Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Unique Monster Locations guide
One element common to the Xenoblade series of games is that of uniquely named big enemies, appropriately named Unique Monsters in Xenoblade Chronicles. These monsters are tougher than your average monster, but oftentimes reward more EXP and better loot than similarly leveled enemies, if you manage to take them out. Five of the game’s unique monsters are level 100 or higher, and are often referred to as the game’s optional superbosses.
It’s worth taking out each Unique Monster at least once, as killing each Unique Monster for the first time will give each playable character an Affinity Coin, which are needed to form Skill Links. The more Affinity Coins you have, the more Skill Links you can place on a character, meaning you can have more passive buffs applied, all good stuff.
However, several Unique Monsters are missable, because they are found in limited-time areas only. If you’re aiming to complete the game with the strongest characters available, you’ll want to be extra careful to make sure you don’t miss any Unique Monsters. We’re here to help. We’ve listed all Unique Monsters in the game by location and level, we note which are required to be defeated for certain quests, and if the Unique Monster is missable.
Find a list of all 157 Unique Monsters in the game below.
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Xenoblade Chronicles Colony 9 Unique Monsters
- Level 5 Verdant Bluchal
- Found on beach south of Anti-Air Battery 1
- Needed to complete Challenge 2
- Level 6 Evil Rhangrot
- Found on Tephra Hill
- Needed to complete Challenge 1
- Level 6 Lake Magdalena
- Found in the water underneath Outlook Park
- Needed to complete Challenge 3
- Level 6 Itinerant Dorothea
- Found at Cliff Lake during the day
- Level 10 Speedy Ramshyde
- Found at Cliff Lake
- Level 13 Enchanting Grune
- Found at the beach east of Tephra Cave Entrance at 5:00
- Level 18 Dark Murakmor
- Found at Anti-Air Battery 3
- Needed to complete The Plan - Execution, consider waiting until you get Sharla to beat.
- Level 37 Gentle Mother Armu
- Found at Agora Shore
- Level 38 Impenetrable Redrob
- Found at Hazzai Cape at night
- Level 39 Roguish Frengel
- Found in cave north of Cliff Lake
- Level 40 Gentle Rodriguez
- Found at north end of Agora Shore
- He'll be in your way for Liliana's Sincere Request
- Level 40 Lakebed Orthlus
- Quest exclusive. Found at Agora Shore only during Preparing for Adventure 3
- Level 44 Shadeless Matrix
- Found in cave north of Cliff Lake at night
- Level 73 Flailing Bracken
- Found on beach north of Anti-Air Battery 2
Xenoblade Chronicles Tephra Cave Unique Monsters
- Level 8 Mining Patrichev
- Found northeast of Caterpile Nest
- Level 9 Wallslide Gwynry
- Found north of Escape Pod Bay
- Needed to complete Challenge 4
- Level 10 Cellar Bugworm
- Found at Caterpile Nest
- Level 10 Solid Konev
- Found south of Spring of Grief at night
- Level 11 Gluttonous Eugen
- Found at Vilia Lake
- Level 92 Plump Sprahda
- Found in an alcove south of Bafalgar Tomb
- Level 93 Musical Vanflare
- Found at the north end of Bone Corridor
- Level 94 Judicious Bunnitzol
- Found in a hole north of Heavenly Window.
- Level 95 Reckless Galdon
- Found at Hidden Warehouse
- Level 96 Protective Torquidon
- Found at Heavenly Window
- Level 97 Dazzling Tolosnia
- Quest exclusive. Found southwest of Heavenly Window only during The Blood of Bafalgar.
- Level 97 Erratic Goliante
- Found at Heavenly Window
- Level 98 Firework Geldesia
- Quest exclusive. Found at Arachno Queen’s Nest only during Battling Brutes.
- Level 98 Reckless Zanden
- Quest exclusive. Found at Arachno Queen’s Nest only during Battling Brutes.
Xenoblade Chronicles Bionis Leg Unique Monsters
- Level 15 Sniper Paramecia
- Found southwest of Gaur Plain
- Level 15 Trainer Harmelon
- Found east of Zax Guidepost
- Needed to complete Challenge 2 - Part 1
- Level 16 Violent Andante
- Found close to Raguel Lake, near Viliera Hill
- Needed to complete Challenge 1 - Part 2
- Level 16 Vagrant Alfead
- Found at Tirkin Headquarters
- Needed to complete Challenge 2 - Part 2
- Level 17 White Eduardo
- Found at the island in Raguel Lake during a thunderstorm
- Needed to complete Challenge 1 - Part 1
- Level 17 Napping Volfen
- Found in eastern Gaur Plain during rain or thunderstorm
- Level 18 Night Cardamon
- Found near Kasharpa Falls at night with no rain
- Level 32 Clifftop Bayern
- Found at Daksha Shrine
- Level 75 Mysterious Barnaby
- Found at Windy Cave
- Level 76 Field Altrich
- Found northwest of Crevasse Waterfall
- Level 78 Canyon Valencia
- Found at Observation Platform
- Needed to complete Nic's Training
- Level 81 Territorial Rotbart
- Found at Gaur Plain
- Needed to complete Homs Determination
- Level 82 Armoured Rockwell
- Found under Viliera Hill during raining or thunderstorm
- Level 90 Immovable Gonzalez
- Found at Spiral Valley
Xenoblade Chronicles Ether Mine Unique Monsters
- Level 20 Dark Kisling
- Found east of Central Terminal
- Level 22 Vengeful Daulton
- Found east of Test Pit 4
- Level 29 Elegant Marin
- Found near Glowmoss Lake
- Can be beaten for the quest What is Courage?
Xenoblade Chronicles Colony 6 Unique Monsters
- Level 19 Graceful Holand
- Found northeast of Drainage Outlet during rain or thunderstorm
- Level 25 Drifter Jutard
- Found at Pod Depot
Xenoblade Chronicles Satorl Marsh Unique Monsters
- Level 25 Stormy Widardun
- Found at Zaldania Waterfall during the day
- Level 26 Cautious Balteid
- Found west of Barren Moor
- Level 27 Tumultuous Felix
- Found southeast of Silent Obelisk
- Level 27 Amber Fischer
- Found near Altar of Fate on backwards C-shaped island
- Level 28 Aggressive Cornelius
- Found in southern Igna Territory
- Level 28 Swift Zektol
- Found east of Igna Territory
- Level 30 Sunlight Schvaik
- Found flying around Barren Moor during the day
- Needed to complete Zazadan Still In Danger
- Level 31 Reckless Godwin
- Found at Exile Fortress
- Level 83 Veteran Yozel
- Found northeast of Silent Obelisk at night during fog.
- Needed for Challenge (obtained after Mechonis Core events)
- Level 85 Indomitable Daulton
- Found at Soter Ruins
- Needed to complete Nic's Final Test
- Level 91 Eternal Palsadia
- Found on top of Exile Fortress after completing The Giant’s Treasure
- Level 108 Despotic Arsene
- One of the game’s superbosses
- Found north of Glowing Obelisk after Mechonis Core
Xenoblade Chronicles Makna Forest Unique Monsters
- Level 33 Agile Albatro
- Found along the river near Bridge Three during clear weather
- Needed to complete Challenge 1
- Level 33 Shimmering Forte
- Found east of Eks Watering Hole
- Needed to complete Challenge
- Level 34 Elder Gragus
- Found east of Nopon Arch during clear weather
- Needed to complete The Old Soldier's Test
- Level 34 Lazy Bluco
- Found at Yellow Flower Grove at night
- Needed to complete Challenge 3
- Level 35 Obsessive Galgaron
- Found at Hode Lair
- First accessible during Beat Kilaki to it! and needed to complete the quest
- Level 37 Breezy Zolos
- Found north of Windmill Pavilion
- Needed to complete Challenge 2
- Level 46 Brutal Gravar
- Found at King Agni’s Tomb
- First accessible during Mystery of Makna Ruins 2
- Level 96 Unreliable Rezno
- Quest exclusive. Found at island in Great Makna Falls during Final Challenge of the Sage
- Level 98 Illustrious Golteus
- Found at Precipice Bridge after Mechonis Core
- Level 99 Magnificent Digalus
- Found near Decayed Forest after Mechonis Core
Xenoblade Chronicles Eryth Sea Unique Monsters
- Level 36 Turbulent Belmo
- Found at Hovering Reef 1 on clear days
- Level 38 Peeling Kircheis
- Found at Hovering Reef 7
- Needed to complete Challenge 3
- Level 38 Flabbergasted Jerome
- Found on island below Hovering Reef 5
- Needed to complete Challenge
- Level 39 Proper Bandaz
- Found at Secluded Island at night during Shooting Stars
- Needed to complete Challenge 1
- Level 39 Tempestuous Edegia
- Found at Hovering Reef 10
- Needed to complete Challenge 2
- Level 40 Subterranean Zomar
- Found at Soltnar Seal Island
- Level 41 Cumulus Danaemos
- Found was Khatorl Seal Island
- Level 42 Funeral Gozra
- Found at Hode Refuge
- Needed to complete Punish the Hodes
- Level 44 Lightspeed Sonid
- Found at Anu Shore
- Needed to complete Challenge 4
- Level 87 Stormy Belagon
- Found at Kromar Coast
- Level 88 Bizarre Ragoel
- Found on the lower level of Anu Shore
- Level 89 Sacred Zagamei
- Found on island below Hovering Reef 9
- Level 92 Clamorous Dablon
- Found on northwest side of Sleeping Dragon Isle during a thunderstorm
- Level 93 Deadly Medorlo
- Found at Central Seal Island after Mechonis Core
Xenoblade Chronicles High Entia Tomb Unique Monsters
- Level 38 Calm Anzabi
- Found in Second Treasury
- Level 96 Furious Jozan
- Found at Telethia Laboratory, which requires High Entia Emblem to reach
Xenoblade Chronicles Valak Mountain Unique Monsters
- Level 45 Conflagrant Raxeal
- Story Quest exclusive. Found at Lava Cave during The Magma Rock.
- Level 45 Glorious Buer
- Found south of Sealed Tower on a plateau
- Level 46 Moonlight Paimon
- Found at Lava Cave
- Level 46 Vague Barbas
- Found southwest of Befalgar Pedestal
- Level 47 Barbaric Sitri
- Found at Antol Den. Reach by jumping off the ice slide (use Quick Step Gems to make the jump easier)
- Needed to complete The Balance of Power.
- Level 47 Agile Barbatos
- Found northeast of Ignia Hill at night
- Level 48 Banquet Vassago
- Quest exclusive. Found in a Bonterra pod in Antol Den during The Balance of Power.
- Level 49 Hidden Gamigin
- Found on bridge southeast of Ignia Hill at night
- Level 50 North Star Gusion
- Found west of Url Crevasse during the night with a blizzard
- Level 97 Exposure Wolfol
- Found at Lava Cave after The Magma Rock
- Level 98 Wandering Amon
- Found at Bionis’ Right Elbow at night
- Level 100 Final Marcus
- One of the game’s superbosses
- Found at Three Sage Summit at night
- Level 114 Blizzard Belgazas
- One of the game’s superbosses
- Found near Great Glacier after Mechonis Core
- Level 120 Avalanche Abaasy
- One of the game’s superbosses
- Found at Three Sage Summit at Night during a blizzard after Mechonis Core
Xenoblade Chronicles Sword Valley Unique Monsters
- Level 49 Prudent Purson
- Found at Dolgan Outpost during surprise quest Secure Dolgan Outpost
- Level 50 Tranquil Morax
- Found at Enalda Control Base during surprise quest Secure Enalda Control Base
- Level 50 Defective Ipos
- Found west of Ether Storage Area
- Level 51 Fate Labolas
- Found at Port Maintenance Bay
- Level 51 Benevolent Aim
- Found at Monado Wound
- Level 53 Kamikaze Bune
- Found north of Control Tower
- Level 55 Lightning Ronove
- Found near Radio Tower during surprise quest Secure the Radio Tower
- Level 57 Mischievous Naberius
- Found behind 3rd gate
- Use Blaze Defense gems when fighting.
Xenoblade Chronicles Galahad Fortress Unique Monsters
- Level 52 Glacier Acon
- Found in 1st Turbine Room
- Level 53 Precious Retrato
- Found in 3rd Fuel Supply Room
- Level 55 Glorious Jurom
- Found at Ether Blast Furnace
Xenoblade Chronicles Fallen Arm Unique Monsters
- Level 54 Evil Bathin
- Found at Ether Exhaust System
- Needed to complete Scheduled Inspection
- Level 56 Aged Leraje
- Found at Radiocarpea Coast at night
- Level 56 Prosperous Zepar
- Found at Jifum Beach, northeast of mining station, at 18:00
- Level 57 Affluent Beleth
- Found in the water at 5th Pulse Zone
- Level 58 Splendid Botis
- Found at Digit 5 Beach
- Level 80 Powerful Eligos
- Found at Digit 1
- Level 95 Wicked Sallos
- Found at Distant Fingertip during clear weather
- Level 105 Ancient Daedala
- One of the game’s superbosses
- Found at Wreckage Beach after Mechonis Core
Xenoblade Chronicles Mechonis Field Unique Monsters
- Level 57 Amorous Arca
- Found at Bulkhead Controls
- Level 58 Infernal Crocell
- Found east of 4F Main Power Switch
- Needed to complete Challenge Quest 2
- Level 59 Destroyer Salvacion
- Found at 2F Observation Post
- Level 60 Revolutionary Bifrons
- Found northeast of 4F Main Power Switch
- Needed to complete Challenge Quest 1
- Level 61 Commander Oracion
- Found at the Spent Fuel Tank (need to jump down to it)
Xenoblade Chronicles Central Factory Unique Monsters
- Level 58 Mild Florence
- Found on a ramp near Landing Strip 2
- Level 59 Faithful Lancelot
- Found next to Control Tower
- Level 60 Beautiful Vagul
- Found in the Storage Depot
- Needed to complete the surprise quest Eliminate the Backup!
- Level 61 Synchronised Gaheris
- Found near Central Tower Lift and Central Warehouse Lift
- Level 62 Balanced Palamedes
- Found northwest on Central Tower Roof on 3F near the mining node
- Level 63 Sinful Lamorak
- Found southwest of Tower Boarding Gate, enter the small room left of the elevator
- Level 64 Venerable Focalor
- Found on Training Ground Roof, jump off the north end of the Central Lift while it is moving to reach
- Needed to complete the surprise quest Roof Battle
- Level 65 Temporal Gawain
- Found in the Control Tower after opening the hangar door
- Level 70 Magestic Mordred
- Found northeast of Face Maintenance Bay
Xenoblade Chronicles Agniratha Unique Monsters
- Level 63 Vagabond Allocer
- Found north of Helas Pillar
- Needed to complete Military Status 1-1
- Level 64 Experienced Tristan
- Found southwest of 1st Control Platform
- Level 64 Destructive Bors
- Found near Telethis Bridge
- Level 65 Soothed Aglovale
- Found near Legislative District
- Level 65 Meditative Varla
- Found near Telethia Bridge
- Needed to complete Military Status 2-1
- Level 66 Sentimental Flamral
- Found in Judicial District
- Level 67 Wrathful Orobas
- Found southeast of Dios Pilar
- Needed to complete Military Status 2-2
- Level 68 Wise Gremory
- Found west of Meyneth Statue
- Needed to complete Military Status 1-2
Xenoblade Chronicles Bionis Interior Unique Monsters
- Level 72 Active Impulso
- Found in Second Lung
- Level 72 Mystical Klesida
- Found in Third Lung
- Level 73 Victorious Gross
- Found at Pars Sympathica Tower
- Level 74 Clandestine Apety
- Found in Second Lung
- Level 75 Vivid Anstan
- Found in Third Lung
- Level 75 Officer Robusto
- Found on platform under Venous Plexus
- Level 76 Ghostly Mahatos
- Found on platform west of Terminal Nerve Tower
- Level 77 Dark King Barbarus
- Found just outside Second Lung, flying around
Xenoblade Chronicles Prison Island Unique Monsters
- Level 75 Ageless Moabit
- Found near Damaged Transporter
- Level 76 Serene Imlaly
- Found in Banquet Hall
- Level 76 Inferno Heinrich
- Found in the back room of the Kitchen
- Level 77 Cold Ageshu
- Found in the Kitchen on the south side
- Level 77 Abnormal Clone Barg
- Found in First Sanctum
- Level 77 Majestic Clone Barg
- Found in Second Sanctum
- Level 77 Masterful Gigapur
- Found on Travalga Bridge
- Level 78 Fiendish Auburn
- Found at Gravina Bridge
- Must defeat three Babel Deinos and three Babeli Bargs before it will appear
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected Unique Monsters
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected also has its own set of Unique Monsters that can be found on the Bionis Shoulder. Unlike the Unique Monsters found in the main game, these do not reward Affinity Coins, but instead reward Art Coins, which can be used to purchase Advanced Art manuals. Additionally, while each Unique Monster is guaranteed to drop an Art Coin when they are first killed, they have a chance to drop more Art Coins if taken out a second time. So, Art Coins are not limited in any way.
Here is what we found. Note specific spawn conditions have yet to be determined.
- Level 63 Phlegmatic Jamir
- West of Navvir Crossroads
- Level 64 Highborn Alexandra
- Cinnabar Plateau
- Level 65 Grotesque Deimis
- Barouh Ruins Cave
- Level 66 Booming Frederick
- West of Purifying Falls, rain only
- Level 68 Buoyant Rostein
- Cross west under Xen's Thoroughfare and go south up the slope.
- Level 69 Quondam Grimbellum
- Up the slope at Cinnabar Plateau and to the west.
- Level 69 Confluent Uzva
- Fyme Lane
- Level 69 Air Marsahl Reisenbach
- Clear Sky Bluffs
- Level 70 Cyclonic Yughana
- Old King's Testament
- Level 71 Custodian Barreldart Fogbeast
- Gamaro Hollow after fight with Ponio Fogbeasts at Soltnar Seal Island
- Level 73 Dismal Umya
- Nerthis Necropolis
- Level 72 Deputy Seagal
- Zekr Marga Quarry
- Level 73 Caustic Naquatra
- Zekr Marga Quarry
- Level 73 Terpsichorean Cenoth
- South of Gran Dell, southmost beach, near Ponspetor Tutu
- Level 74 Marquis Odesh
- Field north of Clear Sky Bluff
- Level 74 Perceptive Quinops
- Hilltop west of Purifying Falls
- Level 74 Citadel Tostiga
- Prayer Rock
- Level 77 Ravager Apelpisia
- Marga's Weeping
- Level 78 Contemptuous Greymane Fogbeast
- Agni's Skygarden Ruins after fight with Ponio Fogbeasts at Soltnar Seal Island
- Level 80 Prosecutor Davrum
- Nerthis Necropolis quest exclusive