
Missed a primer? First of all, don't panic - not all is lost. Keep in mind that you can get any of the FFX-2 Al Bhed Primers you've missed the first time around through digging in Bikanel.
You can go digging in Bikanel in almost any chapter in the game, but not in chapter 4 for story reasons. After that, you can return and keep on digging.