Persona 4 Golden: Hisano Kuroda (Death) social link choices & unlock guide
Every arcana needs a representative in each Persona game, and in Persona 4 Golden the dubious honor being the Death arcana representative goes to the Hisano Kuroda social link, an opportunity to get to know an old lady.
On this page we list every s-link rank with Hisano and all of the conversation choices so you can say the right thing and raise your social link rank more quickly - which will leave you free to do other things in the world of P4G.
For more help with s-links, click on to our detailed Persona 4 Golden Social Link guide complete with all conversation choices and unlocks.

Hisano Kuroda S-Link Guide - Death
As we mentioned above, this guide details how to make your way through the Hisano social link in Persona 4 Golden, complete with a guide to every conversation option as your relationship grows.
In Persona 4 Golden, your social links each have a hidden stat that controls when you level up, like a social EXP stat. Spending time with s-links grants you EXP towards a rank up, Usually, these guides would focus on giving you the optimum answers to conversation choices in order to earn bonus points to rank up quickly - but with Hisano, this isn’t a concern.
You see, none of the conversation options matter for Hisano Kuroda’s social link. On every question prompt, whatever she asks you, you’ll earn the same number of points. Furthermore, there’s no need to have a Death Persona on your person to advance your relationship faster - the speed is pre-set, and can’t be increased this way.
This makes her significantly easier to rank up than every other social link in P4G, but there’s a catch.
The catch? Hisano is only available to hang out with on Sundays and Holidays, and this excludes any rainy days. This means she’s less frequently available than every other social link, so you’ll want to plan your time accordingly.
Aside from this, you’ll also need to know how to initiate Hisano’s s-link and how to trigger the rank-up from 6 to 7, both of which require specific actions on your part. They’re listed below.
Rank 1:
- To initiate the Death s-link with Hisano, you’ll need to rank up the Devil social link to level 4.
- After you’ve done this, find Hisano at the Flood Plain on Sundays or Holidays, and talk to her again in this location to start the s-link.
Rank 1 > 6:
There are no choices that impact your relationship. Answer however you like.
Rank 6 > 7:
To keep the Death social link moving, once at Rank 6 go to the Old Man Daidara Weapon Shop in the shopping district. Talk to the man behind the counter to get the Husband’s Letter key item - then return to Hisano to do the rank 6 to 7 level up.
Rank 7 > 10:
- There are no choices that impact your relationship. Answer however you like.
Hitting the maximum rank with Hisano Kuroda will provide a massive boost to the power of Death arcana social links that you fuse, plus it’ll give you the Old Fountain Pen key item which will allow you to fuse the personal Persona Mahakala.