Persona 4 Golden Costumes: every outfit and how to get them
By the time Persona 4 Golden was in development, the original PS2 version of Persona 4 was already a huge hit with dedicated fans - and that meant only one thing could happen in the enhanced Golden re-release: fan service. How do you do fan service? Well, with costumes, obviously. P4G has quite a few of them.
Costumes are equipped in Golden using a character equipment slot that's separate from the gear that actually impacts your stats in battle. Whatever you have equipped in this slot will not change anything in dungeons except your character's appearance, and the costumes range from in-universe realism, such as warmer clothes for the winter months, right through to in-universe nods to other Persona games and some silly over-the-top superhero style outfits... and beyond.

Persona 4 Royal Costumes guide: every costume & how to get them all
On this page, we detail all costumes in Persona 4 Golden including the Shared Costumes you only need to buy once, plus the individual costumes for the protagonist, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Naoto and Teddie. The detail includes what the costumes are and how to get them.
Before we get into that, some notes about costumes:
- Costumes come in two basic variations: group costumes that when bought once include variations for several characters, usually the whole cast, and individual costumes that are designed for one character.
- Some costumes are automatically obtained through story progression.
- Beyond that, most of the optional outfits are sold, which will require access to the Scooter and Okina City, but some are also rewards for certain side quests and certain actions.
- Some costumes are also gated behind advancing social links to a certain point - that's listed below, but use our Persona 4 Golden s-link guide to max out links quickly.
- The costumes that are sold are expensive - but if you need to grind for cash, this is also an ideal time to ground towards the Hardcore Risette Fan achievement, for what it's worth.
- Some costumes have unique bonuses - they can change a character's voice lines or animation in battle, or trigger unique banter between party members when equipped.
Fox Costume Reward Dates
Four of the costumes below are exclusively obtained from Fox when you meet him in the pre-dungeon staging area in the back side of the TV - but he'll only give the costumes up if you pat him on the head on a day when he's in a good mood. The costumes obtained this way are the Kung Fu Costume (Chie), Kingpin Duster (Kanji), Lord Flauntleroy (Teddie) and Track Suit (Chie).
The natural way to chcek if Fox is in a good mood is simply to approach him each day you enter the TV world. He'll "Yip" when you first talk to him, and "seem to be enjoying it" when you pat his head. These are the signs of a good mood. However, here's a list of dates when Fox will be in a good mood:
- May 22nd, 26th, 30th
- June 1st, 9th, 13th, 21st, 25th & 29th
- July 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th
- August 3rd, 7th, 11th, 27th
- September 6th, 14th, 18th, 22nd, 26th, 30th
- October 1st, 5th, 13th, 21st, 25th
- November 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th
- December 11th, 15th, 19th
- January 10th, 14th, 18th, 26th & 30th
- February 1st, 5th
- March 20th

Shared Costumes in Persona 4 Golden
As well as the individual costumes in Persona 4 Golden, there's a selection of 'shared' outfits that most of the party - usually everyone but Teddie - shares. Most of these unlock automatically, but a handful unlock using alternate methods, including purchasing.
When buying, one thing that sets group costume sets apart is that you only need to pay once for the 'set' to get everybody's variant of that costume. Other costumes, such as the swim suites, aren't grouped in that you must buy each character's cosutme individually at greater expense.
The following group outfits are unlocked automatically through game progression:
- Winter Yaso Outfit: The standard-issue winter Yasogami High outfit. Unlocked at game start.
- Winter Clothes: The default winter outfits for each character outside of school. Unlocked at game start.
- Yaso High Jersey: Awarded in a story scene on 4/17. Mandatory.
- Summer Yaso Outfit: The summer uniform for Yasogami High. Unlocked automatically on 6/13 when the school uniform changes.
- Summer Clothes: The default summer outfit for each character outside of school. Unlocked automatically on 6/13.
- Bath Towel: A Bath Towl, for the hot springs. For all male characters, unlocked on 10/30.
- Halloween Costume: Everyone has a different Halloween Costume, but it's acquired as a group. Yosuke calls on 10/31 asking for help at Junes. Help him and these costumes are your reward.
- Christmas Costume: Gifted to you on 12/25.
- Midwinter Outfit: Heavy winter clothing for the height of winter. Unlocks automatically.
- Midwinter Yaso Outfit: A modified winter Yasogami High outfit. Unlocks automatically on 1/10.
Group Costumes you have to manually unlock:
- Neo Featherman: A suit from Phoenix Ranger Featherman R.
- Available from 10/12 at Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 99800 Yen
- Boys Gekkou Uniforms: Classy Gekkoukan High uniform for men.
- Get the top grade on the October exams (using our P4G classroom questions guide will help), then speak to Kashiwagi in the Classroom Building 1F.
- Girls' Gekkou Uniforms: Classy Gekkoukan High uniform for women.
- Get the top grade on the December exams, then speak to Kashiwagi in the Classroom Building 1F.
- Festivel Outfits: A customary festival outfit that's slightly different depending on the character.
- All unlock on 8/22 at Okina City's Croco Fur shop.
- 46490 Yen
- Agent Suit: Wear the sunglasses that come with the set to feel like a special agent.
- Available as soon as you can access Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 19400 Yen
- Butler Suit: A traditional Butler costume that makes you want to say, "welcome home". For all male characters.
- Available 7/11. Purchase from Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 39600 Yen
- Maid Set: A maid costume. Equippable by all female characters.
- Available from 1/10 at Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 198000 Yen
- Cheer Squad Set: A cheerleading/cheer squad squad uniform for all characters.
- Available from 9/12 at Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 59800 Yen
- Deep Blue Clothes: Vibrant blue clothes worn by residents of a room that exists between mind and matter.
- Max out the Empress s-link with Margaret by mastering Persona Fusion, then chat to Margaret. She hands over the costume.
- Each character has a slightly different look here, representing different Velvet Room inhabitants from across Persona's history.

Character Exclusive Costume Unlocks in Persona 4 Golden
As well as the above, where every character gets a version of the same costume, there are also character-exclusive costumes where each character gets a unique look, often specifically designed for them. Here's how you unlock all of them:
Protagonist (Yu Narukami) Costumes
- Cool Trunks: A regular set of swim trunks. The odd patterns are quite charming.
- Available from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 9800 Yen
- Cleaning Uniform: Clothes for janitorial work. Made from recycled plastic bottles.
- Available from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City, but you must first have taken up the Janitor part-time job.
- 14800 Yen
- Hardboiled Look: An officer of the law, based on a hardboiled detective from the Inaba PD.
- Available for purchase in Croco Fur in Okina City after you complete the 'Heaven' dungeon.
- 34500 Yen
Yosuke Hanamura Costumes
- Summer Trunks: Swim trunks with flashy patterns. Wearing them is like being in paradise!
- Available from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 9800 Yen
- Junes Apron: Apron worn by Junes employees. Has a large pocket that's useful when on the job.
- Complete the Rank 6 Yosuke s-link rank; during that, you'll help him at Junes. Afterwards, talk to a lady in the Junes Lobby to get this outfit. You'll also get an Apron for Teddie at this time.
- Junes Coveralls: Overall for Junes employees that are perfect for unloading goods.
- Available from 10/12.
- After the rooftop concert at Junes has happened, talk to the woman in the Junes Lobby once again to get this outfit.
Chie Satonaka Costumes
- Striped Bikini: A sporty yelloe bikini with stripes.
- Available from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 24980 Yen
- Track Suit: Special clothes that are a must for martial artists around the world.
- This is the forth costume you'll get when you pat Fox on the head inside the TV World when he's in a good mood, after all the other Fox costumes are obtained. See above for a list of dates when Fox is in a good mood.
- Fighter Armor: Warrior's armor with a modern twist to make it suitable for wrestling.
- Available from 1/16 as a reward for Quest 66.
- To get Quest 66, talk to Kashiwagi, who is in the Classroom Building 1F hallway. The quest will only trigger if Quest 65, also from her, is complete. That quest gives a Naoto costume and is detailed below. For Quest 66, she wants Animal Slippers. Here's how to get them:
- First, you need Vidar's Boots. These can be bought from Daidara's Weapon Store, but only after you turn in 8 Bloody Hides by selling materials.
- If you need Bloody Hides, they're dropped by the Jotun of Blood enemies on Floor 9 of the Heaven dngeon.
- Turn in the Bloody Hides, buy the Vidar's Boots, then trade them with the Artisan Apprentice at the school Practice Building 2F. He'll give you the slippers. Return them to Kashiwagi to get this outfit.
- Kung Fu Costume: Now you, too, can feel like a real martial artist. Comes with a traditional hat.
- This is the first costume you'll get when you pat Fox on the head inside the TV World when he's in a good mood. See above for a list of dates when Fox is in a good mood.
Yukiko Amagi Costumes
- Trim Bikini: A white bikini with a skirt. Wearing it makes you feel like a lady.
- Available from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 24980 Yen
- Tsukesage: A kimono with no patterns or family crest. Not quite formal or informal wear.
- Available the first time you can visit Croco Fur in Okina City.
- 19800 Yen
- Magical Armor: Warrior's armor with a magical twist to make it reminiscent of an anime heroine.
- Available from 1/17 as a reward for Quest 67.
- Just like with Chie's costume, return to Kashiwagi at the school Clasroom Building 1F. You must have completed Quest 65 and 66, which gets you a Chie costume, for this quest to trigger. She noe wants an Animal Paw.
- An Animal Paw is a Teddie weapon you can purchase from the trading shop at the Shiroku Pub. It requires 8 Magatsu Xandrites and 1 Mondo Stone.
- To get the Magatsu Xandrites, you'll need to take out the Golden Hand / Treasure Hand enemies in dungeons, so get to farming.
- To get the Mondo Stone, you need to catch a River Guardian in the fishing mini-game (which you also have to do as part of one of the Ema Requests for the Fox S-Link) - and when you have the River Guardian, trade it with a lady at the Tatsuhime Shrine at nighttime.
- Take these items to the Shiroku Pub to get the Animal Paw and then trade it with Kashiwagi to get the costume.
- Ceremonial Kimono: The most proper of kimonos. Perfect for striding into the TV for a battle.
- Available from the Okina City Croco Fur store once you reach rank 10 in the Yukiko s-link.
- 49800 Yen
Kanji Tatsumi Costumes
- Dangerous Briefs: A stylish, black swimsuit suitable even for professional swimmers.
- Available from 8/24 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 17500 Yen
- Kingpin Duster: Manly clothes of an Inaba Legend. Rumor has it nothing remains after he passes by.
- This is the second costume you'll get when you pat Fox on the head inside the TV World when he's in a good mood. It's available after the school camping trip. See above for a list of dates when Fox is in a good mood.
- Working Clothes: Work clothes dyed with the Tatsumi Textiles name in Japanese.
- Reach rank 8 in the Kanji s-link. Then speak to Kanji's mother outside the Tatsumi Textiles building in the North Shopping District and ask about Kanji to get the costume. She's not always there, and definitely isn't there when it rains - so keep checking.
- After the rooftop concert at Junes has happened, talk to the woman in the Junes Lobby once again to get this outfit.
Naoto Shirogane Costumes
- School Swimsuit: Women's Yasogami High swimsuit. Rarely used, since the school has no pool.
- Available from 1/18 as a reward for Quest 68.
- To get Quest 68, you'll need to have cleared quests 65-67, which are detailed above as they net you costumes for Chie and Yukiko. Once again, return to Kashwagi in the Classroom Building 1F at school.
- This time, Kashwagi simply asks three questions. The options you want are the second answer, then the third answer, and finally the second answer. She hands over the costume.
- Girls' Yaso Outfit: Yasogami High Winter Uniform for women. A rare sight, depending on the wearer.
- Available 12/24. To get this costume you'll need to be in the lovers' romantic relationship path of the Naoto s-link. but there are other criteria, that follow:
- You must max out the s-link before 12/22, and finish the December dungeon on or before that date. This gets you a text message on 12/23 inviting you to spend Christmas Eve with her - do this and you'll unlock the costume during the event.
- Coronet Armor: Warrior's armor crafted for medieval nobility. Its mobility makes up for its lack of coverage.
- Available from 1/16 as a reward for Quest 65.
- Quest 65 is obtained from Kashiwagi, a girl in the Classroom Building 1F hallway.
- For the quest, Kashiwagi will ask you some questions: first pick the third answer, then for the second question pick the second answer. That gets you the costume.
- Detective Costume: An Inverness coat with a deerstalker hat. A true detective's look.
- Available from 2/1 from 6/19 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 69800 Yen
Teddie Costumes
- Gag Glasses: In response to popular demand, a nose guard has been added to the glasses.
- Available from when Teddie joins the party.
- Sailor Trunks: The refreshing light blue and white will make you feel like a real sailor.
- Available from 8/24 from the Croco Fur store in Okina City.
- 17500 Yen
- Lord Flauntleroy: Gaudily colored clothes not usually worn outside a certain theme park.
- This is the third costume you'll get when you pat Fox on the head inside the TV World when he's in a good mood, only after Teddie joins the fighting front lines. See above for a list of dates when Fox is in a good mood.
- Teddie's Apron: An apron for Junes employees. The added rose will catch the older ladies' hearts!
- Complete the Rank 6 Yosuke s-link rank; during that, you'll help him at Junes. Afterwards, talk to a lady in the Junes Lobby to get this outfit, alongside one for Yosuke.