Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Quest Guide - where to find all quests and which choices to make
Xenoblade Chronicles is a game chock full of quests to undertake. In fact, there are more than 400 quests found in the game, and a good chunk of quests are missable. Luckily, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition has added a few tools to help quest completion go a little bit smoother, such as more icons labeling which enemies you need to defeat or which collectables you need to pick up in order to fulfill quest requirements.
Xenoblade has a ton of quests, and if you decide to take them all on, it can be quite the additional time commitment. If you just want to experience the storyline without bogging yourself down with quests, there’s certainly no need to complete all quests in the game. If you just pick up the quests you come across, and complete the ones you happen to as you work your way through the game, you’ll be fine. But this guide is one for completionists - those who want to make sure they find and complete every quest the game has to offer.
This page will list all the quests in the game, generally in the order in which they are available. It will also note which quests are missable due to story events or other reasons. Some quests do involve choices to make, and while none of these have any dramatic effect, we’ll offer advice and which choice is most optimal, due to a better reward or perhaps better Affinity/Reputation gain afterwards. This guide will NOT list story quests, as these cannot be missed and must be undertaken anyways.
This guide will also mention good times to work towards the Colony 6 Reconstruction, as this directly leads into more available sidequests.
A note about quests. Let’s repost a tip from our Tips Guide
Talk to NPCs twice, at different times of day, and before/after completing quests.
Xenoblade Chronicles has a somewhat strange Affinity/Reputation system, which is centered on how the game handles NPCs. All of the game’s named NPCs are categorized into five separate locations: Colony 9 Area, Central Bionis, Upper Bionis, Hidden Village, and Colony 6 Area. The game keeps track of every named NPC and places them on the Affinity Chart, which can be easily found in the main menu. You might be wondering: why bother filling out the Affinity Chart? The short answer is: for quests. Many of the game’s quests require NPCs to be placed on the Affinity Chart first, which requires talking to them. Additionally, talking to NPCs can also create links between various NPCs on the chart, which also is needed for some quests. Even more so, talking to NPCs after completing quests can boost your Reputation within the category (one of the five listed above), and some quests require your Reputation to be at a certain level before they will appear.
What makes this a little trickier is the NPCs often have multiple things to say, and you might miss Reputation boosts or Affinity Links if you only talk to each named NPC only once. So, you actually generally want to talk to each NPC twice, because they often will have more to say and Reputation boosts are sometimes found in the second dialogue. Additionally, completing quests will often change what NPCs have to say and their affinity for other NPCs, so you'll want to talk to NPCs again after completing quests. Even more additionally, NPCs change what they have to say at different times of day, with some affinity boosts only available at specific times.
In short, talk to every named NPC twice, at multiple times, before and after completing quests. Named NPCs are shown as green dots on the mini-map. You don’t need to talk to unnamed NPCS.
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Xenoblade Chronicles Quest Checklist
Xenoblade Chronicles Colony 9 Quests Before Tephra Cave
- The Key to a Long Life
- A Curry Conundrum
- Biscuits for a Grandson
- Education-Minded Suzanna
- completed within Tephra Cave
- Lonely Niranira
- The Broken Watch
- A Young Captain's Request
- Pride and Courage
- Rocco's Heartful Request
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 4
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 1
- completed within Tephra Cave
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 2
- completed within Tephra Cave
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 3
- completed within Tephra Cave
- Challenge 1
- Challenge 2
- Challenge 3
- Challenge 4
- completed within Tephra Cave
- Material Quest 1
- Material Quest 2
- Material Quest 3
- Material Quest 4
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
- Collection Quest 3
- Collection Quest 4
- Search Quest 1
- Search Quest 2
- Search Quest 3
- Search Quest 4
Colony 9 Quests After Tephra Cave
- Overworked and Underpaid
- Talking to Paola is the better route, as it raises more affinity
- An Impoverished Critic
- Financial Planning
- Choosing Sylviane is a slightly better route due to affinity gains
- The Plan - Preparation
- The Plan - The Night Before
- The Plan - Execution
- This requires defeating a Level 18 Unique Monster, consider getting Sharla first
- A Young Captain's Suffering
- A Young Captain's Rise
- Monster picked doesn't matter
- Dean's Shady Request
- Flattened Flowers
- Education-Crazy Suzanna
- Romantic Notions of a Boy OR Romantic Notions of a Girl [mutually exclusive quests]
- These quests are mutually exclusive, but neither route is clearly better functionally.
- Mementos of a Lost Son
- Quest cannot be completed until Satorl Marsh
- Paola and Narine
- Quest cannot be completed until much later in the game when affinity links are high
- Liliana's Sincere Request
- Quest cannot be completed until you can take down a level 40 Unique Monster
Tephra Cave Quests
- Missing in Action
- Arachno Silk Fundraising
- The Lost Pendant
- A Thank You
- Clearing Obstructions
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
- Material Quest 1
- Material Quest 2
Bionis Leg Quests
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 4
- Challenge 1 - Part 1
- Challenge 1 - Part 2
- Earnest's Fibs
- Earnest's Mischief
- Earnest's Solitude
- Being a Good Grandfather
- The Lost Nopon
- at Traveler's Rest on Bionis' Leg
- With Much Gratitude
- at Traveler's Rest on Bionis' Leg
- With Even More Gratitude
- at Traveler's Rest on Bionis' Leg
The following quests in Bionis’ Leg are Missable!
- Imaginations Tempered OR Spirits Raised [mutually exclusive quests]
- Spirits Raised is generally the better quest to choose, as it results in slightly higher affinity and more quests unlock later in Colony 6
- Thieving Monsters
- The Greedy Monster
- A Dash of Colour
- A Thoughtful Idea
- Emergency Treatment
- Save the Girl!
- This is a surprise quest that appears once you approach the waterfall in the SE part of Gaur Plain
- Monster Quest 2
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 2
- Challenge 2 - Part 1
- Challenge 2 - Part 2
- Material Quest 1
- Material Quest 2
- Material Quest 3
- Material Quest 4
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
- Search Quest 1
- Search Quest 2
Colony 9 Quests After Getting Sharla
- Out-of-Luck Giorgio OR Pestering Paola
- Depends on the choice made during Overworked and Underpaid. Out-of-Luck Giorgio is the better route for affinity gains.
- Jackson's Awakening
- Pick Kenny Rohan instead of Giorgio due to slightly better affinity.
- Jackson the Poet OR Jackson the Cook
- Depends on the choice made in Jackson’s Awakening. Jackson the Poet is a slightly better choice due to better reward.
Colony 9 Quests After Learning Monado Speed in Bionis Leg
- A Mysterious Light
- There are two routes to take during this quest, but neither is clearly better.
- Out Like a Light?
- Repairing the lamp is a slightly better option, due to better reward. You can do this by speaking to Arnaut, so you may have to change time. This will also require parts from the Ether Mine.
Colony 6 Quests Before Ether Mine
- Proof of Status
- Safety First
- Secret Mission
Satorl Marsh Quests
- Monster Quest 1
- Monster Quest 2
- Monster Quest 3
- Monster Quest 4
- Kacha's Kidnapping
- Making Camp
- The Giant's Key
- The Giant's Treasure
- Preventing Starvation
- Zazadan in Danger
- Zazadan Still in Danger
- It's All in the Mind
- A Mysterious Delicacy
- A Gift?
- Quest can't be completed until Frontier Village
- At this point you should have also been able to finish Mementos of a Lost Son.
Colony 6 Quests (Beginning of reconstruction)
- The Road Home
- This is mutually exclusive with a later but identical quest called "To Colony 6", which has a higher EXP/money reward, but you'll have to put off the reconstruction of Colony 6 for a while. Also, completing this quest by talking to Juju will move the NPCs from Refugee Camp to Colony 6, expiring any quests not yet done there. Make sure you've complete all the Bionis Leg quests first before doing this one.
- What is Love?!
- You must have completed Spirits Raised
- What is Courage?!
- You must have completed Spirits Raised, either route is the same.
- Matryona's Answer
- You must have completed Spirits Raised. The Lake Drop route for this quest is the better option.
- Chemist's Reopening
- Making a New Path
- For the Restoration
- Don't attempt until Making a New Path is completed, else you have to take on a Level 90 monster ;(
- A Selfish Girl's Mistake
- Satata's Younger Brother
- Rest in Peace
- Cannot complete until Makna Forest
Here is a good time to get all Colony 6 Reconstruction categories to Level 1. This will then allow you do The Gem Man's Invention quest in Colony 9, which gives you the portable gem furnace.
- Invite Werner to Colony 6
- Found at Mechon Wreckage site where you started the game
Makna Forest Quests
- Monster Quest 1
- Monster Quest 2
- Monster Quest 3
- Monster Quest 4
- Challenge
- This quest can be obtained once you've stepped foot in Frontier Village
Frontier Village Quests
- Leku's Food Crisis
- Hunt for a Patron
- Heropon's Spirit
- Beat Kilaki to it!
- Lousy Lizards
- Popularity Premonition
- Neither choice is clearly better. Some prefer Pepa due to establishing a new Affinity link on the Affinity Chart
- Making a Mixer
- Materials for a Mixer
- Decoration Makeover
- Hunt for Bug-loving Friend
- A Worried Bug-Lover
- Mushy Mushrooms
- Sweet Seduction
- See Note 1 above
- Ingredients for a Brew
- See Note 1 above, best route is to use Bitter Kiwi
- If you're struggling finding Bitter Kiwi, try trading with Leku once Central Bionis affinity is three stars or higher
- Strange Noises from Below
- Musical Genius
- Things that Hum
- Things that Rumble
- Disinsectization
- Dadapon in Trouble
- It Definitely Exist!
- Kind Lupa's Grampypon
- Secret Elixir Ingredients
- Fixing Time Mushrooms
- Pollen Orb Ingredients
- Secret Ingredient Hunt
- Secret Innovation
- The Master's Successor
- Neither Gadada or Cherri leads to a functionally better outcome, but Cherri seems like the right choice.
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 3
- Challenge 1
- Challenge 2
- Challenge 3
- Material Quest 1
- Material Quest 2
- Material Quest 4
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
- Collection Quest 3
- Collection Quest 4
- Search Quest 1
- Search Quest 2
- Search Quest 3
Be sure to pick up Challenge from Makna Forest. Also, Material Quest 3 doesn't show up until later in the game, for some reason, in case you were wondering.
Colony 9 Quests After Riki Joins Party
- Desiree's Future
- This quest can be difficult to unlock at this time, due to the high Colony 9 Reputation needed, but it should be able to be done. Make sure to do all other Colony 9 and Tephra Cave quests, talk to all named NPCs multiple times at different times to boost reputation, talk to Desiree even if she doesn't have a quest icon.
- The Soldier route is the better route for affinity.
- This will unlock Shulk's Pessimism skill tree
- A Young Captain's Challenge
- Neither the Sword or Shield route is better. They'll lead to different quests as a followup, but the ultimate final reward is nearly the same. Shield gives a Daze Gem while Sword gives a Topple gem. That's it.
- The Old Soldier's Test
- To activate the quest, talk to Dionysus and say "He's too old for that girl." This will lower the affinity bond between Jan and Dionysus but raise Colony 9 Reputation overall
- A Big Brother's Fight OR A Little Brother's Fight [mutually exclusive quests]
- Completing A Little Brother's Fight - giving the pollen to Jiroque - is a slightly better option for affinity. The option you choose will also affect which follow-up quest you get.
- Thawing Relations OR A Place to Come Home To [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends if you picked Jiroque or Zakazu
- Betty's Gift OR Desiree's Apology [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends on which route you chose for 'Desiree's Future, can't be completed until Eryth Sea
- To start Betty's Gift, try speaking to her in the Residential District between 6:00 and 9:00
After clearing all of the Frontier Village Quests, you should be strong enough to complete Liliana's Sincere Request, and also get Colony 9 to 5 star Reputation.
Colony 6 Quests After entering Eryth Sea
Now is a good time to get Colony 6 to full level 2. Invite Hoko and Pokapoka from Frontier Village.
- Defend Colony 6 - Mechon
- A Gutsy Trader
Frontier Village / Makna Forest Quests after entering Eryth Sea
- Honoring the Nopon Sage
- Meeting the Nopon Sage
- Avenge a Mamapon's Death
- This will unlock Sharla's Reliance skill tree
- A Tormented Bug Lover
- Legend of the Sage
- From Nopon Sage in Makna Forest
- Challenge of the Sage
- From Nopon Sage in Makna Forest
Alcamoth Quests after High Entia Tomb
- The Deciphering Machine
- A Necessary Upgrade
- Talia's Research
- This quest is mutually exclusive with a later quest Investigating Satorl. Neither quest is clearly better than the other to complete. Talia's Research gives more Alcamoth (Upper Bionis) reputation, Investigating Satorl gives more EXP/gold, being a later game quest.
- Bring Back My Son!
- Teaching Materials
- Brave Actions
- During this quest, make sure to accept the quest Protect the Capital! from Lecrough. Protect the Capital! is only available while Brave Actions is accepted, but not completed.
- Protect the Capital!
- See note at Brave Actions
- How Do They Feel?
- How Do I Feel?
- You choose between Rozeal and Ricoth. Rozeal is a slightly better choice due to better affinity gain.
- The choice is determined by who you speak to first
- Together Forever OR I Love You No Matter What [mutually exclusive quests]
- The quest you get depends on the choice made in 'How Do I Feel?'
- A Friend in Need
- Preparing for Adventure
- Preparing for Adventure 2
- Preparing for Adventure 3
- Building Bridges
- Starlight Seeker
- Starlight Gazer
- Back Pain
- Looking for Gold Bugs
- Losing the Taste for Alcohol
- Looking for a Lost Son
- Looking for a Lost Daughter
- Going Out to Play
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 1 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 2 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 3 - Part 3
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 1
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 2
- Monster Quest 4 - Part 3
- Challenge 1
- Challenge 2
- Challenge 3
- Challenge 4
- Material Quest 1
- Material Quest 2
- Material Quest 3
- Material Quest 4
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
- Collection Quest 3
- Collection Quest 4
- Search Quest 1
- Search Quest 2
- Search Quest 3
- Search Quest 4
For Colony 6 Reconstruction, send Ma'crish and Talonyth to Colony 6.
Eryth Sea Quests after High Entia Tomb
- Trouble at the Plant
- Punish the Hodes
- Mend the Plant
- Hode Attack
- Trouble at the Lighthouse
- This will unlock Melia's Reticence skill tree
- Monster Quest 1
- Monster Quest 2
- Challenge
- Collection Quest 1
- Collection Quest 2
Colony 6 Quests After High Entia Tomb
This list assumes you have recruited everyone mentioned up this point and gotten all reconstruction categories to Lv 2
- Cook-off Counter Attack!
- Cook-off Comeback?
- A Delectable Delicacy
- Cook-off Final Blow?!
- Missing Lodger
- Looking for Freedom
- Talk to Ma'crish and follow the route where you get Pure Perfume
If you get Commerce/Housing to 3, you can recruit Perrine or Mefimefi now as well. Perrine, near the Weapons Dev. Lab in Colony 9, will eventually offer a quest with a better reward than Mefimefi, so a slightly better option. You can also recruit Yura from Alcamoth and Norara from Frontier Village.
- Defend Colony 6 - Reptile
- (If you recruit most all available NPCs and raise Commerce and Housing to Lv 3)
Frontier Village Quests after Alcamoth
- Dangerous Ambition
- Find the Kingpin
- Adviser Hunt
- Gather Information
- This is listed as a Satorl Marsh quest in-game, placed here in this guide for convenience
- The dialogue options don't matter here, you'll eventually be forced to make the proper options. The correct order is "What happens if it's processed?", then "We don't blame you.", then "Ask where Dedeba is."
- Evidence Collection
- Destroying the City Trade
- Getting a Member's Card
- This is listed as an Alcamoth quest in-game, placed here in this guide for convenience
If you've done every quest up to this point and followed advice to have Melia or Sharla in the lead, you should have a high enough affinity at this point to finish Paola and Narine in Colony 9, finally.
Makna Forest / Frontier Village Quests after accessing Valak Mountain
- Bridge Repair
- Found near where the pod lands in Makna Forest upon leaving Alcamoth following the events at Prison Island.
- Medical Advancement OR Let's Make Fillings! [mutually exclusive quests]
- These two quests are mutually exclusive and result in the same overall affinity/reputation gain. However, Medical Advancement gives more EXP/money.
- World's Strongest Flavour OR Reversed Tastes [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends on if Medical Advancement or Let's Make Fillings! was done. Medical Advancement leads to World's Strongest Flavour, which has a better quest reward than Reversed Tastes
- Healing the Healer
- Legendary Nopon Charm
- This quest is completed as part of Healing the Healer
- Mislabelling Problem
- Getting Bigger!
- Giving the seaweed to Adidi is a tiny bit better option due to affinity links
- Who is Bigger?
- You'll complete this as part of completing Getting Bigger!
- This will unlock Riki's Cowardice skill tree
- Mystery of Makna Ruins 1
- Mystery of Makna Ruins 2
- Mystery of Makna Ruins 3
- Mystery of Makna Ruins 4
- Shulk will learn Monado Eater from the skill book found in the chest
- Giant Attack!
- Material Quest 3
Valak Mountain Quests
- Chilkins and Antols
- Valak Mountain Research
- Choice here has no consequence
- The Freezing Nopon
- Bad Timing
- Chilkin Changes
- The Balance of Power
- This will unlock Dunban's Obstinance skill tree
- Monster Quest 1
- Monster Quest 2
- Monster Quest 3
- Monster Quest 4
Alcamoth Quests After Valak Mountain
- Adventurers in Peril
- Note that doing Adventurers in Peril will lock you out of the later quest The Missing Partner. Being a later game quest, The Missing Partner has better EXP/gold rewards but Adventurers in Peril gives more Affinity.
- Believing Again
Colony 6 Quests After Valak Mountain
You should be able to get all categories of Colony 6 to level 3 at this point. You can invite:
- Yura (Alcamoth, if you didn't get earlier)
- Mefimefi/Perrine (If you didn't get earlier. From Colony 9, mutually exclusive immigrants, choose Perrine)
- Norara (Frontier Village, if you didn't get earlier)
- Berryjammy (Frontier Village)
Of the two choices from Colony 9, Perrine will eventually offer a quest with a better reward than Mefimefi, so choose her.
- Defend Colony 6 - Reptile
- If you didn't do it earlier.
- Cook-Off Showdown!
- It doesn't matter which ingredients you get. Saying "Make food your customers like." will actually please more people.
- This will unlock Reyn's Impatience skill tree
- A Tantalising Treat
- Cursed Berryjammy OR Weak Berryjammy [mutually exclusive quests]
- depends if you invited Mefimefi or Perrine
- Obstinate Berryjammy
- Unstoppable Berryjammy
- Talking to Norara is better for overall affinity
- Miss Sweetness Showdown!
- There are actually two versions of this quest, one from Berryjammy and one from Ma'Crish. No matter which person you pick, the end result is near identical, save for a very slight reward difference.
- The Most Transparent Thing
- You'll complete this as part of either version of Miss Sweetness Showdown!
Sword Valley Quests
- Secure Dolgan Outpost
- Secure Enalda Control Base
- 3rd Gate Front Line
- Secure the Radio Tower
Galahad Fortress Quests
Note: Like Sword Valley, Galahad Fortress is a limited time area. Luckily, there are no optional quests to take here, only Story Quests. The Unique Monsters here can technically be missed, but you'll run directly into all three of them following the story path, so take them out. Make sure you grab the collectables as well, though they can be obtained in other ways. Additionally, you'll need two Art Core Coils for Colony 6 eventually. Refer to our Missables Guide for more information.
Galahad Fortress has no optional side quests.
Fallen Arm Quests
- Save the Machina!
- Eliminate the Threat
- Mysterious Noises
- Protect the Village
- Stop the Mechon Rampage!
- Shulk will learn Monado Armour
- The History of Mechonis
- Requires items in Mechonis Field, so this is missable
- I Want to be a Homs!
- Powerless
- Power Up!
- Fixing a Broken Door
- The Wilted Flower
- The Oath Sword
- This will unlock Seventh's Rashness skill tree
- Scheduled Inspection
- A Tough Battle
- Therapy
- Mending Memories
- This quest involved completing Resolution - Father and Resolution - Mother
- Resolution - Father
- Resolution - Mother
- A Weapon Just For Me
- requires items from enemies in Mechnois Field and Central Factory, so this quest is missable
- Food Delivery
- For My Loved One...
- involves NPCs at Machina Refuge in Mechonis Field, so this is missable
- To My Loved One...
- involves NPCs at Machina Refuge in Mechonis Field, so this is missable
Mechonis Field Quests
- Best Boots
- Monster Quest
- Challenge Quest 1
- Challenge Quest 2
Central Factory Quests
- Eliminate the Backup!
- Surprise quest upon entering the Storage Depot NW of Control Tower
- Roof Battle
- Surprise quest where you need to jump off the north side of the Central Lift platform while it is moving.
- Daring Assault
- Surprise quest you'll run into no matter what
Agniratha Quests
- Civil Protection 1-1
- Civil Protection 1-2
- Civil Protection 1-3
- Civil Protection 2-1
- Civil Protection 2-2
- Civil Protection 2-3
- Military Status 1-1
- Military Status 1-2
- Military Status 2-1
- Military Status 2-2
- Agniratha Beautification 1
- Agniratha Beautification 2
- Telethia Investigation 1
- Telethia Investigation 2
- This requires completion of Telethia Investigation 1
Once you completed all 14 optional quests, you can interact with the last terminal at Central Tower to get Cloister Key, which unlocks the door on 3F which houses a secret area.
Fallen Arm Quests Before Meyneth Shrine
One more quest opens in Hidden Machina Village. This quest is missable and will no longer be available after the events at Meyneth Shrine.
- The History of the Capital
Colony 6 Quests Before Meyneth Shrine
You should be able to raise Housing, Commerce, and Nature to level 4. Invite:
- Jer'ell (Alcamoth)
- Don Argentis (Alcamoth)
- Rosemary (Colony 9)
- Peppino (Colony 9)
This will open up more quests in Colony 6.
- Defend Colony 6 - Elite
- Odd Smoke - Investigation
- Odd Smoke - Resolution
- In Pursuit of Love
- cannot be completed yet
Central Factory Quests (Revisit)
There is one more quest in Central Factory, given by one of the Machina on Junks once you land:
- New Weapon for Seventh
- This involves going to the Weapon Creation Machine, where you made the bomb before, to complete. Unfortunately, you cannot warp, so you have to walk.
Xenoblade Chronicles End Game Quests
From Vanea in Junks
To receive these quests you must have flown Junks into the Bionis Interior
- Replica Monado 1
- Replica Monado 2
- Replica Monado 3
- Replica Monado 4
- Replica Monado 5
Colony 6 After Mechonis Core
You can now get Colony 6 to Level 5 and be fully restored. Get:
- Oleksiy (Colony 9)
- Nic (Colony 9)
- Nic is the person needed to complete In Pursuit of Love
- Neonik (Hidden Village)
- Shilx (Hidden Village)
- Gowago OR Minana (Frontier Village)
- quests are nearly identical but Minana gives slightly more Affinity
- Zel Argentis from Satorl Marsh OR En Argentis from Eryth Sea
- No real difference between the two except one gives you gloves for a quest, and the other gives you shoes. Just pick one randomly
This opens up a lot more quests in Colony 6
- Defend Colony 6 - Ancient
- Defend Colony 6 - Demon
- this is a level 99 monster
- Securing Provisions
- Miss Sweetness' Gratitude
- There are actually two versions of this quest, one from Berryjammy and one from Ma'Crish, depending on which version of Miss Sweetness Showdown! you completed. The end result is near identical, save for a very slight reward difference.
- A Final Sweet Favour
- You'll do as part of Miss Sweetness' Gratitude
- Melancholy Tyrea
- This is a surprise quest the appears N of Hope Farm. It is also the only voiced quest in the game
- A Dauntless Trader
- Nic's Training
- Choice doesn't matter
- Nic's Final Test
- Choice doesn't matter
- The Melody of Happiness OR Dreams of a Poet [mutually exclusive quests]
- After In Pursuit of Love, pretty much identical rewards except former gives gloves and latter gives greaves.
- Lifespan of a Machina
- The Machina Energy option seems like the correct choice based on the cutscene
- Note that the game will automatically complete the quest with the other outcome if you already have 2x Pterix Energy Eggs on hand
- A Poet's Concerns
- Choice doesn't matter
- Delivering the Undeliverable
- Finding the Unfindable
- Family Secrets
- There are two versions of this quest depending if Zel or En was recruited, but they are effectively the same rewards.
- Betrothal Test
- Same as Above
- Stopping The Elopement
- Same as Above
- This will unlock Sharla's Affection skill tree
- A Maid's Concerns OR A Butler's Concerns [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends on if Minana or Gowago was recruited. Minana gives slightly higher overall affinity.
- Homs Determination OR Nopon Determination [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends on if Mefimefi or Perrine was recruited. Perrine's quest has a considerably better reward.
Hidden Machina Village Quests After Mechonis Core
- Stunted Growth
- This will unlock Dunban's Enthusiasm skill tree
- Transmission Bypass
- Completed as part of Stunted Growth
- The Exhaust Pump
- Completed as part of Stunted Growth
- The Mini Reactor
- Completed as part of Stunted Growth
Bionis' Leg Quests After Mechonis Core
- Legend of the Mythical Empress
- At Traveler's Rest on Bionis' Leg.
- This one has a tricky affinity requirement. If you don't see it, try talking to Pachipa at Frontier Village between 9:00-12:00
- A Flower for a Rose
- Requires Securing Provisions to be done first.
- Battling Brutes
- This is a great quest to grind affinity between party members. Basically, the spider boss has a Daze spike. So load up your lead character with Daze Resist gems, watch your allies attack and get dazed, encourage them, and repeat!
- This will unlock Seventh's Innocence skill tree
- Supplies for Satorl
Colony 9 Quests After Mechonis Core
- Friendship Tokens
- This will unlock Reyn's Camaraderie skill tree
- A Token of Friendship
- Examine the cart in the Weapon Dev Lab with Shulk
- A Young Captain's Trust OR A Young Captain's Revival [mutually exclusive quests]
- Slight gem award difference, depends on if sword or shield was chosen. Choice doesn't functionally matter, but obviously the correct answer is Kantz.
- This will unlock Shulk's Bravery skill tree
- The Elite Captain's Anguish
- Barely matters, but choosing Minnie has a slightly favorable affinity chart
- Getting to Know Dorothy
- Completed as part of The Elite Captain's Anguish
- Getting to Know Minnie
- Completed as part of The Elite Captain's Anguish
- Birthday Shoes
Tephra Cave Quests After Mechonis Core
- The Book of Bafalgar
- The Blood of Bafalgar
- The Path of Bafalgar
- The Coffin of Bafalgar
- The Gratitude of Bafalgar
Frontier Village / Makna Forest Quests After Mechonis Core
- Final Challenge of the Sage
- from Nopon Sage near Divine Sanctuary
- This will unlock Riki's Heroism skill tree
- Even in the Chief's Absence
- Bored Pelupelu
- choice doesn't matter
- A Gift for Miko
- A Memento of Daddy
- Bana the Betrayer
- Distilling Active Ingredients OR Safer Energy [mutually exclusive quests]
- depends if Gadada or Cherri was chosen as an apprentice
- Presents for Priceless Pupils
- Restoring the Capital
- Restoring the Capital 2
- Broken Ether Furnace
- Broken Ether Furnace 2
Alcamoth Quests After Mechonis Core
- Vidian Rescue Mission
- This is a surprise quest you'll encounter in Alcamoth after you finish Restoring the Capital
Satorl Marsh Quests After Mechonis Core
- For a Friend
- A Merciful End
- A Release From Duty
- Challenge
- The Imperial Ceremony
- This quest rewards a High Entia Emblem, which allows you to go to six secret spots in the game.
- Imperial Ceremony Offerings
- You'll complete this as part of The Imperial Ceremony
Eryth Sea Quests After Mechonis Core
- The Only Thing I Can Do Or I Will Never Forget You [mutually exclusive quests]
- Depends if Believing Again was completed or not
- Investigating Satorl
- Only available if you did not complete Talia's Research
- Ancient High Entia Mystery
- Requires High Entia Emblem
- This will unlock Melia's Passion skill tree
- The Missing Boy
- Secret Research
- Requires High Entia Emblem
Valak Mountain Quests After Mechonis Core
- The Missing Partner
- Only if you didn't complete Adventurers in Peril
- The Final Giants' Ruins
- The Giants' Treasures
- Completed as part of The Final Giants' Ruins
High Entia Emblem Secrets
These are not quests, but rather six secret spots that can be found after getting the High Entia Emblem
- At Sororal Statues in Satorl Marsh. During the lift ride up to the top, you'll see the emblem along the way as you move. Jump to it and it'll reveal a secret passage.
- La Luz Church at Valak Mountain
- You'll come here for Ancient High Entia Mystery
- Ceremony Hall in High Entia Tomb
- You'll come here for Secret Research
- Tower of Trials - Bridge in High Entia Tomb
- Near the bottom of the tower
- Hode Refuge at Eryth Sea
- Southwest side near the Orluga
- Kromar Coast at Eryth Sea
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected Quests
The Future Connected Epilogue has its own set of quest you can complete. Luckily, none of these seem missable and none involve meaningful choices or affinity.
Here's what we found:
Companions' Cape Quests
- Hunting Help
- Ether Exploitation
- Ether Font
- Laennar's Worries
- Plump Pickings
- Praying Caterpile Control
- Supplant the Noble Brogs
- Lost & Found
- Found on the northern part of Bionis' Shoulder, to the west of Shoulderstone Scree and the Skybridge Landmark
- This quest involves finding 20 of the Pororo's Favourites located around the map as red pickups. You can track the quest to find them rather easily
Gran Dell Area Quests
- New Way of Life
- Inclined to Climb
- Wallflower
- Sweetest Debt
- this can't be completed until after a later quest A Surefire Hit
- Rubble Trouble
- Fixing up the Junks
- Finding Happiness
- choice doesn't seem to matter
- No Armu Done
- Surprise quest that starts near Thulles Way, you'll see the quest symbol on the map
Quests After Fogbeast Event
- Steady on, Grandad!
- choice doesn't seem to matter
- Sorrow
- Secure the Area
- found near Junks
Quests After Lab Battle
- Hook, Line and Sinker
- Brace for Friendship
- Rival Hearts
Quests After Replica Monado is upgraded
- The Quest for Radzamalt3
- A Surefire Hit
- The Fallen
- Stubborn Minds
- Shoulder Survey Snaps
- at Old Expedition HQ
- Brother's Keepsake
- To start this quest, kill the Somnivore Lexos (a standard enemy) at Soltar Seal Island for a Faded ID Tag and then bring it back to Lavean at Xen's Thoroughfare (it may be necessary to have talked to him first to learn about the Lexos)
- It may have been possible to do this quest earlier, but we hadn't encountered it until late in the epilogue
- The Future Within Our Grasp
- Talk to Maxis at Gran Dell after completing all other quests (not including Ponspector Quests)
Ponspector Quests
There are 12 Ponspectors to find in Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected. Each Ponspector offers a quest, and when completed, they'll team up with your party and strengthen your combination attack. The Ponspectors are found all over the Bionis' Shoulder, and markers will appear on the map showing their locations as you complete more Ponspector quests.
- Tei-Tei Lacking Charm
- Navvir Crossroads
- Evelen on the Edge
- Cragmaw Cavern East Exit
- Favour for Fofora
- NE of Xen's Thoroughfare
- Riddle Faifa This
- Abaasy's Dorsum
- Hekasa's Labour at Stake
- South side of Lamentation Ridge / North of Cloudtop Lookout
- Nonona's Calling
- NE of Borbidden Hushland
- Ready, Setset, Go!
- Agni's Skygarden Ruins
- Incensed Dekadeka
- Barouh Ruins Cave
- Drydry Entia
- Inside Alcamoth
- Tutu's Lost Property
- Beach far south of Gran Dell
- Priority Wunwun
- Outside Gran Dell
- Ponspectors Till We Cry
- You'll earn this quest upon finding and helping all 12 Ponspectors