Greedfall Romance Guide: every romanceable companion, including Aphra
Greedfall ended up being a pretty good game, and a lot of the goodwill that it has received since its release is how it, in ways, harkens back to RPGs of the last decade such as the Dragon Age series. One component of that is the ability to engage in a romantic relationship with your companions, and Greedfall offers much of the same thing here. Here's how to romance each party member in Greedfall for both male and female De Sardets.
How Romance Works in Greedfall

Greedfall has five possible companions in total: Kurt, Aphra, Vasco, Siora, and Petrus. Petrus is not a romance option, leaving the remaining four as the possible partners. Of those four, Vasco and Siora are romance options for both male and female player-characters, while Kurt is only a romance option for female characters, and Aphra is only an option for male characters. Meaning for that any given playthough, there are two opposite-sex and one same-sex choices available.
Each Companion will ask the player to embark on a three-part character quest. For some, like Vasco, this can be done relatively early in the game. For others, like Siora, you'll have to play a little further in. After each quest, you can speak to that companion and choose a dialogue choice for a boost to your Reputation with them. Once you do this three times, you'll be able to rendezvous at your residence to see a romance scene, if you choose to. There's often also another dialogue choice, which doesn't seem to matter.
Note that even after the resulting cutscene, you can still back out of going steady with that character, leaving the door open to romance another. Once you do choose to pair up, your personal reputation will switch to Loving, you'll earn and achievement/trophy, and you won't be able to romance anyone else on that save file.

Vasco is a romance option for both Male and Female characters.
Quest 1: "A Name for a Family" - Can be started as soon as you talk to Constantin at the palace in New Serene.
After, Select "Ask him if he has any happy memories".
Quest 2: "Family Reunion" - Can be started right after the previous (you may have to wait 24 hours).
After, Select "Tell him that this encounter allowed him to assert himself".
Quest 3: "Forever a Naut". - Can be started right after the previous (you may have to wait 24 hours).
After, Select "Tell him that you wish you could sail with him again".
Then speak to him one final time, earn the Love and the Sea achievement.

Kurt is a romance option for Female characters only.
Quest 1: "Missing in Action" - Can be started as soon as you talk to Constantin at the palace in New Serene.
After, Select "Tell him that is was so that you could understand him better".
Quest 2: "Amongst the Ghosts" - While the quest will appear in your log right after "Missing in Action", Kurt will get the information he needs after "Old Countries in a New World".
After, Select "Tell him about a childhood memory with Constantin".
Quest 3: "Settling Scores". - Can be started after "Treason!" main quest, assuming Kurt survives the Coup (he should if you've done his first two quests). "Treason!" occurs once you follow through the Ancient Secret meta-quest, which starts after "The Battle of the Red Spears".
After, Select "Tell him you hope you will be a part of it".
Then speak to him one final time, earn the Guardian of Love achievement.
Aphra location & romance

Aphra is a romance option for Male characters only
Recruitment Note: Aphra is tucked away a little further into the game compared to the other companions. To recruit her, visit both embassies a first time to complete "Old Countries in a New World", and then complete the quest "Scholars in the Expedition".
Quest 1: "Islander Knowledge" - Can be started as soon as you finish "The Battle of the Red Spears".
After, Select "Talk to her about the two youths".
Quest 2: "Cave of Knowledge" - Can be started right after the previous (you may have to wait 24 hours).
After, Select "Tell her that you feel as if you have learned a lot".
Quest 3: "The Linking Ritual". - Can be started right after the previous (you may have to wait 24 hours).
After, Select "Tell her you hope that you will be a part of it".
Then speak to her one final time, earn the Love and Botany achievement.

Siora is a romance option for both Male and Female characters.
Quest 1: "Find Queen Bladnid" - Can be started as soon as you finish "The Battle of the Red Spears".
After, Select "Tell her about having to say goodbye to your own mother".
Quest 2: "Promises Set in Stone" - Can be started after finishing "The Trial of the Waters", which is after "Suffering of Constantin" (which in itself is after the coup in "Treason!").
Quest Note: If you accept the bribe and double down when Siora calls you out, you'll fail the quest and she will leave the party.
After, Select "Tell her it seems logical, given their culture".
Quest 3: "The Queen's Farewell". - Can be started right after the previous (you may have to wait 24 hours).
After, Select "Tell her that you would understand if she had to help her people".
Then speak to her one final time, earn the Minudhanem achievement.