Persona 3 Reload Elizabeth Requests guide: Solutions & Rewards for every Quest
You've already got plenty on your plate in Persona 3 Reload in battling shadows and climbing Tartarus, but that doesn't mean the game is above Side Quests of a fashion. In this game, they're known as the Elizabeth Requests - and as the name suggests, they're a series of simple tasks that you undertake for friendly Velvet Room stewardess Elizabeth. This guide is here to help you to complete all of the quests, with a complete quest list alongside request rewards & solutions.
There are a total of 101 requests in total spread across Persona 3 Reload. There's not really any story to these quests - they're just a way of racking up useful items. It's worth pointing out that these quests are different in Persona 3 Reload than in past versions of the game - if you're playing the older game, head to our P3 Portable Requests page instead. For Reload, stick with us here.
Persona 3 Reload: Elizabeth Requests guide
As we mentioned in the intro the Elizabeth Requests you'll be tasked with throughout Persona 3 Reload are simple, and basically always involve heading into Tartarus in order to complete a specific task. Usually, these tasks can be completed by grinding out combat in ways you'll be inclined to do anyway as part of simply completing the game.
Some quests are also tied to mechanics of Persona 3 Royal - connected to things like collecting and spending Twilight Shards, Fusing Persona, defeating enemies, or undertaking the odd task in the real world. Rewards are generally helpful items and oodles of cash, all of which inevitably comes very in handy.

As far as Elizabeth's Requests go, there's some things you should keep in mind:
- You can accept all the quests at once, once you know that side quests are available, you should pick them up right away. Unlike previous versions, there are no drawbacks to picking up too many side quests.
- Requests sometimes have hard deadlines, and if you miss that deadline, the quest rewards are lost. So be careful! Deadlines are listed below.
- If you already have fulfilled a request's requirements you'll be able to turn it in straight away, for instance, if you have picked up a required item before actually 'accepting' the request formally. All you need to do is accept and then turn the items in.
- You should carefully balance your time between completing these requests, leveling up your social links, studying for exams and school tests, boosting your social stats, and finding Missing People. Time is precious in Persona, but all of our Persona 3 Royal guides will help you to make sure you're not wasting time
Elizabeth's Requests List, Solutions, Deadlines, & Rewards

Here we have a list of every Elizabeth Request in Persona 3 Reload, plus their dates, deadlines, rewards, and solutions - making your life very easy indeed. Remember, this guide is optimized specifically for Persona 3 Reload only - quests differ in other versions of the game.
Quest 1 - Bring me a Muscle Drink
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Soul Drop x5
- Solution: Muscle Drink can be bought at Aohige Pharmacy. It can also be found in Tartarus.
Quest 2 - Retrieve the first Old Document
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: 10000 Yen
- Solution: Get to the top of the Thebel Block of Tartarus (Floor 22) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 3 - Shadow Hunting Milestone
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Cure Water x3
- Solution: Defeat a total of 100 Shadows.
Quest 4 - Treasure Hunting Milestone
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Snuff Soul x2
- Solution: Open a total of 50 treasure chests.
Quest 5 - Create a Persona that's level 13 or above.
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Bufula Gem x3
- Solution: Fuse or find a Persona that's Level 13 or higher to complete this request.
Quest 6 - Create a Persona with Kouha
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 5 - Create a Persona that's level 13 or above."
- Reward: Fierce Sutra
- Solution:
Quest 7 - Bring me a Juzumaru
- Dates: Available 5/10, no Deadline
- Reward: Makouha (Skill Card)
- Solution: Juzumaru can be found on Tartarus Floor 36 in the treasure chest after defeating the boss. Show the sword to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 8 - Experiment with fortune telling
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Speed Incense I x3
- Solution: You will need to raise your courage so that you can access Club Escapade. Go there and pay the fortune teller for the Rarity Fortune, and then go and fight in Tartarus to complete this request.
Quest 9 - I'd like to try all kind of drinks.
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 9 - I'd like to try all kind of drinks."
- Reward: Media (Skill Card)
- Solution: You will need to collect 12 different types of drinks from vending machines and bring them to Elizabeth.
- Vending Machine 1: Iwatodai Strip Mall - 3F
- Vending Machine 2: Dorm (There are two of them here)
- Vending Machine 3: Port Island Station
Quest 10 - I'd like to try a beef bowl.
- Dates: Available 5/10, no Deadline
- Reward: Male Uniforms (W)
- Solution: To complete this quest you will need to become a Umiushi Member. You can do this by buying the Umiushi Fan Book from the Manga Star Netcafe. Use the book on the shared computer, and then order a beef bowl from Umiushi Beef Bowls and bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 11 - Please prevail in the Big Eater Challenge
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 1 - Bring me a Muscle Drink."
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x3
- Solution: Wilduck Burgers will host the Big Eater Challenge on weekends. However, completing the challenge also requires picking the right choices, so try the follow option and you should able to complete the challenge.
- Look away from the burgers
- Eat without stopping
- Imagine something sout
Quest 12 - Bring me pine resin.
- Dates: Available 5/10, Deadline 6/6
- Reward: Toy Bow for Yukari
- Solution: Talk to Yukari to get a Pine Resin, and bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 13 - Bring me a handheld game console.
- Dates: Available 5/10, Deadline 6/6
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 12 - Bring me pine resin."
- Reward: Pixel Vest (Armor - Male Only)
- Solution: Talk to Junpei to get a Handheld Console from him. Bring the console to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 14 - Retrieve the second old document
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Reward: 20000 Yen
- Solution: Get to Arqa Block of Tartarus (Floor 43) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 15 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #2
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 3 - Shadow Hunting Milestone."
- Reward: Umugi Water x3
- Solution: Defeat a total of 200 Shadows.
Quest 16 - Treasure Hunting Milestone #2
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 4 - Treasure Hunting Milestone."
- Reward: Chewing Soul x2
- Solution: Open a total of 100 treasure chests.
Quest 17 - Fusion Series #1: Emperor, Oberon
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 5 - Create a Persona that's level 13 or above."
- Reward: Female Uniforms (W)
- Solution: The easiest way to get this quest done is to raise the Emperor Social Link to at least rank 2. Then fuse a persona(Valkyrie + Jack Frost) into Oberon, the exp bonus should give Oberon Mazio.
Quest 18 - I'd like to be gifted a bouquet of flowers.
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Female Winter Garb
- Solution: Bring Elizabeth a Rose Bouquet. One of them can be ordered from Shopping TV on May 3rd. Or you can buy them for 2000 Yen at the Florist in Port Island Station.
Quest 19 - I want Jack Frost Dolls
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x3
- Solution: Jack Frost Dolls can be found by playing the crane machine next to the game store in Paulownia Mall. Elizabeth wants 3 of them.
Quest 20 - Bring me some potent medicine.
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Steel Pipe (Weapon for MC)
- Solution: Go to the Nurse's office in the school to get the Potent Medicine. Bring the medicine to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 21 - Retrieve the third old document.
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 14 - Retrieve the second old document"
- Reward: 30000 Yen
- Solution: Get to the top Arqa Block of Tartarus (Floor 69) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 22 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #3
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 15 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #2."
- Reward: Bead x3
- Solution: Defeat a total of 300 Shadows.
Quest 23 - Persona Fusion Milestone
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x5
- Solution: Conduct a total of 20 Persona fusions.
Quest 24 - Create a Persona that's level 23 or above.
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Sugar Key
- Solution: Have a Persona that is level 23 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.
Quest 25 - Fusion Series #2 Chariot, Mithras
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 17 - Fusion Series #1: Emperor, Oberon."
- Reward: Male Winter Garb
- Solution: To complete this quest you need to make a Mithras that is level 26 or higher. First, raise the Chariot Social Link to rank 5. Then Use the Persona search to find Mithras, a combination that works is Oberon and Tam Lin. The fusion exp should give you enough exp to put Mithras to level 26.
Quest 26 - Bring me an Onimaru Kunitsuna
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Reward: Crit Rate Boost (Skill Card)
- Solution: You can find Onimaru Kunitsuna by clearing the boss on Tartarus Floor 54 and then opening the rare chest with Twilight Fragments.
Quest 27 - Bring me a triangular sword
- Dates: Available 6/13, Deadline 7/5
- Reward: Gallant Sneakers
- Solution: Talk to Mitsuru to get the sword and bring it to Elizabeth.
Quest 28 - I want to look fashionable
- Dates: Available 6/13, Deadline 7/5
- Prerequisite: Complete "Bring me a triangular sword."
- Reward: Spiked Bat
- Solution: Talk to Akihiko to get the protein and bring it to Elizabeth.
Quest 29 - I want to look fashionable
- Dates: Available 6/13, Deadline 7/5
- Reward: Power Incense x5
- Solution: Talk to the accessory seller in Club Escapade. There are two ways to complete the quest from here, you can pay the guy 150,000 Yen for the glasses, or you can look for a Black Quartz. Getting a Black Quartz, the seller will discount the glasses to 10000 yen. Black Quartz is dropped by Lustful Snake in the Arqa Block (Floor 57 or higher in Tartarus). Another source of Black Quartz is the boss on floor 60 of Tartarus. If you still have trouble finding it, rescuing the missing person on floor 64 also gives 2 Black Quartz.
Quest 30 - Retrieve the fourth old document.
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 21 - Retrieve the third old document"
- Reward: 40000 Yen
- Solution: Get to the Yabbashah Block of Tartarus (Floor 91) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 31 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #4
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 22 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #3."
- Reward: Kamimusubi Water x2
- Solution: Defeat a total of 450 Shadows.
Quest 32 - Treasure Hunting Milestone #3
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 16 - Treasure Hunting Milestone #2."
- Reward: Snuff Soul x6
- Solution: Open a total of 150 treasure chests.
Quest 33 - Persona Fusion Milestone #2
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 23 - Persona Fusion Milestone."
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x5
- Solution: Conduct a total of 35 Persona fusions.
Quest 34 - Create a Persona with Torrent Shot
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Reward: Attack Mirror x3
- Solution:
Quest 35 - Fusion Series #3: Hermit, Mothman
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Prerequisite:
- Reward: Maid Outfit
- Solution: Fuse a Mothman with Agilao. You can also use an Agilao skill card to complete this quest.
Quest 36 - Defeat a rare Shadow #1
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Reward: Onyx x7
- Solution: You will need to defeat the rare shadow on Yabbashah Block to complete this quest. Since this shadow is resistant to every magic attack, it is recommended that you save your Theurgy for your best chance to defeat it.
Quest 37 - Traverse the Monad Passage
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Clear the Monad Door on floor 80 and Elizabeth will give you this request.
- Reward: Black Sword
- Solution: Clear the Monad Door on floor 91 to complete the request.
Quest 38 - I want to eat some chilled taiyaki
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 10 - I'd like to try a beef bowl."
- Reward: Nihil Cloth
- Solution: Purchase the Iwatodai Forum Note in Club Escapade. After this, you will need to use the Shared Computer to read the note. This will let the school store carry a Lukewarm Taiyaki. Buy it and then put it in your refrigerator in the dorm to chill it. Come back the next day and bring the Chilled Taiyaki to Elizabeth.
Quest 39 - Let me hear music unique to Gekkokan.
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Reward: Female Uniform (S)
- Solution: Check the PA room, right next to your classroom.
Quest 40 - I'd like to see a pair of Max Safety Shoes.
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x3
- Solution: You can get a pair of Max Safety Shoes through the Shopping TV on July 12th.
Quest 41 - Bring me the mysterious person's autograph.
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 40 - I'd like to see a pair of Max Safety Shoes."
- Reward: Nihil Bible
- Solution: If you did the Devil's Social Link, you should have Tanaka's business card which will complete this request.
Quest 42 - Please feed the cat.
- Dates: Available 7/09, No Deadline
- Reward: Male Summer Garb
- Solution: There is a cat you can find in the Station Outskirt. However, you will need some Super Cat Food and must have fed the cat for four days.
- The Super Cat Food is sold in the pharmacy shop.
Quest 43 - Bring me a christmas star.
- Dates: Available 7/09, Deadline 8/4
- Reward: Jack's Gloves
- Solution: Talk to Fuuka during the evening to get a Christmas Star, and bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 44 - I wish to feel the ocean.
- Dates: Available 7/09, Deadline 8/4
- Reward: Amethyst x5
- Solution: During the Yakushima Vacation, you can pick up four different items on the beach. This option will only appear if you have picked up this quest before the vacation.
Quest 45 - Retrieve the fifth old document.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 30 - Retrieve the fourth old document"
- Reward: 50000 Yen
- Solution: Get to Yabbashah Block of Tartarus (Floor 118F) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 46 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #5
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 31 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #4."
- Reward: Bead Chain x2
- Solution: Defeat a total of 600 Shadows.
Quest 47 - Treasure Hunting Milestone #4
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 32 - Treasure Hunting Milestone #3."
- Reward: Precious Egg x2
- Solution: Open a total of 200 treasure chests.
Quest 48 - Persona Fusion Milestone #3
- Dates: Available 6/13, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 33 - Persona Fusion Milestone #2."
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x5
- Solution: Conduct a total of 50 Persona fusions.
Quest 49 - Create a Persona that's level 38 or above.
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 31 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #4."
- Reward: Marionette (Can fuse Nebiros)
- Solution: Have a Persona that is level 38 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.
Quest 50 - Perform King and I.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 31 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #4."
- Reward: Guard Incense II x3
- Solution: Carry out the King and I Fusion Spell. To finish this mission, fuse a King Frost and a Black Frost.
Quest 51 - Bring me an Outenta Mitsuyo.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Reward: Multi-Target Boost (Skill Card)
- Solution: Outenta Mitsuyo can be crafted from the Antique Shop, it's one of the starting recipes.
Quest 52 - I'd like try a home-cooked meal.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 38 - I want to eat some chilled taiyaki."
- Reward: Legendary Cleaver
- Solution: Cook with someone at the dorm and bring one of those items to Elizabeth to complete this request.
Quest 53 - I'd like see a mysterious potato.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 52 - I'd like try a home-cooked meal."
- Reward: Ergotite Shard
- Solution: You will need to attempt gardening with someone in the dorm. So that you can get a Tarukaja Potato, bring this to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 54 - Attempt a hundred shrine visits.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Reward: Lime Swim Wear
- Solution: Although the quest says a hundred times, you simply just need to check the shrine's altar three times. You will find a 500 yen bill, bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 55 - I'd like to see proof of a bond.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Reward: Space Badge
- Solution: Bring an item you can only receive when a Social Link has been maxed.
Quest 56 - Look for the drink with my name.
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Reward: As Generic Material
- Solution: Have at least high rank charm, and go to the bar Que Sera Sera in Station Outskirts. The bartender will give you a drink called Queen Elizabeth.
Quest 57 - I'd like to try Aojiru
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x8
- Solution: Head to the Pharmacy Store to get clues on where to find an Aojiru. Then head to the antique shop and trade 2 Topaz and 1 Turquoise for a Vintage Yagen. Bring it to the Pharmacy to get the drink.
Quest 58 - I wish to become a straw millionaire.
- Dates: Available 8/08, Deadline 8/31
- Reward: Turquoise x20
- Solution: Elizabeth will give you a wrapped bandage. You will need to trade these bandages for several items to complete the request.
- Head to the Port Island Station Outskirt to trade the bandages.
- Port Island Station - Trade to Student Handbook to the student.
- Iwatodai Strip Mall - Trade the Irresistible Catnip to the Cat-Loving Boy
- Bring the Cat Headband to Elizabeth.
Quest 59 - Retrieve the sixth old document.
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 45 - Retrieve the fifth old document."
- Reward: 70000 Yen
- Solution: Get to the top of Yabbashah Block of Tartarus (Floor 144F) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 60 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #6
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 46 - Shadow Hunting Milestone #5."
- Reward: Soma
- Solution: Defeat a total of 800 Shadows.
Quest 61 - Create a Persona that's level 46 or above.
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 49 - Create a Persona that's level 38 or above."
- Reward: Atrophying Sutra
- Solution: Have a Persona that is level 46 or higher in your possession and report to Elizabeth.
Quest 62 - Fusion Series #4: Lovers, Titania
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 35 - Fusion Series #3: Hermit, Mothman."
- Reward: Male Uniform (S)
- Solution: Have the Persona, Titania in your possession with the Skill Matarukja and report to Elizabeth.
Quest 63 - Fusion Series #5: Magician, Rangda
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 50 - Perform King and I."
- Reward: Female Summer Garb
- Solution: Have a Rangda at level 54 or higher in your possession. Rangda is a level 50 Persona that you can fuse, however you should fuse it when you have the Magician Social Link maxed to get enough bonus exp to reach level 54 to instantly complete the quest.
Quest 64 - Defeat a rare Shadow #2
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 49 - Create a Persona that's level 38 or above."
- Reward: Topaz x7
- Solution: Defeat the rare Shadow in the fourth block, Tziah, and bring back the Sumptuous Coin to Elizabeth.
Quest 65 - Bring me an Ote-gine
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Reward: Quality Nihil Ore
- Solution: Found in the treasure chest in Tartarus floor 143 right after clearing the boss.
Quest 66 - Bring me a giant, creepy doll.
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 39 - Let me hear music unique to Gekkokan."
- Reward: Quality Nihil Blade
- Solution: Check the Laboratory in 1F to get the Creepy Doll and then bring it to Elizabeth.
Quest 67 - Find me a beautiful tile.
- Dates: Available 9/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 54 - Attempt a hundred shrine visits."
- Reward: Scrub Brush (Weapon for Ken)
- Solution: Go to Station Outskirts and head to Mahjong Parlor Red Hawk. You will need maxed courage to go in though. Once you do, give the tile to Elizabeth to complete the quest.
Quest 68 - Bring me a fruit knife.
- Dates: Available 9/10, Deadline 10/2
- Reward: Bus Stop Sign (Weapon for Shinji)
- Solution: Talk to Shinjiro to get a fruit knife and bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 69 - Bring me oil.
- Dates: Available 9/10, Deadline 10/2
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 65 - Bring me a fruit knife."
- Reward: Rocket Punch (Weapon for Aigis)
- Solution: Talk to Aigis to get the machine oil and bring it to Elizabeth to complete the request.
Quest 70 - Retrieve the seventh old document.
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 59 - Retrieve the sixth old document"
- Reward: 90000 Yen
- Solution: Get to the top of Tziah Block of Tartarus (Floor 172F) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 71 - Fusion Series #6: Strength, Siegfried
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 62 - Fusion Series #4: Lovers, Titania"
- Reward: Sky Sundress
- Solution: Fuse the Persona, Siegfried with the skill Endure. You can use the skill card from Quest 73 - Bring me a Mikazuki Munechika.
Quest 72 - Fusion Series #7: Hierophant, Daisoujou
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 63 - Fusion Series #5: Magician, Rangda."
- Reward: Blue Shorts
- Solution: Fuse the Persona, Daisoujou with the skill Regenerate 3. The key way of accomplishing this mission is to get the Suzaku persona from Temperance. This has the Regenerate 3 Skill. Then you use Fusion search, one combination is Suzaku and Hell Biker.
Quest 73 - Bring me a Mikazuki Munechika.
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Endure
- Solution: This weapon can be crafted using a Quality Nihil Blade. The materials required are 3 Emeralds and 2 Silver Quartz.
Quest 74 - I'd like to try sushi.
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 53 - I'd like see a mysterious potato."
- Reward: Ergotite Chunk
- Solution: Go to the Naganaki Shrine and then check the Inari Shrine, you will need at least rank 4 Academics to get the sushi.
Quest 75 - Bring me a Sengoku-era helm.
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 66 - Bring me a giant, creepy doll."
- Reward: Twilight Fragment x7
- Solution: Head to the Faculty Office to see Mr. Ono. Come back for the next few days to the same office to get the helmet. Doing this quest will also raise your social stats if you haven't max them by now.
Quest 76 - Bring me a glasses wipe.
- Dates: Available 10/06, Deadline 11/1
- Reward: Garnet x5
- Solution: Talk to Shuji (The chairman) during the evening to get the glasses wipe from him.
Quest 77 - I'd like to walk around Paulownia Mall
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Completed 15 of Elizabeth's requests.
- Reward: Small Cheongsam (Allows you to fuse Hua Po)
- Solution: Simply ask Elizabeth out to complete the request.
Quest 78 - I'd like to visit Iwatodai Station
- Dates: Available 5/10, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Completed 30 of Elizabeth's requests.
- Reward: Book of the Ancients (Allows you to fuse Thoth)
- Solution: Simply ask Elizabeth out to complete the request.
Quest 79 - I'd like to visit Naganaki Shrine
- Dates: Available 8/08, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Completed 45 of Elizabeth's requests.
- Reward: Vitality Sash
- Solution: Simply ask Elizabeth out to complete the request.
Quest 80 - I'd like to visit Gekkoukan High
- Dates: Available 10/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Completed 70 of Elizabeth's requests.
- Reward: Sorcerer's Mark
- Solution: Simply ask Elizabeth out to complete the request.
Quest 81 - I'd like to visit your room
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Completed 80 of Elizabeth's requests.
- Reward: Tyrant's Horn (Allows you to fuse Lucifer)
- Solution: Simply ask Elizabeth out to complete the request.
Quest 82 - Retrieve the last old document.
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 70 - Retrieve the seventh old document"
- Reward: 120000 Yen
- Solution: Get to Harabah Block of Tartarus (Floor 198F) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 83 - Retrieve the progress report.
- Dates: Available 12/04, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 82 - Retrieve the last old document."
- Reward: 150000 Yen
- Solution: Get to Adamah Block of Tartarus (Floor 226F) and open the purple treasure chest.
Quest 84 - Create a Persona with Tempest Slash.
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Empowering Sutra x3
- Solution: The easiest way to complete this quest is to obtain the Persona, Chernobog. It has Tempest Slash as a starting skill. This is a level 56 Persona can be even found in Shuffle time in floor 199 and higher. You can use fusion search to fuse it.
Quest 85 - Create a Persona with Auto-Maraku
- Dates: Available 12/04, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 84 - Create a Persona with Tempest Slash"
- Reward: Debilitor Sutra x3
- Solution: A lot of Personas carry the Auto-Maraku skill, most of them found in high-level Lovers Personas like Raphael and Cybele.
Quest 86 - Fusion Series #8: Death, Alice
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Maid Outfit
- Solution: Alice can be fused under the special fusion section. The required Personas are: (Pixie, Lilim, Narcissus, Titania)
Quest 87: Fusion Series #9: Fool, Loki
- Dates: Available 12/07, No Deadline
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 72 - Fusion Series #7: Hierophant, Daisoujou."
- Reward: Masakados (Lets you fuse Masakados)
- Solution: Loki is the ultimate Fool Persona, requiring level 69 to fuse. There are multiple fusion paths, but an easy one is Gabriel + Siegfried or Gabriel + Kali. All of these Persona are random appearances in Shuffle Time, starting with the second half of Block 5.
Quest 88 - Defeat a Greedy Shadow
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Life Aid (Skill Card)
- Solution: Greedy Shadows appear at random, you can use the fortune teller in Club Escapade to boost their chance of appearing. If you do see them, you will need to guess the direction its going three times to fight it.
Quest 89 - Bring me a Rai Kunimitsu
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Prime Nihil Ore
- Solution: Found on floor 184 in the locked treasure chest right after clearing the boss.
Quest 90 - Bring me a Dojigiri Yasutsuna
- Dates: Available 12/04, No Deadline
- Reward: AS Refined Material
- Solution: Found on floor 212 in the locked treasure chest right after clearing the boss.
Quest 91 - Bring me a Tonbo-kiri
- Dates: Available 1/02, No Deadline
- Reward:
- Solution:
Quest 92 - Go clean a restroom.
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Maid Outfit
- Solution: Go to Port Island Station. Then check the restroom above the theatre. You will finish the quest after the event.
Quest 93 - Go water the flowers.
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Maid Outfit
- Solution: Head to the school rooftop, and water the flower in the middle to complete this request.
Quest 94 - Bring me food for a Furry Friend
- Dates: Available 11/06, Deadline 11/30
- Reward: Bone (Weapon for Koromaru)
- Solution: Talk to Koromaru to get the Gourment Dog Food and bring it to Elizabeth.
Quest 95 - Bring me a Featherman R action figure.
- Dates: Available 11/06, Deadline 11/30
- Prerequisite: Complete "Quest 94 - Bring me food for a Furry Friend"
- Reward: Sacrificial Idol
- Solution: Talk to Ken to get the Action Figure and bring it to Elizabeth.
Quest 96 - I'd like to try Oden Juice
- Dates: Available 11/06, No Deadline
- Reward: Winter Uniform
- Solution: To complete this side quest you will need to talk to the Friendly Student near the Persimmon Tree where you started the Hierophant Social Link. She will mention wanting the soft drinks from Kansai. Anyways, during the school field in Kyoto, if you examine the vending machine, you can buy a different series of drinks. Bring that to her and she will give you an Oden Juice in return.

Quest 97 - Bring me my christmas present.
- Dates: Available 12/04, Deadline 12/25
- Reward: Ruby x3
- Solution: To complete this side quest you will need to at least have rescued people from the June to get the Thank You Letter. Once you have done so, go to Iwatodai Strip Mall and talk to the man standing in the middle of the second floor. He will give you some Christmas items if you have rescued people before.
Quest 98: Fusion Series #10: Tower, Masakado
- Dates: 1/6, No Deadline
- Reward: Nihil White Model x2
- Solution: This one is tricky, because Masakado's material Persona do not have Charge innately. Instead, you must fuse a Siegfried that knows Charge with Vasuki or Hecatonaires to create a Koumokuten that knows Charge. From there, assemble the other three pieces (Zouchouten, Jikokuten, and Bishamonten) to fuse successfully, passing Charge to the final product.
Quest 99: Defeat the Shadow of the Void
- Dates: 1/6, No Deadline
- Reward: Nihil White Model x2
- Solution: On Floor 255 lies the final Monad Passage. Shadow of the Void has no weaknesses or resistances, but does have a flat 300 per turn heal that happens automatically. When you get him to 50% he will use Diarahan, healing to full, and he is capable of using multiple -dyne spells to target weaknesses. If you see it Charge, next turn it will use Akasha Arts, and if you see Concentrate, next turn it will use Megidoloan. Easy way to defeat it is to come in with full Theurgies, whittle it to 50%, wait for it to Diarahan, get it to 50% again and unload as much single-target damage as you can.
Quest 100: Bring me a Bloody Button.
- Dates: 1/2, No Deadline
- Reward: Divine Pillar Accessory (User can no longer dodge attacks, but reduces all damage taken to 50%.)
- Solution: Equip your MC with an accessory that grants Insta-Heal (such as Incense Box) and make sure you have a Persona that knows Salvation. You will need Koromaru, and he must know Debilitate. Try to cover your teammates weaknesses with Null accessories — for example, Yukari would need the Lightning Gloves accessory to Null Elec. Find a darkened floor and wait for the Reaper to show up — you can Ambush it to gain the first turn. Have Koromaru use Debilitate at the start of the round and every time the Reaper uses Heat Riser or if Debilitate is about to fall off, and have the rest of your team focus on damage (or healing, if Yukari is present.) You must cast Salvation whenever the Reaper uses Virus Breath or Tentarafoo, otherwise odds are good your team will die. Reaper will cast Madyne spells to target weaknesses, Megidoloan from time to time, and the occasional Brave Blade if targeting a statused party member.
Quest 101: Take out the ultimate adversary.
- Date: 1/6, No Deadline
- Reward: Omnipotent Orb
- Solution: Good luck!