Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Spoiler-Free Walkthrough Guide
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is the first game in the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy compilation, and represents Capcom’s attempt to find a new start for the series. Featuring a fresh newcomer in the form of Rookie defense attorney Apollo Justice, the game represents a break with the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy . With the recent release of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, fans and newcomers alike (the ones that didn’t bother with the mobile ports) will have the chance to reckon with a new set of stories in the legendary series.
As ever, the games usher players through a set of trials, marked by kooky cross-examinations and and brain-bending investigative (and logical) leaps. For those who get stumped, we’re offering a full, spoiler-free walkthrough for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, detailing every choice for every case.
Note: While we consider this Apollo Justice walkthrough to be spoiler-free, outlining the decisions and steps needed make this guide comprehensible means that we did have to specify certain references, where necessary.

You can use the links below to jump directly to a specific section of each episode.
- Episode 1: Turnabout Trump
- Episode 2: Turnabout Corner
- Episode 3: Turnabout Serenade
- Episode 4: Turnabout Succession
Episode 1: Turnabout Trump walkthrough

Welcome to your first day in court, rookie lawyer! Your opening case is a doozy, featuring a very familiar face. Can Justice serve justice in his first case? Well, if you follow this step-by step Apollo Justice walkthrough... you'll be fine!
Like other introductory cases throughout the series, this one is fairly simple and introduces you to the game’s key mechanics and the flow of the case. One thing to be aware of if you’re coming straight off the older titles is that some objects in the Court Record can now be examined in 3D, rotating them to find more clues. Make sure to do that for present and future evidence.
Episode 1: Trial Day 1, 1st Half
Your first case, featuring a familiar face, begins straight from the trial.
You’ll be given the opportunity to ask for a tutorial in cross-examination, but in case you skip it, your goal here (and in all other cross-examinations) is to notice inconsistencies and lies in the subject’s testimony, press for additional details or open up new topics, and then present evidence that highlights the differences.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: The Competition
- Press whenever you like (get used to using the function!), though pressing on the fifth statement will trigger an amendment.
- When the new sixth statement comes up, present the Deadly Bottle evidence.
- The presentation and subsequent exchanges will add two new pieces of evidence to your court record: Wrights Cell Phone and Olga’s Photo, and introduce a new witness.
Witness Cross-Examination: That Fateful Night
- Press on the final statement to expand the testimony.
- Present the Smith’s Autopsy Report on the final statement.
- A new item, Crime Photo 2 will be added to your Court Record.
- Present Crime Photo 2 on the 3rd statement.
- This will change the testimony topic.
Witness Cross-Examination: Serious Competition
- Press, then press harder on the 2nd statement.
- When asked, choose to “Add to testimony”. This will revise the 2nd statement.
- Present Chip Photo on the 2nd statement.
- Choose “Both were right.”
- This will shift the topic once again.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Final Hand
- Take in the details using presses, but press on the 3rd statement to revise it.
- Present the Chip Photo on this new, revised 3rd statement.
- You’ll be asked to point out the contradiction by the judge.
- Select the Aces in the upper right area of the scene and Present them.
- Choose “The Victim’s Hand” to add it to the Court Record. You’ll be able to examine the hand in 3D for details.
- Rotate the cards and examine their backs. Zoom in and select the blue one.
- Select “After the murder.”
- Select “Someone else.”
Episode 1: Trial Day 1, 2nd Half
After a number of twists and a brief break, the trial resumes with more cross-examination. This section also features the debut of a new mechanical wrinkle: Perceiving tells in the witness’ body language.
You’ll notice it when the screen changes and highlights specific parts of the witness’ animation or appearance. You’ll then be able to “Perceive” the tell, like you were Presenting evidence to change the flow of the cross-examination.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: The Best Laid Traps
- Press on the 4th statement, then press harder when prompted.
- This will kick off your introductory Perceive check. Simply hit the appropriate button when prompted.
- When prompted, Present the Deadly Bottle.
- Press on the 5th statement, which will have been revised by the results of the previous action.
- Select “Flawed”.
- When prompted, Present Wright’s Cell Phone.
- When prompted, Present Kristoph’s profile.
- Select “Hear the testimony.”
- You’ll move to a new cross-examination.
Witness Cross-Examination: Appetite Before Murder
- Press on the 3rd statement. This will revise it.
- Present Crime Photo 1 on the 5th statement.
- If you haven’t examined the Deadly Bottle in 3D yet, do so now.
- Uncover a clue by examining the bottle’s bottom.
- With this clue known, Present the Deadly Bottle on the 3rd statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: That Fateful Night
- You’ll receive a new piece of evidence, the Bloody Ace, before you shift to a new witness.
- Pressing on the 5th statement will prompt you to show some evidence.
- Select and Present the Bloody Ace.
- When prompted, select the dark blue circle with a “V”, and Present it.
- Click the chair and press the “Point Out” button to turn it around.
- Select the red circle with a “K” and Present it.
- Select the dark area directly facing the victim and Present it.
- Select the cupboard and press the “Point Out” button to move it.
- Select the light blue circle with a “2” and Present it.
- Present Olga’s Photo.
- Rotate the bottle in 3D and examine its bottom.
- Present the Bloody Ace to end the chapter.
Episode 2: Turnabout Corner walkthrough

After the rollercoaster of the episode 1 trial, we’re introduced to a new character, Trucy, and your first investigation of the game proper. This is where this Apollo Justice walkthrough will get a little more in-depth.
The investigation phase of each case flows more or less the same way as in other Ace Attorney titles: Select everything you can and assemble the clues you’ll need for the trial phase.
Episode 2: Investigation, Day 1
Here are the steps you’ll need to take before the trial:
- Speak to Trucy and exhaust her available topics.
- Go to Hickfield Clinic.
- Speak to Phoenix and exhaust his available topics.
- You’ll receive the Map clue for your Court Record.
- Move to Wright Talent Agency.
- Speak to Eldoon and exhaust his available topics.
- You’ll come out of the conversation with three whole cases (sort of).
- Move to the Accident Scene, a new location.
- Speak to Plum about every available topic, including the accident and the splattered paint.
- Use the look around function to shift your view rightward.
- When examining the area, check out the trash can.
- Choose the Mirror. It’ll be added to the court record.
- Shift your view and speak to Plum again.
- Ask about “People Park” and “A Private matter.”
- Move to the Scene of the Stand Theft.
- Speak to Eldoon about all available subjects.
- Examine the scene, but make sure to examine the Bowl at the bottom of the screen and add it to the court record.
- Shift the screen left and examine the scene, including the nearby police car.
- Return to Eldoon and ask him about the Meraktis Clinic.
- Move to the Meraktis Clinic Garage.
- Examine the scene for clues, paying special attention to the green car.
- Examine the Pink Cell Phone to add it to the Court Record.
- Examine the small blue lump in the car’s tailpipe to add Trucy’s Panties to the Court Record.
- Notice the loose wires where the car’s side mirror should be? Examine them.
- Choose “Show Evidence.”
- Present the Mirror.
- Return to the Hickfield Clinic.
- Speak to Phoenix and exhaust his available topics.
- Move to the Wright Anything Agency.
- Speak to your new contact, Alita Tiala, and explore every topic, including the new one that pops up.
- You’ll receive the Letter of Request clue.
- From here, the Detention Center area will open up, but you won’t be able to do anything there yet.
- Move to the Kitaki Mansion.
- You won’t get very far asking Ema Skye about things at first, so examine the area.
- The only clue you’ll get results for is the noodle stand.
- Move to the Hickfield Clinic.
- Talk to Phoenix and check his topics.
- You’ll be instructed to return to the office to retrieve something.
- Return to the Wright Anything Agency.
- Examine the blue hat in the middle of the screen to receive the White Powder item.
- Head to People Park (from the Kitaki Mansion).
- Present the White Powder to Ema.
- You’ll then be cleared to talk to Ema.
- Talk to Ema about all available topics.
- While speaking about “The case,” Present Guy Eldoon’s profile when prompted.
- You’ll gain two new clues for the Court Record when the talking’s over: Noodle Stand and Meraktis’s Autopsy Report
- It’s time to examine the scene!
- Check out the red trash can to add Bloomers to the Court Record.
- Notice the knife next to the cop statue? Examine it to get the Knife item for the Court Record.
- You’ll also kick off the tutorial for fingerprint dusting.
- Follow Ema’s instructions to learn more about how to do it.
- In essence, you’ll need to cover the rough area of the fingerprint with powder, then use the “Blow” function to remove the dust, leaving the print behind.
- After this comes print-matching: Select a character’s profile and have the machine “Analyze” to compare the prints with what the police have on file.
- For this tutorial, Analyze Wocky Kitaki’s profile. The Knife item will be updated.
- You’ll have cleared this area, and the Detention Center will be your final destination for the day.
- Return to the Detention Center (via Wright Anything Agency) to end the investigation.
Episode 2: Trial, Day 1, 1st Half
Your lengthy, meandering investigation is over, and the Trial has begun, leaving Apollo without time to prepare, without Phoenix for backup, and with a client that seems to want to go to prison!
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: Wocky Kitaki’s “Truth”
- Press on all his statements in turn, which should add Wocky’s Check-Up Report to the Court Record, before moving on to a new witness testimony.
Witness Cross-Examination: A Night in the Park
- The initial testimony will add the Pistol item to the Court Record.
- Present Meraktis’s Autopsy Report on the 5th statement.
- This should lead to a new addition to the testimony.
Witness Cross-Examination: A Night in the Park 2
- Present the Pistol on the 5th statement.
- Choose “No way,” when prompted.
- Present the Knife when prompted.
Witness Cross-Examination: From Shot to Call
- Press! Hit that Press button on every statement.
- When prompted to back off, choose “Yes.”
Episode 2: Trial, Day 1, 2nd Half
Saved by a sudden and dramatic twist, you’ll want to get a grip on the witness’ airtight testimony. This’ll also be the first time your new “Perceive” mechanic is put to live use. Perceive opportunities will be signaled by the appearance of Apollo’s Bracelet in the frame.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: From Shot to Call
- You’ll review the previous testimony, this time with an eye to finding opportunities to use the “Perceive” mechanic.
- Press on the 3rd statement.
- Follow Trucy’s instructions to make use of the Perceive system.
- Bring your focus to the witness’ fingers on the book page.
- When the text scrolls to “I used my cell phone,” hit Perceive, and Confirm.
- Choose “Ask to see his phone.”
- Choose “Show evidence,” and Present the Mirror when prompted.
Witness Cross-Examination: Stickler’s "Truth"
- Press the witness on the 4th statement.
- Choose “The Noodle Stand.”
- Choose “Very important” to revise the statement.
- Present the Noodle Stand clue on the 4th statement.
- Choose “...and he saw it right.”
- When prompted, select a location above the victim and killer (in the top half of the image) and Present it.
- Choose “Accuse of another crime.”
- Present Trucy’s Panties when prompted.
- Present Bloomers when prompted.
Episode 2: Investigation, Day 2
The next phase of the investigation begins after the rollercoaster developments of the Trial. Apollo’s client isn’t off the hook, yet, and you’ll need to uncover more evidence and clues to get to the truth. One of the overarching goals of this investigation phase is gaining access to a new location: The Meraktis clinic itself.
Here are the steps you’ll need to take before the trial:
- You’ll begin the day at the Wright Anything Agency.
- Speak to Alita and exhaust her available topics.
- Move to the Detention Center.
- Speak to Stickler about each available topic.
- The Kitaki Mansion location will be updated, so go there.
- Talk to Plum about all available topics.
- Examine the area and tap the trash can beside the People Park gate.
- Pick up the Slippers and add them to the Court Record.
- Examine the Slippers in 3D, and check out the unusual yellow area on the bottom of one slipper.
- From the Kitaki Mansion, move to Eldoon’s House.
- You can update Guy Eldoon on the case by speaking to him and exhausting his available topics.
- Talking about the Meraktis Clinic will shed more light on Eldoon’s deeper connection to the case at hand.
- Shift the screen to try to access the Meraktis Clinic (not just its garage), and watch the short scene that causes you to be turned away.
- Return to the Detention Center.
- Wocky Kitaki should be available for questioning. Ask him about all available topics.
- Present the Pistol to Wocky to unlock a new conversation topic.
- Ask him about “The night of the crime.”
- Return to Kitaki Mansion and watch a scene before moving to People Park.
- Grill Ema about her available topics to unlock a new mechanic: Footprint analysis!
- Footprint analysis is similar to Fingerprint dusting, but has a few extra steps.
- You’ll need to cover the footprint area with plaster, run a dryer over it to dry the impression, and then compare it with what the cops have on file.
- Once done taking the footprint impression, compare it to Wocky Kitaki’s profile.
- You’ll be given the chance to analyze a few more footprints.
- Tap the green footsteps, then repeat the footprint analysis ritual.
- Compare these ones with Wesley Stickler’s profile.
- Analyze the red footsteps.
- Speak to Ema about the “Mystery shoe print.”
- Remember the odd print on the bottom of the Slippers?
- Choose “Show evidence,” then present the Slippers when prompted.
- You’ll get a new clue: Detective Skye’s Orders.
- Now you can visit the Meraktis Clinic proper.
- Visit the Meraktis Clinic via Eldoon’s House.
- Check out the blue footwear near the shoe rack to add Sandals to the Court Record.
- Examine the Sandals to open up a fingerprint (or rather, toe print) dusting sequence. You won’t be able to use the result until later, though.
- Check out the conspicuously empty spot on the slipper rack.
- There’s a door with a glowing green sign on the left side. Examine it.
- You’ll move to a new room. Examine the area.
- Examine the Lamp on the floor to add it to the Court Record.
- Examine the safe beside the large black chair.
- Choose “I’ve got just the thing!”
- Time to dust the safe for prints.
- Dust for prints until you’ve revealed that the most-pressed keypad numbers are 2, 5, 7, and 9.
- The keypad code is “7952.”
- Examine the envelope to add Wocky’s Chart to the Court Record.
- Examine the unusual hole to add Bullet to the Court Record.
- Go back to People Park.
- Speak to Ema and Present the Sandals you got a toe print off of.
- If only you had another piece of footwear in the Court Record to match this toe print to!
- Examine the Slippers in 3D once more. Check the inside of the left one for a toe print.
- You’ll open up the dusting minigame again. When finished, Present the Slippers to Ema.
- Once finished dipping your toes into forensics, return to the Hickfield Clinic.
- Speak to Phoenix about the past, and about “forged evidence.”
- Wocky will be out of questioning by now, so return to the Detention Center.
- Speak to Wocky, and exhaust his available topics.
- You can unlock new topics by presenting Wocky’s Chart and Sandals to Wocky.
- This is all for Wocky, but you may be able to get a second medical opinion on the chart.
- Return to Eldoon’s House.
- Present Wocky’s Chart to Eldoon.
- Speak to Eldoon about “Wocky’s chart” and “Meraktis’s dilemma.”
- With everything in place, you’re now ready for the next Trial phase.
Episode 2: Trial, Day 2
Things are heating up, with dramatic revelations answering some questions and raising even more in their place.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: Wocky’s Plan
- Press the witness on the 5th statement.
- Choose “There was another.”
- Present Alita Tiala’s profile when prompted.
- Present Wocky’s Chart.
- Present Alita’s Sandals.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Meraktis Clinic
- Present Wocky’s Chart when the witness makes her 4th statement.
- You’ll be cued by your bracelet to Perceive the witness’ habit.
- Focus on her hands, and notice that the ring wiggles on the “go to the clinic” portion of the statement.
- Perceive that habit, and confirm it.
- Present Wocky’s Check-Up Report.
- Her 5th statement will be revised. Present the Bullet when it comes up.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Meraktis Clinic 2
- Press the witness on statement 5.
- When prompted, choose “Someplace else”
- Select and Present the dark rectangles where the Noodle stand would be.
- Choose “Well, I’ve got it!”
- Present the Slippers.
- Present the Bowl.
Witness Cross-Examination: Tiala’s Explanation
- Your bracelet will be reacting throughout the testimony, but you’ll want to activate it on the 5th statement.
- When Perceiving, focus on her hand at her neck.
- Perceive and confirm when she says “All I did was talk to him!”
- Present the Lamp.
- Present the Noodle Stand.
- When prompted, select an area across the river and Present it.
- Choose “The car didn’t run.”
- Present Trucy’s Panties to close out the trial.
- Present Wocky’s Chart to close out the episode.
Episode 3: Turnabout Serenade walkthrough

- Investigation, Day 1
- Trial, Day 1
- Investigation, Day 2
- Trial, Day 2, 1st Half
- Trial, Day 2, 2nd Half
The next episode begins with a strange concert and a sudden twist in events. Like Episode 2, you’ll be investigating a bit before the main incident of the episode takes the center stage.
Here’s what you’ll need to do throughout the first investigation phase.
Episode 3: Investigation, Day 1
You’ll begin your first investigation of the episode following strange occurrences at the concert. Gather up clues and prepare for a new and unusual trial.
Here are the steps you’ll need to take before the trial:
- In the Dressing Room:
- Speak to Klavier about all his available topics.
- You’ll receive the Lyrics Sheet for the Court Record.
- Head to the Backstage Hallway.
- You can try to speak to Ema about her available topics, but it’s examining the scene that will move things forward.
- Examine the scene, paying attention to the red door on the right.
- You’ll receive the Investigation Request clue.
- Pay a visit to Lamiroir’s Dressing Room.
- Ema Skye is here. Speak to her about her available topics.
- Examine the scene, and take note of a small piece of jewelry on the floor, in the lower-left portion of the screen.
- Examining it adds the Brooch to your Court Record.
- Scroll the screen left and examine the gun on the floor to add the Revolver to the Court Record.
- Examine the victim’s body, and their left hand, for the Key Ring clue.
- Speak to Ema and Present the Revolver to her. This should unlock a new topic.
- Talk to Ema about “The murder weapon.”
- You’re free to snoop around again, so try returning to the Backstage Hallway, then heading to The Stage after the brief scene.
- Speak to Klavier about “The Gavinners,” “The case,” and “The missed cue.”
- You’ll be given the opportunity to play around with a mixing board to find which channel is off-cue.
- Select channel 2 and Present it to add the Mixing Board clue to the Court Record.
- Present the Key Ring to Klavier to unlock a new topic.
- Talk about “Gavin’s troubles.”
- Choose “I have noticed.”
- Present the Lyrics Sheet to unlock another new topic.
- Talk about “The song’s prediction.”
- Return to the Gavinners’s Dressing Room via the Backstage Hallway.
- Speak to Lamiroir about her available topics.
- Examine one of the postcards scattered about the lower middle of the screen to gain the Postcard clue.
- Present the Brooch to Lamiroir.
- Return to the Backstage Hallway, but you’ll soon appear in Lamiroir’s Dressing Room.
- Examine the scene
- Speak to Ema about the “Disappearing act.”
- Head back to The Stage.
- Examine the platform device onstage to close out this investigation phase.
Episode 3: Trial, Day 1
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
- You’ll gain three new clues prior to Cross-Examination: LeTouse’s Autopsy Report, Crime Photo, and Diagram.
Witness Cross-Examination: Murderous Circumstances
- Press the witness on the 1st statement.
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Press on the 5th statement.
- When prompted, choose “Call a witness.”
- Present Lamiroir’s Profile.
Witness Cross-Examination: What I Saw
- Present the Brooch on the 3rd statement to revise it, as well as add a new line.
- Activate your Perceive power by triggering your bracelet on the new line.
- Observe the witness’ neck.
- Perceive the habit when you get to the line “The late Mr. LeTouse.”
- When prompted, Present the Investigation Request. This will prompt a new revision.
- Present the Diagram at the new 4th statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: What I Saw 2
- Press on the 5th statement.
- When prompted, choose “It’s contradictory.”
Witness Cross-Examination: The Missing Body
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Choose “Raise an objection” to revise the 5th statement.
- Choose “Present Evidence.”
- Present the Crime Photo.
- When prompted, select the smudged bloodstains near the victim’s right hand and Present them.
- You’ll open up a bloodstain-highlighting minigame.
- Spray the carpet with Luminol, then tap on the sprayed area.
- Choose “Show evidence” when prompted.
- Present the Postcard.
Witness Cross-Examination: Lamiroir’s Eyes
- Press on the 5th statement to close out this Trial phase.
Episode 3: Investigation, Day 2
Here are the steps you’ll need to take before the trial:
- Begin the day in the Wright Anything Agency.
- Speak to Trucy about “Daryan” and “LeTouse”
- You’ll meet a new character. Speak to them about “Trucy’s Father” and the “Troupe Gramarye” to gain the Video Tape clue.
- Present the Video Tape.
- Time to try speaking to your client at the Detention Center.
- Exhaust your available topics.
- Make sure to ask about “Machi’s eyesight.”
- You’ll need to visit the Backstage Hallway via the Sunshine Coliseum.
- Speak to Lamiroir, and among other things, inquire about the “Darkness.”
- Present the Video Tape to Lamiroir. You’ll add the Headset clue to the Court Record.
- Present the Headset.
- Return to The Stage.
- Talk to Valant and explore his available topics.
- Check out the piano to add the Switch clue to the Court Record.
- Head back to Lamiroir’s Dressing Room.
- Speak to Ema and exhaust her available topics.
- Presenting the Switch will unlock a new topic, “The switch.”
- This updates the Switch clue into the Remote Trigger clue. You also gain the Forum Diagram and Igniter clues.
- Return to the Sunshine Coliseum.
- Speak to Daryan about his available topics.
- Move to Gavin’s Office.
- Talk to Klavier about his topics.
- Speaking about “The case” will add Borginian Newspaper to the Court Record.
- Examine the burnt guitar on the right side of the screen.
- Examine the small container on the chair in the middle of the screen.
- Talk to Klavier again, who will have new topics: “Lamiroir’s guitar,” and “The strange lump.”
- The above topics will add Prosecutor Gavin’s Guitar and Replica to the Court Record.
- Present the Igniter.
- Return to The Stage.
- Examine the red guitar case near the ladder.
- Speak to Lamiroir, and Present the Replica to unlock more topics.
- Present the Replica again when prompted.
- Talk to Machi about “The Cocoon,” which will update the Replica clue.
Episode 3: Trial, Day 2, 1st Half
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
- You’ll gain a new clue prior to Cross-Examination: Newspaper Article.
Witness Cross-Examination: Proof of Innocence
- Activate your Perceive ability on the 4th statement.
- Notice that you can see the witness’ eyes behind their shades. Focus on those.
- When the statement scrolls to “in English”, Perceive and confirm the tick.
- Present the Borginian Newspaper to gain a new 4th line in the testimony.
- Perceive on this new line.
- Remember Lamiroir’s habit from the last Trial phase?
- Focus on her neck, and Perceive the habit on the line “It was I who explained.”
- Present Machi Tobaye’s profile.
Witness Cross-Examination: What I Heard
- Press on the 2nd statement.
- Choose “What were they talking about?” when prompted. You’ll gain a new 3rd statement.
- Present the Remote Trigger on this new 3rd statement.
- Present the Headset when prompted.
- Present the Igniter when prompted.
- Choose “She was somewhere else.”
- When prompted, scroll the screen to the left, then point at the air vent above the ladder and Present it.
Witness Cross-Examination: Above the Ceiling
- Present the Video Tape on the 4th statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Big Illusion
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Choose “Present evidence” when prompted.
- Present the Brooch. This will prompt a revision to the 5th statement.
- Press on the 5th statement to close out the Trial day.
Episode 3: Trial, Day 2, 2nd Half
It’s all down to one witness. You’ll have to tune your ear to get through the last Trial phase of Episode 3 and help Justice bring justice.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
- You’ll gain a new clue prior to Cross-Examination: Burnt Fragments. Make sure you’re in the habit of further examining any new evidence you come across, to unlock all possible options on cross-examination.
Witness Cross-Examination: Daryan’s Rebuttal
- Present the Mixing Board on the 3rd statement.
- You’re looking for a track that contains a certain disruptive sound that occurs right on the break between the 1st and 2nd segments of the timeline.
- To verify, lower the sliders on Track #2, #3, #4, and #5 to the bottom, and listen for the sound at the break between the 1st and 2nd segments.
- You can also verify it visually using the equalizer bars.
- Present Track #1.
- Present the Burnt Fragments when prompted.
Witness Cross-Examination: Proof of Innocence
- Present the Replica on the 2nd statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: Cocoon Smuggling
- Present the Newspaper Article on the 3rd statement.
- This will prompt a flurry of revisions to the rest of the testimony.
- Present Prosecutor Gavin’s Guitar on the 5th statement.
- Present Machi Tobaye’s profile when prompted.
- Choose “I can prove it.”
- Present the Mixing Board.
- When prompted, select the first section on the timeline (the farthest left) and Present it.
- Choose to “Call a witness.”
- Present Machi Tobaye’s profile to close the Trial.
Episode 4: Turnabout Succession walkthrough

- Investigation, Day 1
- Trial, Day 1, 1st Half
- Trial, Day 1, 2nd Half
- Seven Years Ago: Trial, 1st Half
- Seven Years Ago: Trial, 2nd Half
- The MASON System
- Trial, Day 2
Welcome to the final episode of the case, where a new legal system and what should be an open-and-shut case turn into far more than anyone expected.
Here’s what you’ll need to do throughout the first investigation phase.
Episode 4: Investigation, Day 1
- You’ll begin the day at the Wright Anything Agency.
- You’ll receive the Magic Show Ticket clue. Examine it and focus on its back.
- Talk to Phoenix about all of his available topics.
- You’ll receive the Gramarye Envelope clue.
- Feel free to visit the Sunshine Coliseum.
- Speak to Valant about his available topics.
- Present the Gramarye Envelope.
- Head to the Detention Center.
- Exhaust all available topics here and receive the Vera’s Card clue for the Court Record.
- Move to the Drew Studio location.
- On arrival, you’ll receive Drew Misham’s Paintings, which show up in the Court Record as three separate clues: Portrait, Acrylic, and Landscape.
- Speak to Ema about all her topics.
- You’ll gain the Letter Box clue.
- Examine the scene for more clues.
- Look behind the drawers on the left side of the screen for the Hidden Painting clue.
- Examine the black coffee mug for the Coffee Mug clue.
- Bring up the Coffee Mug in the Court Record and examine it in 3D, rotating the object until you can pinpoint the blue stain on its rim.
- You’ll unlock a new topic with Ema, “Forensic science.” Speak to her about it.
- Present the Coffee Mug to kick off a forensics minigame.
- Spray around a bit. You’ll find nothing but you’ll be prompted to spray again as you try to back out.
- Spray the smallest picture frame a few times. You’ll obtain the Tiny Frame clue.
- Examine the rest of the room, scrolling the screen to the right.
- Zoom in on the desk in the foreground. pinpointing the desk with the open drawer. There’s a red object inside it.
- Examine the red object to obtain the Red Envelope clue. Examine it again in 3D and pinpoint the envelope’s seal on its back.
- Present the Red Envelope to kick off a new forensics minigame.
- Using the X-Ray scanner, scan the layers a little bit at a time, rubbing in the image little by little.
- Following your tutorial scan and the scan of the Red Envelope, you’ll receive the Brushel’s Card clue. Examine it in 3D before you leave the area.
- Return to the Sunshine Coliseum.
- Present the Brushel’s Card clue.
- You’ll unlock a new topic to talk about.
- Head back to the Detention Center.
- Talk to Brushel about all his available topics.
- Return to Drew Studio.
- Present the Hidden Painting to unlock a new topic.
- Speak about the new topic, “Forger.”
- Present all three paintings: Acrylic, Portrait, and Landscape. You’ll do the X-ray minigame on each of them.
- Once you’ve finished the minigames, the investigation phase will close out.
Episode 4: Trial, Day 1, 1st Half
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
- You’ll gain a new clue prior to Cross-Examination: Misham’s Autopsy Report. Make sure to read it.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Journalist’s Story
- Press on the 4th statement to revise it.
- Choose “The ‘star’s’ coffee.”
- Choose “Very important.”
- Present the Coffee Mug on the 4th statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: What Brushel Noticed
- Press on the 2nd statement.
- Select “Add to testimony.”
- Present the Red Envelope on the new statemtne.
- Choose “It’s Impossible.”
Witness Cross-Examination: The Scent of a Story
- Activate your Perceive power on the 5th statement.
- The witness has a habit of sweating. Focus on their armpit from the left side of the screen.
- Perceive and confirm on the line “but Drew’s talent.”
- Present the Hidden Painting.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Interview: A Recap
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Choose “Just one thing.”
- Present the Letter Box to revise the 4th statement.
- Press on the 3rd statement.
- Choose “I can prove it.”
- Present the Tiny Frame.
- Present the Red Envelope.
- Spray the letter a few times, focusing on the bottom right corner.
- Choose “Drew Misham.”
- Present Vera Misham’s profile.
Episode 4: Trial, Day 1, 2nd Half
After the uproarious reversal in the first half of the trial, it’s now time to close out this round of arguments with a brief, but meaningful, cross-examination.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Witness Cross-Examination: The Red Envelope
- Press on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th statements.
- A new 5th statement will be added.
- Present the Magic Show Ticket on the new statement.
Seven Years Ago: Trial, 1st Half
Now it’s time to explore the incident that removed Phoenix Wright from his role as the "ace attorney" in the first place, by rolling through the trial that brought the first “ace attorney” to his knees.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
- Before the cross-examinations begin, you’ll obtain a number of clues for the Court Record: Crime Photo, Magnifi’s Autopsy Report, Notebook Page, Magnifi’s Chart, and Small Syringe. Magnifi’s Letter will be added following the initial testimony.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Circumstances
- Press on the 3rd statement.
- Choose “Shot something else.”
- Point to the hole in the doll’s head on the left side of the screen and Present it.
- You’ll gain a new statement in the testimony.
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Press on the 5th statement to obtain the Stage Pistol clue.
- Present the Stage Pistol on the new statement.
Seven Years Ago: Trial, 2nd Half
- Before the Trial begins, you’ll obtain Magnifi’s Second Letter for the Court Record.
Witness Cross-Examination: The Night of the Crime
- Press on the 4th statement.
- Choose “The number of pistols.”
- Choose “Quite important” to revise the 4th statement.
- Present the Stage Pistol on the 4th statement.
Witness Cross-Examination: Who Shot What
- Press on the 4th statement to add the IV Report clue to the Court Record.
- Choose “Very important” to gain a new statement.
- Press on the new (5th) statement.
- Choose “There’s a contradiction.”
- Present the Crime Photo.
- When prompted, point to the IV bag (a blue bag filled with liquid in the upper right of the screen), and Present it.
- Choose “he’d seen it before.”
- Present the Small Syringe.
- You’ll obtain the Magnifi’s Diary clue.
- Choose “Show evidence.”
- Present the Notebook Page.
The MASON System
Welcome to Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney’s endgame mode! This new mode is something of an investigation phase, but dressed up in sci-fi simulation style. Like an investigation phase, you’ll need to gather up clues and hints required to clear the game’s final trial.
- You’ll begin in the Past. Select the Wright & Co. Law Offices from the menu.
- Talk to Trucy about her available topics.
- Choose “Please, show me!”
- You’ll obtain The Amazing Mr. Hat and Trucy’s Locket clues.
- Select Defendant Lobby No. 2 from the menu.
- Talk to Mike about his available topics.
- You’ll be able to activate a new power (or rather, an old one, if you’ve played the previous Ace Attorney games) in the same way as Apollo’s Perceive ability.
- Present the Magatama to kick off a sort of “interrogation” minigame that functions like an evidence prompt at Trial.
- Present Trucy Enigmar’s Profile.
- Present The Amazing Mr. Hat.
- This should unlock the “locked” conversation topics, which you can pick to clear the location.
- Move to the Present and select the Borscht Bowl Club from the menu.
- Talk to the witness.
- You’ll notice some psyche-locks, but won’t have the evidence needed to break them yet. You’ll be back later, so ignore them for now.
- Present Trucy’s Locket. This will close out the section for now.
- Select Solitary Cell 13 in the Present from the menu.
- Talk to the witness about the available topics.
- You’ll notice more, rather intimidating psyche-locks here, too. Ignore them for now.
- Examine the blue hand-like object on the left side of the screen to receive the Nail Polish clue.
- Leave the cell and head back to the Past, selecting Drew Studio from the menu.
- Scroll the screen to the right, and examine the objects on the desk in the foreground.
- Examine the small frame for the Commemorative Stamp clue.
- Talk to the witness about all available topics.
- Present the Notebook Page to unlock a new topic.
- You’ll be able to unlock these locks straight away. Present the Magatama.
- Choose “The Forger.”
- Present Vera Misham’s profile to unlock the psyche-locks.
- Talk to the witness about all available topics.
- When prompted, choose “Talk to Vera.”
- Present the Commemorative Stamp.
- Choose “Great magicians, aren’t they?”
- Talk to the new witness about all available topics.
- The Commemorative Stamp clue will be updated.
- This new witness will have their own psyche-locks to undo.
- Present the Magatama to begin the process.
- When prompted, Present the Nail Polish.
- When prompted, Present Kristoph Gavin’s profile to complete the unlocking.
- Select the topic “The client” to close out this section.
- Select the Detention Center from the menu.
- Talk to Valant about his topics.
- Present the Magatama to begin unlocking.
- Present the Stage Pistol.
- Present Trucy’s Locket.
- Present the Commemorative Stamp.
- Choose “With a person.”
- Present Thalassa Gramarye’s profile to complete the unlocking.
- Talk about “Blackmail” and a new topic, “The darkness,” to clear this section.
- With all of the Past locations cleared, move to the Present and select Drew Studio.
- You can speak to the witness about his available topics.
- Unlock a new topic, “Thalassa,” by Presenting Trucy’s Locket.
- You’ll receive a new clue, Thalassa’s Portrait, and clear the location.
- Return to the Borscht Bowl Club.
- Now you have what you need to unlock the last locked topic.
- Present the Magatama to begin the process.
- Present the Commemorative Stamp.
- Present Apollo Justice’s profile.
- Present Thalassa’s Portrait.
- Speak about “The Gramarye Secret.”You’ll gain a slew of new topics to explore.
- Once you’ve talked through the new topics and absorbed their revelations, you’ll receive the Zak’s Confession clue and clear the location.
- Select the Sunshine Coliseum from the menu.
- The one topic you have is locked. Present the Magatama to unlock it.
- Present the Transferal of Rights.
- Present Zak’s Confession.
- Talk about the newly revealed topics to close the section.
- Return to Solitary Cell 13.
- Touch the yellow envelope on the small table in the center of the room.
- Spray the envelope around the area of the stamp to reveal a clue.
- You’ll receive the Letter from Misham clue and close out the investigation phase.
Episode 4: Trial, Day 2
This is it! Your detour into the archives is done, and you should have all you need to close out this last case.
Here are all the choices you’ll need to make in the Trial phase and Witness Cross-Examinations:
Before the cross-examinations begin, you’ll need to make some choices:
- Choose “Show ‘how’.”
- Present the Nail Polish.
- Present Kristoph Gavin’s profile.
Witness Cross-Examination: Poisoning Vera
- Activate your Perceive power on the 5th statement.
- Notice a telltale scar on the witness’ right hand.
- Perceive and confirm the habit on the line “her father, too?”
- Present the Commemorative Stamp.
- Present the Red Envelope.
- Present the Letter from Misham.
- You’re almost done. Make sure you have a save handy so you can go back if you need to.
And it’s over! You now have the opportunity to choose your ending, but you have cleared Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney! Congratulations! If you'd like more, consider moving up to our spoiler-free walkthrough for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. If you'd like to go back in time, hop on over to our Phoenix Wright Trilogy walkthroughs, which detail Phoenix's earlier career.