Persona 3 Reload - 100% Max Social Link Guide
As well as RPG battling and forming close bonds and friendships, the Persona series is about one major other element: time management. As with other games in the series, Persona 3 Reload takes place on an ever-moving game calendar - and if you want to 100% the game you have to be very careful about how you spend your time. And the easiest way to do so is to follow a comprehensive 100% guide, such as this one.
It is possible to achieve a Max Social Link run on your very first playthrough of Persona 3 Reload. However, this process can be quite stressful as it requires following a strict route without much room for deviation. Additionally, the limited days available to explore Tartarus can result in low funds for building social stats.
If these restrictions seem challenging, it's advisable to save the Max Social Link goal for a New Game+ run, where you can carry over your status parameters, saving time on building stats.
This guide is not necessarily for the faint-hearted - it's for hardcore completionists, in fact. We'd go so far as to say for some players following a guide like this risks their enjoyment of the game. There is a joy in noodling around in Persona and not worrying about the calendar too much - but you'll have to accept that if you do that, you'll miss some stuff.
If you're just looking for help with a casual play-through of the game we've got a slew of Persona 3 Reload guides, covering everything from the Social Links to the School Test Answers, and beyond. If you really want to secure that 100% bag, however, read on.
Persona 3 Reload: 100% Max Social Link Guide

- This guide will be minimalistic, focusing solely on achieving a Max Social Link. Optional elements, such as mail-order items from the shopping channel, may be overlooked as their usefulness can vary.
- If you're ready to embark on a Max Social Link playthrough, one essential strategy is to always bring a Persona that matches the arcana of the social link event. We hammer this point home even for more casual play-throughs in our P3 Reload Social Links guide.
- This approach significantly enhances the effectiveness of your choices, potentially saving you several in-game days in the long run. For instance, bringing Nekomata from the Magician Arcana before starting the Magician Social Link event with Kenji will yield 3 points instead of 2 for the correct choice.
- Note that achieving a Max Social Link run on the first playthrough can be challenging, as you may have to rely on the Persona compendium to create Personas of matching arcana, consuming your cash funds.
- While it is recommended to bring a matching Arcana each day, some Social Links can make it more difficult to find a matching Arcana. However, not all ranks require the matching arcana to level up, providing some leeway for error in the earlier ranks of Social Links.
- It's acceptable to make mistakes with the Hermit and Sun Social links since there are numerous free Sundays in the later stages of the game. If you don't see them rank up, there isn't much to worry about wasting an extra day on them. However, there's no room for error when it comes to Social Links with your classmates. Including all the linked episodes, there's very little margin for error, given that at least 15 linked episodes take place during the daytime, occupying valuable Social Link time. While there's no achievement for viewing all linked episodes, it's worth noting that if you aim to experience them all and achieve maxed social links, you'll be cutting it extremely close
- A full max social link run in Persona 3 Reload is more challenging than in Persona 3 Portable, as the conditions are almost as strict as the original Persona 3 FES. For your best chance of achieving a max run, try to max out your courage before June 26th so you can initiate Fuuka's Social Link.

Table of Contents
- April 7th
- Follow the story.
- April 8th
- School Question: Vivid carp streamers (3rd Option) - Charm Up
- April 9th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Follow the story.
- April 18th
- School Question: Middens (2nd Option) - Charm Up
- April 19th
- Follow the story.
- April 20th
- Follow the story.
- April 21st
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Unlock free roam.
- Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - House of the Deceased (Courage Up, 3000 Yen)
- Explore Tartarus - Recommend doing as much as possible, obtain at least 10000 Yen.
- April 22nd
- Magician: Automatic
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 23rd
- Chariot: Join a sports club to start the Chariot Social Link.
- “I think I will.”
- “Wanna walk home together? >> Strength Social Link Flag.
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen)
- Chariot: Join a sports club to start the Chariot Social Link.
- April 24th
- Chariot 2: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “Toughen up!” +1
- “I think I will.” >> When you invite Yuko, this will unlock the Strength Social Link.
- “Wanna walk home together?
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - House of the Deceased (Courage Up, 3000 Yen)
- Chariot 2: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- April 25th
- Hierophant: Head to the bookstore in Iwatodai Strip Mall, and listen to the old couple's request. Find the Persimmon Tree in the school. Return with the leaf to start the social link.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 26th
- Work Part-Time at the Movie Theatre (Port Island Station) - Courage Boosted to Ordinary
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 27th
- School Question: A (1st Option) - Charm Up
- Emperor: Mitsuru will request that you join that student council which will start the Emperor Social Link.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 28th
- Justice Flag 1: Talk to Chihiro after school (Near the Student Council Room), this is required to trigger Justice Social Link.
- Chariot 3: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “Are you going to be okay?” +3
- “Will it heal?” +1
- Event: Junpei will give you a laptop during nighttime.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 29th
- Hermit: Examine the laptop on your desk to start the Hermit Social Link.
- Event: Junpei will mention that the shared computer is fixed.
- You can buy software at the MangaStar Netcafe - Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F.
- Computer Software is efficient in building status parameters especially if the shops are closed that day.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- April 30th
- Justice Flag 2: Talk to Chihiro after school, this is required to trigger Justice Social Link.
- Magician 2: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “That’s a secret.” +1
- “I'm into older women, too.” +1
- Explore Tartarus
- Recommend reaching to floor 22.
- Get an ice-resistant Persona (Jack Frost), and reach level 10 or higher for an easier story encounter for later.
- Get a Chariot Arcana Persona (Need for matching Arcana. After this point in the guide it will assume you will always carry a matching arcana Persona.)
- Gather as much money as possible.
- May 1st
- Follow the Story
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up - Courage Boosted to Determined
- May 2nd
- Justice Flag 3: Talk to Chihiro after school, this is required to trigger Justice Social Link.
- Strength 2: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway).
- “What happened?” +3.
- “It wasn't your fault.” +1
- “That’s true.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- May 3rd
- Shopping TV: Rose Bouquet, Luxury Chocolate x2
- Hierophant 2: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “Protagonist's Name.” +1
- “Thank you.” +3
- Night: Junpei will talk about Club Escapade. If your Courage is at level 3 (Determined), you can visit the club right now.
- Club Escapade has a fortune teller who can change the properties of Tartarus for a price.
- There is also an accessory shop that sells some of the strongest accessories in the game, however, they cost a fortune.
- A guy in the corner sells information. You can use your computer to access the notes, however, it will use up the rest of your time.
- Night 2: Purchase "Language Made Easy" and use it on the Share Computer - MangaStar Netcafe - Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F.
- May 4th
- Hermit 2: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “Of course.” +3
- “Sunshine is overrated.” +1
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen) - Charmed Boosted to Unpolished
- Hermit 2: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- May 5th
- Hierophant 3: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “Looking for something?” +1.
- “Can I help?” +3
- Note: This event is required to unlock the Temperance Social Link.
- Night: Used the Shared Computer - Digitial Cram School - Academics Up
- Hierophant 3: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- May 6th
- School Question: A pantograph (1st Option) - Charm Up
- Hanged Flag 1:
- Visit Naganaki Shrine, and talk to Maiko.
- Purchase a Weird Takoyaki - Iwatodai Strip Mall, Octopia
- Purchase a Mad Bull - Iwatodai Station, Vending Machine
- Pick the 1st Option "Of course."
- Strength 3: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway):
- “Don't worry about it.” +1
- “I'm honored.” +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- May 7th
- Justice 1: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- May 8th
- Magician 3: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “What, of life?” +3
- “Good luck!” +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up - Academics Boosted to Average
- Magician 3: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- May 9th
- Full Moon Event, follow the story.
- May 10th
- Shopping TV: Antibiotic Gel x2, Sappy Jelly x5
- Hermit 3: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- Oh really?! o_O” +1
- “You don’t like your job?” +3
- Night: Elizabeth will call you, and from this point onward, you can take requests from her. For more information about requests, check our Request Guide.
- Purchase all the available drinks from the vending machine in the dorm.
- Night 3: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- May 11th
- Complete Quest 9 - I’d like to try all kinds of drinks (Buy all the drinks from the vending machine and bring them to Elizabeth.)
- Vending Machine 1: Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
- Vending Machine 2: Port Island Station
- Vending Machine 3: Dorm
- Hanged 1: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine.
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen)
- Complete Quest 9 - I’d like to try all kinds of drinks (Buy all the drinks from the vending machine and bring them to Elizabeth.)
- May 12th
- Linked Episode: Talk to Junpei in your classroom.
This is the first Junpei Linked Episode. Linked Episodes appear at a specific date and if you miss out on the first episode, the next episode will not appear until the first one has been seen. Junpei's Linked Episode can be permanently missed if you don't see this one and the one takes place in summer.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- May 13th
- School Question: The Pendulum (2nd Option) - Charm Up
- Hanged 2: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine.
- “Sure, let’s go.” +3
- Explore Tartarus
- Reach to the top.
- Find an Odd Morsel before you leave. This is required to start the Moon Social Link for later.
- Try to get at least 50000 Yen, not including enemy loot. This is required for events and funds to fuse proper arcana for Social Links.
- May 14th
- After School: Head to the Nurse's Office - Drink the Weird Medicine - Courage Up
- Hierophant 4: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall (Matching Arcana Required)
- “I should go too.” +3
- "I'm worried." +1
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen) - Charm Boosted to Confident
- May 15th
- School Question: May Blues (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Hierophant 5: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall (Matching Arcana Required)
- “I wouldn't worry about it” +1
- “Cheer up.” +1
- Night: Study with Akihiko and Mitsuru
- May 16th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Hanged 3: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine.
- “Don’t worry, he’ll be there.” +3
- Night: Study with Junpei and Yukari - Academics Up
- May 17th
- Shopping TV: Blinding Flashlight, Freeze Spray x3
- Hermit 4: Examine the Laptop on your desk (Matching Arcana Required)
- “Let's plan our wedding, then?” +3
- Night: Study with Everyone - Academics Up
- May 18th
- Midterms: Uncontrollable.
- May 19th
- Midterms 2: May Blues (1st Option)
- May 20th
- Midterms 3: A Pendulum (3rd Option)
- May 21st
- Midterms 4: Electricity (2nd Option)
- May 22nd
- Midterms 5: Jomon (1st Option)
- May 23rd
- Make sure to pick up the - Quest 11: Please prevail in the Big Eater Challenge from Elizabeth.
- Justice 2: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “Don’t worry about it.” +3
- “I read the classics.” +1
- “I'm having fun” +1
- Devil Flag 1: Talk to Tanaka (Paulownia Mall) at night to see the conditions.
- Night: Try the Big Eater Challenge at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up, Charm Up, Academic Up
- Look away from the burgers
- Eat without stopping
- Imagine something sout
- May 24th
- Hermit 5: Examine the Laptop on your desk
- “Do you mean S.O.B.?” +1
- “Are you a teacher?” +1
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- Hermit 5: Examine the Laptop on your desk
- May 25th
- Test Results: Reach Top 10 - Charm Up
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Emperor 2: Student Council Room
- “Sounds like nonsense.” +3
- Night: Introduction to Rooftop Gardening.
- Night 2: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen)
- May 26th
- Justice 3: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway) (Matching Arcana Required)
- “They have no shame.” +1
- “I agree.” +1
- Night: Talk to Mitsuru for Exam Rewards. Akihiko has also returned.
- Night 2: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- Justice 3: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway) (Matching Arcana Required)
- May 27th
- Can now buy seeds from Port Island Station Florist.
- Hanged 4: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine:
- “Of course they care.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- May 28th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Magician 4: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “Good luck!” +3
- Night 2: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen) - Charm Boosted to Smooth
- May 29th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Emperor 3: Student Council Room (Matching Arcana Required)
- “No need to fight.” +1
- Night: Link Episode - Akihiko (Iwatodai Station)
- May 30th
- Hanged 4: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine: (Matching Arcana Required)
- “That’s awful.” +3
- “They would never.” +1
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- Hanged 4: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine: (Matching Arcana Required)
- May 31st
- Shopping TV: Health Sandals, Diet Food x4
- Justice: Respond to Chihiro's Mail Message.
- We'll do better next time.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up - Courage Boosted to Fearless
- June 1st
- Emperor 4: Student Council Room (Match Arcana Required)
- “Looks like you're hard at work.” +3
- Night: Go to Paulownia Mall - Game Parade. Play - High School of Youth (Charm Up, 1500 Yen)
- Emperor 4: Student Council Room (Match Arcana Required)
- June 2nd
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Justice 4: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway) (Matching Arcana Required)
- “I'm here for you.” +3
- Night: Eat at Hagakure Ramen - Hagakure Bowl (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- June 3rd
- Hanged 5: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine: (Matching Arcana Required)
- “Calm down.” +1
- “That should be enough” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Hanged 5: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine: (Matching Arcana Required)
- June 4th
- Justice 5: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “I'm all ears” +2
- “Yeah, she's in love” +3.
- “Happy to help.” +2
- “Hold her hand.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - Seafood Full Course (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up - Boosted to Above Average
- Justice 5: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- June 5th
- Magician 5: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “Okay...” +3
- Night: Answering Yukari's Question correctly will give you a soft drink (Cielo Mist).
- Night 2: Eat at Hagakure Ramen - Special Hagakure Bowl (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- Magician 5: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- June 6th
- Justice 5: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “Is it good?” +3
- “What do you mean?” +1
- Night: Follow the story
- Devil Flag 1: Talk to the salesman in Paulownia Mall. Give him the money he needs.
- Night 2: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Justice 5: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- June 7th
- Shopping TV: Perfume, Health Supplement x2
- Chariot: Respond to Kazushi's Mail Message
- You prefer bread?
- Night 2: Eat at Wakatsu - Seafood Full Course (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 8th
- Full Moon Event, follow the story.
- During Tartarus, fight every shadow you can when you are separated, they're extremely weak and can be an easy source of money from Shuffle Time.
- Full Moon Event, follow the story.
- June 9th
- Chariot 4: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “That really sucks.” +3
- Devil Flag 2: Talk to Tanaka (Paulownia Mall) and pay another 10000 yen.
- Night: Eat at Hagakure Ramen - Special Hagakure Bowl (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- Chariot 4: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- June 10th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Emperor 5: Student Council Room (Match Arcana Required)
- They're the worst.” +3
- Night: Eat at Hagakure Ramen - Special Hagakure Bowl (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- June 11th
- Chariot 5: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “Back from the hospital?” +1
- “Take my shoulder!” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - Seafood Full Course (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Chariot 5: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- June 12th
- Temperance 1: Head to the Home Economics Room on 1F
- Night 2: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- Death: Automatic
- June 13th
- New Request from Elizabeth.
- Hanged 7: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine: (Matching Arcana Required)
- Story: Explore Tartarus, and follow the story.
- June 14th
- Elizabeth will inform you that you can go past floor 43 in Tartarus.
- Shopping TV: Brand Watch, Mega Protein x2
- Hermit 6: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “What bastard?” +3
Note: If this event does not pop up, we'll use a Sunday marked as free roam to repair it later in the guide.
- Night 2: Eat at Wilduck Burger - Weekend Wild Set (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- June 15th
- School Question: Keen eye. (1st Option) - Charm Up
- Chariot 6: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “Show some guts, man!” +1
- “Why go so far?” +1
- “What about your knee?” +1
- Night 2: Eat at Wakatsu - Seafood Full Course (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 16th
- Magician 6: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “I've got plans already.” +3
- Night: The game will introduce the new hang-out mechanic of Reload.
- Devil: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall - Cough up another 10000 Yen to start social link.
- Magician 6: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- June 17th
- School Question: Shamanism. (3rd Option) - Charm Up
- Fortune: Join the Art Club.
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 18th
- Elizabeth will inform you about the missing person mechanic.
- Fortune 2: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- Night: Used the shared Computer to play Animal Othello (Bought from Netcafe) - Courage Up
- June 19th
- Magician 7: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “What happened?” +1.
- “Bride-to-Be?” +1
- “Congrats!” +1
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- Magician 7: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- June 20th
- Daytime: Story event.
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger - Weekend Wilduck Set (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up (If courage is maxed, then raise charm instead by using the Shared Computer)
- June 21st
- Shopping TV: Amenity Suit, Super Diet Food x3
- Justice: Respond to Chihiro's Mail Message
- “You can do it“ +3
- Command Room: New Video
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger - Weekend Wilduck Set (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up (If courage is maxed, then raise charm instead by using the Shared Computer)
- June 22nd
- School Question: Witch of Agnesi (3rd option) - Charm Up
- Chariot 7: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “How’s your knee?” +1
- “You have to get tougher.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up
- June 23rd
- Justice 7: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “It's gotta be a misunderstanding.” +1
- “We have to do something...” +1
- Night: Eat at Wilduck Burger (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Courage Up - Boosted to (Badass) Max
- Justice 7: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- June 24th
- Moon 1: Talk to the Chubby Student sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- Pheromone Coffee - (3rd Choice)
- Red. (3rd Choice)
- Hagakure Bowl (2nd Choice)
- Bring him Odd Morsel (From Tartarus)
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Moon 1: Talk to the Chubby Student sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- June 25th
- School Question: The flutter effect (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Magician 8: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “Are you in trouble?” +3
- “You should go with her.” +1
- Eat at Hagakure Ramen (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- June 26th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know that two more people are missing inside Tartarus.
- Priestess: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway
- Requires Max Courage. (If courage is still not max, at this point, rewind to yesterday and buy TypinGhoul from the Netcafe and use it on the Shared Computer).
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 27th
- Priestess 2: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway
- “Sure.” +3
- “Sure thing.” +3
- Explore Tartarus
- Try to complete all of Elizabeth's requests that are dungeon-related.
- Reach to floor 69.
- Rescue the missing people.
- (From here on you should have enough funds, that you don't need to micromanage anymore)
- Priestess 2: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway
- June 28th
- Shopping TV: Amoronion Sprout, Max Buff Sprout
- Moon 2: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “Sure why not.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 29th
- School Question: Dowsing (1st Option) - Charm Up
- Chariot 8: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- “...” +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- June 30th
- Magician 9: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- “Let me handle this!” +3
- Devil 2: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- “Placebo.” +3
- “Wow.” +1
- Magician 9: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- July 1st
- Strength (Non-Event): Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 2nd
- Fortune 3: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- “You've got talent” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Fortune 3: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- July 3rd
- School Question: About romance. (3rd option) - Charm Up
- Priestess 3: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway
- “Just a dash or two.” +3.
- "Just take it slow" +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 4th
- Strength 4: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- “Sure thing” +1
- Devil 3: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- "Maybe a little.” +3
- Strength 4: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- July 5th
- Shopping TV: Yaba Chocolate x3, Doctor Jelly x3
- Respond to Chihiro's Text Message.
- "Don't worry, it wasn't a thief" +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu - (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 6th
- Priestess 4: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- You're a hard worker. +1
- That's not true. +3
- Eat at Hagakure Ramen (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- Priestess 4: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- July 7th
- Full Moon Event, Follow the story. (Recommended to have charm-resistant items)
- July 8th
- School Question: Between "time" and "it's" (2nd Option) - Charm Up
- Hanged (Non-Event): Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine
- Eat at Hagakure Ramen (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- July 9th
- School Question: Social Disparity (3rd Option) - Charm Up
- New Request from Elizabeth.
- Hierophant (Non-Event): Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- Night: Study with Akihiko and Mitsuru
- July 10th
- School Question: Kabbalah - (3rd Option) - Charm Up
- Hierophant 6: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “Please don't fight.” +3
- Night: Study with Yukari and Fuuka
- July 11th
- School Question: Katana - (1st Option) - Charm Up
- Hanged 8: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine
- "Hamburgers" +1
- "You're a good girl." +3
- "Your dad". +3
- Devil 4: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- "Sure have.” +3
- July 12th
- Shopping TV: Max Safety Shoes, Instant Curry x2
- Hermit 7: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “Well yeah.” +3
- “She um… what?” +1
- Night: Used the Shared Computer - Virtual Diet - Charm Up (Buy from the Netcafe)
- July 13th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Hanged 9: Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine
- “Friends forever.” +3
- Eat at Hagakure Ramen (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- July 14th
- No Control - Exam Period
- July 15th
- Exam 2: Dowsing (2nd Option)
- July 16th
- Exam 3: An error in translation (3rd option)
- July 17th
- Exam 4: Taira No Masakado (1st option)
- July 18th
- Exam 5: "Comma splice." (2nd option)
- The antique shop is now open. (Can fuse weapons and trade gems for items)
- Devil 5: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- “Whose face?” +1
- “It's all about the money...” +1
- July 19th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know that more floors to Tartarus are open.
- Shopping TV: Tetracone x3, Makaracone x3
- Hermit 8: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “Hurry up and tell me.” +3
- “What is he like?” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 20th
- Summer Trip 1: Follow the story.
- July 21st
- Summer Trip 2: Follow the story
- July 22nd
- Summer Trip 3: Follow the story
- July 23rd
- Keep a Rewind Spot Here (In case of the 24th)
- If Charm is still not max from the end of the 24th - Eat at Hagakure Ramen (Iwatodai Strip Mall) - Charm Up
- If Charm is maxed from exam results - Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 24th
- School Exam Results will be posted - Charm Up. (If Charm is still not maxed, rewind to the previous day to build Charm)
- Priestess 5: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- “You did a great job.” +3
- “I’m glad I could help.” +1
- “Can you make more sometime?” +3
- Link Episode: Talk to Akihiko in Iwatodai Station.
- July 25th
- Tower Flag: Talk to Yuko at School, but don't start the Social Link.
- Lovers: Talk to Yukari to start her Social Link (Requires Max Charm)
- Devil 5: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- “Sounds fun.” +3
- July 26th
- Shopping TV: Brand Wallet, Perfume
- Hermit 9: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “No way!” +1
- “What are you planning?” +1
- Tower: Talk to Monk upstairs in Club Escapade
- Talk to the bartender, then talk to all the available club members and bring them their drinks.
- Talk to the bartender again and select the following options.
- Margarita (4th Choice)
- Bloody Mary (2nd Choice)
- Screwdriver (2nd Choice)
- Oolong Tea (4th Choice)
Note: If the monk is not there, simply talk to Yuko at school to trigger the flag for the monk to show up. If you miss him this day, do not worry there is a massive amount of free time for nighttime later on in the game when you don't have to work on your Social Stats anymore.
- July 27th
- Night: Umiushi Fan Book - Shared Computer (Bought from Netcafe)
- July 28th
- Night: Buy Elizabeth the Beef Bowl
- Devil 7: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- “Sort of…” +3
- “The organic one.” +3
- July 29th
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- July 30th
- Tower 2: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “None of your business.” +3
- “How should I address you?” +1
- Tower 2: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- July 31st
- Tower 3: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “I don’t have any friends.” +3
- Tower 3: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- August 1st
- Tower 4: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “Yeah, that might look cool.” +3
- Tower 4: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- August 2nd
- Tower 5: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “I have enough.” +1
- “No.” +3
- Tower 5: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- August 3rd
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know that two more people are missing inside Tartarus.
- Moon 3: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “You are the Gourmet King!” +3
- Explore Tartarus
- Reach to the top if possible, if not then save it for the session in September. (Difficulty Spike in dungeons.)
- Rescue everyone from Tartarus. Must reach floor 84.
- August 4th
- Strength: Respond to Yuko's Mail Message.
- "You're very responsible." +3
- Devil 8: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- "Why would he say that?" +3
- Strength: Respond to Yuko's Mail Message.
- August 5th
- Chariot: Respond to Kazushi's Mail Message.
- "That's just who you are." +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Chariot: Respond to Kazushi's Mail Message.
- August 6th
- Full Moon Event, Follow the story.
- August 7th
- Star: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- Tower 6: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “You should go home.” +3
- “Do you have any coworkers?” +1
- August 8th
- Elizabeth will inform you that additional floors are open.
- Moon 4: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “Are you feeling sick?” +3
- Devil 9: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- “Are you going to donate?” +3
- August 9th
- Shopping TV: Isotope Soda x10, Mad Bull x20
- Sun Flag 1: Talk to the Thin Young Man in Naganaki Shrine
- Sun Flag 2: Return to the dorm and talk to Koromaru to find the fountain pen.
- Junpei Linked Episode: Talk to him in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
If you do not see the Junpei Linked Episode, the next part will not appear. This one only appears in Summer.
- Tower 7: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “You probably shouldn't.” +3
- August 10th - August 14th
- Summer School - (Academics Up - Massive) Academics should be boosted to Intelligent.
- August 15th
- Koromaru - Walk with Aigis
- August 16th
- Summer Festival: Choose the girl you want to invite (Also raises Social Link Points)
- August 17th
- Shopping TV: Curse Paper, Vanish Ball x2
- Moon 5: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “That’s right.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- August 18th
- Temperance: Respond to Bebe's Mail.
- Devil 10: Talk to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall
- August 19th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know that someone is missing inside Tartarus.
- Star 2: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- “Sounds like a lot of pressure.” +1
- “Myself.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- August 20th
- Moon 6: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “Are you sick?” +3
- Tower 8: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “Dad?” +3
- “I was with a friend.” +1
- “Are you running away?” +1
- Moon 6: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- August 21st
- Star 3: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- “For your teammates?” +1
- “Sounds like fun.” +1
- Tower 9: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- All choices give +1 (3 Total)
- Star 3: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- August 22nd
- Moon 7: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “The world is ending?” +3
- Tower (Non-Event): Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- Moon 7: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- August 23rd
- Shopping TV: Soul Spinach Sprout, Buff Potato Sprout x3
- Hermit 10: Examine the Laptop on your desk.
- “Oh, no worries.” +1
- "Is that why you're sorry?" +1
- “I’ll miss you.” +3
- Koromaru: Walk with Akihiko
- August 24th
- Lovers: Watch a movie with Yukari.
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- August 25th
- Moon 8: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- “No, you're not” +3
- Fuuka Hangout 1/3: Read Manga with Fuuka- Academics Up
- Moon 8: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- August 26th
- Hierophant 7: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “What happened?” +1
- “That’s great.” +1
- “No.” +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Hierophant 7: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- August 27th
- Moon 9: Talk to the Nozomi sitting at the fountain - Paulownia Mall.
- Tower 10: Talk to Mutatsu upstairs in Club Escapade
- “That's awesome!” +3
- August 28th
- Star 4: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- “What are you doing?” +1
- “That would be amazing!” +1
- “Yeah, I bet it would.” +1
- Star 4: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- August 29th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- If you think need more than two sessions to reach the top of Tartarus, then explore Tartarus for later. If not then save it for September 3rd when the next missing person goes missing.
- Hierophant 8: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “A petitioner?” +1
- “Sure, Let’s go.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- August 30th
- Shopping TV: Fierce Sutra x3, Depleting Sutra x3
- Sun: Give the fountain pen to the thin young man in Naganaki Shrine and agree to spend time with him to start Social Link.
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- August 31st
- Hanged (Non-Event): Talk to Maiko in Nagasaki Shrine
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- September 1st
- School Question: Resistance (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Justice 8: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “I know you're innocent.” +1
- Night: Used the Shared Computer - Language Made Easy- Academics Up (Bought from Netcafe)
- September 2nd
- Aigis Hangout 1/3: Read Manga with Aigis - Charm Up
- September 3rd
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- Lover 2: Talk to Yukari in your classroom.
- “Cute pink.” +3
- “That’s mean.” +1
- Explore Tartarus
- Get to the top if possible, if not try to at least recuse the all missing people.
- September 4th
- Priestess 6: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- “Of course.” +3
- “That's the spirit.” +3
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Priestess 6: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- September 5th
- Full moon event, follow the story.
- September 6th
- Shopping TV: Brand Purse, Brand Wallet
- Sun 2: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- “Really?” +1
- “You have a point.” +1
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Justice Up
- September 7th
- Lover 2: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- Koromaru Hangout 1/3 - Academics Up
- September 8th
- New Items in Netcafe and Beef Bowl
- Temperance 2: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- “There’s nothing to show.” +1
- “I totally agree.” +3
- Night: Linked Episode - Talk to Ken in his room. - Academics Up
- September 9th
- Strength 5: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway):
- “It's because you teach so well” +2
- "You shouldn't change it" +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- Strength 5: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway):
- September 10th
- School Question: To reveal a secret (3rd Choice) - Charm Up
- New Requests from Elizabeth are now available.
- Lover (Non-Event): Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- Fuuka Hangout 2/3: Read Manga with Fuuka- Academics Up
- September 11th
- School Question: The Hermetica (3rd Choice) - Charm Up
- Priestess 7: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- "That's messed up." +1
- "Is that the only reason?" - (Romance Flag, required for this guide as the choices for the other route are different.)
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up
- September 12th
- Stay Awake - Academics Up
- Strength 6: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway):
- “You guys got this” +1
- "As long as we believe in them." +1
- Night: Eat at Wakatsu (Iwatodai Strip Mall 2F) - Academics Up - Academics should be maxed, if not spend a few more extra days eating here.
- September 13th
- Sun 3: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- “I couldn't say.” +1
- “Try not to talk so much.” +1
- Mitsuru Hangout 1/3: Read Manga with Mitsuru - Academics Up
- Sun 3: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- September 14th
- School Question: Their soulmate. (1st option) - Charm Up
- Linked Episode: Talk to Mitsuru and Bring the envelope to Shinjiro in Station Outskirts.
- Koromaru Hangout 2/3: Watch TV with Koromaru - Academics Up
- September 15th
- Justice 9: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- “Don’t worry. She’ll help us.” +2
- "Chihiro is innocent" +1
- “What’s gotten into you?” +1
- I feel the same, Chihiro - Enter a Dating Relationship
- I like working with you, but... - Enter a Platonic Relationship
- Linked Episode: - Knock on Ken's room.
- Justice 9: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- September 16th
- Lover 4: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- "Are you okay?" +3
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Shinjiro
- Lover 4: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- September 17th
- Lover 5: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- "I'm sorry" +3
- Fuuka Hangout 3/3: Read Manga with Fuuka- Academics Up (New Ability for Fuuka)
- Lover 5: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- September 18th
- Follow the story.
- Special Fusion Unlock.
- September 21st
- Linked Episode: Talk to Shinjiro in Station Outskirts. - Charm Up
- Koromaru Hangout 3/3: Watch TV with Koromaru - Academics Up (New Ability for Koromaru)
- September 22nd
- Linked Episode: Talk to Shinjiro in Station Outskirts. - Charm Up
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
From this point, if the guide mentions doing Free Roam. A good thing to use is to purchase computer notes from Night Club and the Net Cafe. Some of them unlock passive abilities. There is also one for building social points without attending social links. You can also use this time to have extra time in Tartarus as well.
- September 23rd
- Draw a Fortune - (Fuuka)
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Shinjiro
- September 24th
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Magician 10: Talk to Kenji (Classroom - Homeroom)
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- September 25th
- Priestess 8: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- (All Choices +1)
- Ken Hangout 1/3: Watch TV with Ken - Courage Up
- Priestess 8: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- September 26th
- School Question: Tetractys. (3rd option) - Charm Up
- Strength 7: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- "Are you relieved?" +1
- "Let's do it." +3
- Explore Tartarus
- Reach to the top if possible. If not use another free roam day to complete it.
- September 27th
- Shopping TV: R/C Geta, Hyper Metal Robot
- Sun 4: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- “I'd say so.” +3
- “I stop if I get bored.” +1
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Akihiko
- September 28th
- Talk to Mitsuru and don't hand in Shinjiro's forms.
- Linked Episode: Talk to Shinjiro in Station Outskirts.
- Junpei Hangout 1/3: Read Manga with Junpei - Courage Up
- September 29th
- Chariot 9: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- "I don't mind at all." +3
- Night: Garden with Fuuka. 1/3
- Chariot 9: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- September 30th
- Strength 8: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- “A boy.” +1 or “A girl.” +1
- Aigis Hangout 2/3: Read manga with AIgis - Charm Up
- Strength 8: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- October 1st
- Lover 6: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- “Anytime.” +1
- I wouldn't mind +1
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Lover 6: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- October 2nd
- Linked Episode: Koromaru - Charm Up
- Aigis Hangout 3/3: Read manga with AIgis - Charm Up (New Ability for Aigis)
- October 3rd
- Justice 10: Talk to Chihiro (2F Hallway)
- Akihiko Hangout 1/3: Watch a movie with Akihiko - Courage Up
- October 4th
- Full Moon event, follow the story.
- October 5th
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Aigis
- October 6th
- New requests from Elizabeth.
- Linked Episode: Koromaru - Courage Up
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- October 7th
- School Question: Dopamine (2nd Choice) - Charm Up
- Linked Episode: Koromaru - Courage Up - Cerebrus Agility +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- October 8th
- Draw a fortune: Yukari +2
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- October 9th
- Stay awake (Academics Up)
- Draw a fortune: Fuuka +2
- Linked Episode: Talk to Akihiko in Iwatodai Station
- October 10th
- School Question: Helena Blavatsky (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Hierophant 9: Used Bookstore - Iwatodai Strip Mall
- “Why a letter?” +1
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Ken
- October 11th
- Shopping TV: Paring Knife, Candy Hosui Pear x2
- Sun 5: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- “You need to listen to your body.” +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- October 12th
- Draw a fortune: Yukari +2
- Study with the entire group.
- October 13th
- Midterms: Addiction (3rd option)
- October 14th
- Midterms: Pythagoras (1st option)
- October 15th
- Midterms: Superconductivity (3rd option)
- October 16th
- Midterms: To reveal a secret (3rd option)
- October 17th
- Lover 7: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- “Sounds good.” +3
- Night: Cook with Akihiko 1/3
- Lover 7: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- October 18th
- Shopping TV: Instant Curry x3. Instant Ramen x10
- Sun 6: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- “Sounds fine to me.” +3
- "It sounds interesting." +3
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Yuko (Strength) +3
- October 19th
- Exam results are posted, talk to Mitsuru for your reward.
- School Question: India (2nd Choice) - Charm Up
- Priestess 9: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway.
- "I love you, Fuuka" +3 - Enter a Dating Relationship
- "We'll always be friends." - Enter a Platonic Relationship
- "Sure" +3
- Mitsuru Hangout 2/3: Read Manga with Mitsuru - Academics Up
- October 20th
- Temperance 3: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- “Thanks.” +1
- “How about a kimono?” +3
- Yukari Hangout 1/3: Watch a movie with Yukari - Charm Up
- Temperance 3: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- October 21st
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- This missing person is Maiko of the Hanged Man Social Link. She needs to be rescued for this Social Link to appear again.
- Temperance 4: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- "Are you all right?" +3
- Night: Cook with Akihiko 2/3
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- October 22nd
- School Question: Venus (3rd choice) - Charm up
- Fortune 4: Talk to Keisuke in 1F or attend the art club.
- “You're pulling out of the contest” +1
- “So you're just going to take it?” +3
- Fuuka Hangout: Read Manga with Fuuka. +1
- October 23rd
- Star 5: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- “Are you okay?” +1
- “I'll come back here with you.” +1
- Ken Hangout 2/3: Watch TV with Ken - Courage Up
- Star 5: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall to start Social Link.
- October 24th
- Strength 9: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- “An instructor?” +3.
- It's because I love you. - Enter a Dating Relationship
- I love you, Yuko. +1
- It's because you're a close friend. - Enter a Platonic Relationship
- "Okay, I will" +1
- It's because I love you. - Enter a Dating Relationship
- “An instructor?” +3.
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Keisuke (Fortune) +3
- Strength 9: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- October 25th
- Shopping TV: Pumpkin Mask, Halloween Candy x50
- Sun 7: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- "It sounds really depressing." +3
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Hayase (Star) +3 - Side Note: If Hayaze is maxed, you will encounter Kaz instead.
- October 26th
- School Question: Izumo (2nd choice) - Charm up
- Emperor 6: Attend the student council room.
- "But I just got here..." +3
- Junpei Hangout 2/3: Read Manga with Junpei - Courage Up
- October 27th
- Temperance 5: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- "Sure." +1
- "Just stay in Japan!" +1
- Night: Garden with Fuuka 2/3
- Temperance 5: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- October 28th
- Temperance 6: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- "Let's do it." +1
- "I have your back!" +3
- Night: Check Aragaki's room and examine the desk to complete his link episode.
- Night 2: Cook with Akihiko 3/3
- Temperance 6: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- October 29th
- Fortune 5: Talk to Keisuke in 1F or attend the art club.
- “You should tell your dad!” +3
- Night: Play with Koromaru 1/2
- Fortune 5: Talk to Keisuke in 1F or attend the art club.
- October 30th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know another person is missing inside Tartarus.
- School Question: Beta-amylase (1st choice) - Charm Up
- Star 6: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
- “Don't worry, it's okay.” +3
- Explore Tartarus
- Reach for the top, and make sure everyone is rescued.
- October 31st
- Lover 8: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- “All right.” +3
- Akihiko Hangout 2/3: Watch a movie with Akihiko - Courage Up
- Lover 8: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- November 1st
- Shopping TV: Myohou Muramasa, Samurai Haori
- Sun 8: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- "Take as long as you need." +1
- "Why did you stop?" +1
- Night: Walk with Koromaru
- November 2nd
- Emperor 7: Attend the student council room.
- It seems too harsh. +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Emperor 7: Attend the student council room.
- November 3rd - 5th
- Full moon event, follow the story.
- (5th) Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 6th
- New Requests from Elizabeth are available.
- Talk to the Friendly Student at the Persimmon Tree after picking up the requests from Elizabeth.
- Star 7: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
- “It's no problem at all.” +1
- "Sounds pretty rough" +1
- "Don't give up yet." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 7th
- School Question: The Upanishads (1st Choice) - Charm Up
- Junpei Link Episode (Only Appears if you have seen the one in Summer)
Note: Seeing this event will unlock some additional dialogue with Junpei. This will also allow you to complete the Junpei questline for January 21st. Which requires buying him a White Flower from the Flower Shop in Port Island Station. However, do keep in mind by completing this side quest, you will lose the 21st as a day you can use for Social Links.
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Hayase (Star) +3 - Side Note: If Hayaze is maxed, you will encounter Kaz instead.
- November 8th
- You can buy Junpei the White Flower from Port Island Station if you have seen the linked episode from the previous day. But you do lose January 21st as a free day if you do.
- Sun 9: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- "You finished your story?" +1
- Night 1: You can give Junpei the White Flower. *Read the note from above.
- Night 2: Walk with Koromaru - Yuko (Strength) +3
- November 9th
- Story Event
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 10th
- Temperance 7: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- "That's a great idea." +3
- Yukari Hangout 2/3: Watch a movie with Yukari - Charm Up
- Temperance 7: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- November 11th
- Lover 9: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- “.....” +3
- I love you. - Enter a Dating Relationship
- You're a precious friend. - Enter a Platonic Relationship
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ken outside the Dorm
- Lover 9: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- November 12th
- School Question: Her favorite time in winter. (1st Choice) - Charm Up
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ryoji in your classroom (All Persona Stats +1)
- Night: Play with Koromaru 2/2 (New Ability for Koromaru)
- November 13th
- Star 8: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
- “Do it!” +3.
- "It sure was." +1
- Night: Cook with Yukari 1/3
- Star 8: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
- November 14th
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Strength 10: Talk to Yuko (2F Hallway)
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Chihiro (Justice) +3
- November 15th
- Shopping TV: Sid's Jacket, Mega Protein x8
- Sun 10: Talk to Kamiki in Naganaki Shrine.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 16th
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Emperor 8: Attend the student council room.
- "It wasn't me." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 17th
- Check upstairs for the vending machine, and buy all the drinks. Required for a side quest.
- Return to your room after you finish everything. Shopping, talking to people etc.
- November 18th
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ryoji on the second floor. This will start his linked episode on the next day. (All Persona Stats +1)
- Talk to Junpei and then return to your room.
- Choices to avoid being seen in the Hot Springs (Does not affect gameplay.)
- We'll hide in the steam.
- Use the duck as a red herring.
- Just follow my lead.
- November 20th
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Ken
- November 21st
- Empress: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway to start her Social Link.
- Akihiko Hangout 3/3: Watch a movie with Akihiko - (New Skill)
- November 22nd
- Shopping TV: Garnet x3, Opal x2
- Star 9: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall.
- “Did you win?” +1
- "Congrats, man!" +1
- "What will you do now?" +1.
- "Thanks!" +1
- Night: Make Coffee with Ken 1/3
- Dark Hour Event
- November 23rd
- Hanged Man 10: Talk to Maiko in Naganaki Shrine.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- November 27th
- Buy the Dating Site Note and use it on the shared computer - Old Couple.
- November 28th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know a person is missing inside Tartarus.
- Empress 2: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway.
- All choice +1
- Explore Tartarus.
- Make sure you rescue the missing people.
- Reach for the top if possible.
- November 29th
- Hierophant 10: Visit the Iwatodai Bookstore.
- Night: Make Coffee with Ken 2/3
- November 30th
- School Question: The Cherry Blossom (1st Choice) - Charm Up
- Empress 3: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "Why not give it a try?" +1
- "Are you happy?" +3
- "Maybe you're anxious." +1
- Night: Have tea with Mitsuru 1/3
- December 1st
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ryoji in the Music Room.
- Yukari Hangout 3/3: Watch a movie with Yukari - Charm Up (New Skill)
- December 2nd
- Fortune 6: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- "It's your choice now." +3
- Night: Garden with Junpei 1/3
- Full Moon Event, follow the story.
- Fortune 6: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- December 3rd
- New Club Escapade Notes.
- Buy the Dating Site Note and use it on the shared computer - Nozomi
- December 4th
- New Requests from Elizabeth are available.
- Priestess 10: Talk to Fuuka in 2F Hallway
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 5th
- Empress 4: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "Did something happen?" +1
- "It's all for love." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Empress 4: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- December 6th
- Shopping TV: Hogyoku Apple x3, Hiranya Mandarin x2
- Moon 10: Talk to Nozomi in Paulownia Mall
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 7th
- School Question: The ozone layer. (1st option) - Charm Up
- Empress 5: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "Glad you enjoyed it." +3
- "You're not suited?" +1
- "Let's go for a ride." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 8th
If you have seen the Junpei Linked Episodes, there is an additional event later in the game. This requires buying a White Flower from the flower shop and giving it to him later. However, seeing this event will make you lose a day on January 21st and can potentially screw up this Max Social Link Run.
- Empress 6: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- Need some help?" +1
- "Is it really?"
- "I'll do something about it." +3 (This also unlocks the romance option for later)
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Chihiro (Justice) +3
- December 9th
- School Question: Kido. (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Empress 7: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "I don't mind at all." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 10th
- Empress 8: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "Vent all you want." +1
- "That's up to you." (Potential romance flag.)
- "Don't insult her father!" +3
- "Don't give in." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Empress 8: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- December 11th.
- School Question: Lives. (2nd option) - Charm Up
- Empress 9: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- "It made me happy." +3
- "I love you too." (Romance Route)
- "I'm sorry but..." (Platonic Route)
- "It made me happy." +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 12th
- Empress 10: Talk to Mitsuru in 1F Hallway
- Linked Episode: Talk to Akihiko in Iwatodai Station (Evening). (Max SP +3)
- December 13th
- Shopping TV: Victory Headband, Mind Supplement x10
- Star 10: Talk to Hayaze in Iwatodai Strip Mall
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 14th
- Exams: The number zero. (1st option)
- December 15th
- Exams: Maltose. (2nd option)
- December 16th
- Exams: Venus. (3rd option)
- December 17th
- Exams: Murasaki-no-Ue (4th Option)
- December 18th
- Exams: Geeses (4th option)
- December 19th
- Linked Episode: Talk to Junpei in your classroom.
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Kenji (Magician) +3
- December 20th
- Shopping TV: Pink Duffle Coat, Luxe Shiruko Can x3
- Daytime: Use to make up any Social Link if there are any discrepancies.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 21st
- Exam results are posted. Talk to Mitsuru for your reward.
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Emperor 9: Student Council Room
- "What matters is you realized it." +3
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Fuuka
- December 22nd
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know two people are missing inside Tartarus.
- School Question: Euphoria. (1st option) - Charm Up
- Fortune 7: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- "Do you want to be a doctor?" +3
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ken on the 4th floor.
- December 23rd
- Daytime: Free Roam.
- Night: Explore Tartarus
- Reach to the top, and make sure you rescue everyone.
- December 24th
- Spend time with your love interest or not. (Optional, you have an extra day to do Social Links if you don't.)
- December 25th
- Temperance 8: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- "He'll definitely agree!" +3
- Ken Hangout 3/3: Watch TV with Ken - Courage Up
- Temperance 8: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway.
- December 26th
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Lover 10: Talk to Yukari in your classroom
- Junpei Hangout 1/3: Read Manga with Junpei - Courage Up
- December 27th
Since there will be a lot of free days without any Social Links, you can try to keep a backup save file and do part jobs. If you earn over 50000 yen, you get a trophy with The Grindset Mindset trophy.
- Shopping TV: Ruby x3, Opal x2
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Make Coffee with Ken 3/3
- December 28th
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Have tea with Mitsuru 2/3
- December 29th
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Buy the Dating Site Note and use it on the shared computer - Bebe
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- December 31st
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Decide what ending you want to see. Reload your saved file after seeing the short one.
- January 1st
- New Year Event: Talk to everyone if you want. Leave the area to continue the story.
- Night: Cook with Yukari 2/3
- January 2nd
- New Requests from Elizabeth are available.
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 3rd
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 4th
- Fortune: Respond to Keisuke's Mail Message
- "Think of the inspirations" +3
- Night: Have tea with Mitsuru 3/3
- Fortune: Respond to Keisuke's Mail Message
- January 5th
- Linked Episode: Koromaru - Talk to him outside the dorm.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 6th
- Linked Episode: Koromaru - Talk to him outside the dorm.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 7th
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Walk with Koromaru - Aigis
- January 8th
- School Question: The underworld. (3rd option)
- Chariot 10: Find Kazushi in your homeroom or at Track and Field.
- Night: Cook with Yukari 3/3
- January 9th
- Aeon: Talk to Aigis in your classroom to start her Social Link.
- Night: Garden with AIgis 1/3
- January 10th
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Night: Read with Mitsuru 3/3
- January 11th
- Daytime: Free Roam
- Linked Episode: Talk to Akihiko in Iwatodai Station
- January 12th
- Fortune 8: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- "It's okay, I'm fine." +3
- Night: Garden with Fuuka 3/3
- Fortune 8: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club.
- January 13th
- Temperance 9: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway
- "Congrats!" +1
- "Aren't you homesick?" +3
- Night: Buy the Dating Site Note and use it on the shared computer - Bebe
- Temperance 9: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway
- January 14th
- Fortune 9: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club
- "You can't go!" +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Fortune 9: Talk to Keisuke or attend the Art Club
- January 15th
- Elizabeth will call you to let you know that two people went missing inside Tartarus (This is the final set of people that need to be rescued).
- Linked Episode: Respond to Junpei's Mail
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 16th
- Aeon 2: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- I like it here.
- Night: Garden with Junpei 2/3
- Aeon 2: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- January 17th
- Daytime: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Night: Garden with Aigis 2/3
- January 18th
- Aeon 3: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- "That's not true" +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- Aeon 3: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- January 19th
- Aeon 4: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- "All right." +3
- Linked Episode: Talk to Ken on the 4th floor.
- Aeon 4: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- January 20th
- Aeon 5: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- "You might be right." +3
- Night: Read with Aigis
- Aeon 5: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- January 21st
Note: This day can be hogged by a Junpei story event if you give him the White Flower during November. If this occurs, you will max all your social links on January 30th instead.
- Aeon 6: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- "He thought I was your boyfriend" +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 22nd
- Aeon 7: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 23rd
- Aeon 8: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- Night: Garden with Junpei 3/3
- January 24th
- Draw a Fortune - Bebe
- Night: Garden with Aigis 3/3
- January 25th
- Emperor 10: Attend the Student Council.
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 26th
- Aeon 9: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- You're right. +3
- I love you, too... (Romance route)
- Sorry, but I can't. (Platonic route)
- You're right. +3
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like
- Aeon 9: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- January 27th
- Temperance 10: Talk to Bebe in 2F Hallway
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 28th
- Stay awake - Academics Up
- Fortune 10: Talk to Keisuke or attend the art club.
- Night: Walk with Koromaru
- January 29th
- Aeon 10: Talk to Aigis in your classroom
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 30th
- Daytime: Free Roam (Spend any time for Social Link that aren't maxed.)
- Night: Free Roam (Do whatever you feel like)
- January 31st
- All social links are maxed, turn in all of Elizabeth's requests if you haven't done so by now.
- Face the final battle at the top of Tartarus.